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About Andrew from UK:

Re: Walter A. (83,198) (83,207) by Andrew from UK
Yes, that. I melted that VHS tape I used to play it so much. Someone in the comment section has put that that harmony became Close My Eyes. I can't hear it, myself.
(Saturday 21 July 2018; 08:05)
Re: Walter A. (83,196) (83,197) by Andrew from UK
I always feel a little sorry for Afanasieff. I'm not sure what he did wrong. Sure he wrote songs with Mariah on her albums but Mottola was his boss, no? He worked for the label, didn't he? Wouldn't it be a bit like being a lawyer for Dewey, Suwem and Howe and being asked by a dropped client to quit the firm and work part time for her? I don't know much on the subject but I never understood the source of Mariah's ire. I do agree with the person who said that Mariah may be embarrassed to sit at a piano with him and sing. The only thing I ever really remember about Walter is actually Mariah sitting with him at a piano and demonstrating how they compose, and desperately wishing what she hummed was one day turned into a song. I can still hear it in my head today.
(Friday 20 July 2018; 22:57)
Re: Andrew (83,177) (83,193) by Andrew from UK
It is somewhat steeped in irony that you tell people not to read my posts but after learning of seven of nine messages posted by you about me I would suggest you read them quite intently yourself, dear. See, you're reading this now haha. P.S. And remember: it's just alcohol. It's not love.
(Friday 20 July 2018; 18:36)
Re: (83,142) (83,145) by Andrew from UK
Shezz, do you think that people telling Mariah what she is doing wrong helps her or hinders her? You surely experienced a moment when somebody pulled you aside and said "You're being fooled. This is the reality. Don't listen to these people. They do not have your interests at heart." Style aside, paying customers have the right to complain about the service also, do they not? The Bleeding Heart Brigade beed a reality check in my opinion. Buy the recent poster who countered with "We know it we just don't want to say it" hit home to me more than any other nonsense. How honest and sincere. It made me think of myself as the party pooper. Buy until EdR ejects me from the party I can't help but criticise the music where necessary. And compliment when it is good.
(Monday 16 July 2018; 19:28)
The Silence of the Lambs (83,144) by Andrew from UK
If you really cannot bring yourself to defend the atrocity of the vocal performance that is underway in Nevada, is it easier for you to shoot those who criticise it? Argumentum ad hominem is a particularly ineffective debating tool. I am probably not the first to compliment Mariah on a job well done. But I'll do it. The Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour was a class act and I reviewed it as such. The Butterfly Returns is diabolical. Celine lips parts but it is not doubted that she can physically sing. Ask Mariah to sing Love of My Life? She can't even sing I Still Believe. So am I a negative person for pointing out? Perhaps. But what else do you expect? Where you see negativity I see truth. And I can plan better things in my head for Mariah rather than just clapping her on be back for every crap thing she does.
(Monday 16 July 2018; 19:10)
Re: (83,135) (83,137) by Andrew from UK
I'd be confident on stage too if I were not actually singing anything remotely difficult, if I had prerecord doing it for me, if I could stand still for most of the show and walk off laughing at the muppets that paid for the privilege of watching me fart out the same old shit. This was special. Moving. Human. What Mariah is doing is a farce of epic proportions.
(Sunday 15 July 2018; 13:10)
Re: Let's play a game (83,128) (83,136) by Andrew from UK
Mariah has a song called "Shut Up Andrew"? I hope it's the lead track for her new album.
(Sunday 15 July 2018; 12:59)
Playback signals (83,116) by Andrew from UK
Further to my previous message, in this Mariah touches we earpiece unnecessarily and the prerecord kicks in. Suggest it's a prearranged signal. Also suggest that Mariah is physically incapable of singing a song. Take a moment to understand the gravitas of that. Physical. Incapable. Singing. Song.
(Friday 13 July 2018; 04:26)
Re: Emotionless (83,106) (83,111) by Andrew from UK
Iffy one here. Her feature is prominent. That it wasn't resung, a given. But it cannot be called a sample, surely. It wouldn't fall within the "spirit" of the track. I would hope what feels "honest" for the objective and reasonable person would prevail. That she hit number one with the same vocals kinda would to me make it honest that she couldn't claim another number one.
