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About jaker20 from US: You Will Never Be MC

Ugh (38,766) by jaker20 from US
So adorable, those little lambs are cute as buttons. I'm not so sure though about them always being in the spotlight with all the cameras. Looks like they're already loving the attention. Lol.
(Saturday 20 July 2013; 11:25)
Remove the voice and the artist is there (38,762) by jaker20 from US
The reason why I'm not so disappointed with the changes in MC's voice is because beyond her voice, I personally consider MC a pop genius. Very very few artists creates pop music like MC that spans generation. The only ones I consider up her league is Madonna, Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson. Not even Elvis Presley, who's style has aged by his third decade in the industry. Being able to tap in to pop music audience for such a long period of time takes more than the voice. That's genuine creative talent. I do not understand why MC don't get more credit with this from her very fans. They just want her to belt forever. Beautiful is about to turn platinum. And I hope the next single is similar to Beautiful, midtempo pop with no vocal acrobatics. I honestly think MC is a rare pop genius. If MC can replicate Beautiful's success with the next single, I think there's going to be a lot of talk about this subject. This fact will be more apparent. If it fails, I know she can still create more great music in the future. If only more fans understand this than continually asking her to go back in time and sing like she use to. Demanding some sort of explanation about her voice is a step towards asking her to retire. Don't spoil it for us who still love her. If you're only after her voice, then move forward somewhere else. It's really simple. Don't demand her the impossible, because those days are over. Accept her for what she is now because she can't be someone else.
(Friday 19 July 2013; 21:46)
Felix Pires (38,759) by jaker20 from US
I completely agree with you. Mariah's voice has changed. Everybody knows that's been the case for 15 years. Nobody stays the same for 23 years. No one. But people seem to be trapped in 90s. That's been the drama here over the last few years, and for a few posters for the past few weeks, non-stop. That's fine with me. I understand. But some takes further and takes against MC as if she owes people an explanation, turn her into a product just like every other product, call her a fraud because of her ego, etc. etc. How silly. I'm not the only one who notice this. Many others did as well. I take issue with this. If you post such strong opinions, then you should be ready what's coming. I have opinions too and they're just as strong. That statement was not taken out of context like someone is backpedal claiming. All the posts are right there for everyone to see. Had I not posted a direct challenge, that line of discussion would have gone on and on. This is not personal, that is a challenge to your statement. MC sings less live, she releases albums twice longer, and don't belt like she use to. Why is this so difficult to understand? She is not the same, like everyone else. Even you and me. I hope MC makes an all dance music one day, because I want to see who will stick with her. Because I will. MC to me is beyond The Voice, such silly label. She's an artist. I maybe one of the very few, and I'm ok with that.
(Friday 19 July 2013; 21:13)
MC does not owe any of you an explanation, none (38,721) by jaker20 from US
MC should explain to you what's happening to her voice? She has to be honest with you? How sad are you? Here's a concept. You don't like her, don't buy her songs and concert tickets. It's very very simple. If you have gone into the deep end thinking everything you buy is some kind of corporate investment, here's another concept, MC is not real estate, soap or shoes. She's a human being. If she goes into an interview and say she's better than before, you know, kind of like every performer have to say to sell tickets. Do you instantly believe it? If she photoshop her album cover, do you believe she's that physically perfect? If your answer to these questions is yes then you need to go to the doctor asap. Now if her management calls her The Voice, do you believe it's because she's really The Voice? Or maybe she's promoting that TV show by the same name? Hello, its advertising. Advertising is not about honesty. Sad reality, check for your fandom, but that's fact. It is made to sell something. I never believed MC is The Voice, because you know what, it's a corny and ludicrous claim. Do I love MC's voice more than anyone, do I love her songs? Of course. Some of you just need to go out sometimes.
(Wednesday 17 July 2013; 15:55)
You invested on MC's voice? (38,720) by jaker20 from US
What kind of logic is that? Do some of you even read what you type? To compare MC with commodities and products as if you're talking about soap, shampoo and false advertising? How disgusting. You are talking about a person here, a human being, that alone makes a universe of a difference. This is the problem with fanatics, some forget there's a line between fandom and property. If you think MC is your investment, than there is something very wrong about you and your life in general. How sad. Go out and smell the roses. I am one of MC's vocal critics here when something is off, but to talk about MC as if she's your property is stretching towards plain ludicrous. MC does not owe you anything. I have said this many times before. MC is not only The Voice. Do you guys get that? She is not only The Voice. She is also an artist. You have to repeat that statement many times over in your head. She sells songs, a seat in her concerts and other products and she sells her through her voice. Do you get that? A seat on her concert venue, not her voice itself. Her voice is not the product itself. How difficult is that to understand? Remember when Barbra Streisand once said on Oprah that some people talk about singers as if they're objects. MC is not an object. Some of the posts here are utterly disgusting.
