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About MusicfanJ from Germany:
I'm a fan of Mariah since Daydream came out.
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Happy birthday (108,464)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Happy birthday/anniversary Mariah. I hope you have a wonderful day and celebration. I wish you all the best. I'll have a Baileys on you tonight. Cheers.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 12:20)
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108,463 |
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Happy birthday (108,463)
by Jamie from UK
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Happy birthday Mariah Carey. I hope your day is as special as you are.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 10:50)
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Buttery tone (108,441)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Mariah has indeed the most buttery tone I've ever heard. It made me fall in love with her voice during Daydream. Here are some examples:
Vision of love, Vanishing, Alone in love, Love takes time, And you don't remember, Can't let go, If it's over, So blessed and TTEOT buttery at it's best , Endless love, Music box, Never forget you, Without you, Just to hold you once again, All I've ever wanted, EFA (out of this world), My prayer, Open arms, Melt away, I am free, When I saw you, Forever, My all, Close my eyes, Whenever you call, After tonight, Lead the way, I only wanted, Joy ride, For the record, Languishing.
It's Mariah at her best. When her soulful voice meets that clear buttery tone, that makes you forget everything. It mades me daydreaming all the time, when I listen to these songs.
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 14:25)
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108,438 |
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Buttery tone (108,438)
by Bobby A from United States
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Which MC songs have that buttery tone? I am having a hard time understanding what some of the board say that MC has a buttery tone. Could MC's short cover of Faith Evan's Soon As I Get Home demonstrate her buttery tone? I love that short song cover. She sings it pitch perfect and beautifully.
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 11:31)
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,439)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Emancipation: We belong together Joy Ride Special memory: To the floor (love the funky tune)
Daydream: Fantasy Forever Special memory: Looking in
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 13:53)
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108,435 |
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,435)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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Emancipation: It's Like That Makin' It Last All Night (What It Do) (Ft. Jermaine Dupri)
Daydream: I Am Free Forever
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 23:36)
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Just makin' the most of life (108,407)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Again on point Jamie. I absolutely agree with your thoughts. "But my main concern is Mariah herself at the moment." Yes, that's also my concern. Someone wrote on this board, she is so rich and famous, she dosen't care about anything. That may be true, but I do care. A lot of other fans/lambs do care. The question is, is she happy and healthy? All the money in the world can't buy it. There are many exsamples. I just hope she's okay. Next week is celebration week.
(Sunday 23 March 2025; 16:30)
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108,405 |
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Just makin' the most of life (108,405)
by Jamie from UK
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I'm under no illusions that she will never be as she was. Being nostalgic doesn't mean you're not aware of the present. My concern is that she's now at a point where she's even far removed from that person than she has ever been, and not even musically. I loved Caution, I even loved I Don't, obviously not the video though lol. I'm concerned and rightly so that something isn't right with her right now. Whether it's medical or something else, who knows, but from an outsiders point of view something is off. My criticism only comes from a place of caring about Mariah, I've remained loyal throughout the years, and have enjoyed all her music. My point is that for the general buying public she became to far removed from the Mariah they fell in love with, I'm personally as a fan not saying that her new music isn't good, she's got some amazing tracks later on in her career. But my main concern is Mariah herself at the moment.
(Sunday 23 March 2025; 07:45)
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Just makin' the most of life (108,393)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"Doing stuff on the charts." What do you mean with stuff? The Christmas season with AIWFCIY or the remix with Ariana? Did I miss something, is there a new song on the radio or charts or on streaming? The Rainbow remixes were cool and the song with the female rnb singer Muni Long. But what charts?
(Friday 21 March 2025; 12:16)
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108,392 |
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Just makin' the most of life (108,392)
by Lee from USA
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Finally, somebody's getting it.The woman is doing stuff on the charts that even younger artists are struggling to do. I feel that if you want a more demure artist then why not support them?
(Friday 21 March 2025; 11:21)
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Accountability, kryptonite to Yass Queens (108,383)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Perfectly written Jamie. What I still don't understand, how can a young Mariah be grown-up, grounded and communicative while the grown-up and older MC seems the opposite in a lot of ways. That's a bit strange. The same with the lyrics. I prefer her lyrics when she was a tween. That's funny. Yeah the aliens must be the real reason.
