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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: Damizza spills tea (81,858) (81,865)
by Andrew from UK
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Why is Tanaka a "loser"? He is skilled and successful in his profession, he is in a long-term and apparently happy relationship with a beautiful multi-millionaire, and he does not exude any negative or questionable behavioural traits. Get thee to a dictionary.
(Monday 16 April 2018; 00:24)
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Damizza (81,846)
by Andrew from UK
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There's a quote from the McCarthy Hearings into witch-hunts that leapt to my mind whilst watching the video of Damizza spilling the proverbial about Mariah's alleged suicide attempt, riding off the back of her revelation in a blatant bid to headline grab: "You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"
(Saturday 14 April 2018; 20:30)
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Re: New memoirs (81,831) (81,834)
by Andrew from UK
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I think the lambs are responsible themselves for creating this world around Mariah in which really dark things happen, where she is bullied and tormented etc. She won't write a tell-all book at any point because she will need evidence for any allegations she makes of face libel charges and hefty pay-outs. And given her recent revelations of bi-polar II disease, her accounts may need to be held up to even more scrutiny, so a book going hand-in-hand with the revelation is the worst decision.
(Friday 13 April 2018; 17:54)
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Re: Andrew's negatvity everyday (81,782 (81,790)
by Andrew from UK
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Robert-Anthony, if you are spoiling for a hug, dude, we can hug it out. Straight-man-crotch-apart-chest-bump-back-slap or gay-gay-full-body-squeeze? In all the years I have posted here I don't think anyone has offered me a hug. "Dear Diary, after years and years of wishing..." You made me smile, anyhow. Enjoy your day.
(Thursday 12 April 2018; 14:53)
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Re: The chasm (81,780) (81,788)
by Andrew from UK
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I see the lambs are bleating about my "negativity". But I could say anything here and the response would be the same. I did not say Mariah is really being dishonest, I simply question where this is supposed to lead. Evidently if you don't fall at Mariah's feet and cry about her bravery you are a "hater" which is the usual response to opinions that are contrary to positions of virtue-signalling, blind adherence. If Mariah needs to take mood stabilisers and that works for her then great. I am pleased for her. However, this will not turn everything around for her if she continues on the path she has been on. I spoke with someone yesterday from this board who suggested that this may be a counterpoint in her career, that it spells a complete change in her attitude, her music and so on, perhaps reviving her career and fortunes. Despite my post suggesting that there is a possibility that this probably will not happen, I do actually wish it would. I think it's possible, though, that someone at RocNation has levelled with her and told her that all the nonsense has to stop. If this revelation is part of that process then great. If it is a cynical PR move, I think she will regret it in the long run. Cheers for your post anyway.
(Thursday 12 April 2018; 14:48)
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The chasm (81,773)
by Andrew from UK
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So Mariah has periods of mild high and lows and takes mood stabilisers. This is not groundbreaking and the gushing about a "new Mariah" is way over the top. Perhaps I will change my mind but at the moment I cannot help but think that this another cynical move on her part. Why is she always portrayed as a victim in life, the long embattled sufferer? It never, ever marries with her public persona and this may be another cynical miscalculation. If it is intended to reverse public animosity toward her, it will surely only work if accompanied by a new, respectful, non-diva attitude. However, the chasm between what Mariah says and what Mariah does has long been deep and vast.
(Thursday 12 April 2018; 00:10)
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Re: Article: What happened to Mariah Carey? - 2018 update (81,723) (81,735)
by Andrew from UK
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Your threshold for things being posted about Mariah here is their saying something that is "new" and/or "noteworthy"? And, further, that they be written well? Praise the Lord you are talking about the news section. Imagine applying that to the messageboard. Eric would have a censorship heart attack.
(Wednesday 11 April 2018; 04:46)
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Re: Article: Mariah Carey is coming back to Manila (81,732) (81,734)
by Andrew from UK
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Listen up, Prisoner Cell Block H, Mariah Carey is going to rock up late, lipsync [censored], [censored] off for fifty five outfit changes, tells you she hates "Hero" and shout "eh" so much you will think her more Canadian than Celine Dion herself. And you know what? You're gonna love it. Because you're an Aussie. Which means you'll be merry by the first time Mariah touches her left tit and positively pissed by the time you realise there are so many "eh"s that you probably should've just booked Celine instead. Nooo dooot abooot it. And should this message be approved by Eric, the ever so humourless, dramatic, draconian and inconsistent moderator, I will wish you fun. I had an amazing time at SSFT. Getting totally wrecked helps, like. Even Mariah does it. And she's on the [censored] stage.