(Wednesday 17 July 2013; 15:42)
So proud to be a fan (38,684) by jaker20 from US
MC showed what a true performer is. She more than showed up, she sang amazingly. So proud of her.
(Monday 15 July 2013; 8:37)
My Mimi, get well soon (38,624) by jaker20 from US
I hope it's nothing serious. Wishing you fast recovery and lots of love. I love you and take care.
(Tuesday 9 July 2013; 13:32)
Before we get deep into negativity (38,561) by jaker20 from US
We need to be reminded that MC is not just a voice. She's also an artist. Sure that's what she's known for, but I personally see her as bigger than The Voice. She creates great melodies, writes great songs, and is an excellent businesswoman. She can make songs where she doesn't have to belt, and that's when her artistry can really be tested. I don't see why she can't do it again. Sometimes the artistry is hiding behind the voice by screaming out loud. All her songs have this same pattern, like there's a build to the high notes in the end. Hopefully she does that less and we can test how many of her fans will stay with her. YouTube: An impromptu performance at Carlyle Jazz Club. Some belting. All live. She can do such an album, jazzy or even hip hop/jazzy, and reinvent herself, create a new genre. Lots of artists are experimenting these days. Lots of genre bending songs lately up in the charts.
(Thursday 4 July 2013; 13:46)
What happened? When it happened? (38,560) by jaker20 from US
Continuing with this discussion, MC's voice changed once she started touring arenas and that's during the Daydream world tour. She did have a mini tour for Music Box, but it was really this Daydream world tour that had her playing large venues for extended periods of time that changed her voice. I don't think she should be singing Emotions or Vision Of Love in front of 20k screaming fans, but that's another discussion. So by the time Butterfly was released, the change was noticeable even on the studio albums. Yes, the range is still there, we can see proof of this even during Fallon performance this year. But it's not powerful per see, as in Vanishing or Make It Happen type of power. If you make her sing those songs in a 20k crowd arena now, her voice will be drowned out. That's why her productions now are bigger to compensate, just like any other performers now do. But arena tours is where the money is, so she's in this catch-22 where she's known as The Voice, but that moniker don't work in arena tours. That is why I kept saying, when she's touring, she can do these "performer" thing where she can backtrack, lip and mix it up with live. All performers do this. But on TV, she got to be live. And when she's all live on Tv, she should do small venues, like, again, Fallon's stage and the like.
(Thursday 4 July 2013; 11:17)
Mariah sounded great on GMA reheasals and it was live (38,525) by jaker20 from US
So I'm not understanding why she can't sing live and sound great when it matters. First Idol, now this. It's a miracle that even with these performances Beautiful is charting at all. Which just tells you how great the song is. If she had done well on recent performances, the song would be flying up the charts. How about singing the song in a TV show which no rapper, no nothing. Just her an Miguel. Do it like how she did at Fallon. Its a short song, and her part is half. Why is this so difficult to do for her? Also, Mr. Webmaster, I know my previous post was too strong, so here it is I soften it a little. I hope you post this, and I'll move on from this topic.
(Tuesday 2 July 2013; 7:37)
Why can't MC do a proper performance of #Beautiful (38,413) by jaker20 from US
Why is it so difficult? Can we have at least one good performance of this song before it goes away? Which I think is inevitable given the floppiness of the promo. Why can't she do an acapella version of the song, sing it on a TV show, like she did with Fallon. Her part in the song is so short, so that shouldn't be so difficult right? There's so many remixes and covers of the song on YouTube that is bare and simple. Why can't she do that? We've established that its a great song, so I'm not really comprehending the sloppiness of her promo of this amazing song. Guys, for the first time ever, I'm really so confused.
(Thursday 27 June 2013; 13:11)
Mariah oh Mariah, what is going on? (38,412) by jaker20 from US
That is beyond, as in beyond disaster. Did Nick Cannon remix this fail? It sounds like something my niece remixed on his Samsung phone. I'm sad how sloppy she is becoming. Do you want to hear a proper remix? YouTube Craig Yopp cover remix #Beautiful to see a proper minimalist remix. Why. Can't. MC. Do. Something. Like. That? Why? It's so simple. As they say: KISS. Keep it simple stupid.