(Thursday 20 March 2025; 13:25)
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108,380 |
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Accountability, kryptonite to Yass Queens (108,380)
by Jamie from UK
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This is perfectly put. I still haven't got over how she dressed in the [Heartbreaker] remix video. Those types of choices are what have cheapened her over the years and lost her wider fanbase. [You're] allowed to do music you like but when you deviate too far from your core fanbase or appeal then [you're] in trouble. Even Madonna the queen of reinvention faced backlash especially during the Erotica era and Madonna portrayed an edgy and sexy approach from the start. Mariah was portrayed as a contemporary pop artist, and she completely removed herself from that base and she lost a huge fanbase. I like RnB Mariah, I like she dipped her toe in that side of things, she appeared cool and edgy whilst remaining composed and still catering to her core fanbase. Then I feel she embraced or took it too far for the general public to relate too. She was no longer the person they thought she was, and only real loyal fans like us have stuck with her, but even we question her choices. It's like she was captured by aliens at the end of the 90's and returned to earth as a completely different person. Hey we all change to a degree but I feel even as a life long fan, I have difficulty recognising how we got from Mariah to MC I watch early videos etc and from 1999 onwards and I still can't get my head around how completely different she is personality wise. Come back Mariah, it's time.
(Thursday 20 March 2025; 00:01)
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MC in L.A. (108,355)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Wow really beautiful and classy. I love it. I get a little [Daydream] tour vibes with the outfit.
(Monday 17 March 2025; 18:29)
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108,352 |
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MC in L.A. (108,352)
by Bobby A from United States
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MC is really looking gorgeous in this picture out in L.A. A new promo is saying she is going to perform.
(Monday 17 March 2025; 00:48)
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Always Be My Nodules (108,354)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"I do miss that buttery and effortless tone she used to have." That's what I miss the most too. I've never heard a voice like Mariah's and never will again. That tone that makes you forget everything, really daydreaming while listening. A tone that goes deep into the soul. Luckily I can hear it over and over again on CD, mp3 and YouTube. But I would also like to know what happened? At least a little bit of it. But I understand why she [doesn't] do it or why she can't.
(Monday 17 March 2025; 18:24)
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108,351 |
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Always Be My Nodules (108,351)
by Edward from USA
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I think that's the reason why Mariah has probably never gone through with surgery to get those phuckers out. Her voice is literally her whole identity and legacy, and losing the whistle would be a huge blow, considering that's the last trick she has under her skirt. She may not always sound great, but the second she hits a whistle note, the crowd eats it up.
One thing we can say for sure though is that the whistle as we knew it is already gone. And even if surgery could help her overall voice, the recovery would mean strict vocal rehab and actual discipline, but that's not exactly one of Mariah's strengths. More than a whistle here and there, I do miss that buttery and effortless tone she used to have. When she could just sing without worrying about every note. That's what I miss the most.
(Sunday 16 March 2025; 17:21)
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Precious (108,325)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"Double O Soul" sounded so good. It's annoying that Chris Tucker left the project. At least we have the [Honey] video, Mariah is a hidden [Bond] girl for sure. And I always wanted a [Bond] song by Mariah.
(Friday 7 March 2025; 19:57)
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Precious (108,322)
by BFF from United States
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Well, I think Mariah was actively discouraged by Tommy to take roles that she was offered in the 1990s. She has alluded to the fact that there were film roles offered to her that made other people movie stars. I also think a lot of her efforts to break into movies during the 1997-2001 period were derailed and sabotaged. If you recall, she cut her Butterfly Tour short because she wanted to do a movie called "Double O Soul" with Chris Tucker but then Tucker backed out, leaving Mariah with nothing to show for her investment in that project. She was also attached to a project called "The Sweet Science", which seemed very interesting but never came to fruition (most likely due to the response to "Glitter"). "Wisegirls" never went anywhere outside of the Sundance circuit, even though it was an interesting project.
The role she took in "Tennessee" was solid and her role in "Precious" was small but interesting. I think she could get away with another attempt at making movies. Whitney did "Sparkle" pretty late in her career. Diana Ross did a few made for TV films in the 90s when she was in her 50s. It's still possible for Mariah to do something different if she wants to.
(Friday 7 March 2025; 15:11)
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Precious (108,324)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Hmm, I don't think so. Evita was really a perfect role for Madonna. I was surprised back then by the acting. I love bio-pics in general. I wonder what could be a perfect role for MC? A lot of you will laugh but somehow I can imagine Mariah to be in a fantasy movie.