(Wednesday 11 April 2018; 04:33)
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Re: Article: Mariah Carey is coming back to Manila (81,704) (81,722)
by Andrew from UK
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Bloody hell, Home&Away, you're seeing Mariah in concert and you're looking forward to VOL? Be sure to look the lyrics up online so you can sing along. She almost never sings this song to the point that I'd be surprised if she knows the lyrics herself. Maybe cue card her from the audience?
(Monday 9 April 2018; 22:07)
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Re: I believe (81,686) (81,721)
by Andrew from UK
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You clearly read my posts, you clearly have no counterarguments so attack me and not the point, and you're clearly quite thick because no words that anybody spoke were misrepresented or "twisted". Your mentioning Martin Luther King is probably race baiting, nonsensical and I could not give a shit. [censored]
(Monday 9 April 2018; 22:01)
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If Migrate should have been a single... (81,709)
by Andrew from UK
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Hostelword should've been a movie.
(Monday 9 April 2018; 03:50)
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The crap lives on (81,679)
by Andrew from UK
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First of all, if your message is that your personal dream is for everybody to be proud of who they are, one must advance on the presumption that pride for you is a virtue of honesty without pretence or fakery, that you are happy to lay yourself bare open and exposed because you can deflect the shame others may attempt to make you feel. It is perhaps best not to do this whilst wearing makeup that Pennywise the Clown would deem on the heavy side and a wig so obviously fake and ridiculous I am sure somebody could claim cultural appropriation. And if the message of the video is to make the world a better place etc. perhaps leave the diamonds in the box. Mariah needs somebody to give her some pretty frank advice and when she receives it I hope she is not so damaged that she ignores it. Secondly, what an ostentatious waft of arrogant, virtue-signalling hot-air from extremely rich people who can afford to cut themselves off from the difficulties life poses to the 99.9999% of the rest of mankind (black white brown pink straight gay healthy unhealthy able bodied or not so, and so on). How patronising to dream of an impossible world where everyone hugs each other whereas most of the Earth dreams about being able to eat tomorrow. What happened to making poverty history? That dream ended fast. I cant bear to listen to it again but I recall Elton John wanting a world free of AIDS and at least he has done an insurmountable amount to try to get us there. At least it wasn't some of the nonsense of people crying that they belong to a victim group and everyone who doesnt pay them attention is a "hater" but pay them attention cos it involves them. And they matter. Nonsense.
(Thursday 5 April 2018; 23:45)
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Re: Videos - product placements (81,670) (81,673)
by Andrew from UK
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Am I the only one who is going to ask: where the [censored] were you for three months? Regardless of where, I am sure everyone hopes you were well.
(Wednesday 4 April 2018; 23:46)
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Re: Videos - product placements (81,659) (81,668)
by Andrew from UK
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Eric, the "Say Somethin'" video only hits the irony mark when Mariah is awkwardly naked and desperate for sexual attention. Until that point it was the perfect version of what it seemed to want to be. If you listen hard enough you can hear the moment it went south. Director: "Zis video oozes sophistication and will be ze pinnacle of my career. Nothing can ruin zis for me now." Mariah: "Hold my drink..."
(Wednesday 4 April 2018; 04:26)
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Re: Everything Fades Away question (81,665) (81,667)
by Andrew from UK
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Will Downing.
(Wednesday 4 April 2018; 04:16)
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Re: For the nostalgia (81,641) (81,646)
by Andrew from UK
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Ha technically in the United States it was still April 1 when you posted that. So it makes sense. What is she slaying? A cat?
(Monday 2 April 2018; 15:21)
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Re: The greatest album closing track (81,628) (81,635)
by Andrew from UK
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Hush yourself, Neighbours. Don't you have a cricket ball that needs a good sanding?
