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About Zachariah from Croatia:
Mariah Carey fan and professional member of automotive community - both got me feeling emotions.
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Music Box 30 (108,030)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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Well, my thoughts about him are very negative so I would not enjoy it. Snoop Dog? Wow. That's a surprise.
(Wednesday 22 January 2025; 12:16)
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108,028 |
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Music Box 30 (108,028)
by RL from USA
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Zachariah - Snoop Dogg, Nelly, Rascal Flatts, Jason Aldean and more performed. It was a really great night.
(Wednesday 22 January 2025; 02:54)
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Music Box 30 (108,023)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I was shocked that she decided to sing. I honestly thought that nobody will sing at his inauguration. I guess I was wrong.
(Tuesday 21 January 2025; 20:32)
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108,021 |
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Music Box 30 (108,021)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I watched the inauguration. Carrie Underwood was fantastic. Yes, the acapella version was wonderful. I'm still very happy with MB30 too. I love the booklet, the bonus tracks, remixes and concert CD. "My prayer" is always on repeat.
(Tuesday 21 January 2025; 14:14)
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My observation (107,981)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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Agreed, times are tough in the world and every day I see more people struggling with mental health or health in general, finances, relationships, superficiality. Something needs to change. Empathy is missing and it is an alarming thought.
(Thursday 16 January 2025; 10:42)
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107,979 |
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My observation (107,979)
by Bobby A from United States
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Did anyone else noticed last year, we became like family to each other? We showed more love and support to each other than in 2023 and 2022. Maybe it is just me. I read so many celebratory and love posts last year from all of us. Let's keep it going in 2025 to support each other around the world, those in L.A. and of course MC. I listen to Coast To Coast with George Noory at night and it just has me thinking more about what is happening everywhere in our world.
(Thursday 16 January 2025; 00:42)
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Article: Mariah Carey shares busty New Year's post (107,912)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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Simply stunning.
(Friday 3 January 2025; 13:03)
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Top posters 2024 (107,911)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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O wow, I am on the 8th place. Wow. So cool.
Happy New Year everyone and may 2025 be the end of the cocoon regarding releasing albums.
(Friday 3 January 2025; 11:11)
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107,895 |
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Top posters 2024 (107,895)
by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
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Top posters in 2024 01. Robert-Anthony from United States: 659 messages 02. Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter: 357 messages 03. Jamie from UK: 166 messages 04. Libra Lamb from USA: 165 messages 05. Edward from USA: 155 messages 06. Stacey from USA: 137 messages 07. MusicfanJ from Germany: 131 messages 08. Zachariah from Croatia: 122 messages 09. Shezz from Pk: 120 messages 10. Tevin from USA: 102 messages 11. Alexis Carrington-Colby from United States: 85 messages 12. jaker20 from US: 80 messages 13. Matty from Vancouver Canada: 64 messages 14. Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway: 57 messages 15. Terna from Nigeria: 51 messages 16. BFF from United States: 49 messages 17. T from USA : 46 messages 18. TJ from Norway: 44 messages 19. Brandon from USA: 39 messages 20. Andrew from the UK: 39 messages 21. Xavier mariohmix from Spain: 33 messages 22. Randy from USA: 32 messages 23. Norman from USA: 31 messages 24. Bill from the UK: 30 messages 25. Carlos from Brazil: 26 messages
Top posters all time 01. Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter: 3936 messages 02. B from USA: 3595 messages 03. RibbonB from USA: 2794 messages 04. Robert-Anthony from United States: 2501 messages 05. Bill from the UK: 2417 messages 06. Licia from USA: 2267 messages 07. Edward from USA: 2075 messages 08. MusicfanJ from Germany: 1612 messages 09. Andrew from UK: 1384 messages 10. this_is_qhm from the Philippines: 1171 messages 11. Stacey from USA: 1097 messages 12. 123 from USA: 1055 messages 13. Terna from Nigeria: 876 messages 14. Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada: 795 messages 15. Billy from Greece: 761 messages 16. enwar00 from usa: 724 messages 17. Gee from U.S.A. (New York City): 715 messages 18. Andrew from the United Kingdom: 640 messages 19. Randy from USA: 616 messages 20. TJ from Norway: 602 messages 21. T from USA : 599 messages 22. Shezz from Pk: 580 messages 23. Marissa from USA: 575 messages 24. Lee TS from USA: 572 messages 25. jaker20 from US: 564 messages
(Wednesday 1 January 2025; 21:07)
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Merry Christmas from Croatia (107,850)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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Hi guys, I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and to thank you for being here and spreading the word about Mariah. It means a lot to me to just log on here and read your opinions about her and her music. I hope 2025 brings new music for us, maybe in a form like a rock-grunge album. I think it would be so unexpected and epic. I love you all. 
(Wednesday 25 December 2024; 10:22)
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Passion (107,815)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I don't think is that. She can sing and she can hit the notes. It is hers saturation for creating the new music. She has done it all.
