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About Zachariah from Croatia: Mariah Carey fan and professional member of automotive community - both got me feeling emotions.

Happy anniversary (108,462) by Zachariah from Croatia
Happy anniversary to our sweet hero diva and to anyone who is celebrating on this day the same event.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 08:19)
Emancipation & Daydream (108,435) by Zachariah from Croatia
It's Like That
Makin' It Last All Night (What It Do) (Ft. Jermaine Dupri)

I Am Free
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 23:36)
Overreacting (108,412) by Zachariah from Croatia
My head is spinning from of all these conspiracy theories that I see here. Give a woman some rest.
(Monday 24 March 2025; 13:45)
Did I click on the JLo message board? (108,391) by Zachariah from Croatia
It is sad. Very sad.
(Friday 21 March 2025; 07:45)
this is a reply to message 108,389
I am trying (108,364) by Zachariah from Croatia
She was buzzed and celebratory. Calm down. It's her and it is the way she is. As a fan since 1990, I expected nothing else. Of course she will mention lighting and ensemble, it's her humor and jokes on her account. You should be familiar with that as a fan so far. Her real fans get it and that is only that is important to her. She doesn't care about the others.
(Tuesday 18 March 2025; 20:01)
this is a reply to message 108,361
"Bianca" (108,337) by Zachariah from Croatia
I wish she would turn into Bianca, in terms, not to be polite to people who don't deserve that and telling what is exactly on her mind to people who are trying to ignore her or ridicule her for her behavior. She is always polite and politically correct, but I think she is old enough to just say "phack off".
(Wednesday 12 March 2025; 10:16)
Precious (108,314) by Zachariah from Croatia
"Tennessee" is an amazing movie. I really love it.
(Thursday 6 March 2025; 00:00)
this is a reply to message 108,312
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Vote for Mariah (108,208) by Zachariah from Croatia
(Thursday 13 February 2025; 10:35)
this is a reply to message 108,204
Voice (108,185) by Zachariah from Croatia
I am thinking about this topic more often these days so I wanted to ask for your opinion: what would happen if she went for surgery on her vocal cords, lose her high notes but she gets back her strength in the voice? Would you be happy with new sounds of the voice or would you miss her old voice?
(Wednesday 12 February 2025; 09:48)
Frustrated lamb (108,174) by Zachariah from Croatia
It could be that. Just remember when you are in love and have that partner beside you - you think like you can conquer the world and overcome any obstacle. She is missing love, support and that certain other.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 12:29)
this is a reply to message 108,168
MC doing the Superbowl (108,173) by Zachariah from Croatia
Oh thank God that somebody said it. I was thinking am I the only one who was shocked by the lame halftime show, with constant bad lighting, words I didn't understand and this beef with Drake - I don't know nothing about that so I didn't get it.

They say that his performance was layered and it has a message but I guess I missed it.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 12:26)
this is a reply to message 108,171
Lead The Way (108,169) by Zachariah from Croatia
I love that song. Glitter is a masterpiece. My second favorite album after Butterfly.
(Tuesday 11 February 2025; 08:48)
this is a reply to message 108,166
Make It Happen live performances (108,152) by Zachariah from Croatia
I always liked performance from "Live At Today Show Mall of America".
(Sunday 9 February 2025; 22:09)
this is a reply to message 108,146
Please (108,134) by Zachariah from Croatia
Let's just hope that the song will be good and not boring.
(Friday 7 February 2025; 11:58)
this is a reply to message 108,133
Barbra Streisand and Ariana collaboration (108,116) by Zachariah from Croatia
I am tired of collaborations. I don't approve this.
(Wednesday 5 February 2025; 10:34)
this is a reply to message 108,113
The Grammys (108,114) by Zachariah from Croatia
It is an absolute travesty that Butterfly wasn't nominated for an album of the year. It is a masterpiece and since then, I don't follow Grammy's any more.
(Wednesday 5 February 2025; 10:06)
this is a reply to message 108,111
The Grammys (108,108) by Zachariah from Croatia
I don't even understand what is she singing about. I can only focus on her first three albums - the rest is just a noise in my ears. And I tried.
(Tuesday 4 February 2025; 15:51)
this is a reply to message 108,106
Covers compilation album (108,103) by Zachariah from Croatia
With You I am Born Again with John Legend, live, is an absolute legendary performance.
(Tuesday 4 February 2025; 10:46)
this is a reply to message 108,102
A bit harsh (108,099) by Zachariah from Croatia
No worries, I understand totally. Her music just means so much to me that I really find it healing in some ways.
(Monday 3 February 2025; 23:03)
this is a reply to message 108,092
A bit harsh (108,090) by Zachariah from Croatia
It's a bit harsh to say that her voice is gone, come on, have some respect. Her voice is still here, obviously with some struggles, but it is still there. Regarding the stage presence - we don't know what is she going through or if she is just catching the momentum.

Feeling sad watching her old videos? Come on, you should be happy for them and enjoy them. We were lucky to be alive in the same time as she was and be able to enjoy them and her talent.

I swear to God, sometimes I get so mad with the negativity here.
(Monday 3 February 2025; 12:26)
My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,078) by Zachariah from Croatia
For me, Charmbracelet was more of an therapy album, almost like a gospel theme one. Actually, it would be awesome if she would redo a whole album with a more gospel vibe. It has spiritual and anthemic vibe. I play it when I really need calm and spiritual vibe in my life.
(Thursday 30 January 2025; 21:17)
this is a reply to message 108,075
My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,064) by Zachariah from Croatia
You are not. In one moment I was wondering, am I on some kind religious self help web page or on a Mariah Carey news page.
(Monday 27 January 2025; 08:16)
this is a reply to message 108,057
Music Box 30 (108,032) by Zachariah from Croatia
I think she does them every day in her home or a studio but because of her perfection or an expectation of perfection that she thinks people expect from her, she gets stiff and or like a vocal puppet.
(Wednesday 22 January 2025; 18:14)
this is a reply to message 108,031
Music Box 30 (108,030) by Zachariah from Croatia
Well, my thoughts about him are very negative so I would not enjoy it. Snoop Dog? Wow. That's a surprise.
(Wednesday 22 January 2025; 12:16)
this is a reply to message 108,028
Music Box 30 (108,023) by Zachariah from Croatia
I was shocked that she decided to sing. I honestly thought that nobody will sing at his inauguration. I guess I was wrong.
(Tuesday 21 January 2025; 20:32)
this is a reply to message 108,021


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