(Friday 7 March 2025; 19:47)
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108,319 |
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Precious (108,319)
by Bobby A from United States
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Do you think Mariah's movie career mirrors Madonna? Madonna found her acting niche with Evita. She kept at acting and finally received recognition for her portrayal of Eva Peron. So, what I am trying to say is that MC should have kept at acting more after the The Butler. However, I think it is too late now for MC to even come close to receiving the movies roles that Madonna has had in her career. Who knows? Maybe she will prove me wrong.
(Friday 7 March 2025; 02:55)
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Precious (108,318)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"From what I remember and I was there she was adored in the 1990's." Yes, she was loved and adored in the 90ies with Mariah mania in 95-96. I remember those days too. It all went down in 2001 with Glitter. I love the album, the movie is okay. As a fan I enjoy the movie (it was my first DVD in 2001, can you imagine lol), with the wonderful music. But the general public didn't want Mariah to be in a movie, they wanted Mariah the voice only. Mariah's acting wasn't bad, there are some really good scenes and some are not so good. But again, Mariah will always be seen as the songbird supreme, the acting is nothing people are waiting for. I also need new music from her, not a new role. I still enjoy Wise Girls and Tennessee. That was the best. The worst for my taste was the one in Zohan. I know, it should be funny.
(Thursday 6 March 2025; 14:36)
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108,316 |
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Precious (108,316)
by Jamie from UK
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Glitter was a great idea, it just didn't pan out that way in reality. Whether the songs were written for her or not, they were absolutely some of the best of Whitney's career. I love the [Glitter] album, some of Mariah's best vocal performances are on it, but as a whole it isn't as superior as The Bodyguard. That film was one of the biggest films and soundtracks of the 1990's. The public reaction to it and the music was and still is unparalleled. Kevin and Whitney had a great bond, he even spoke at her funeral.
And when was Mariah rejected in the 1990's? From what I remember and I was there she was adored in the 1990's, it was only when she began to act that things started falling apart for her, yes there was other contributing factors, but she pushed herself into a project that unfortunately was a none starter.
(Thursday 6 March 2025; 08:58)
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Angie Stone (108,306)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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So sorry to hear that Angie Stone passed away by an accident. I loved her neo-soul songs. What a powerful voice. "Wish I didn't miss you" was my tune back then.
(Sunday 2 March 2025; 17:38)
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The issue I have (108,299)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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She seems not very likeable. I never understood why she is so famous with her talk shows. So I also hope Mariah won't choose her for an "open" interview.
(Saturday 1 March 2025; 19:34)
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108,295 |
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The issue I have (108,295)
by Stacey from USA
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I can't stand Oprah. She thinks she's better than everyone else. Her condescending attitude is so off putting.
(Saturday 1 March 2025; 04:40)
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Remaining Vegas shows (108,264)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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The Rainbow Mariah was fun. The Hearbreaker video was on heavy rotation every day. There were really so many things which a fan could enjoy. The Glitter album was released before 9/11/01 in Germany. I can't remember why. But I remember buying the single Loverboy too. It was always a highlight to buy a Mariah CD on its release day. The youngsters of today have no clue how exciting it was. To wait until a release date, drive to the city at a media market and buy the "new" CD.
(Monday 24 February 2025; 19:13)
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Remaining Vegas shows (108,258)
by BFF from United States
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I became a lamb during that period. My first Mariah album was "Rainbow", and I absolutely loved all of the MTV specials. I remember going out to Best Buy and Sam Goody in middle school to buy the "Loverboy" single and "Glitter" album. I think I went out to Best Buy on 9/11/01 to buy the "Glitter" album because we were released from school early that day.
(Monday 24 February 2025; 15:34)
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Remaining Vegas shows (108,254)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"The 1997-2001 period of Mariah's career is one of her most fascinating." Absolutely. There was so much going on. I was a teen back then and witnessed that time. It was a very special time. (Personally as well.) I also loved all her MTV documentaries and specials. Mariah was everywhere. Touring, on TV and radio. Then came 9/11 and and the world had changed. I still miss the 90ies.
(Sunday 23 February 2025; 20:02)
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108,251 |
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Remaining Vegas shows (108,251)
by BFF from United States
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I need a 25th anniversary deluxe version of "Glitter" with Mariah's recording of the "Lillie's Blues" song from the beginning scene of the film.
