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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: Take 2 (80,009) (80,016)
by Andrew from UK
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You guys. Even I'm nervous. Make or break.
(Saturday 23 December 2017; 02:50)
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Re: EMC Stripped Version (79,994) (79,999)
by Andrew from UK
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Whenever You Call is probably the smoothest, most fluid and powerful of vocals Mariah has ever done. The treatment it got at the hands of the Brian McKnight cut-n-paste and, also, the terrible montage video is shocking.
(Friday 22 December 2017; 12:44)
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Re: Article: Fans upset by Mariah Carey's rescheduled tour dates (79,993) (79,998)
by Andrew from UK
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What total nonsense you spout. Stella booked Mariah on the SSFT, did she not? An artist will be booked into venues they believe they can fill, thus getting them a good return after having actually paid for the venue. No venue is going to turn Mariah Carey down. Another person who extrapolates bollocks when their pants get a little wet with over-excitement.
(Friday 22 December 2017; 12:37)
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Re: Missed opportunity (79,883) (79,901)
by Andrew from UK
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Bill, you do not go far enough. Migrate should have been a single. And Right To Dream should have won a Golden Globe. With Randy presenting the award to Mariah.
(Friday 15 December 2017; 20:39)
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Your own country’s chart (79,900)
by Andrew from UK
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Why is everyone so obsessed with how Mariah does in the US? Worry about your own country. Mariah, today, is number two in the UK behind Ed Sheeran and Beyonce (wicked tune, difficult to beat). This was the position she reached when it was released in 1994. I still remember where I was when I found that news out. That she is number two again is totally bonkers. Brilliant. Never thought I’d see Mariah’s name that high again. What can I say? The Brits have good taste.
(Friday 15 December 2017; 20:38)
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Re: Article: Drag queen "denied entry" to concert for being in drag (79,867) (79,899)
by Andrew from UK
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I didn't call the guy in drag "strange". Like many people you cherrypick words as a means to an end. Calm down with your self-righteous indignation, you Social Justice Warrior, you. You shall have a coronary. If a person was denied access to goods and services based upon a protected characteristic (and the Equality Act in the UK is probably one of the simplest, and at the same time, most comprehensive pieces of anti-discrimination legislation on Earth) they will be punished. Calling the accused "sick" is merely the sort of hate you probably proclaim to despise. I find it difficult to believe that the most popular arena in the world has staff that do not permit someone in merely based upon how they have dressed and from the reports of "it's with the police and I'm seeking legal advice" it is possible there's a lot more to it. Ciao, bella.
(Friday 15 December 2017; 20:31)
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Re: Article: Drag queen "denied entry" to concert for being in drag (79,858) (79,859)
by Andrew from UK
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Hold on, everyone else was allowed in. And I saw some strange looking and behaving people allowed in. Just because somebody screams discrimination does not mean that's what happened. To call it "sick" is jumping the gun. "It's with the police" but, after, she's seeking legal advice. Why were the police involved? Perhaps better to leave it to the Metropolitan Police who have no agenda rather than jumping on the scream-discrimination bandwagon. Something feels like it's missing in this story.
(Thursday 14 December 2017; 01:12)
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Re: New pics (79,850) (79,852)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah thinks people won't notice her unless she has her massive tits out. But she's always looked pretty amazing when they're covered up. However, I think it's safe to say that she would have had the girls out if it weren't absolutely [censored] freezing and snowing in London at the moment.
(Wednesday 13 December 2017; 12:05)
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Re: Festive concert Manchester (79,848) (79,851)
by Andrew from UK
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The guy and girl next to me spent the whole show dancing extremely crazy (even to "O Holy Night") whilst filming *themselves* singing along. The icing on the Christmas cake came when the two guys at the end of the row found it so hilarious/shocking they started filming these two weirdos with the flashlight on. Favourite part was when Trey sang "Jesus (Oh What A...)" and the girl kept shouting "Prez Jesus" while waving her hands manically. Still, it's nice for these people that the hospitals let them out. Just hope they get back before lockdown.
(Wednesday 13 December 2017; 11:58)
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Re: Mariah wearing Martyn's jacket (79,822) (79,832)
by Andrew from UK
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I think Mariah taking that photo with that trademark jacket for his friends and family was brilliant. Even though I'm not sure she'd like to be seen in it ever again ha.
