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Re: It's finally over (63,669) (63,680) by B from USA
They are facts. Check his IBM or Wikipedia pages. Before marrying Mariah he was mostly DJing. It's also be claimed he gave Mariah the same ring he proposed to Selita Ebanks with.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 20:31)
Re: Demi (63,674) (63,679) by Shezz from Pk
I have a feeling she'll be back on twitter and instagram soon. If she has the power to stay off then good for her. I loved the way Time responded to the Demi drama: "Somewhere, Mariah Carey is taking a bubble bath, completely unconcerned with this situation." Spot on.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 20:31)
Vinyl (63,678) by Adam from Usa
Any lambs in the land out there looking to expand there vinyl collections? I have every full album on vinyl (excluding Daydream and Butterfly) if anyone is interested in purchasing please kindly send me an email I also have a collection of singles on vinyl. Thanks.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 19:27)
Re: Sex with no context (63,636) (63,677) by Warrior Butterfly from USA
Marissa, you said this very well.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 19:15)
Re: Wendy Williams (63,672) (63,676) by RibbonB from USA
I like the way you just hit with quick responses like jabs BTW. Lol.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 18:50)
Re: MIAM (63,670) (63,675) by RibbonB from USA
I definitely think she is with James for publicity. But if as they claim Nick agreed to custody, property and they have a prenup then even if he doesn't sign he must at least respond. If he says and does nothing Marian's side can ask for a judgement. She may not want to do that, but the ball is in her court. Now if Nick has concerns, requests or clarifications he and his lawyers are seeking then it's unfair to say all us agreed, but he's dragging his feet signing. Besides Mariah can talk to him not TMZ. He has a right to be mad, they hemmed him up on TMZ the week his grandfather died. How about both sides talk out of the press? Meanwhile James is lurking around saying nothing waiting for his reality show wedding.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 18:43)
Demi (63,674) by Adam from Usa
So with all this Demi drama she has now quit Instagram and Twitter and Mariah is currently trending on Facebook. She tried it but once again the lambs came out in full force. Blop. Lol.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 18:13)
17 Times Mariah Carey was an absolute diva (63,673) by Licia from USA
That list is hilarious to me. They just copied and pasted rumors from other articles that came out years ago. I didn't know that finding ways to preserve your voice was a diva demand. I should have stopped reading after number 1. Lol.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 17:36)
Re: Wendy Williams (63,668) (63,672) by B from USA
Wendy talks about Mariah because she knows Mariah is still a superstar. I think Wendell is jealous of Mariah. She's a hater.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 17:18)
Re: Sex with no context (63,648) (63,671) by B from USA
I don't think her so called antics are for publicity.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 17:16)
Re: MIAM (63,664) (63,670) by B from USA
A spouse can hold up divorce proceedings by refusing to sign. It happens all the time. The divorce can't be finalized until both spouses sign the divorce papers. I was blindsided like everyone else when I heard she married Nick after a few weeks of dating. I don't think Mariah would marry someone for publicity.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 17:11)
Re: It's finally over (63,666) (63,669) by Licia from USA
First off my name isn't honey. Secondly your opinions of him are not facts. Lastly I stand by everything I said. He was relevant and making moves before her. He's still relevant and making moves after her. Not liking him because he has a big mouth is different from trying to imply that he has never achieved anything and was only worth something because of Mariah.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 17:08)
Wendy Williams (63,668) by Pau from Mexico
This is from yesterday's show. They said it was a bad idea from Demi to write those things, but at the end Wendy of course had to say something negative about Mariah. I do find interesting she dedicated more than 4 minutes to MC, so thanks Demi and Nick for creating controversy. I wish Wendy had shown John Legend's appearence in MC's show.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 16:39)
Re: It's finally over (63,662) (63,666) by B from USA
Honey, I knew who Nick was. He's a CEO or something of Nickelodeon, he's the host of AGT (which Mariah was instrumental in him getting), the host of Wild N Out, and a mediocre actor and rapper. I've known who he was since I was a kid. I grew up watching Nickelodeon. He's a decent host and he's a great looking guy but he is a d-list celebrity. Facts are facts. I started disliking him after he talked about dumping Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls to be with Mariah and bragging about sleeping with Kim K before Ray J. I also didn't like how he felt the need to bring Mariah up in every single interview he did and commenting on rumors. He was also starting in direct to video movies. My bad.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 16:01)
