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About Andrew from UK:

Lambs vs reality (86,505) by Andrew from UK
Lambs: "Caution is brilliant and going to sell millions and be number one." Reality: "Sorry, lambs, Caution is average at best and hardly anyone bought it." Lambs: "It doesn't matter she doesn't need to sell it, it's a great body of work and she has nothing to prove." Reality: *smacks forehead*
(Sunday 25 November 2018; 17:44)
Re: The biggest surprise in the elevator (86,437) (86,457) by Andrew from UK
You can correct square brackets to parentheses where it is not even grammatically appropriate to do so but you can't correct "ouy" to "out"? Eric, honey. You may correct my spelling mistakes. But don't correct my English grammar.
(Saturday 24 November 2018; 10:14)
Re: Article: Simon Cowell: Mariah Carey's lost it (86,431) (86,438) by Andrew from UK
That link just takes me to the news section and no particular article. Irrespective, it would be rich for Cowell to call Carey a has-been since he has very few recording artists left on Syco and The X Factor is constantly losing viewers in the UK with the new season being the least watched ever. Out of the two, if there is a so-called "has-been", it certainly ain't MC.
(Friday 23 November 2018; 11:55)
The biggest surprise in the elevator (86,437) by Andrew from UK
This is interesting. Remember Matteo Lane, the gay comedian whose interview where he says, "That's why (Mariah Carey) can't sing anymore" I posted not so long ago? Yes? Well check ouy the moustache fangirling in the elevator here at the 1.20 mark. I've tried to find the interview video again. But - and I can't imagine why - I think it's been taken down.
(Friday 23 November 2018; 11:52)
Re: Article: Simon Cowell: Mariah Carey's lost it (86,413) (86,431) by Andrew from UK
Where is this article? I can find it nowhere. I do, though, find it hard to believe Simon Cowell would turn on Mariah.
(Friday 23 November 2018; 01:57)
Re: Body of work (86,407) (86,414) by Andrew from UK
But you clearly read my posts, or how do you know their content? "Bullying"? Okay. How about that? Go find your safe space, curl up into a ball and ask your God for a backbone.
(Thursday 22 November 2018; 17:05)
Re: Body of work (86,385) (86,387) by Andrew from UK
Dear Eric. I have risen to power (run Brandon, run) and Australia is hereby wiped from the internet. We shall miss the colony. A.
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 21:45)
Re: A lengthy meditation on the album (86,344) (86,373) by Andrew from UK
Here we go again. MC and Afanasieff were "a modern day Lennon and McCartney"? You really just spout anything that will help you build your fantasy world. Lennon and McCartney did not write songs together. They wrote separately. "Lennon and McCartney" was merely how both men accredited any song they individually composed during the Beatles reign.
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 17:10)
Body of work (86,371) by Andrew from UK
I swear if I have to read that Caution is a "solid body of work" one more time I will rise to power and wipe the internet. It is, seemingly, a way of redefining an album that has no standout hits or an album where all the songs seem to melt into one. I maintain that six out of the ten are quite uninspired and forgetful. GTFO is different and cool, With You is beautiful and memorable. A No No is fun. Portrait is the introspective one that every lamb will cherish. The rest are blah. I do not love Caution, but not do I hate it. It simply exists. "Body of work"? I will wipe the internet.
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 17:01)
Re: A lengthy meditation on the album (86,349) (86,370) by Andrew from UK
Did Mariah really want to move away from the Diva Balladeer after 97? She did a mediocre job of doing so were she really have desired as such. She not only wrote many ballads after that year she still insists on singing said ballads, draped in a sparkly gown, on stage night after night ("Ima be here night after night to feel your lovin arms around me baby baby baby, you make it alright" - no relevance I just hear it everytime someone says "night after night" lol). I do sometimes think the lambily willingly uses strawman arguments in order to deflect critical analysis. Most people, I would postulate, buy into Mariah's journey that she emerged from the crissalis after the divorce and that everything pre 97 was fake in some way. Yet, before Mariah took her clothes off she acted like a normal person. Everything became a little different after the divorce and now, especially at times over the last decade, she does not. Everything now is measured, images airbrushed, utterances tempered, smiles faked and so on. Occasionally Mariah is forced to let this contrived image go and you see the real her. This happened at the NYE debacle. When I saw her look to the sky and realise that it had failed I saw a woman grounded and without pretence. So with regards to well-tempered people like Special K, et al., I understand the sentiment that Mariah was creatively restricted pre-97. But to say that Mariah of recent years is a relatable person without contrivance and fictitious persona is disingenuous at best and, at worst, ignorant. Even Martyn said she had a "personality transplant", something with which I agreed and have, thus, reiterated (probably regurgitated, admittedly) since. To question when Mariah let the glitter overpower the artist is perfectly fair. To say it's people merely living in the nineties who don't know who Mariah is, who should move on, is ad absurdum. And these arguments are only ever posted here by people who love her, but love her in different ways to others, who do not see "negativity" but "honesty". I do submit, however, that Mariah's interviews have been relaxed and without much of the contrivance or plain faced boring bullshit of recent years and they're a buzz to watch. And the audience footage of With You was equally so. I just wish half of the album wasn't dull as dishwater. But, hey - this is my truth, tell me yours.
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 16:49)
Eddie (86,332) by Andrew from UK
Did I miss your review? I am genuinely interested to read the main posters to this board, whether I agree or not.
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 01:01)
Re: A lengthy meditation on the album (86,306) (86,331) by Andrew from UK
That was insightful and really brutally honest. Bloody hell. You remind me of my posts a few years ago. I can promise you such insight is wasted here. If I haven't pissed you off already, message me. Let's WhatsApp. What absolute truth.
