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About enwar00 from usa: Been a fan since Vision of Love. I can say I'll be a fan for life.

Slowly but surely (57,149) by enwar00 from usa
B I clicked on your profile pic on accident when opening one of your posts and saw the registered trademarks and I busted out laughing. That is hilarious.
(Wednesday 7 October 2015; 19:22)
Never Forget You / Mara (57,147) by enwar00 from usa
Btw I prefer the original vs the JD remix, which is meh to me at best. I never ever thought of that song being about someone who's passed. I literally almost cried right now reading that, what is happening. Mara wow your post gave me chills big time. Makes sense to me, I think sometimes things like that have a delay before they hit. Like our minds know when to handle and fully process sad events or something. Anyway you can't control your thoughts. Hope you feel better soon. Gotta go listen to that song now.
(Wednesday 7 October 2015; 16:34)
Faded (56,758) by enwar00 from usa
Faded is one of my favorite MC songs of all time. I just love it so much. It somehow hits all the rights spots and makes me feel good. Like relaxed. Sometimes I play it over and over and don't even get sick of it. Like right now. I literally woke up a half hour ago and haven't gotten out of bed yet and it was the first thing that popped in my head, and I guess I'm feeling what's in the song. I just tried bringing something back to life recently but I think I was defeated once and for all. Thought I'd share about the song, sorry if it was tmi.
(Saturday 19 September 2015; 18:17)
Race (56,705) by enwar00 from usa
Why are people so obsessed with race? That new Billboard article was annoying to me. What's the purpose of pointing out that people thought MC was white 25 years ago? Why does that matter anymore? But luckily she's gonna be the first white person on Empire right?
(Thursday 17 September 2015; 0:39)
Underneath The Stars video (56,701) by enwar00 from usa
Wasn't it just a concert or performance video filmed at one of her Daydream shows? That's what I always thought, similar to Forever or something. Too bad they didn't film an actual video to that song, being that it was so descriptive and could have had a pretty setting and storyline. Almost like the cover of the single come to life. That's one of my fave single covers of hers.
(Wednesday 16 September 2015; 23:58)
E=MC2 vs. Memoirs (56,565) by enwar00 from usa
Thanks to everyone who posted regarding Rainbow vs. Charmbracelet recently. I mentioned they were next to each other in my list of favorite MC albums, and they are, as my least two favorites. I go back and forth with which one I like more. I enjoyed reading the responses, so moving on I thought I'd get the MCA Lambily's take on two of MC's more recent albums that were released in close proximity of each other, E=MC2 and Memoirs. Both seem to be polarizing among fans, but I was wondering, which do you prefer?
(Thursday 10 September 2015; 8:22)
Rainbow vs. Charmbracelet (56,053) by enwar00 from usa
I've always wondered whether people like Rainbow or Charmbraacelet more. They're both very close on my list of favorite Mariah albums. What do you think?
(Saturday 15 August 2015; 3:14)
Cry. (55,330) by enwar00 from usa
Does anyone else think this song is a masterpiece? I'm in love with it. It's crazy that when I first got MIAMTEC I used to skip it and just start with Faded. I'm convinced Cry. reminds me of "classic Mariah" songs. I also think it's ballsy that the album opens with it.
(Sunday 19 July 2015; 10:34)
Boy vs. The One (55,255) by enwar00 from usa
I actually like Boy better than The One. Am I the only one?
(Tuesday 14 July 2015; 0:17)
MC song everyone loves but I don't (55,225) by enwar00 from usa
Heartbreaker. Fitting topic as this song just got some shout outs. For me, it's #18 of her 18 #1s. I feel like it's held together by a thin string.
(Sunday 12 July 2015; 18:46)
Deedre re MIAMTEC (55,182) by enwar00 from usa
I literally still listen to MIAMTEC a few times every week. I had it on headphones earlier and fell asleep. Meteorite woke me up though. I love that album and almost every song on it.
(Friday 10 July 2015; 10:07)
Recent news (54,962) by enwar00 from usa
I honestly haven't even been reading the news articles recently. Perhaps I care less about her personal life than I even thought I did. Or maybe I don't care that much about someone's vacation to read 100 articles about it. Am I the only one?
(Sunday 28 June 2015; 22:40)
Top vocal moments (54,729) by enwar00 from usa
Awesome topic Stacey. And I'm loving the vibe of the board this week. Who knew lists could make the difference? These are what come to mind.
*Without You. I will never forget the first time I heard this song, listening to the Music Box album at night the day it came out. I had never heard anything like it, those vocals on the first chorus. I couldn't believe my ears. It was as if it was otherworldly. I probably cried.
*O Holy Night. Someone said God must have been in the room while she recorded this. What a fantastic and spot on description, I agree. So moving.
*Butterfly. So pretty and vulnerable. Such a unique melody. I wish I could hear it for the first time again. One of a kind. Not even Mariah can replicate this anymore.
*Emotions. Such a showcase. Such power. This is a vocal performance.
*Lead The Way. Absolutely stunning. There's something about those verses, they pierce right through me, I just can't even sometimes. So emotional. I think I cry every other time I hear this song. And that's before her crazy runs and vocals towards the end of the song.