(Sunday 1 April 2018; 14:08)
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What you're left with when it's all over (81,634)
by Andrew from UK
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Everything Fades Away has an reassuring acceptance of an ending of something about it (of a relationship, an album) - an ending tinged with sadness, as most endings often are, but, here, peaceful with and of the outcome. Without any abruptness, the last few bars drift off into the ether leaving the listener feeling quite calm and lazily contemplative. It is a masterstroke of a denouement. Looking In has a haunting air of lonely trespass about it. It feels somewhat like a secret note left by Mariah in a cold uncomforting house in the middle of the night (whilst someone sleeps unawares) for someone to discover and send her rescue. It is both beautiful and heartbreaking together at once. But I always felt it a puzzling way to tie up the infectious mood of the Daydream album. And whilst Outside is of course a fan favourite I cant help but wonder why? I even question myself on my reasons for having loved it as I did, and perhaps still do. Now, I may be going against the sacred texts as found in the Lamb Bible here hah but it doesn't tell you to "Keep Calm and Carry On", it certainly does not tell you "It Gets Better" and it definitely does not tell you you're some kinda Hero. In fact, it does the bloody opposite. It simply tells you like it is: that you would probably be liked more if you did not sit at home crying about how sad your life is to sad Mariah Carey songs all day. As the years pass by, I would rather endings filled with the collective positivity with friends and the happy abandonment of troubles as in the Through The Rain Remix than the terminal loneliness and hopelessness of Outside. Funny how one can learn, eh.
(Sunday 1 April 2018; 14:00)
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Re: Mariah IG birthday pic (81,604) (81,617)
by Andrew from UK
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How could I miss this gift? Eddie Eddie Eddie, you seem to emotionally self-combust at the thought of someone thinking you, or referring to you in any spirit, as anything less than masculine. Yet you swiftly label my retorts as my having "catfights". A "catfight" is a bitchy fight specifically between two women. Now, having a sense of humour, I won't self-combust. As for you? "She done already done had herses." Hah. Much love as always.
(Saturday 31 March 2018; 17:16)
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The greatest album closing track (81,614)
by Andrew from UK
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Here you go, a post about music. Listening to Everything Fades Away once a day lately. It is on a par with Till The End Of Time for being haunting and soulful but I don't think it gets enough love. The melody and instrumentation are a lot more restful and comforting than TTEOT. It definitely sounds more mature and a lot more 90s. Music Box is not complete without it: EFA and the title track soften what is otherwise an album evidently designed to show people she could do power like Whitney. Tough call, but it's the greatest album closing track that she has ever done.
(Saturday 31 March 2018; 14:10)
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The Tanaka Stigmata (81,611)
by Andrew from UK
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If Mariah was a guy and Tanaka a woman nobody would dream of insulting the woman with claims that she is money hungry and/or a prostitute and so on. Me thinks some people stan so much here that Mariah could date Jesus and they would find a way to pick holes in him (come on, you gotta laugh at that one - gonna have to call this post The Tanaka Stigmata).
(Saturday 31 March 2018; 06:29)
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Re: "Rainbow" era (81,570) (81,574)
by Andrew from UK
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The Google home page must make you go giddy.
(Thursday 29 March 2018; 14:54)
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Re: "Rainbow" era (81,568) (81,569)
by Andrew from UK
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I agree with you. After Joan Rivers called her fat at the Oscars she went all out and slimmed down. She looked brilliant. But the photoshop on the Rainbow cover is striking. There is evidence that even when Mariah is thin, she still photoshops to the near impossible. As for her look in Disneyland I have to be supportive. She is doing well to the point that the fat shameable imagery seems half a world away. Ever negative, I would pose for the debate: the makeup. Mariah is naturally beautiful. Her make up is so over the top these days. Her eyes are black holes. She is so much more appealing without it. Perhaps she is covering up ageing, I am nowhere near qualified to bear witness. But raw and stripped Mariah with the tits away, eating healthy, is something I can get on board with. Minus crap wigs.
(Wednesday 28 March 2018; 22:13)
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Re: "Rainbow" era (81,555) (81,559)
by Andrew from UK
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You like the Rainbow cover because you "like bright, vibrant colours", eh? The only colour in it is the rainbow. Given that it's called "Rainbow" it was hardly going to be earthen tones, now, was it? Hah. And the actual rainbow is tiny. Most of the cover is white. Me thinks you've been having a few splashes for Mariah's birthday, William.
(Wednesday 28 March 2018; 01:18)
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Re: A birthday countdown of Mariah's 48 best songs (81,556) (81,558)
by Andrew from UK
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Your list completely sucks (how could you have Honey so far down?). But the photo of you and your fella with Mariah is cute as [censored].
(Wednesday 28 March 2018; 01:07)
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