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About Chris from United States:
Mega Mariah fan since 1994. That is all.
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Re: Feeling vindication / Lee Daniels (62,463) (62,467)
by Chris from United States
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I am actually really happy Lee came forward and said these things. He's not stupid, I'll bet he did it on purpose, to get people to ease up on her. It's all making so much sense. I think she probably doesn't want to be Mariah Carey anymore, because Mariah Carey is damaged, constantly abused, used, and messed with, so she chooses to live in that diva persona. It really is sad, because she has an awesome personality, and I can just see what a beautiful soul she has. I'm pretty sure the Russian Kardashians are pushing her further into her darkness. I'm also concerned about this engagement to James Packer. She literally went from her marriage to this billionaire. I'm almost convinced she is doing this in a desperate search for happiness, but she's not going to find it this way. Where exactly is he anyway? I know he's a business man, and he's probably wheeling and dealing, but I feel like he's barely around, and she's being coached by teenagers. I think he needs to pay a little more attention to his fiancé, who needs a little more TLC. Honestly, I'm not even really buying that she's completely happy with him. Maybe she is, but her head seems to be really clouded and cluttered. She literally has a circus going on around her all the time, and he's okay with this? I mean, who actually plans a wedding before their divorce is finalized? All of this is starting to look really unhealthy, and I'm just hoping for nothing but the best for this wonderful soul.
(Saturday 21 May 2016; 6:16)
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Stella (60,866)
by Chris from United States
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When I first saw this chick, I really didn't know what to think. I will say, I've never really been comfortable with her presence. She looks like a witch. I could've sworn I read that Packer is the one who introduced her to Mariah. Is this true? Does anyone know anything about this? If that is the case, I'm going to start looking at him with a side eye. Is this some secret society? It makes me wonder what is really going on here. I'm really hoping she hasn't turned to the dark side, because to be honest, when I look at this woman I just see darkness. Mariah is best friends with a twelve year old? Are you serious? There is nothing about that, that makes any sense, and if the dictator is just "messing" with Mariah's fans, then she's just a crap manager. Mariah has been through so much in life, that I would never think that something like this would be taking place, after all, she wasn't born yesterday. This woman fought for her freedom and emancipation. That is why I'm almost inclined to believe that she knows what the deal is, and is okay with it. Some of this may seem far fetched and crazy, but I'm just not really liking what I'm seeing lately. For someone who loves the spotlight, wants to be front and center, never let's other women be mentioned when Mariah's name is involved, I'm finding this all very bizarre.
(Monday 28 March 2016; 4:23)
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Mimi L. (60,595)
by Chris from United States
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I think your messages are great. There are times where I feel it's a bit too much, but for the most part, I love your enthusiasm. You have a lot of things to say, that I fully appreciate most times. you critique, praise, and everything in between.
(Saturday 19 March 2016; 7:38)
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Re: Mariah singing Rainbow (Interlude) (59,666) (59,681)
by Chris from United States
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I love that you posted this. When you mentioned that it "almost" made you cry, I didn't believe it. But once I followed the link, I lost all control. I am going through quite a bit of things, at this time in my life, and to hear this interlude, is just so moving to me. I think of where I was when this album came to be (at the time, just as moving), and I think of where I am now. This video did move me in many ways. It makes me feel like I can make it out of my trials and tribulations today, just as I did back then. Just another realization of how her music can really touches your soul. Thank you.
(Monday 8 February 2016; 9:28)
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JD, the horrible manager (57,122)
by Chris from United States
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I notice a lot of people are still kinda judging him on his managing skills, or lack there of. I honestly believe he was just put in place, because MC knew very well she didn't want to be all over the place at that time. She needed a manager that wasn't going to be on her ass everyday and nag her for not getting up, and going to work. She also needed someone that wasn't going to ask a lot of questions either, because she didn't want to say anything to anyone. Releasing it at that time in her life, just further lets you know how strong this woman really is; she is definitely a fighter. I do feel bad for JD, because he was a whipping boy, but he was just doing a dear friend a favor. Now, that's what I call a real, loving friend.