(Saturday 21 December 2024; 14:19)
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107,814 |
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Passion (107,814)
by Jamie from UK
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I personally think it's cause she can't sing it the way she wants too. She was vocal during caution saying that her voice wasn't in the place she wanted for the album. I love the Caution album but I guess from her side she's the perfectionist.
(Saturday 21 December 2024; 11:03)
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Week 3 (107,806)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I think she will release a banger in February and then another banger right before the summer. An album will drop right around in early September.
(Thursday 19 December 2024; 14:54)
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107,805 |
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Week 3 (107,805)
by Bobby A from United States
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What a great end to 2024. This is a good sign that people will embrace MC16 in 2025. I am predicting a summer release.
(Wednesday 18 December 2024; 22:32)
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Have you heard? (107,776)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I had two accidents (one was my fault, the other one not) while Mariah was playing but then again - I only listen to Mariah in my car since I drive and own a car (since 1999) so...
(Thursday 12 December 2024; 14:32)
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107,775 |
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Have you heard? (107,775)
by Stacey from USA
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I can neither confirm nor deny this rumor, lol. MC's version of Santa Claus Is Coming To Town is also known to cause issues during driving. Not that I would know.
(Wednesday 11 December 2024; 04:04)
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So happy (107,770)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I am so happy for number 1 position again. So so happy.
(Tuesday 10 December 2024; 12:34)
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In vain (107,751)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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They are all fighting in vain, because for the last 5 years, Mariah has the biggest hit of each of those year. Facts.
(Wednesday 4 December 2024; 14:18)
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Billboards top artists for the 21st century (107,726)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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Well, let's be honest - Mariah was huge by the end of 20th century, so this is a valid list.
(Friday 29 November 2024; 10:43)
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107,724 |
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Billboards top artists for the 21st century (107,724)
by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
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She definitely has nothing to prove but it's a shame that Billboard didn't honor the artist that holds possibly the most records on their charts. Not having her in the top 20 is insane to me. She's literally made some of the people on that list become singers because they were inspired by her. You cannot spell MusiC without MC. Her rise then massive fall followed by the greatest comeback of all time alone should have cemented her on that list.
(Thursday 28 November 2024; 03:35)
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New music? (107,671)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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It will never happen. Celine's music is boring as hell. Mariah really doesn't need that.
(Wednesday 20 November 2024; 11:39)
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107,670 |
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New music? (107,670)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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It's a no for me too. Fortunately I don't think we'll ever have to worry about this collaboration.
(Tuesday 19 November 2024; 15:22)
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Christmas shows (107,637)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I have few things to say regarding this matter:
1. You guys are lucky to even to get to see her in this time of the year. I adore Christmas, although I am more an introvert and alone 90% of the time those days, but I love to see city streets with Christmas decorations and such. I like the vibe. I would do anything to go to see her, but it is what it is.
2. I don't mind her just standing there and not move - she was never a dancer and I am fine with that. Looking at the monitor - that is really annoying and I really would like to know why is she doing that, but it must be the lyrics, or looking herself in the monitor to see if the hair is ok or just a logistic part to see where is she standing or something like that - I really don't know what else could be.
3. Her tour starts way to early. She should do just December next time - from 1st of December until 20th. That's it. She had a lot this year and she should get her rest.
4. Vocals are very good from what I hear and I don't know why is she using back tracks.
I don't think she has dementia or anything like that - it is just stress and making sure that everything goes well. Look at it this way - I use notes at my work. Every day. As I am sure you all do. This is her work and yes, notes are in order to make sure that everything goes well.
(Wednesday 13 November 2024; 10:00)
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Article: Mariah Carey heralds the holiday season (107,574)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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It is beyond epic.
(Friday 1 November 2024; 10:32)
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Christmas show (107,539)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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You guys are so lucky that she is doing concerts there. I only saw her in Vienna in 2017.
(Thursday 24 October 2024; 09:38)
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107,537 |
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Christmas show (107,537)
by Bobby A from United States
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I really want to see MC's Christmas show in Austin, Texas this year. There are still reasonable tickets still available. I might not get this opportunity ever again to see one of her Christmas shows. I am only hesitant about going because of the Sunday concert date and the horrible I-35 traffic in that part of Austin's university area. Libra Lamb are you ready? Who else has purchased tickets?
(Thursday 24 October 2024; 00:40)
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Next single has to hook them (107,533)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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It was missing a great video. That was the problem.
(Sunday 20 October 2024; 22:43)
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107,532 |
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Next single has to hook them (107,532)
by Bobby A from United States
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Big Energy was missing something for me. It did not have enough of MC. Whatever she releases as the first single is going to have to be reminisce of Fantasy, Dreamlover, Heartbreaker, Honey or ABMB. The song has to hook the young people during the first five days of its release.
