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About Andrew from UK:

Goodbye (86,906) by Andrew from UK
Seeing as you don't post my messages anymore, Eric, I won't send any through. Enjoy your board bruv. Bye.
(Thursday 6 December 2018; 13:36)
Re: For the life of me (86,847) (86,864) by Andrew from UK
Sorry, I missed this. Lol. Anyone who has ever spoken to me will tell you I am quite lovely and quite emotional and erudite. I vent on this board about the nonsense my idol commits to. And opinions about people who do not understand me wash over me. As they should anybody. Demonize me all you like, ha. I'm quite comfortable in my own skin. But I do appreciate your posts. You are quite level headed. I look forward to your comments. Now, anyway... *picks up pitchfork* Let's go, bitches.
(Tuesday 4 December 2018; 22:55)
Re: For the life of me (86,853) (86,863) by Andrew from UK
Raycest. I speak English like Mariah dahling. Is "dahling" cultural appropriation? I'm going with it.
(Tuesday 4 December 2018; 22:42)
Re: For the life of me (86,840) (86,862) by Andrew from UK
Thank you for the message that actually listened to what I was saying and didn't demonize me immediately lol. Genuinely. Cautions first half has a mood and is musically lovely. I must agree with Eddie that With You is stuck in my brain even to this day. It's the latter half I do not like. It feels like one long drone. I felt the same way with Charmbracelet and Memoirs (but the latter record has absurdly outstanding moments). I cannot comprehend what Mariah fans see in this album. Many of the things I love about Mariah are missing. It is what it is. I predicted a summer album and given MC's current mood and brilliant interviews I think she may deliver one. To end on a negative: that recent performance where Mariah wore the long coat and walked the runway and had natural hair and smiled that famous non-fake smile... where has that gone on the Christmas tour? I cannot quite comprehend how she doesn't see that that's what fans want from her. And its so eeeeaaaassssy. She did it. Mariah, get back to work properly.
(Tuesday 4 December 2018; 22:29)
For the life of me (86,838) by Andrew from UK
For the life of me I do not understand, nor, perhaps, will I ever understand why the Mariah albums I cherish most get three stars and the one I like least gets four. But I am happy for her that she has industry respect. I genuinely am. I will continue to love Mariah in the way that I love her. And that's enough for now.
(Monday 3 December 2018; 23:23)
Re: I feel ashamed (86,758) (86,769) by Andrew from UK
Is it me or is the show an exact replica of last year's show? If it is, I will give up my tickets. I don't pay for them but I would be really pissed if I did. I don't want to see last years show again. That being said: I would pay good money to see the SSFT again. But not the same Christmas show. Too boring. And she needs to drop O Holy Night. She can't do it.
(Sunday 2 December 2018; 17:08)
Re: Music Box v. Daydream v. Merry Christmas (86,723) (86,738) by Andrew from UK
Totally agree. No more to say on that.
(Saturday 1 December 2018; 21:36)
Re: Extended version of O Holy Night (86,732) (86,737) by Andrew from UK
How funny. We must have the same feed. I listened to that earlier and realised that the extended outtakes are cut and paste. Cant figure out what is genuine and what is fan made. Either way, the "ooh yeah" transports me to a time when Mariah's voice was just magical. Before One Mo Gen shite.
(Saturday 1 December 2018; 21:35)
Re: Christmas tour (86,691) (86,711) by Andrew from UK
I have always wanted to spend Christmas in Germany. I would definitely go to a Mariah concert there. It baffles me she doesn't focus upon the market much. Purchase-wise it is the same level as the UK. Frohe Weihnachten.
(Friday 30 November 2018; 22:26)
Re: Cohesion (86,708) (86,709) by Andrew from UK
Bit awks for you. Wales is in Britain. And I was born there. You'll land one soon. Just not today.
(Friday 30 November 2018; 21:47)
Re: Why 8th Grade? Butterfly marries TEOM (86,651) (86,706) by Andrew from UK
Okay since I have risen to power I have decided that Spain can stay on the internet. Wales, however, is wiped. Yours is often an objectively sensible opinion and doesn't come across as mental bullshit. The first half of Caution is good. Portrait is good. But OMG is "OMG" bad. Its Why-You-Mad-bad. It's so "cohesive" it's difficult to distinguish it from some of the other songs with no memorable lyrics, melodies or vocal moments that I wanna call "Side A", "Why You Good?" and "Side B" "Why You Bother?" But, hey, that's just my opinion and I am entitled to one apparently and it shall be heard and respected. I am going to Mariah's Christmas concert in London in December. Feliz Navidad.