(Tuesday 6 October 2015; 1:39)
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Re: Christmas music (56,251) (56,260)
by Chris from United States
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So, when the label doesn't listen to the artist, and certainly refuses to listen to the fans, there's nowhere to go. I love this woman dearly, but I will not be buying this reboot. However, I will purchase any new material, and that's it. This is such foolishness, and she should outright demand a shift. If Reid puts this reboot out, I'm just inclined to feel like he's pretty much sabotaging her, and doing a better job at it than Def Jam last few years.
(Tuesday 25 August 2015; 7:01)
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Re: Jazz? Why you mad? (56,244) (56,259)
by Chris from United States
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I really couldn't agree with you more. I am totally against a jazz album. She has way too much untapped talent in that mental volt of hers to result to something to left field and boring. She has at least another good 5 years, until it's called for. Nobody really knows the direction she wants to delve into, because she is still very contemplative and cryptive about it. I need for her to just come out with it, and tell us what she's thinking. People have been getting their hopes up for a while on her music, and become let down. Just come with it, so we know what to expect. This is becoming so frustrating. 
(Tuesday 25 August 2015; 6:54)
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Re: Boycott the Christmas music (56,250) (56,257)
by Chris from United States
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This is all fine and dandy, and we all love it, but this is all in the past. No one cares much about what she's putting out there these days, because she's drifted so far from the beaten path. Even JD keeps trying to tell her, but it seems she won't listen when it comes to the music, and why not care about what the fans want? We put her where she is today. We're just doing the best to try to keep her there, but she seems to be misguided in some of her decisions. I just hope she wakes up soon. I just love her so much, and want the best for her.
(Tuesday 25 August 2015; 6:44)
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Re: Israel (56,151) (56,153)
by Chris from United States
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No, your posts are coming across as disrespectful. What good is it to come on here and bitch about the same thing everyday? This is getting old.
(Thursday 20 August 2015; 4:54)
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Nanny ladies (49,480)
by Chris from United States
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I love me some MC for days, don't get me wrong, but I kinda feel like there may be some truth or merit to these stories. She already eluded to the fact that she goes through nannies like crazy. Kinda tells me there might be something going on, and I'm sure she could be demanding when it comes to her children. MC, just pay the ladies and move on already, lol. You're not hurting.
(Friday 30 January 2015; 20:03)
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Her manager (49,479)
by Chris from United States
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Everyone keeps saying that she has no manager, and she even mentioned it on Ellen as well. But I thought her manager was that Kevin Liles dude. Did something change, that I didn't know about? If he is, I'd say he's doing a fairly good job.
(Friday 30 January 2015; 19:57)
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Che / Little boy (49,423)
by Chris from United States
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Are you out of your mind, sitting here defending this clown? Eminem who? Yes, this is the real clown now. I'm sorry, but I was supportive of this ridiculous union when I remained quiet about it. I said nothing and let it play out. I seen they were having children and it looked like it was going to last, so I stopped giving him the stink eye. What saddens me, is that you posted that comment and it was almost like you were rubbing his sad existence in MC's life, in our faces. Have you even listened to the songs "Cry" and "Camouflage"? Doesn't sound like it. Those are the two most personal songs she's written in a very long time, and we know exactly who they're about. My heart bled for her when I finally realized what all of this was about, so I know exactly where my loyalty lies. We all know this chump will be in her life, because of the kids, and that's as far as the train should go. I can see right through his fake support, he's not fooling me. How long have you been a fan of his? How long have you been a fan of hers? Is this Nick's father? We know he's just another piece of trash, in this mix. The sad part is, she can't really talk about it. She's not walking away from this with nothing. She has two kids, so how would it look to her kids, if she went out there bashing him. So, he can run around and look all good showing his "support", mentioning her name, while he's banging that street trash, and probably driving her crazy, at the same time. There's no reason to stick up for him anymore, Che. It's time to let him go, okay? Shelly brought up some good points about divorce, so somebody knows the deal there. Baby brought up a couple good points as well. It's bad enough he was a fool, but he was always raping her career with his stupidity. He is doing her absolutely no favors being in her life, and he never has. So, please don't come at me for defending her. This should have been a natural response for us all, but apparently not. Sorry for my rants, I'm tired and rambling, lol. Peace out.