(Sunday 20 October 2024; 19:17)
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Podcast (107,526)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I got annoyed (as did she - let's not deceive ourselves) with Matt Rogers constant complimentary comments about Butterfly album and Heartbreaker video.
Ok Matt, you have orgasms while listening to Butterfly album and watching the Heartbreaker video, we get it. Calm. Down.
Thankfully, Bowen was an anchor to keep the converastion in more down to Earth way.
Releasing the Someone's Ugly Daughter would be a great move if that album is really good and not some kind of mockery of alt rock music, which would just backfire. And we all know how media just waits for a new victim to put down.
(Saturday 19 October 2024; 16:05)
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AMAs performance (107,514)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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They will forget their criticisms very quickly when there is a chance to work with Mariah because she is a force and her influence is strong, especially in r'n'b waters. Or to have a chance to do something regarding Christmas with her. Thankfully she can smell fake ones so she chooses wisely her collaborations.
(Monday 14 October 2024; 11:00)
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107,513 |
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AMAs performance (107,513)
by Bobby A from United States
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Spot on, Mimi. Mariah isn't the only artist who receives a lot of criticism when she doesn't live up to what the industry praises her for. For example, Katy Perry's latest album is a far cry from her albums Roar and Prism. Pink [sic] has lost ability to write great catchy pop rock anthems that helped propel her career. Ed Sherran's [sic] last album was boring and lacked his catchy melodic pop gems that we have heard from him in the past. Beyonce stepped into country music without really thinking about the repercussions from the country music industry. There were more criticisms from male country singers than were anticipated.
(Monday 14 October 2024; 04:41)
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Article: Mariah Carey unwraps new single covers (107,494)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I love the covers, especially because she looks like herself, in terms of skin color. Just compare her first album cover and this one - it's like day and night regarding her skin color. Or is it just me?
(Thursday 10 October 2024; 12:49)
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AMAs performance (107,486)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I strongly disagree.
(Wednesday 9 October 2024; 10:45)
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107,483 |
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AMAs performance (107,483)
by Xavier mariohmix from Spain
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Guys and girls, I don't wanna spoil the moment, but the performance is playback from beginning to end. Just like The Celebration of Mimi in Vegas (except for a couple of adlibs here and there). I'm afraid MC is not singing live again (at least for a while). The quality of her voice has worsened considerably in the past couple years, and live on stage is where she feels most stressed and insecure about it. So now she just plays it safe by rerecording everything in her current voice and having improved the lipping technique. At least we can enjoy lots of new vocals recorded in a studio. For what it's worth, I think I'm starting to be finally at peace with this.
(Wednesday 9 October 2024; 01:47)
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Robert Anthony (107,481)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I don't think I was uncivilized or disrespectful towards Mariah. Actually I know I wasn't. I just answered to his question why are we, it this case, me, so quiet lately on this messageboard.
I have a right to my own opinion and it is what it is. Some people have a lot emotions and love reviving old things. Is it annoying for me to see that? Very. That is why I was quiet.
Am I enjoying that everyone is writing about perfect AMA's performance where the love from crowd was mesmerizing? Very.
(Tuesday 8 October 2024; 23:45)
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107,475 |
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Robert Anthony (107,475)
by David from USA
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I come on this board often; I comment very rarely. When I do comment, it's usually to note the negativity and nastiness of Mariah's "fans" here. Robert is always positive and civil - and he's respectful to Mariah even when perhaps giving constructive criticism. We could all learn from him and, as far as his frequent posts, this board would be dead without him.
(Tuesday 8 October 2024; 15:06)
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AMA preformance (107,461)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I had to stop my car on a side on my way to work and watch the whole thing on YouTube. She did so good. So so good. Really made my morning.
(Monday 7 October 2024; 08:14)
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AMA's anticipation is high (107,449)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I will speak for myself - I am quite because people with your writing style reject me from even putting an effort to write anything.
I'm tired of constantly reviving old conspiracies about choosing her singles or old songs and dissecting how would they sound in a different arrangement and would could be and so on and so on and so on. It is tiring to me and because of that I just don't engage. I am only interest in the present. How to help to see her on the top again and not live on old fame.
(Sunday 6 October 2024; 13:11)
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107,447 |
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AMA's anticipation is high (107,447)
by Bobby A from United States
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I am so excited for MC's performance on Sunday. I know she is going do well. I really feel she is going to have a huge recogition before her performance. By the way, why is everyone so quiet this month?
(Saturday 5 October 2024; 13:17)
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by Zachariah from Croatia
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Please do. Your constant voice bashing is getting really depressing. Even more since I think she sounds good and that she doesn't lipsync that much as people think. But that's me.
(Tuesday 1 October 2024; 13:06)
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107,434 |
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by Bobby A from United States
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I guess we will know how worse her voice has gotten. Thank you for your response, Shezz. I am going to move on from this topic about MC's voice.
(Monday 30 September 2024; 23:57)
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