(Thursday 27 June 2013; 13:05)
Lyric re MC videos (38,089) by jaker20 from US
I completely agree with you. I have absolutely no problem with MC being sexy. She is a sexy and sensual person. My problem is that sensuality is sometimes being used to cover lack of creativity. WBT and ILT are much sexier and she actually bared more skin there, but they're also conceptual and artistic. I wish they had kept the sexiness of #Beautiful video, but with a story that is engaging.
(Thursday 30 May 2013; 22:16)
Courtney, regarding medleys (38,067) by jaker20 from US
She should have just sang #Beautiful in AI, instead of a medley. Her part in the song is short anyway, so she'd have slayed it. She could have sang it with a contestant or anyone else if Miguel can't make it. I mean how fun would it have been if Keith sang with her? That would be viral. And then again with GMA she should have sang #Beautiful first and give us great vocals because she'll sing the song first. MC's promo has been messy, and this pattern dates back to Bye Bye. Since then it's been messy promos after the other, from bad videos, to hiring her husband to direct mediocre vids, to no live performances to promote songs, to no big spectacle like "Its Like That" on VH1. Its been messy since Bye Bye in all honesty. Even #Beautful, such great song with mediocre video. It could have a great story or concept like Its Like That like some other lead single. It seems like she really went Bye Bye after that song.
(Wednesday 29 May 2013; 8:41)
[...] (38,056) by jaker20 from US
I don't know why MC keeps singing medleys. It makes her look like a has-been. She needs to promote #Beautiiful only and slay it, instead of a medley where she's great on WBT, ABMB and then a mediocre #Beautiful. If the song is a smash, then people will buy her old hits. Before people buy catalogs, they want to see her relevance first. People who want the songs already have them anyway. In the past, MC always promotes the lead single only, and the songs in the new album. I love the performances, but she's sung them so many times and better in the past. #Beautiful is a great great song, and we need one strong, solid performance of the song, say acapella so the vocals are focused, much like what she did with Fallon. She's now sung it twice and they're both not well received. Ugh, I'm not in a good mood today.
(Tuesday 28 May 2013; 8:15)
Surprisingly... (38,019) by jaker20 from US
Miguel isn't really that good on Beautiful as well. The whole segment was a bit of a hot mess. I think they need to sing this on a late night show acoustic. MC was great on the rest though. By the way MC's cussed when her dress popped. Well there's always a first lol.
(Friday 24 May 2013; 16:10)
MC slayed GMA (38,016) by jaker20 from US
All live. I don't know what some of you are going to say this time. To be honest, it wasn't perfect, there's some heavy breathing and some bum notes on the ending of #Beautiful, I think they didn't have time to rehease that song, but overall she slayed. I loved every minute of it. I loved Always Be My Baby. She's so much fun, so cute, and so hilarious. Lol and all live. I bet the haters will still find faults, but whatever. I thought she did great. I really hope she performs #Beautiful again on another show. Such a hot summer song.
(Friday 24 May 2013; 15:23)
I'm just glad Idol is over (38,008) by jaker20 from US
I just hope MC does not come back to that cheap show, where almost everything is staged and faked for television that even Nick Cannon is complaining why his wife got involved in it. I'm sure the Cannons have learned their lesson. I hope this teaches MC a lesson not to come back to that cheap show. To me, you can put bells and whistles, make the queen of England sing there, its still cheap. I don't know anyone who listens to great music watches that show, and from what I have read here a year ago when MC was announced to judge, I'm pretty sure few here watched it before MC joined. So if you enjoyed it, good for you. lol. Hey to each his own. I didn't watch the show by the way. I only saw MC's finale performance. IMO, AI represents everything that is wrong about current state of the music industry and celebrity, but that's another discussion. Manufactured instant popularity. Oh well, I'm just glad it's over. Great singer from AI? Lol. I'll give you a couple of good singers from that show, they're hardly great. Great singers doesn't mean anything anymore in the world of AI, they brand anyone "great" to pat their relevance in the industry. Remnants of Simon Cowell's character. I find it funny that some people claim they work on audio when they clearly don't understand the difference between lip and dubbed, then present their opinion as fact. Such ego. Oh well, the stuff of internet claims. I'm just glad #Beautiful is doing well. Lol.
(Thursday 23 May 2013; 21:19)
#Beautiful went up again! (37,984) by jaker20 from US
Yes. Another top 20 for MC. Hey chart, it's been a long time. Lol. Rise MC rise. I definitely think this song is a grower.
