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About jaker20 from US: You Will Never Be MC

Re: Management of Randy (41,873) by jaker20 from US
Stephen, the last official announcement, just after American Idol, is that Randy is MC's manager. As you say, her friend. If MC is managed by a friend, that's code for "I am the manager". The friend, whoever it is, will bow to everything MC says. And that is exactly the problem, the problem we've been seeing since she parted with Benny. She has to let others do this work for her so she can focus on her art and her creative expression. MC doesn't know anything other than touch her hair and hips. Benny forced her to learn choreo and a few dance moves, as basic as they are, at least that's not the aforementioned hair and hip-touching we've been seeing these past few years. I am in now way saying MC should learn how to dance this time in her carer. I'm saying she has to stretch somehow, like the way she carries herself on and off the stage. A "friend-manager" won't make her be the best she can be. They will just go to the studio, hang out and well, drink champagne.
(Friday 28 February 2014; 17:05)
Re: Management problem (41,872) by jaker20 from US
Haru, you are absolutely correct. It was definitely Benny who "straightened" MC. MC has a very head-strong, stubborn character. Most artists do, and I consider MC a artistic pop genius. So she needs someone who is equally strong, and it was Benny who had the whip in his hand who I see will stand up against MC's antics. Some artists, when they get very successful, they think they had it all together. But artists should not manage themselves or even have the last say. They have to surrender control to strong managers who see the bigger picture. I'm gonna say this, MC's head had swollen into epic proportions. And why not? With all the titles she's been labelled: "artist of the century", "most no.1", etc. etc. Imagine what that's doing to her brain? So yeah, managing an image, schedules, priorities, etc of an artist, that takes a no-nonsense manager. MC can't do it, and she won't change. So I think she needs a very strong manager who will handle her with an iron fist and tell her as it is. But with how arrogant she's become, I don't know if you can find someone like Benny. Otherwise, this is it for her. But we don't know, maybe that's what she wants.
(Friday 28 February 2014; 16:47)
Champagne (41,861) by jaker20 from US
Her drinking definitely affected her career. Not just her creativity (or lack therefore these past few years), but also her demeanor, her look, the way she carries herself (which seriously I can't stand lately), and maybe even the way she cares about all these. Ps I'm in no position to judge her life, I'm only speaking as a fan seeing what I see. But the writing's on the wall. I don't want her to go down the path many former-stars have gone to and can't handle the decline. I have many times referred to MC as a "pop genius", so the fact that she's not been able to be her best the last 3 years or so tells me something is off.
(Friday 28 February 2014; 8:07)
TEOM era is her best "image" (41,825) by jaker20 from US
Remember that promo interview with Steve Jones? That is the MC I want back. That is TEOM era. Actually most of her during that era is one I want back. Super composed, very professional, looks like a boss, a maneater. Very serious but still fun and bubbly. A mature woman who is very confident. And in spite of that exterior, she was a creative monster. Mature lyrics, creative and imaginative videos. Now she's just... unbearable. She's become, as they say, a caricature of her old self. She actually regressed to her old ways after TEOM, both in interviews and musical style and lyrically. Very strange, when you're a fan of MC for a long time, you can actually see her creative arc, and its on a downslope the past 3 years. Now I could not talk about her in the present tense. It's always the past. She doesn't have to have more number ones. I just want good music and someone who I can love without feeling embarrassed. Now everyone I know can't stand her.
(Thursday 27 February 2014; 15:33)
MC definitely needs to be handled at this point (41,811) by jaker20 from US
Someone has to tell her the style is super out of touch, the videos needs to be classier and high concept (you don't need big budget for high concept), the songs need to be more mature and lyrics with more mature smarter stuff. She did this in TEOM so I don't see why she can't do it again. Why does she has to go back to this same shtick. It's super tired and super corny. MC needs to be directed by a creative person who will stand up for this. Unfortunately, some artists when they reach a certain level of success things they can do it all and not take other's opinion. Well this is the result we are getting. Subpar single, video and performances. If the supposed album that is 3+ years in the making don't get released at all I won't be surprised.
(Thursday 27 February 2014; 7:51)
Mariah is stuck (41,409) by jaker20 from US
Over the last 4 years or so I have posted similar message to this, and the my point hasn't really changed, i.e. Mariah is stuck. She is not growing or changing anymore. And if the artist is not changing or growing, you can't really expect to gain new fans, or old fans to stay with you. The fans have moved on, grown, got smarter, changed tastes. MC did not. Here she is again singing lyrics that seem taken from two decades ago, sounding like she did in many of her songs, and a video that looks very much like she did in the past, very sexy, sensual, looking beautiful. The only difference is she is slightly older now. Where is the artistry and creativity that she's talking about in American Idol? Where are the clever lyrics she did in TEOM? She needs to collaborate, learn from other artists, experiment new sounds and genre, and become a respected artist. The sameness is her songs, style, and the loopy overtly sexy image is very tiring. She has nothing new to say in her songs, no new experiences to share on her lyrics. MC is stuck and can't move forward. She's giving us throwaway songs, because she's in family mode. We all have to work, we all have families. Which is fine and dandy. Just don't expect all "lambs" are going to bite the same shtick.
