Mariah Carey was active on Instagram on Thursday as she shared a new photo with her son and daughter. She and the twins, Moroccan and Monroe Canon, 10, were dressed for winter fun in coats, gloves, and helmets. It appeared they were snowmobiling as some vehicles were seen in the background of the image.
Her kids - whom she shares with ex-husband Nick Cannon - wore matching outerwear. The boy and girl both donned tan jackets with buttons going down the front, and pockets on either side. They extended the look with black pairs of snow pants and black snow boots. In addition to their white helmets they sported protective eye goggles. One of them also had a small camera attached to the headgear to record their fun in the snow.
Their glamorous mother had on black leggings, black boots, and a black coat lined with a grey hoodie. The superstar singer wore thick black gloves to protect her digits from frostbite. Mariah wore a blue and lime green helmet with a cutout for her eyes. Through the opening her fluttery eyelashes could be seen. And ringlets of her blonde hair flowed out from beneath the equipment. She wrapped her arms around her kids' shoulders as they posed in the wintery landscape.
(Daily Mail)