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 00:53)
Re: Re: Giving me life (86,263) (86,277) (86,329) by Andrew from UK
There's a comparison video on YouTube that led me to the video of the end adlibs once more. I didn't post it because Mariah is lipping the ending and it's not fair as a comparison because Mariah's OHN is the definitive version. It is perfection in every syllable. The "ooh yeah" on the ad libs is the most melty voice that made me fall in love with Mariah. I'm glad someone is feeling Christmas Mariah with me because...
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 00:46)
Giving me life (86,263) by Andrew from UK
This gives me life. Does anyone know of any video or audio of Prime Mariah singing this live?
(Monday 19 November 2018; 23:59)
GMA (86,261) by Andrew from UK
This does not appear to be the disaster that was broadcasted. Except for what appears to be a few lipped parts she doesn't look ridiculous at all and she sounds okay. So what with the cringe dubbing? Sometimes you really have to wonder what is going on in Mariah's head. Sometimes I think she's so used to sabotaging herself she doesn't know how not to.
(Monday 19 November 2018; 23:43)
Re: Caution next single should be? (86,212) (86,259) by Andrew from UK
You Don't Know What To Do. Closely followed by Migrate.
(Monday 19 November 2018; 23:30)
GMA (86,258) by Andrew from UK
Mariah looks great in pants. She blatanatly wore them because they arranged for her to be carried off but that was fun. The interview was also great. She came cross really well. Very little hair touching. She was funny. She didn't tangent. She didn't say "moment" and I like that she references Glitter saying "it almost ruined my life". It's very upfront and honest. However. However. The performance completely sucked. It didn't look like she sang more than ten lines. The mic covered her face is just so cringe I actually cringed. She should have just done a longer interview, played the video and left that mess out.
(Monday 19 November 2018; 23:28)
4/10 = 2* (86,186) by Andrew from UK
I tried to revisit Caution on a few occasions and see the best in the tracks. Alas, I am truly perplexed as to what many people here are hearing. GTFO, With You, A No No and Portrait all stand out, they are thematically quite different and have decent melodies. That's four good songs out of ten. Four? The other six blend into each other in one long agonising, soporific march toward blandness. MC might be able to reproduce most of this live (seemingly with a vocoder on assist) but who would want to hear it? It may well set the Guinness Record for inducing 20000 comas at once. There are no decent hooks, no memorable lyrics, no standout vocal moments, no exciting instrumentation: it's just a joyless snoozefest. "One Mo Gen"? Favourably comparing anything on Caution to Butterfly is utterly blasphemous and I will have pistols at dawn for any heretic who does so.
(Sunday 18 November 2018; 16:49)
Re: Verdict (86,172) (86,185) by Andrew from UK
"Webmaster: This message was full of strange characters." So, a bit like this board, then?
(Sunday 18 November 2018; 16:12)
Sandra Bernhard (86,012) by Andrew from UK
Not really Mariah related but that article is hilarious. "I'm not a lesbian," says Bernhard, "I transcend sexuality." How woke of her. I'm sure she would have said that two years ago before a million and one genders were seemingly discovered. Sandra, not only are you a lesbian, you're one with such little pride that you shower shame upon homosexuals everywhere with your effing stupid nonsense. What a twat. Figuratively, of course. Anyway, in re: Mariah: Portrait is okay.
(Friday 16 November 2018; 09:44)
Proceed with Caution (86,009) by Andrew from UK
I wanted to like it. Of course, I did. But what an absolute shockingly boring dull dud of an album. Every song rolls into one long drudgery of a beat. This may be an album but it is not a Mariah Carey album. She doesn't even sing. Even I could sing this record. "Fun" record, William? What is fun about the same slow beat and whispery lyrics over and over again? I understand GTFO and With You and A No No but they needed a variety of beats and harmonies to intersperse them. They didn't get it. This is more disappointing than Memoirs. Where has her confidence gone? Mariah used to make killer albums, and now she fades into nothingness. Shockingly dull.
(Friday 16 November 2018; 08:49)
Re: Glitter's success on iTunes Album Chart (85,919) (85,961) by Andrew from UK
Oh, my Spanish amigo, we have to disagree. Want You is one of the worst parts of the album. Sorry - OST. The best part of Glitter is undoubtedly Lead The Way. I couldn't have wished realistically for this Glitter revival to have happened, but now that it has, can everyone in the world please down their work tools and listen to this bloody song? And also Migrate. And YDKWTD. And Right to Dream. Wait, not Right To Dream. I went cray-cray for a moment there. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
(Thursday 15 November 2018; 17:26)
The Glit hits the fan (85,952) by Andrew from UK
Anyone else wish they were a fly on the wall when J.Lo woke up to the morning papers and read that Glitter is No.1 on the US iTunes chart?
(Thursday 15 November 2018; 13:22)
Glitter revival (85,930) by Andrew from UK
"The album is garbage, though?" Who is this talentless hack who got lost on the way to the soup kitchen?
(Wednesday 14 November 2018; 21:38)
Re: Be nice or leave (85,917) (85,921) by Andrew from UK
Okay. On a positive note: Mariah took up half the front cover and the whole celebrity inside spread of the Metro today. Metro is London's free morning transport newspaper. Everyone reads it whilst going to work on the tube or the trains. It's also read across the UK and has a bigger circulation than The Sun. So it's a bit of a score for Mariah to be on the cover and have such promotion inside. One tidbit of "negativity" - or "honesty" as I like to call it: the UK doesn't really go for Mariah or her music anymore so the album will not do well regardless of the promotion. Or even irregardless of it.
(Wednesday 14 November 2018; 17:53)


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