(Tuesday 12 December 2017; 17:56)
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Christmas in London (79,831)
by Andrew from UK
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The London show was good but not great. I think the journalist who saw the show as quite confused was pretty accurate. It felt like it would be good in a theatre setting but didn't feel like it worked in a massive arena. After the first few songs my friend hugged me and said "Now it feels like Christmas", but then no more than fifteen minutes later the atmosphere was quite flat. People wanted to cry or party instead they got a wall of confusion. The set pieces in-between songs with children were just bizarre, and the girl singing "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" was just peculiar. Everyone started to talk amongst themselves and look at each other in puzzlement. And I'm sure the camp throwing of toys to the front row was fun for the front row but for the 19980 other people in the auditorium a set piece highlight it was not. That Trey Lorenz was given so long on stage was frustrating. But not as frustrating as the overuse of lip-sync. I mean, we know she does it, but it was very overused which the screens emphasised (probably something the SSFT got right with leaving them out), she often missed her cues for the pre-record if she wasn't staring at them on the floor by the monitors, and her range turned from restricted to extraordinary so much that people were visibly awkward when it was going on. That being said, she looked amazing and it was fun to be there. The Christmas songs could have been interspersed with more regular songs to keep the momentum going, but with barely an hour on stage herself, not possible. Still, if it wasn't great, it was still good.
(Tuesday 12 December 2017; 17:55)
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Re: Christmas in Manchester (79,777) (79,778)
by Andrew from UK
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I thought she would have mentioned him. I'm certain if there's any way he could have been there, he was there screaming and howling.
(Monday 11 December 2017; 10:15)
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Ahem (79,751)
by Andrew from UK
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Some of you sound like babies throwing a tantrum. I'm sorry you're so easily offended. What I say isn't racist, I've asked for quotes and received none, it may be insensitive but I'm not fussed about your sensitivities in the same way you clearly aren't fussed about mine. So you can repeat the word until you're blue in the face. [censored] bandwagon ranting doesn't bother me. If you wanna pull your hair out, pull it out; let your public lynching continue for it says a lot more about you than it does me hah. I will continue to be outspoken and speak the actual truth. And I will continue to take the [censored] out of things with humour instead of crying over every detail like some of you lot. If you don't like it, don't read it. And I stand by the original point, Mariah wearing wigs is ridiculous. Much love.
(Saturday 9 December 2017; 17:08)
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Re: Edward (79,694) (79,697)
by Andrew from UK
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She wore high heels in Live8 in Hyde Park and she tore it up. It's not the heels, it's her desire to look perfect every second of every day. The glitter finally overpowered the artist. *sigh* She's so close to being good again. "Make Mariah great again"? Lmao. She lip syncs in London ima throw GG's stilettos at her and hold up a giant "[censored]" sign. Just to make Eric's presence felt.
(Thursday 7 December 2017; 00:15)
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Re: Bashing Mariah (79,695) (79,696)
by Andrew from UK
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I agree with you. Let's fish out the actual racist comments. Post which ones you feel need addressing.
(Thursday 7 December 2017; 00:10)
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Re: Edward (79,670) (79,693)
by Andrew from UK
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My lipsync detector are my ears and eyes. My bullshit detector is probably what I should put down because it goes off the chart on this board. I don't expect Mariah to be perfect. I do expect her to be "normal" though. Doesn't she look back at what she used to be like on stage and realise it's totally weird? Don't the lambs? And she can actually be that way again. The way she used to move around and provide energy, hair flopping around, smile on her face, feeling the rhythm, energising the crowd, speaking to them ("I see you up there") - there's nothing stopping that from happening. Except for what are unavoidable quite deep troubling issues. There's nothing actually stopping her from being this way except for her strange mentality, supported by the lambs. She can actually be good again, she's just a lazy [censored], and all of you fangirl and [censored] yourself over it.
(Wednesday 6 December 2017; 19:45)
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Gettin' wiggy with it (79,692)
by Andrew from UK
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So, hold on, is Mariah wearing wigs? How grotesque. So the hair is a lie now, too. Ever on her quest to be the black woman she never was. Jokes aside, what's wrong with her normal hair? It's amazing. What's wrong with her in general? Frozen in the middle of a stage, [censored], [censored], [censored], [censored], [censored], [censored]. This is not normal. When did this become normal? It's like she has literally convinced herself that this is what people want from her, that this is good. In fact, I think she's convinced most of you lot, too.