(Friday 13 July 2018; 03:08)
Re: Wise Girls 2 (83,107) (83,110) by Andrew from UK
Mariah is one of the worst musicians whose ego screamed vanity and ego for acting credits. Glitter was shite. Wise Girls was Mariah quickly throwing out lines in bursts waving her hand around and Doug a thick NY accent like she was a lush. She literally looked like she was gonna crap her pants if someone improvised. Precious was her looking pissed off with a clipboard. There's no "acting" here. Enough of this nonsense. She can no more act a part than she can lip sync her own songs. She only ever worries about how she looks. She is not "all there". Tell me I am wrong, with citation. I'll cite you counter examples until the cows come home. She is not an actress. She was a singer who lost her way. Seriously lost her way. To thunderous applause of the lambs.
(Friday 13 July 2018; 03:04)
Re: I Still Believe (83,105) (83,109) by Andrew from UK
Funny how lamb always uses another artist to excuse Mariah.
(Friday 13 July 2018; 02:55)
Re: Glitter 2 (83,072) (83,100) by Andrew from UK
Scene 1 - A lowly French fan, we will call "Jedouardo" is at a Mariah concert in Paris, clutching his Mariah doll whilst his carer guides him to the front of the stage. Suddenly...
(Thursday 12 July 2018; 08:36)
Re: She uh have nice gowns - Aretha (83,093) (83,099) by Andrew from UK
I applaud that everyone is fed up with the ten-percenting and shite vocals. However. I was pointing this out about 5 years ago to screams of "hater". My, how times have changed.
(Thursday 12 July 2018; 08:31)
Send in the clowns (83,066) by Andrew from UK
This tells you everything you need to know. The vocals are almost all lipped save for the cringeworthy embarrassment of when she thinks they are going to kick in but they don't. Seemingly, from a signal to her ear perhaps, they kick in - louder and clearer than God instructing Moses to not shag his neighbour's wife - only to disappear again leaving Mariah looking like someone just cast her in Glitter 2: The Glit Hits The Fan. The voice is gone. It isn't there anymore. Basic singing is not there. So what is left? She should lipsync some Sondheim. "Send in the clowns? Don't bother. They're here."
(Tuesday 10 July 2018; 03:31)
Re: Criticizing Mariah / other divas and fans (83,053) (83,063) by Andrew from UK
It's an interesting if not strange question to ask how helpful criticism is or can be. MC's vocals are pretty binary: they are either viewed as good or bad. The problem is that she is now taking the piss (British idiom?) with charging for endless tours in which she barely sings anything outside of one octave and relies so heavily on lipsync and bursts of shouts she barely sings at all, let alone moves around the stage, even. So what does it achieve to get [censored] off about this? I'd suggest perhaps a lot. But also perhaps nothing, admittedly. For the former I think the title of Judith Sheindlin's book is aptly applicable here. It is essential to say: "Don't piss on my leg and tell me that it's raining." For the latter: "It is what it is."
(Tuesday 10 July 2018; 00:04)
Re: Criticizing Mariah / other divas and fans (83,045) (83,051) by Andrew from UK
She's singing differently in Vegas because there is a "specific acoustic in there". Lmao. You are fooling nobody with your out-and-out propoganda and lies. What's wrong with you? Are you such a [censored] snowflake that you need to wrap ourself up in cotton wool? You are, quite simply, somebody who intentionally lies to mislead people into going along with what you want the truth to be. You are quite a head case.
(Monday 9 July 2018; 18:02)
Re: Yes (83,004) (83,008) by Andrew from UK
Comment ca-veut dire "fruitloop" en francais? Going with "loop de fruits".
(Saturday 7 July 2018; 16:58)
Re: Lip sync fail (83,002) (83,007) by Andrew from UK
Fantasy could be a slow orchestral movement sung as a melancholy whisper. Or with Mariah and a guitarist on stage doing it a bit simplified country. There is so much Mariah could do. I'd be happy to manage her. But she just goes through the motions and falls flat on her face - literally and figuratively.