I also need full remix EPs on streaming for "Loverboy", "Never Too Far", "Never Too Far/Hero Medley", "Don't Stop (Funkin' for Jamaica)", and whatever else Mariah is holding back from the Glitter era. She worked on that project from 1997-2001. There's got to be more than just the original "Loverboy" and the cover of "Out Here On My Own". Weren't there a couple of other song titles that came up during that era - "Every Time", "Anything Can Happen", "The Flow", etc.
I'd also love a high quality release of that Fox Family documentary did on the making of "Glitter" - I still love watching it on YouTube. I also recall a really great podcast episode from "The Mariah Report" where the hosts dive deep into how different the original concept for "Glitter" was before it was filmed and when it was known as "All That Glitters".
The 1997-2001 period of Mariah's career is one of her most fascinating and prolific periods. She was working on so many different things (three albums, one compilation, multiple films, two tours) and she finally got her independence from Tommy. What a magical time period. And she looked gorgeous too, though the 2001 era platinum blonde hairstyle wasn't my favorite.
(Saturday 22 February 2025; 15:20)
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Remaining Vegas shows (108,249)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I think I understand what you mean Will, but please no more perfumes or cosmetics from Mariah. I need new music. A jazz album, a duets album, Rarities part 2, the hidden grunge album. A singer should focus on music. If the inspiration is gone, then Mariah could take a longer break. One more album would be nice. Caution shouldn't be the last.
(Saturday 22 February 2025; 13:43)
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Remaining Vegas shows (108,246)
by Will from England
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The thing is, is that we've seen Mariah do those things in the past, and then lost interest in them. She never has had any project outside of music last more than a year, and then it goes away. To me is speaks to another point that was raised that she isn't the best business woman when it comes to it, and misses out on opportunities to actually make something of a brand. Look at Rihanna with her cosmetics line or Beyonce with her perfumes. Mariah does it for a moment and then moves on when something else catches her fancy.
(Saturday 22 February 2025; 01:02)
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Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (108,209)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I voted. I hope this time Mariah gets to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It's so overdue.
(Thursday 13 February 2025; 11:24)
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Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (108,207)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Let's all come together and vote for Mariah to get into the [Rock and Roll Hall of Fame]. That would be something great we could do for Mariah, she has earned it.
(Thursday 13 February 2025; 04:19)
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Article: Mariah Carey fans wonder if singer is "OK" (108,186)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Well said. I hope after the vegas concerts she takes a break just to relax. I also hope she's okay and if not, that she feels better soon. Didn't she also had the flu? Poor Mariah, maybe she started too early with the concerts. A friend of mine has the flu since 3 weeks and she's 39 and still struggling with it. I'm waiting for spring, hopefully with better news. The Mariah month.
(Wednesday 12 February 2025; 10:50)
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108,183 |
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Article: Mariah Carey fans wonder if singer is "OK" (108,183)
by Brandon from USA
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I said it's only a matter of time before this gets mainstream attention. Hopefully she gets it together for the remaining shows and puts this issue to rest. If she is not up to performing right now with the energy needed to put on a show, she doesn't need to be performing at all. Period.
(Wednesday 12 February 2025; 03:09)
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Frustrated lamb (108,177)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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No, you're not the only one. I noticed it as well. I completely see it like you've written. Since the separation of Tanaka, the spark has gone. He was good for her happiness. It's so sad that it didn't last. I also believe Mariah needs a partner who is really there for her. Being alone is never easy, but for Mariah it seems to be a even harder and not right. Remember when she was with Luis Miguel, if you watch all the old interviews during that time Mariah was shining like the brightest star. Her eyes and smile were telling everything. With Nick at the beginning it was almost the same. With Brian Tanaka she seemed to get her inner glow back again. Of course we don't know what's really going on. But even Brian doesn't look the same on the latest pics. I don't believe that he was only loving the lifestyle and money. Anyway, I want that happy Mariah back. I don't need another number one, I just want to see her truly happy.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 14:22)
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Frustrated lamb (108,168)
by Shezz from Pk
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There had been a steady decline in her stage presence and her effort and enthusiasm in the last 10 years but I can't be the only one who noticed the sudden steep dip right after Tanaka left. Whatever their relationship was, she seemed happy and had that spark in her eyes every time he'd be on the stage with her. He kept her excited and happy in life and on the stage and he was the one if I remember correctly who directed the With You AMAs performance. He was her partner in life and on the stage and he made her happy. It was the same spark she had in her early years with Nick. Mariah I think is the type who needs stability and a partner to be excited about other things in her life and there's nothing wrong with it. It's one thing to get over such a relationship in your 20s and a whole other in your 50s. I hope she finds her happiness and her way again.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 06:36)
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Lead The Way (108,176)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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What a heartfelt comment. It was really nice to read. I still love the Glitter ballads too. Wonderful lyrics, wonderful melodies. The 80ies up-tempos are also so good and underrated. Lately I enjoy the original Firecracker version more and more. And "Out here on my own" from that era is outstanding. It somehow "hits different" these days while listening. But back to your post "Lead the way" is one of her best ballads from her unbelievable music catalogue.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 13:46)
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Lead The Way (108,166)
by BFF from United States
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"I'd given up hope Losing the faith that love Could be mine to treasure..."