(Wednesday 22 May 2013; 21:29)
Some of you went a little too far (37,983) by jaker20 from US
Some of you who went on and on and on your negative parade while the rest of us who enjoyed the AI performance watch here on the sideline. Someone even label us being deaf and another needing to buy new tv, because we can't see that she lipped. How arrogant some of you are for trying to convince us. I love the performance and you can't change it. It's still her voice. Live, lipped, dubbed, still her beautiful voice. Why do you care so much about this cheap show? I don't want her to be on Idol anyway. I always said I want her to leave that silly, fake, irrelevant, sinking ratings, and corny singing show. I don't get why you guys hold it on such high esteem that she has to sing there live. Because she's a judge? Lol. She's a judge because she was paid 20 million plus publicity, increasing her market value, otherwise, she wouldn't touch that show with a ten foot pole. I'd rather her save her voice, and produce more great songs albeit in the studio for many years, than one great performance in that cheap show. She had a great one with Fallon, you all forgot that already? MC is still making great music because she saves her assets and not full blast it all the time like she use to on a weekly basis. She gets more selective as time goes on, while few to none of her contemporaries are as relevant as her because they completely lost it. Anyway, beating the dead horse. Just enjoy #Beautiful. Great song. Not enough space 1730 letters ugh.
(Wednesday 22 May 2013; 21:23)
Che (37,959) by jaker20 from US
Well, now apparently Miguel will be on GMA on Friday. Yay, it's on Miguel's offiical website lol.
(Tuesday 21 May 2013; 16:21)
MC fans are MC's toughest critics (37,952) by jaker20 from US
But I rather enjoy the music that MC just put out, because it really is a great great song. I'm just glad the song is smashing, and we should all be excited, because it's been quite a long time since.
(Tuesday 21 May 2013; 7:47)
Why is Miguel not promoting #Beautiful with MC? (37,940) by jaker20 from US
I would think wherever he is, on tour, etc. they could at least perform it at least once. The Idol slot was the best time to do it. Or maybe do it acapella in Letterman or Fallon. Perform only that song, and not a medley. Is the song that unimportant with them both, that she sings only snippets of it? The appeal of the song is the duel. Why aren't they doing it? I mean, when Madonna released her last single, she managed to bring in both Nicky Minaj and MIA on Superbowl. Robin Ticke performed with TI and Pharrell on The Voice and his song vaulted to no.1 on iTunes. With MC's influence and resources, why can't she do something epic like that? Remember when she debuted Its Like That on VH1 Save The Music? It was the beginning of a massive promo. Why can't MC do something epic like that to promote the song? I really believe that if you have something to promote, promote it in full force. Like how Madonna does it. It doesn't always work, but you know she's completely behind it, not half-azz a song promo.
(Monday 20 May 2013; 7:58)
MC did great (37,920) by jaker20 from US
I thought she did a great job guys. Quit being so hard on MC making her work her behind for you and serve you whistles all the time. How sad are you? She did great. I have to say though that they butchered the editing, for example, she did a very good, in fact, fantastic job with My All, but they showed it with the camera overhead. WTH. All of them were live, except for Hero. But even that part was part was badly edited. If you listen to the undubbed, her vocals on that part were not perfect, but again, they butchered the editing. All in all, this is one of her best vocals guys. I've been a fan for so long, I know when's she's dubbed, lipping, or singing with a track. I'm no fool. Sorry to say, but some of you are for being swayed by negative media and haters (mostly from that other girl's camp I'd rather not name).
(Saturday 18 May 2013; 15:25)
Um, the radio deal was promo (37,878) by jaker20 from US
I lol at the haters who try and discredit MC success. MC's impact is getting haters come out of woodwork. Lol. The Examiner is a first class MC hater. The truth is the promo deal was one day, it fell the following week as expected because of the huge clear channel spins on first day. But it's now slaying radio charts on it's own, because people are requesting it, which means the promo worked. And why not? It's a great song, got great reviews, even non-fans are loving it. So one station didn't spin it again as opposed to so many others which are. Shocking. Lol. Such ethics nonsense this article is claiming, ethics in question is why they're up MC's behind all the time. Why not list all artists who had done similar deals? Ther's not enough space in this forum for me to type them all. So others can play the game and MC can't? So lame, some of you actually get influenced by this. Are you going to complain a studio is paying tv to air their movie trailers? Same concept. Hello, news flash, apparently radio is where singers promote their songs. Such new information. Billboard is the one that's at fault with their formula, but you can't blame them, because there's no such thing as perfect formula. Haters are just scared by MC's back, they can't believe MC's slaying again after all these yeas. I hope MC does another round of clear channel deals just to show them she doesn't give a rats. How she wants to promote a song is her choice.
(Thursday 16 May 2013; 11:23)


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