(Monday 17 February 2014; 10:52)
Very uninspired song (41,408) by jaker20 from US
If this is her comeback, then this comeback is off to a false start because it's really not impacting so much. If she has to reply on "promo", you know there will be a struggle for the song. I don't know what's going on. I don't think she's inspired to be creative at the moment, and the past four years for that matter. Add this to the loopy behavior lately, and this new album gets me worried. I don't think she has to chase the charts anymore, but at least come up with a solidly creative song, or you can just take care of the kids because I don't want to see a flop happening again for the 3rd time (or is it 4th now), and a supposed album that never happens.
(Monday 17 February 2014; 8:58)
Beyonce (40,216) by jaker20 from US
I always liked Beyonce, but for some reason I feel she never reached her full potential. I thought a lot of her time and success was spent with Destiny's Child which I thought has a better discography than herself alone. She's obviously super talented, but I think she shot herself on the foot with this surprise release. I listened to the album clips and they sound rushed and unpolished to me. In this age of singles, artists shouldn't release full extended materials/albums at once because an hour later everyone's just downloading it for free. It's an interesting move, but it makes me wonder if she's fully committed to this era if she's doing this and wonder the motivation behind it.
(Friday 13 December 2013; 19:36)
I support MC doing a dance album (40,200) by jaker20 from US
If that is what she wants to do next. If she lose her core fans, well, hello, it's not like her core fans make a dent in her career or sales anymore. She needs new fans! I also support her doing something jazzy, or some mashup genre. What is this fear amongst MC fans that she shouldn't do dance music? If you say it's because she can't dance, hello, it's not like Gloria Estefan and Gaynor can dance either. It's not like she's new to dance. She's charted no.1 in dance chart more than most artists in that genre itself for crying out loud. She's got 16 of them! It's not foreign to her. Look at that fail song Triumphant that had an amazing remix version. Well then just go straight releasing the remix version and maybe you won't strain your vocals. A good music is a good music with or without the high notes. She has nothing to prove so she should take risks in her music. Be an artist, not just a singer. Expand her genre, collaborate, make music not nailpolish. Her voice is not as strong, but the artist will always be there. I've stated many times that MC is a pop genius and it's wasted by expectations that she should always belt. But you all put her in this box of screaming vocalists. I will argue many here untill cows come home that she's more than the voice but fans will never get it.
(Friday 13 December 2013; 5:45)
Re: Nikki (40,199) by jaker20 from US
I'm glad you state your opinion in a civil way. But we agree to disagree. You are saying that MC can claim "best selling of all time" title due to Soundscan. Come on, we all know that is misleading advertising. Also you are mixing up your Soundscan and global numbers. You yourself stated Madonna sold 27 million during Soundscan (it's actually 29m but I'll use your number here to prove a point). Pre-Soundscan she has RIAA certification total to 41m. That totals to 68m vs MC's 54. Yes RIAA don't represent actual sales, but if you add MC's RIAA certifications it is more or less the same number. That's also huge gap to think about. It is simply not possible. We're not even talking about global numbers here, just US sales. I think a lot of artsts used Soundscan's number and run with it for advertising. That's like saying Garth Brooks is the "best selling artist of all time", because you know, according to Soundscan, he sold 4m more albums than The Beatles. Sounds good for advertising, but we all know that's not true.
(Friday 13 December 2013; 5:22)
Blaming the media, Rihanna, reality check, etc. (40,193) by jaker20 from US
First, don't blame the media because Mariah is media. She has her own media, PR and advertising people, therefore she is part of that industry. All the press they put out over the years, best-selling female artist, most no.1 singer, etc. She might not have created it, but she definitely chased it and danced with it. We all know that the "best selling" part is not true. MC is best selling in Soundscan era but we all know Madonna takes the overall title. So that's somewhat false and misleading advertising. In my opinion, MC's true legacy is having the most no.1s by a solo artist. Here comes Rihanna, getting her 13th no.1 so fast I can't believe she'll break MC's record while MC is still actively working. She's definitely gunning for that title and with the way chart formulas are structured now, she'll definitely take it faster than we all though. Now, let's not pretend this isn't important. MC used that title herself throughout her career, it is good for business so to speak. MC at this point in her life probably: (1) don't care, (2) silently lamenting, (3) or just plainly don't know what to do (4) would rather focus on nail polish and perfumes. MC is kind of a victim of her own success.