(Tuesday 27 January 2015; 5:47)
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Ms. Shelly (49,357)
by Chris from United States
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Okay, I'm going to put a halt on this. After reading your last post, I've come to realize that maybe I was quite offensive to you, or anyone that puts the lists out there. If I offended you, then I apologize. No excuse, but I didn't even realize it was offensive as I was tying it. In fact, judging by your posts, I can tell you are a kind natured, sweet woman, and I would never want you to feel like I put you down, or am bullying you. That's not my style. I would never want anyone to feel like they can't post on here freely, because I've been there with this site. After a while, it becomes easier to dish it back.
(Wednesday 21 January 2015; 23:13)
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Shelly (49,353)
by Chris from United States
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You can take that message any way you'd like. I was just naming a song I'd love for her to cover. Are you the only one rattling off twenty songs for her to sing, as if she were JLo? I really don't know, and I don't care. Lastly, did you ever realize that maybe I didn't read your list. No, because you were to busy trying to tell me how to navigate this site. I don't need your advice. Thanks.
(Wednesday 21 January 2015; 21:28)
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Little boy (49,350)
by Chris from United States
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I know plenty of us are so excited to get rid of Nick, and rightfully so. But, this last article about him encouraging the residency tells me he will forever make sure that their names are tied together. Maybe he did encourage her to do this residency, but I'm sure he had motives. He was probably trying to line his pockets up some more somehow. It's funny, because he still needs her, but she's going to be just fine. I love how he filed for divorce right after he seen her career was taking major blows. Guess he didn't need her anymore, until he seen her getting her shit together, and miraculously he's back. He's going to go see her during her residency? Why, so he can hopefully throw her off her game? Just wanted to throw in my two cents on this little creep. I hope not to waste anymore posts on "it" again.
(Wednesday 21 January 2015; 19:35)
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My dream cover (49,348)
by Chris from United States
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I don't have a long list or anything, because I wouldn't just throw a bunch of songs at her, like she's basic. But, the one song I'm dying to hear her cover is Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. Now, I know many of you are probably screaming no and throwing things at your monitor, but listen to this song. I can hear her making this spectacular, in only the way she can. I would say, bringing Marc Shaiman into the picture would be the perfect way for her to respect the song and artist it came from. I know this will never happen, but a boy can dream.
(Wednesday 21 January 2015; 19:24)
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Her smile (49,088)
by Chris from United States
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So, MC has been looking not so happy lately, with all hell breaking loose all around, who can blame her? All through the Elusive tour she did not look happy at all. Almost like she was going through the motions, just to make herself busy. But, the video of her walking past in Vegas gave me a little glimpse of contentment. I feel like I haven't seen her genuinely smile in so long, and that made me happy. I'm not a fan of this residency much, but it is what it is. It could go either way, and I'm just going to hope for the best. All I know is, after missing her at the Beacon, I won't be missing this.
(Saturday 10 January 2015; 2:10)
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Fan shaming (49,087)
by Chris from United States
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I've been a long time visitor of this board and have remained almost silent all of 2014. The reason being, is that there are too many people that work for Mariah on here. Like seriously, on her payroll. At least that's what they'd like all the bad people to know. Any kind of constructive criticism is looked at as "hating", and it's so sad. Some of you need to grow up, and realize the world isn't all rainbows and puppies. I've read some posts that look like some folks reverted back to grade school mentality, telling others to "shut up", while they pout in the corner. There are only about 1-2 people on here that I don't believe are in MC's corner, and we know who they are. Other than that, if you could put your big people pants on and realize that there are no enemies here, the real world would appreciate it.
(Saturday 10 January 2015; 1:57)
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Rihanna singing Hero (40,934)
by Chris from United States
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I thought I'd brighten everyone's day. Watch this video, to start your laughing.
(Sunday 2 February 2014; 21:54)
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