(Saturday 7 July 2018; 16:53)
The Butterfly Returns (82,988) by Andrew from UK
The set list is as dull as the actual set. What is up with those two stilettoes-cum-Nike-swooshes? But the elephant in the room here is Mariah's voice. Unfortunately it is restricted to metred outbursts of shouting interspersed with flat notes, suffering from missed phrasing due to shortness of breath. There is also severe restriction in her range. She needs to have a big rethink as to what she is doing. The set simplicity and design suggests the voice is placed centre stage and that it what you are paying for, not a visual spectacle but an aural one. But the voice is as stressful to listen to as it probably is to produce. She needs bigger productions, ie. distractions from the failings. Tanaka's crew and the cheap set pieces do not cut it. And she may want to consider moving around the stage.
(Friday 6 July 2018; 18:19)
Re: Studio singer subject (82,976) (82,977) by Andrew from UK
If she performed like that today we would be jumping up and down. If I have to hear the stocatto "nigh-igh-igh-ights" one more time I may actually go crazy and end up buying a Christina Aguilera album. Actually, nothing is that bad. Anyway, happy Fourth of July to the naughty colonists. Sparkling colours are to be strewn across the sky at twilight, I am sure.
(Wednesday 4 July 2018; 15:13)
Re: Studio singer subject (82,974) (82,975) by Andrew from UK
That's my girl, right there. I've never seen that version of Hero live. But that there is the face I fell in love with. I will forever love that song. It's my karaoke song. As Jade may testify. I will forever remember Mariah's face before she went nuts. I will forever remember she was just a girl who made the tapes I listened to every night, staying awake wondering how I had an insight into musical perfection. Studio singer? Randy, I love you buddy buy no way. She had the voice. She looked beautiful. Mariah Carey being on stage in the nineties was something special. She was the shit.
(Wednesday 4 July 2018; 02:08)
Rolling Stone (82,970) by Andrew from UK
It annoys me somewhat when journalists take it upon themselves to list the greatest 100 anything. Music is about taste. Which it surely is in the article. We Belong Together - as much as I can possibly never listen to it again - was an incredibly seminal song in modern music history. This cannot be denied by anyone worth listening to. As Call Me Maybe and that awful Radiohead song positioned higher than it, one could reasonably expect it to not be about importance but about taste. Mariah's charting here is still worthy of praise given that this is post nineties stuff. However, in these circumstances it must always be asked: "What right do you have to pronounce these things as definitive? What claim to knowledge do you have that others do not? What makes the proclaimation of what you like authoritative over what I like?" Maybe I just need a holiday. But Harry Styles' "Sign Of The Times" better than WBT? Don't waste my time.
(Monday 2 July 2018; 17:41)
Re: Studio singer schmudio schminger (82,968) (82,969) by Andrew from UK
Agreed. Also agreed that good live performances extended far past the 90s. I think Home for the Holidays is one of the best performances she ever gave. And she looked fierce deposited bring larger than normal. The Emancipation vocals werent bad but the smoke billowed further and the mirrors grew in size toward the 2010's. The only - ONLY - reason why Mariah no longer sounds like the records is that it's no longer a given that the records have genuine vocals on them (I would cite lipping The Star for this). This does not detract from much of what the American guy Matthew posted which was thoughtful and eloquent and not overly drowning in pools of hyperbole. I would encourage him to post his views more often.
(Monday 2 July 2018; 17:25)
Studio singer schmudio schminger (82,965) by Andrew from UK
This whole argument is an attempt by a bunch of people to redirect from the fact that Mariah has sounded increasingly bad since 2010 and relies heavily on smoke and mirrors. She always sounded exactly like her records for decades. This is the topic thread equivalent of Mariah waving her hand in front of her face. That's all it is.
(Monday 2 July 2018; 01:56)
Re: Fourth of July/Underneath the Stars Mash Up (82,936) (82,945) by Andrew from UK
William, you can't go near Boy? O the irony.
(Friday 29 June 2018; 14:26)


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