(Thursday 12 December 2013; 8:23)
Mariah needs to reinvent (40,192) by jaker20 from US
MC probably hates that word because its synonymous to Madonna who has endured and outlived everyone's career, even those who came after her. But that's going to be MC's curse. If she doesn't reinvent, then as a performer she can't survive. Reinventing doesn't mean you have to change who you are. It's just part of growth, and any artists should continue to grow and change, because your body changes as well and you can't do the same you use to do 20 years ago. That is of course if MC even want to perform anymore. At the rate she's going, she seem more interested in reinventing herself as a business woman selling nail polish and perfumes.
(Thursday 12 December 2013; 8:07)
Re: Licia (40,162) by jaker20 from US
I did not say MC should never sing her old songs. I'm saying she needs to build a new discography that is more fitting to her current voice. And no one said it is going to be easy. We are all working and at some point in time we need to adjust to our new self. At some point in our lives we can't continue to work 12 hours a day, run like the wind and eat anything we want. Same with MC. She needs to adjust to her new self, otherwise, that's it. It's over. If she and her fans don't recognize this, she will not grow old gracefully because she'll be stuck in reminiscing her past glories. Like I said, it won't be easy. It might mean losing your old fans, maybe losing you and me. But for her as an artist, it is good. We all get old, but growing and learning never ends.
(Tuesday 10 December 2013; 8:35)
Retirement (40,138) by jaker20 from US
I don't think retirement is the answer. The answer is for her to adapt to the new times. Adapting doesn't necessarily mean changing yourself to something you are not. Look at Christina, her Say Something collab is doing very well which is not a belt song. MC should do the same, ie expand her art, work with new artist, collaborate, and most importantly, stop singing those high notes that are so old-fashioned and makes you belt or do high notes. Sure they are "impressive" notes, sure that is her brand, but they are also corny and old fashioned. She is not the same, and she has to recognize this and rebrand herself soon, otherwise this is it for her. #Beautiful was a great start, but she and her label ruined the promo of that song. Some of you may say AIWFCIY isn't really a belt song, that's not true. Halfway through the song she sings in a higher key and it stays there. She did well with Fallon, because it's acapella and a small room. But outdoors and with a band, her voice is drowned. She needs to create new songs that support the current state of her voice.
(Monday 9 December 2013; 9:39)
Yeah that performance was rough (40,137) by jaker20 from US
I can't watch MC like that. I just can't. This is what I have been telling you guys all along. MC is stuck with her old fans, her old self, and her old discography. She needs new fans, new songs. Singing older songs forces her voice to a level where it isn't anymore. And she should avoid the big open air stage. It never suited her voice, even during her peak. Her voice is not the same. It's not. A few weeks ago I said why did MC sing on Idol all those oldies/medleys from 20 years ago that she can't hardly sing as well? And I got attacked. I said many times, just sing songs that is current to your voice. If she had sang #Beautiful only and only that song, it would be all live and she's not straining her voice because she arranged and composed it to her current voice state. I really think that was a turning point for her. Now she's got it in her mind that if she lips she's going to get attacked. She basically outer herself in the big stage. Basically.
(Monday 9 December 2013; 9:24)
By Tory (39,931) by jaker20 from US
Yes it was, I'm sorry you didn't undestand it. And even if it wasn't clear then, I made it clear in my next message. She should have sang Beautiful only instead of wasting time on medleys. It is one of her last big stage performance and it's a wasted opportunity. Worse, the medley/performance was poorly received and that's not good for the new single. Beautiful is still being played, but I believe if the promo had been better, it would have done much much better because it's a great song, and in effect, the anticipation for this next single TAOLG would have been higher. The fact that the song isn't impacting at all shows lack of excitement. In entertainment, you're only as good as your last work.
(Thursday 21 November 2013; 7:07)
Ms. Giselle (39,919) by jaker20 from US
I completely agree about #Beautiful. The problem wasn't the song. The song is great, loved by non-fans and got great reviews. The problem was the promo. So this new song is destined to be another Triumphant/Almost Home if she's not on the promo rounds. She didn't sing #Beautiful on many live shows, you know like really live without all the question marks that it's really live? You know like what she did with Fallon. You know, like really strong performance like she really meant it. To be honest I'm not feeling her passion with music anymore. It's more about just being out and about, then let the song be, then go home and take care of the babies. Yeah, I'm sure that's what life really is about no question there. But that just don't cut it these days if you're a pro. Like any other pro in any profession. Madonna's last single made the top 10 and MDNA topped the charts, that's because she worked her behind off on the carrier single, there was hype, and like another poster said, there was the machine behind it. MC is just kind of whatever lately.
