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About MusicfanJ from Germany: I'm a fan of Mariah since Daydream came out.

Re: Tanaka and MC (98,247) (98,256) by MusicfanJ from Germany
They are a beautiful couple. Bryan has never had the childish "bad mouth" like Nick Cannon. A benefit. Even though he's younger he seems to have a good, true heart. The way he speaks even shows humbleness. I love his inspirational victory campaign. He's very sweet and pleasant, no clown. All the other things one can olny speculate. I hope they will have many good years to come.
(Thursday 24 June 2021; 11:18)
Re: Nick, why oh why? (98,239) (98,241) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"Yes they'll all be financially taken care of, but it will always be embarrassing (and a bad look) for poppa to be a rolling stone." I couldn't agree more and it shows once again that you can't buy everything with money especially the important "things" in life. I don't know with Nick's ego, I mean he knew from the beginning that she's a living legend.
(Tuesday 22 June 2021; 10:13)
Re: Nick, why oh why? (98,225) (98,228) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"Poor Mariah too, will forever have her name attached to this mess train." Absolutely. A man with 4 different mothers will always shock people at least if you're not a member of a sect. Lol. And if the children gets older it won't get easier, they will have a lot of questions. Poor MC indeed.
(Monday 21 June 2021; 13:48)
Re: Wedding song (98,173) (98,175) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Music Box. So romantic. Yes, almost all Mariah songs are so hard to sing. I love her clear, "darker" voice on Music Box.
(Tuesday 15 June 2021; 13:36)
Re: Promotion (98,153) (98,159) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I like the song from the first listen. The beginning is wonderful dreamy with a retro feeling, the breaking my heart line is very cool and "adidctive", but at around 2.35 it's bit much going on.

You're right that it's stange that there's no promotion by Mariah. And only featuring?
(Saturday 12 June 2021; 13:06)
Re: Roc Nation (98,096) (98,099) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes next album Neo-Soul or Jazz please. I don't need another Christmas album. That she's working with Jimmy and Terry sounds promising.
(Monday 7 June 2021; 16:56)
Re: Somewhat Loved (98,035) (98,036) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes, it sounds quite interesting. I like it. Will it be a new single from her next album?
(Tuesday 25 May 2021; 19:39)
Re: Something's up (97,908) (97,910) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I was wondering too, because of the IG. Indeed very silent. Hmm, yes let's hope she's fine and healthy.
(Saturday 1 May 2021; 13:58)
En Vogue / Don't let go (97,848) by MusicfanJ from Germany
90ies music [is] like "therapy" for me at the moment. I mean just great memories. I love this song since it came out. I miss this type of music. Can anyone imagine Mariah singing a song in the style of "Don"t let Go"? I would love that.
(Friday 16 April 2021; 16:30)
Re: Nick (97,805) (97,807) by MusicfanJ from Germany
The only good thing is that the children will never have financial problems. Three different women in such a short period with babies. It really says a lot about him. What did Mariah once sang: "He brings the drama, six baby mamas." Well I hope it will not end with six. Lol.
(Tuesday 13 April 2021; 19:55)
Re: Best opening line (97,794) (97,798) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I love "Sent from up above". Such a relaxed, cool song. Great opening line too.
(Monday 12 April 2021; 18:35)
Re: Best opening line (97,778) (97,780) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes "The Roof" is so poetic from the beginning to the end. Lyrically the best.

