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About Andrew from UK:

Re: "Rainbow" era (81,543) (81,551) by Andrew from UK
So the twisty-top, clouds picture was originally intended to be the actual Rainbow cover? Someone really dropped the ball. The actual Rainbow cover is bizarre and with the amount Mariah airbrushes you would think that she has shares in Adobe. Although is saying that, I love the Glitter OST cover art even though Mariah's stomach looks like it's being sucked down through an hourglass. Her desperation to be found physical sexy won't allow it, but Mariah should stick to the traditional face close-up for the new album, avoiding the disastrous online mutterings that accompanied the MIAM cover art. The Daydream and Charmbracelet covers are simple but beautiful and impossible to mock.
(Tuesday 27 March 2018; 17:03)
Re: "Rainbow" era (81,525) (81,534) by Andrew from UK
Did I Do That isn't the worst thing about Rainbow, it's quite good, I think. Rainbow was a fun pop album at a time she needed to compete with a sophisticated pop resurgence. The absolute worst thing about Rainbow is the cover. Now, this is just a theory, but I am convinced her face on the cover art is a photoshop of two different pictures: of one picture of the top of her head and of another one of her jaw and mouth. Hold your fingers over the two parts and you will see what I am trying to get at: the angles don't match, even. The whole image is whacked with photoshop, but her face looks like a bizarre composition of two genuine photos. It's a shame because the imagery from the Rainbow era was amazing. The Valentines pink cover - absorbing. The TGIFY twisty top cloud cover, astounding. The Crybaby unbuttoned purple shirt - sexy whilst understated. Any one of those images would have made an awesome album cover, much better than the strange one she put together. The imagery around Rainbow in terms of videos (ignore CTTA) and promo shoots was immensely fun and iconic.
(Monday 26 March 2018; 23:39)
Re: Take a breath everybody (81,517) (81,533) by Andrew from UK
Ha don't worry about me, Shortland St. These people have no humour and try to dress up anything as a reason to attack. Irony knows no bounds here.
(Monday 26 March 2018; 23:10)
Re: "Rainbow" era (81,527) (81,532) by Andrew from UK
This article recently wrote about the psychology of having favourite music which peaks during the mid teens. Wonder if it applies to this.
(Monday 26 March 2018; 23:08)
Re: The girl who lives inside the golden world (81,504) (81,506) by Andrew from UK
Hah oh you.
(Saturday 24 March 2018; 16:53)
Re: The girl who lives inside the golden world (81,494) (81,501) by Andrew from UK
Often make positive comments. I just tell it like it is. Everyone has their "own truth" Martyn used to say. Me, I am more concerned with what has been going wrong for the past 5 years than listing songs I like and talking about ripping off fake hairpieces. Referencing a news article on the site and insisting that Mariah needs to adopt a new attitude in order to sell is not hating Mariah - it's just not burying my head in the sand but finding a path for her in which to succeed. Calling her "misunderstood" and the "nicest celebrity ever" is disingenuous at best because she is widely hated for behaviour within her control. That can be turned around in her twilight years, starting now. Wouldn't you love to hear: "I didn't know Mariah Carey was so cool" or some such exclamation? Course you would. I love me some Mariah and then some. Most who have spoken to me over the phone or in person from this board like me haha believe it. I am kinda nice. Although give it a few days for Jade to come back around. And I suspect Randy is going to call with a lecture. But I am not a snowflake. I won't collapse at the first sign of offense. I'd never make it to brunch with the Belgian.
(Saturday 24 March 2018; 08:06)
Re: The Mariah Outlet (81,495) (81,500) by Andrew from UK
However do you survive the days? You must be exasperated with the triggers before lunchtime arrives. Trigger warning: nobody says "courting" unless you're, perhaps, Maid Marian.
(Saturday 24 March 2018; 07:41)
Re: The Mariah Outlet (81,484) (81,491) by Andrew from UK
Pipe down, princess. Nobody is up in your face. You're reading my messages so it seems like you're up in mine. Enjoy your thumbs up. Maybe they can all fit at once?
(Friday 23 March 2018; 20:15)
Re: The girl who lives inside the golden world (81,488) (81,490) by Andrew from UK
In response, I never said I hated Mariah as I do not. I was talking about most of the public. Here is someone I knew agreed with me - he says it on this video, even. If Mariah is going to release new music we want people to buy it. Given that most people, I would suggest, will dismiss it with "Ugh I can't stand her" before they even listen to it, it might do well for Mariah if she dropped the diva act and was a little bit more personable.
(Friday 23 March 2018; 20:13)
Re: The Mariah Outlet (81,480) (81,485) by Andrew from UK
Just silly banter, Jade. Apologies, no offence intended, though otherwise caused. Cheers.
(Friday 23 March 2018; 13:57)
Re: The Mariah Outlet (81,471) (81,477) by Andrew from UK
So you want to stand next to Mariah dripping wet and naked. And dripping wet. Dirty birdy. As for the Martyn thing, you organise away. But I'm only going if you're going. In case mean people throw things at me. I will use you as a human shield.
(Thursday 22 March 2018; 19:43)
The girl who lives inside the golden world (81,476) by Andrew from UK
Mariah was two and a half hours late for a James Corden meeting. She left him waiti... seriously? Where I am from, to keep someone waiting is seen as a grave offense to be avoided at any cost. Mariah constantly keeps people waiting, incl. the public. It is one of the traits of Mariah that I think tells you a lot about where her head is at. No humility. No self awareness.