(Wednesday 20 November 2013; 15:25)
Tory (39,918) by jaker20 from US
I wasn't interested in the AI medley. I thought my message was clear. I said I wanted her to promote #Beautiful and that song alone. No one cared about the medley except hardcore fans, and she looks like a has-been when she sings medleys. It's not like people can't hear those songs on YouTube. If you're going to promote a song, promote that song alone, not make it look second fiddle to your other songs.
(Wednesday 20 November 2013; 15:15)
Four consecutive underperforming singles (39,899) by jaker20 from US
(1) Triumphant - I think this is an uninspired song, slightly corny lyrics, something I see her doing 20 years ago.
(2) Almost Home - A great song, great vocals that received no proper promo nor performance. I'm still hoping for an Academy nomination. Maybe then we'll get a proper performance.
(3) #Beatiful - One of the best pop songs of the year, one of the best MC's ever made. But released during heat of bad publicity. She didn't get a proper live performance. Sitting on a stage is not a proper performance. Idol was a wasted opportunity. She should have sang this then instead of a medley of oldies.
(4) TAOLG - I don't really know what to say about this song. It's a convoluted mess. Another one of those "I'm over you" love songs. MC needs to work with new creative minds.
(Tuesday 19 November 2013; 7:34)
I know I sound a bit sour (39,685) by jaker20 from US
But I seriously can't wait what she will do with the new album. When someone says they're letting go, I rather see it as a beginning of something new rather than an ending. So I'm really anticipating MC's take on those words. Is she just extending the same old pattern she's been stuck with the past few years, or a beginning of a new career? Judging by the overtly sexy cover art I think she's still struggling with the meaning of her own words. But you know, if the song is hot it's hot. I won't argue. I'm definitely there to buy like every song and album she released. But I'm gonna call it like it is.
(Thursday 7 November 2013; 16:58)
MC should let go... (39,684) by jaker20 from US
Of her trying to oversing every song. This is the most difficult thing to accept that the voice is not the same, and if she doesn't the fans will never accept it either. You ask, why are fans stuck in the past, constantly reminiscing her glory days? Over and over. Because MC is doing the same. She can't move on. Why does every song have to have a whistle, sing on the high note near the end. It's tired and resembles every song she made, only less impressive than what she use to be. The only way MC can move forward and avoid comparison to her past self is to not be that person, that "voice", because those days are over. And the only way to do that is to embrace her artistic side. With all her success, fame and fortune, it's the time to be creative and take risks. I've said it many times, MC is an artist, not only the voice. The voice isn't what it use to be, but the artist is still there. The songwriter, the performer, the artist. She should cultivate what is remaining, rather than pretend she can still hit it. This is a very difficult transition that longtime fans will probably never accept. But she should accept this. She need to figure out why everyone's stuck. MC should accept who she is now, and see which fans will be there with her in this transition. And in the process maybe even gain new fans.
(Thursday 7 November 2013; 16:50)
Matthew, MC should let go, not the fans (39,682) by jaker20 from US
Here's the thing, how can the fans let go if she herself can't let go of the past? MC used to be The Voice, but she isn't anymore. She has to accept this. And the only way for her to accept this is to accept her artistic qualities. #Beautiful was on the right path, and what did she do? She lipped on a series of oldies on American Idol, because she wants to prove that she can still sing. Worse, prove she can sing her old songs. How about perform only one song, and do it right? Sing #Beautiful, sing it acapella, sing it simple, live. The way she sang on Fallon. One song, not a series of songs from 15 years ago that she can't give justice to. This has been my issue with MC the past few years. She is kind of flopping her own songs by constantly doing this. She releases great songs, the song rises up the chart, then it flops the moment she sings it. MC should let go of her past glories and accept her now, her limitations. Then the fans will follow.
(Thursday 7 November 2013; 16:33)
AI (38,889) by jaker20 from US
I agree with you all. It just irks me Idol won't stop at it. As Licia said, they're obviously trying to attract controversy by hiring JLo again. So silly. She's not even a singer and have no place to judge. I hope the ratings bomb.
(Saturday 3 August 2013; 20:24)
JLo back on Idol (38,876) by jaker20 from US
Wow, I can't think of a bigger slap in the face than this. It looks like this MC/JLo saga won't end soon. This proves MC didn't really get along with the Idol producers in spite of what both parties claim.
(Friday 2 August 2013; 9:24)
Injury (38,803) by jaker20 from US
MC's fall reminds me of when Madonna fell from a horse almost 10 years ago, which started the collapse of her marriage. I didn't know MC's injury is this serious. Happy thoughts.
(Thursday 25 July 2013; 8:30)


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