Re: MIAM (63,658) (63,664) by RibbonB from USA
They could have agreed he would do it first, but it took months for Mariah to write and release a break up record. None of it happened over night. All I'm saying is if they already agreed to terms but he just won't sign, then it's simple for Mariah to ask a judge to finalize. A spouse can't just hold up a divorce by not signing. He or his lawyers have to respond, or a judge could decide. It takes two to work on a marriage and there were reports that she would not go to counseling or rehab. Noe she is rushing into a whole other thing but complaining about the overlap.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 15:18)
Re: It's finally over (63,650) (63,662) by Licia from USA
No he was not. He still had other things going om before her. To you anybody who's not Mariah is irrelevant. Btw Nick had more than Wild N Out. You can't even name anything besides Wild N Out because you didn't know who he was. I accept that a good majority of her fans didn't know who he was, but to say he was irrelevant before her is unfair.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 15:03)
Re: 17 Times Mariah Carey was an absolute diva (63,641) (63,661) by this_is_qhm from the Philippines
Ditto. Mariah not speaking before a concert? That's some Celine-level of discipline there. It's called saving voice, not being a diva. Stupid article.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 14:55)
Re: It's finally over (63,647) (63,660) by B from USA
I had heard of Packer before he started dating Mariah. His previous relationships and his wealth have garnered him significant media attention.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 14:50)
Re: MIAM (63,654) (63,658) by B from USA
She doesn't say it but it's implied. Nick filed for divorce not Mariah. Being a child of divorce I highly doubt that Mariah wasn't willing to try to work it out for the children.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 14:45)
Re: Demi (63,651) (63,657) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
Haha that'll teach her not to mess with a legend. I blame Mariah for a lot of things and I stand by my views, but this was the most stupid thing someone could have done. Dragging someone over a meme they didn't create? Demi wasn't thinking straight clearly. The lambs, the general public and several publications and shows went in on her and she had to go into hiding.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 14:44)
Re: It's finally over (63,650) (63,656) by RibbonB from USA
Wild N Out was a good show that was too expensive to produce, but it was revived by popular demand. It has always been one of MTV's highest rated shows. Nick's jobs and success are because he hustles hard, his marriage and health suffered because of his work ethic. Mariah might have called him thirsty, but at least he likes to work. Lol.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 14:31)
Re: Out on a limb (63,637) (63,655) by RibbonB from USA
Lol all of the above. No not drunk, just rushed. I listened to "Out on a limb", I remembered it then. It's an OK song. I live Teena Marie's faster funky stuff so I forgot about that one. Let's hope she works with James Bay.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 14:21)
Re: MIAM (63,639) (63,654) by RibbonB from USA
Actually Mariah said nothing about cheating on Miam. The whole record was about him not being present the way she would have liked. Mariah implied somebody cheated during "Don't explain" in concert which of course got lots of attention. Funny all the cheating rumors during the marriage were about Mariah. I won't even name them. How funny but dice the break up Mariah is acting thirsty. Her every move is for attention and to promote this reality show. The interesting about Nick's song and all many of Marian's are they can be interpreted any ways. The TMZ part I interpret totally differently. But with Infinity Mariah implied he was broke and shaded him in a lot of ways, then she said oh no it's not about him it's about empowerment. That's the most petty empowerment song I've ever heard. Mariah is shady and gets away with it especially about Nick. But it gets people talking. A woman who wanted privacy would have worked on her marriage or divorce in person not on paper, on record and not in such a protracted way. Same with complaining about finalization when James and his wife are still not divorced. Nick isn't holding up a wedding that can't happen anyway. If the settlement terms and custody were not in dispute all she would need to do is ask a judge to close it out. TMZ and Daily Mail weekly posts keep her divorce in the press because Mariah seems to want it that way.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 14:17)
Re: Sex with no context (63,636) (63,653) by B from USA
Agreed. I became a fan during the Daydream era and during that era she dressed in sexy yet sophisticated ensembles.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 14:13)
Demi (63,651) by B from USA
Demi has officially quit Instagram and Twitter over the Lamb backlash.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 14:06)


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