(Friday 30 November 2018; 20:48)
Re: Cohesion (86,683) (86,687) by Andrew from UK
I love it when people just repeat things I say back to me because it shows 1) you have no originality and 2) you still read my posts. Keep readin', sweetheart.
(Friday 30 November 2018; 12:13)
Re: Almost Home (86,682) (86,686) by Andrew from UK
No, I haven't heard of "One Mo Gen" because I speak English properly.
(Friday 30 November 2018; 12:11)
Re: Almost Home (86,674) (86,680) by Andrew from UK
It seems clear Mariah only bangs on about not writing WYB as another way of letting everyone know that she writes her own songs.
(Friday 30 November 2018; 01:58)
Re: Almost Home (86,670) (86,679) by Andrew from UK
William, you didn't think old Beans actually knew something for definite? All this person does is speculate and then pass it off as fact or represent it as a certified opinion of someone else (friend, family member, store clerk, etc.).
(Friday 30 November 2018; 01:56)
Re: Almost Home (86,654) (86,660) by Andrew from UK
It is utterly telling that Mariah shows distain for a song like Almost Home, loved by fans and non-fans alike, whilst asking the masses to buy into drivel such as OMG ("OMG" being steeped in irony as the smack-face exclamation many people will have utttered when realising this was what they waited four years for).
(Thursday 29 November 2018; 17:07)
Re: Cohesion (86,645) (86,659) by Andrew from UK
[censored] The latter half of Caution is boring and no amount of propaganda is going to change that. I appreciate that some people may like it but I appreciate that in the same way I appreciate that some people like Little House On the Prairie and tend, in real life, to avoid them and their weirdness at all costs settling for people who aren't as dull as dishwater. Watch Cautions sales plummet and you will see that my opinion on this matter is supported by most people with purchasing power. [censored] Cheers.
(Thursday 29 November 2018; 17:00)
Cohesion (86,641) by Andrew from UK
The new buzz word. No longer merely a "body of work" it is a "cohesive" one. Let me translate: for "cohesive" read "all sounds the same".
(Thursday 29 November 2018; 04:01)
Re: Why 8th Grade? Butterfly marries TEOM (86,631) (86,640) by Andrew from UK
You think Caution is better then E=MC2? I think Caution made you fall asleep and you're dreaming. The second half of Caution is so boring even one of the critics said so. Watch the sales drop off. Watch it fall out of the 200 before Christmas. It's boring musically, lyrically and vocally.
(Thursday 29 November 2018; 04:00)
Re: Lambs vs reality (86,577) (86,590) by Andrew from UK
Maybe because you post endless drivel, Eric can't sift through it all? Seriously, Beans, the amount of messages you post is more obnoxious than anything I have ever said. And it's all mental propoganda. Mental.
(Tuesday 27 November 2018; 20:19)
Re: Justice for AIWFCIY (86,575) (86,589) by Andrew from UK
"noun the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed"
(Tuesday 27 November 2018; 20:14)
Re: Justice for AIWFCIY (86,565) (86,572) by Andrew from UK
One bit of lamb posiivity bandwagoning I am happy to jump on is the AIWFCIY getting to number one thing. It's her last chance for another number one. Wouldn't it be magical? If Glitter can get justice, they, hey, why not one of the most famous songs on the planet, if not the most famous - for what famous song gets its infamy repeated every single year of your life?
(Tuesday 27 November 2018; 12:41)
Re: Caution (86,526) (86,571) by Andrew from UK
Eddie, call it Caution, call it Caption, call it Cartoon, call it what you want - you know as well as I do that the album is dead in the water. Its low sales are going to dramatically fall off. I did predict Mariah releasing a Summer album next year (yeah, "nobody reads my posts" but they regurgitate my shit) which may be the new music you are looking for. Pray, if she does release it, it isn't the total snooze fest that the back end of Cartoon turned out to be. Never has Mariah released anything so soporific. There is no market for this stuff.
(Tuesday 27 November 2018; 12:39)
Re: Lambs vs reality (86,529) (86,556) by Andrew from UK
Fair play. Not a bad argument.
(Monday 26 November 2018; 18:03)
Re: Lambs vs reality (86,512) (86,527) by Andrew from UK
Another day on the B Message Board. Have a day off, won't you? Even an hour off would be some respite.
(Monday 26 November 2018; 04:10)


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