(Wednesday 6 December 2017; 19:40)
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Re: Lipped "Star" performance? (79,664) (79,671)
by Andrew from UK
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Kiss your mother with that mouth? Let me make the point a little clearer for you, big boy, because it's not old, it's actually pretty new: Mariah was urged by me and many other fans to write songs with a more restricted range, that were easier to sing wholly live. The Star is, ostensibly, one such song. But she's lipped even that. I question her actually pressing the vocals without engineering if she can't reproduce them live, given that even I can sing The Star all the way through with a modicum of skill. I thought it was the one song at the London O2 next week she'd actually sing live. So, "ugh". I'm glad you're still reading me, though. I do love my fans. How's the fan club going? Still just you, GG, Brandon, Terna and the rustbelt lesbo tearing your hair out about the mean white, British boy who just won't shut up? Keep readin', sweetheart.
(Tuesday 5 December 2017; 19:33)
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Re: Lipped "Star" performance? (79,659) (79,661)
by Andrew from UK
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Oh, come on, lmao. If anyone cannot digest that she lips the more (but not very) difficult parts of that song then, quite simply, they're either a bit stupid or a liar. And they get to have an "opinion" that it is not partially lipped respected about as much as an "opinion" that the Earth is flat is respected. Totally wacko.
(Tuesday 5 December 2017; 15:55)
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The essence of lipsync (79,618)
by Andrew from UK
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If a newspaper prints something which is not true, they are subject to being required to print a retraction. If an author plagiarises someone else's work or ideas they are sued. I fully believe that music artists should have to advertise that their vocals are prerecorded in arena or theatre concerts for which people have paid to hear them sing live. This should be in all advertising and perhaps even on the screens at the concert - when the prerecord kicks in a symbol should have to come on the screen to let the audience know. The intention here is to essentially dupe people into believing you did something that you did not. It's completely immoral. Why are music artist the only ones reall allowed to get away with lying about the service they are providing, with dishonesty, subterfuge? It makes absolutely no sense. "I can't sing this song so I'm going to get up on stage and pretend I did to still get the money."
(Sunday 3 December 2017; 12:40)
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And so it continued (79,617)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah used lip-sync when duetting with her mum on stage and now she's used it duetting with her children. Seriously, she can't sing The Star live? Pray tell, what can she sing all the way through without the assistance of pre-record? I genuinely want to know. It's not Hero. It's not Joy To The World. Its not Emotions. Now, it's not even The Star. Anything that's remotely above speaking level seems to be pre-record, unless it's the occasional "ohhhh" with head frozen looking up wth arm reaching out for God to give it some long-since heard resonance. Am I missing something here? How is this some sort of "return to form"? Star, indeed.
(Sunday 3 December 2017; 12:28)
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Re: Mariah worried ex-manager will leak secrets after (79,595) (79,607)
by Andrew from UK
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Eastern Europeans are people to be derided?
(Saturday 2 December 2017; 07:39)
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Re: Less is more - AIWFCIY (79,577) (79,581)
by Andrew from UK
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Is that not the problem, though? That the song is downloaded over such a long period of time? If everyone who bought it/streamed it/licked it last year had done so in the same week, would that have been enough to make it No.1 in that week? I think that would be interesting to discover. Because, if not, the goalposts are surely too far away and the lambs and fans are torturing themselves each year.
(Tuesday 28 November 2017; 09:01)
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Dub to the World (79,580)
by Andrew from UK
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This is the latest Joy To The World and doesn't is just tell a story compared to St John the Divine and Disneyworld? Mariah won't ever be taken seriously or sell well again unless she gets on stage and gives a good solid vocal performance without lip sync, dubbing or autotune. But the voice is so irreparably damaged that sadly I'm not sure that's even possible now.
(Tuesday 28 November 2017; 08:54)
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Re: Six months on (79,558) (79,572)
by Andrew from UK
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Dear Mimi L, of course I miss you. Especially around Christmas time. It's like, those other seasons come and go and it's not so bad, but then this time of year it is. Wait, I think there's a song in there somewhere?
(Monday 27 November 2017; 10:22)
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