I also like "One summer night, we ran away for a while."
(Thursday 8 April 2021; 17:59)
Re: Andrew's one trick pony (97,762) (97,765) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes your point is coming across properly. Thanks. The market often gets me with the 19.99 trick. Personally I think the youth madness is totally overrated because for my taste people are really getting interesting at their late twenties and at 30. Of course Mariah had charisma since day one but was getting more and more interesting too.
(Wednesday 7 April 2021; 10:15)
Re: Andrew's one trick pony (97,760) (97,761) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I still don't get it. Of course the media has youth-madness. But where's the diffrence between the best new singer (the one and only Mariah) at age 20 or 21 with the debut. It's ridiculous. One year is nothing, it makes no sense to me.
(Tuesday 6 April 2021; 12:53)
Re: Mariah's "real birthdate" (97,713) (97,714) by MusicfanJ from Germany
This is so cool. Thank you for posting it. Huntington 69. What a special newspaper. Who knew that this baby Mariah would be the queen of the music in the 90ies worldwide.
(Tuesday 30 March 2021; 11:28)
Re: Happy Anniversary Mariah (97,696) (97,698) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Happy Birthday Mariah. Yes, I Know you don't count numbers but I wish you all the best for your day. Stay happy and healthy and enjoy the festive "anniversary". All the lambs around the world will celebrate you and your wonderful music.
(Saturday 27 March 2021; 16:14)
Bonnie Tyler's disbelief at Mariah Carey's comment (97,675) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Nice article. I love Bonnie Tyler. A humble star and really sweet. Her 80ies hits are still great to listen to. That she makes her hair and make-up by herself makes her even more sweet. Mariah and Bonnie together on a plane, really cool.
(Tuesday 23 March 2021; 11:54)
Re: Covid19 (97,625) (97,627) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Hi TJ, I'm very tired too. The highlight of the week is shopping at the supermarket and walking in the woods. I miss the normal life before covid so much. The case numbers are rising up again, it's just depressing. But luckily I'm well (but the nerves are down). I hope you are well too and of course all the other MCA members who have a hard time.
(Friday 19 March 2021; 20:49)
Re: Defamation (97,610) (97,613) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes, there's only one truth. There can be different opinions and points of view but that doesn't change the truth or a lie. What I do believe, Mariah is clearly not "anti-white". Her biggest idol is Marilyn Monroe. But maybe it bothers her that most of her non-fans think she's white. Mariah is so lucky with her talent and beauty, I think she can be very happy with it. I watched "Honey" yesterday and was still blown away by her beauty and the cool video after such a long time. What a woman.
(Thursday 18 March 2021; 17:49)
Re: Bey gets her 28th Grammy (97,582) (97,583) by MusicfanJ from Germany
That's hilariious and shows once more that the music industry is dead at the moment. I only remember the song with Jay-Z (her first solo single, which was okay but nothing special), then some radio/chart hits but I wouldn't listen to one song on CD or streaming. I must admit that I really liked Beyoncé while she was with Destiny's Child. That was great RNB. But Beyoncé as a singer is totally overrated for my taste. A beautiful woman but her music doesen't reach me at all (emotionally).
(Monday 15 March 2021; 11:26)
Re: Rumours (97,570) (97,574) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Haha, yes I can imagine this too. Lol. "My heart will go on" is and always will be Celine's song and that's good. In 97 Mariah wouldn"t like a song for "Titanic", but I always thought she would have been perfect for a James Bond song.
(Friday 12 March 2021; 18:41)
Re: Tommy Mottola, a monster? (97,559) (97,560) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"The focus was mostly on her music - not on being famous, not on her personal life, not on her image." Yes it was all about her music for which she became the superstar around the world. Tommy wasn't the right man for her private life for sure, but for the business part he was a great choice. He did the best for the success. Her first albums are the reason why she's so legendary even at the early age at the late ninenties.
(Tuesday 9 March 2021; 18:21)
Re: Bruno Mars' Leave Door Open (97,550) (97,551) by MusicfanJ from Germany
It's nice to listen to. I always like smooth soul with real instruments. Compared to all the trash and the same sounding songs on the charts it's really nice to have one song which has a melody and a band behind it.
(Sunday 7 March 2021; 12:40)
Re: My ranking of Mariah's albums (97,493) (97,494) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I had the black Sony Walkman too. I was so proud to own my first Walkman. Haha. And the cassette which was played endlessly was "Daydream". I still have the original cassette.
(Friday 26 February 2021; 19:02)
One Night (97,473) by MusicfanJ from Germany
The song gets better and better. It really sounds like the "afterparty" version of "ABMB". The rarities are still giving me pure enjoyment.
(Wednesday 24 February 2021; 16:12)


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