Celine Dion is loved for being a nice person. Mariah is hated for not being a nice person. This is the view in the cold light of day. I would suggest if she dropped the attitude and worked at being likeable, people might change their minds about her and pay attention to her output once again. As it is she will go down in history after her death as being somewhat of a stuck up diva and not for her music, but for being a punchline. Which we all know is going to be an incredible shame because her catalogue deserves more than being relegated to a closing paragraph. Money can buy you many things but it doesn't buy you class. Or respect.
(Thursday 22 March 2018; 19:39)
Re: Roc called out Nick (81,439) (81,444) by Andrew from UK
Yawn. Another message about me. It is clear as day you want to [censored] me sweetheart, but, sucks to be you, you're really not my type. But your English is coming on well. Good for you. Google translate?
(Tuesday 20 March 2018; 14:34)
Re: Roc called out Nick (81,437) (81,443) by Andrew from UK
So ignore the point, attack the messenger, then falsely say you won't argue whereas you already did. But not the point, the man. You're way too clever for me.
(Tuesday 20 March 2018; 14:28)
Jade's Knees Up (81,438) by Andrew from UK
Miss Jade-a-kiss, a certain Mr Hakan Hett will have spent a year being an Angels Advocate on May 22. I am up for doing a Carey-oke around then with you if you like, and toasting him. Any with anyone else in the UK or further afield for that matter. Let's av a good ole knees up aroun' the joanna hah and talk about and sing Mariah all day, of course.
(Monday 19 March 2018; 16:18)
Re: Roc called out Nick (81,432) (81,436) by Andrew from UK
Once again, strange fixation on 6 year old children.
(Monday 19 March 2018; 15:46)
Re: Mariah Carey wishes fans a happy St Patrick's Day (81,422) (81,435) by Andrew from UK
Agree that a light and breezy summer single like Dreamlover and Beautiful would be the best. Mariah is at her best when she is not taking herself so seriously in a musical way. However, she really needs to go back to making songs that are sing-a-long-able. Post 90's Mariah Carey music is either mostly trying to be clever and thus not remotely karaoke or just plain too stressful to sing (and sometimes listen to, also). Infinity and Obsessed are good examples of songs too showboating in composition and production to be something people can sing along to in their homes; WBT and its sequels are good examples of extreme singing and songwriting - where once there would be a middle eight and maybe a chord change with some sustained notes, now we just get another verse screeched an octave higher (that is never reproduced live). Asked to sing a Mariah karaoke song and you would not choose anything post 90's. She needs to write for what people want to hear now. And I think that people want to hear songs they feel comfortable singing along to.
(Monday 19 March 2018; 15:43)
Re: New album (81,403) (81,410) by Andrew from UK
Great news. However, a caveat: if she has listened to what some people have been saying here and elsewhere about what she needs to do, it could be a crowning glory, despite her vocal constrictions. But if she listens to the sycophants and peddles the same old wares, surely it will not be. Something mainstream but experimental is called for, but with that signature Mariah sound. I still call for her to look to Madonna (I think, given that they are two surviving queens of the old school, the animosity may be gone and mutual respect has hopefully sprung - ageing is sometimes a positive thing in that respect). Madonna did ethereal experimental on Ray of Light and all out fun and mainstream on Confessions. An album in such a spirit could be monumental. An album that reflects upon reality, and even her ageing, would be insightful. Fingers crossed.
(Friday 16 March 2018; 19:01)
Re: Videos (81,390) (81,399) by Andrew from UK
Does a good parent mock his young son's footwear online (ostensibly because it's too feminine)? Nick is a [censored]. He broke because other people mocked him for not being the "man" of the relationship. Well, boohoo for him. And I have little sympathy for him because Mariah's career was soaring until she got with him. Then she practically gave up.
(Thursday 15 March 2018; 19:09)
Re: Martyn (81,377) (81,382) by Andrew from UK
"She was kinda magical, her laughter sent you casually floating through a moment of release. No, I'd never dreamed that there would come a time." That picture just reminded me of that song.
(Wednesday 14 March 2018; 13:25)
Re: Videos (81,362) (81,364) by Andrew from UK
Nick, the king of morality, and nowhere near a stereotype, says his daughter cannot date until she is 40. So, sex discrimination. But let his son spread his seed to multiple women, a la his father. What a role model. What hypocrisy of morality. The guy is a grunt with money. Remove his money, and he is just a grunt.
(Monday 12 March 2018; 19:32)
Re: Samples (81,340) (81,358) by Andrew from UK
So is it safe to say that Mariah, owning this material, is the one leaking it? Were she to be the owner she would surely have YouTube take it down if it were put up without her permission.
(Monday 12 March 2018; 11:32)
Mariah's kids (81,355) by Andrew from UK
Some people here pay way too much attention to Mariah's children. It's kind of creepy. They are six year old kids that have nothing to do with you. Surely I can't be the only one that thinks it is weird that some people pay them so much attention with overly affectionate comments. Maybe reign it in a bit.
(Monday 12 March 2018; 11:19)
Re: Samples (81,331) (81,334) by Andrew from UK
Jade, are you the recently scouted Mariah Carey impersonator Jade? Ha that is right, ladies and gents. Jade is now a real life Mariah Carey impersonator.
(Saturday 10 March 2018; 23:59)
Article: Is V Magazine trolling us with this Mariah Carey cover? (81,333) by Andrew from UK
A simple rule of the common law has always been that everyone enjoys the label of innocence until such time as somebody proves their guilt. But looky here, hundreds of years of common law undone by lunatics in just one or two. It is incredible how we have forgotten the foundation of modern Western Society in the face of caterwauling from Social Justice Warriors. Accusations of guilt, no matter how many or how loud, are accusations merely until substantiated with evidence. And further, if somebody makes an unwanted advance toward you, walk out. Do not sell your soul to the devil then ask the good Lord for pity. Another simple rule.
(Saturday 10 March 2018; 23:53)


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