I've had this song on repeat the last couple of days. It's the perfect song for when someone unexpectedly comes into your life. You had thought about giving up and worried that you'd end up alone, but you can feel the winds shifting. That's the vibe I'm on right now.
Thank you, under-appreciated ballads of the "Glitter" era.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 00:58)
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Barbra Streisand and Ariana collaboration (108,130)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I would love this too. But I think it would be a miracle. We will see.
(Thursday 6 February 2025; 11:55)
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Barbra Streisand and Ariana collaboration (108,126)
by Jamie from UK
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This would be amazing if Mariah and Walter could reunite. Maybe she's thinking if this is gonna be my last album, let's take it back to my roots.
(Wednesday 5 February 2025; 21:47)
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Barbra Streisand and Ariana collaboration (108,121)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Honestly, I don't need Ariana on it, but Barbra and Mariah that sounds cool. I still would prefer a Mariah only release. But Barbra and Mariah that could be a big surprise. I'm ecxited for it.
(Wednesday 5 February 2025; 12:16)
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108,119 |
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Barbra Streisand and Ariana collaboration (108,119)
by Bobby A from United States
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If Barbra wants to work with MC, everything must be A okay with her voice. This is wonderful news.
(Wednesday 5 February 2025; 12:01)
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The Grammys (108,118)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"It also feels wrong that Beyoncé has more Grammy Awards than Aretha Franklin." Absolutely, that is just wrong. I can't take that award show seriously. It has become a joke like a Muppet Show.
(Wednesday 5 February 2025; 11:20)
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The Grammys (108,106)
by BFF from United States
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Beyoncé's music was decent at the beginning of her solo career up until the album "4". Particularly, "B'Day" had some good songs on it.
Her recent albums often seem like they are written/produced by committees of tastemakers rather than organically produced as collaborations. And she just doesn't have deep, meaningful songs the way that Mariah and others do.
It also feels wrong that Beyoncé has more Grammy Awards than Aretha Franklin. The Recording Academy has really eroded its credibility with these types of decisions.
(Tuesday 4 February 2025; 12:46)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,065)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Lol even our real church website from the neighborhood hasn't so many "faith" words on it. The post seemed like from the TV format "Hour of power". Quite amusing.
(Monday 27 January 2025; 12:24)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,064)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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You are not. In one moment I was wondering, am I on some kind religious self help web page or on a Mariah Carey news page.
(Monday 27 January 2025; 08:16)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,060)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Lol, while reading the post from Baby from Dreamville I thought I clicked on a church website. Haha.
TJ I share your wishes and hopes.
As a Star Wars fan I would say: Do it or do not, there is no try. Release the "Ugly daughter" album or not.
But seriously I wish Mariah most of all health, that she cares about herself. That she stays away from superficial people, who are hollow inside. That she gets her inner muse back to make one more soulful album with great lyrics. And that she finds people who are not fake who she can trust, and help her to have good times besides her superstardom.
(Sunday 26 January 2025; 14:16)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,057)
by TJ from Norway
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Did Jesus turn your water into wine, yesterday? Am I the only non religious person on this board?
I wish that Mariah get more reflected about the world around her and make good decisions, helping others and maybe write some meaningful music instead of so-called RnB she has made lately.
(Sunday 26 January 2025; 09:43)
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