Tuesday 22 June 2004

Derek Jeter fans share Mariah stories

As you probably know, Mariah dated New York Yankees baseball player Derek Jeter for a few years. Several of his fans posted about their experiences meeting Mariah on a fan message board. Ruffnstuff23 writes, "I worked at L.A. Reid's birthday party, and she was there. Here's just a couple of observations for those that care: she has some line backer shoulders and no booty. But on a positive note, her skin is flawless, legs are toned like whoa, and she has Bambi eyes. On a suprising note, she's skinny and the boobs are the biggest thing on her. The girls are even bigger in person. On a personality note, she's definitely a Long Island girl. She comes across as uber charming. I was in the bathroom cleaning up when she busted in. She goes, 'Hey, I use to do a job like yours. But, girl you are really trying to clean. I just use to dump the bucket water on the floor, and chill out for 15 minutes. Then I would walk back out like I did something productive.' I just stood there and looked at her. I mean I have actively hated this woman for so long, and then here she was chatting it up with me. Well it was a pretty one-sided conversation, I just stared at her. I didn't know what to else to say. I could actually feel myself starting to like her.

She is a funny girl though for real. I overheard her and AJ from 106th and Park discussing bands. AJ was saying that people think up the weirdest names for groups. She asked if he could come up with a cool name if he had a band. He couldn't do it off the top of his head, and asked if she could. She grabbed one of his braids and said, 'You could call it AJ and the Attachments.'

I practically stalked this woman listening to her mix and mingle. She invited Mary J. Blige to a dinner party. Mary laughed and then asked her could she even cook. Mariah paused and then said, 'I like to think my dancing is like my cooking. It might not look right but I try.' That's pretty much the only other conversation I was able to eavesdrop on. Her and Jay-Z look like they have a very close relationship. He looked really upset and they sat and talked for a long time.

On a side note don't know what her boyfriend does or who he is, but he is cute. She really looked into him too. I don't know what nationality her boyfriend is but he is pretty. He has really long eyelashes, dark hair, nice build, and is about average height. He's not even cute the boy is just outright pretty."

Another person, Mekmek, commented about her experience with Mariah. "I met her during a meet and greet when she was on tour and did a sow in Tampa. She was very beautiful in person and smaller than I thought. She was very mild and even seemed kind of shy when talking to the fans. I only went because of some friends and family who were big fans of hers (i.e. my brother) wanted me to. Not that I didn't like her or anything.

We had a chance to talk to her for about 20 minutes. She was cool to my surprise. I wasn't saying anything to her. I stood off to the side kind of. I remeber waving my tour book in my face because it was hot and she looked over at me and asked if I was ok. I said yes even though I was not and I think she saw that so she had some man bring me a drink. Than she had me and my brother to come over and stand next to her in some lobby area.

The meet and greet was over and the fans had left but we stayed there because my brother had won some radio thing were he got a chance to have some one on one time with her. I came along because I was his ride. She asked us our name. My brother told her his and than I told her mine. She looks up at me and says 'I have a cousin with the same name, it's very pretty.' I told her thanks and then some lady named I think Mary walked by and pushed her kind of hard in the back and she went off. She goes, 'Okay we're going to see how good you can fight if you push me again,' then the lady turns and says, 'And I'll see how quick you can get up off the floor.;

I thought they were going to fight but they both started to laugh and said, 'I'll see you in an hour.' It was funny because for a second Mariah looked like this hard ass who might have some fight in her. But all in all she was very nice and down to earth even close to the people who worked for her she was not the person I thought she was at all after that I think I started to like her. And as for all those stories you hear about her you forget about them after you meet her."

PRQueen shared her story. "Meeting her was very strange. I was eating with three other girls. All very attractive but none of us are model material. Still, we are regular pretty chicks (if I do say so myself). Well Miss Mariah and her entourage come strolling in. Now, if any of you have been to Mistral (a restaurant in Boston0, it's kind of an upsale place. On the conservative side. So MC and friends come in loud as all hell. Basically drawing all sorts of attention to themselves.

Mariah was wearing a black mini skirt that kept riding up as she walked, so she was tugging at it. She was also wearing her trademark tube top. Anywho, they ended up sitting in the booth right next to us. It was Mariah, a light skinned black girl and two male friends, plus two big body guards. They were all very immature and the two guys started hitting on us. Inviting us to some after party at the Park Plaza Hotel. It seemed sketchy. She just kept giving us the evil eye and the whole time I am thinking to myself, 'You are Mariah Carey. Don't be hating on us.'

So of course we all ended up in the bathroom at the same time. We were putting on lip stick and she came in. She was really staring at my pants. But in a very uncomfortable way for everyone. It's so hard to explain. Finally she was like, 'Those pants are hot!' and she sort of tugged at my side. It was so odd. This was like two weeks before her mental 'breakdown' or whatever you want to call it. She just seemed very out of sorts. Very weird the way she kept looking around. Shifty eyed. Also she was much bigger then I thought she would be. She was wide. Not fat but wide. Her boobs are huge. And she has a big face. If any of this makes sense."

PUTmeONtheHOOD also met Mariah. "I worked for Clearchannel Radio in Colorado Springs and I have to admit I am a huge Mariah fan. I have every album, poster, single, whatever. Well the last day I worked there I found out they set up a meet and greet for me and ten of my friends and family. They were supposed to give them away on-air, so I took my mom and dad who thought she was crazy. Dad being a colonel in the airforce at a Mariah show, I thought would be interesting.

The show went great. My dad loved her actually. I was afraid after the show waiting to meet her because I thought she would be a snob and squash all my thoughts and blocking out crazy talk from people. We walked up to her and she was short just like you described her... very tiny except for boobs. She was so nice. Looked me in the eye when talking and just chatted for a few. We are not supposed to touch her said her bodyguard but she gave me a hug and signed an autograph which I guess she normally doesn't do. They tell you before you meet her no autographs."

(Mariah Daily)

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