*O little Town of Bethlehem/Little Drummer Boy. There's something magical about the MCIIY album, I believe because of the pregnancy and all the love flowing through her at the time, and I especially feel it come through this song.
(Friday 19 June 2015; 11:10)
Everytime I Close My Eyes (54,727) by enwar00 from usa
Aww. Such a nice and pretty and chill song with so many memories. Thank you for bringing it into my consciousness, I'll have to listen to it now. Yes, the 90s were magnificent, and they still have a huge piece of my heart. I can't even describe the feeling when I think back on the nostalgia sometimes. Heaven. I think that's what it was.
(Friday 19 June 2015; 10:31)
Can't Let Go (54,688) by enwar00 from usa
Does anyone else think this is one of Mariah's best songs ever? I watched the SNL performance of the song this afternoon and remembered how amazing the song is. There's been so much hype on the #1s lately and I've been watching those so I feel like it gets discriminated against because it only made #2. But dare I say I like it better than many of the #1s. I like the video too, so I shall watch it now.
(Wednesday 17 June 2015; 6:03)
One More Try "duet" (54,259) by enwar00 from usa
Has anyone heard this? Both the Mariah and George Michael versions are played at the same time. It made me laugh.
(Saturday 6 June 2015; 2:48)
Tamia (54,176) by enwar00 from usa
That was a good song. Very late night. Which reminds me I'm gonna need that new Maxwell album now. Mariah should do Mariah though.
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 12:14)
Least liked or disliked songs (54,173) by enwar00 from usa
This isn't even easy. I tried to find 5 from non-Christmas non-bonus track studio albums but really couldn't. I just love her songs that much what can I say. Overall for me though the lull in her catalogue is her output with Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, which is interesting because I love all (caps) their work with Janet miss Jackson if you're nasty. Especially The Velvet Rope, a masterpiece imo.
*Never too Far - I've mentioned this before and I know some people adore it. Something about it just seems fake and forced to me. And cheesy. Sorry but jmo. The opposite of Lead The Way, which kills me every time.
*X-Girlfriend - Eh and blah. Cookie cutter.
*Auld Lang Syne - I just kind of can't stand that song in general.
*Not a fan of random tracks Imperfect and Bring It On Home. I'll let 100% slide this time. To me they weren't on an album for a reason. A few I initially thought would be on here were Through The Rain (Remix) with Joe and that hater, but I listened to it and it's not bad. Reflections (Care Enough) sometimes annoys me, I think mostly that line about being aborted that's just kind of awkward, but overall it is sung very nicely. And Can't Take That Away I had to relisten to again, but really how can I hate on that message. Quite frankly that song is still pertinent as we speak from all the haterade she receives on a daily 16 years later from friends and foes and allegedly even family now, as well as some shady fans that lurk on this board sometimes too. Love you.
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 11:53)
Kelly and Michael and Infinity (53,669) by enwar00 from usa
I thought that performance was so good, Mariah and company sounded really nice, I dug the outdoor atmosphere and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Bravo to the extra effort being put forth. It's making a difference as it's not going unnoticed. Also, the ending of Infinity where the music breaks down and she sings "I believe infinity is more than just a made up dream" twice and does the whistle is so emotional to me. Does anyone else feel that? I feel the emotion from her and with the sound of the violin I really like that.
(Friday 22 May 2015; 17:35)
I love Mariah (53,326) by enwar00 from usa
Is it weird that I love Mariah and am thankful that she continues to release music that enriches my life and touches my soul when I hear it, and I don't really care whether she is known by a young crowd, is mentioned on some site or charts on the Billboard Hot 100?
(Thursday 14 May 2015; 23:43)
Favorite album (52,910) by enwar00 from usa
Butterfly. That album is so special to me. I love the lyrics, the melodies, the tone, mood, the flow of it, even the packaging, photos and colors. Everything seemed to align in an amazing way on that album. I feel like it was more mature, sexy, and sophisticated than what preceded it, and more natural and classy than what followed. That's not even taking account the videos, which are my faves, and how beautiful Mariah looked. Ultimately, the songs are etched into my subconscious in such a way that as recent as last year I would play it sometimes to relax and take a nap or sleep and it would take me there. Hope you enjoyed reading this. Let me know when we get into our second favorite albums, or least favorite lol.
(Wednesday 6 May 2015; 6:15)
Vegas show (52,498) by enwar00 from usa
I must see this show. Hearing her talk about how she's going to perform the #1s chronologically to show her progression as an artist and end with Infinity really made me excited.
(Tuesday 28 April 2015; 20:55)
Infinity lyric video (52,302) by enwar00 from usa
I'm about to stream the Infinity lyric video on Vevo over and over and over. There are so many fast lyrics I'm gonna have to pause each line. Nothing like going through a heartbreak with Mariah. You feel it.
(Monday 27 April 2015; 6:56)
B (52,121) by enwar00 from usa
In digging your relentless positivity. It's infectious.
(Wednesday 22 April 2015; 22:39)
Alone in love (52,116) by enwar00 from usa
Billy yes yes and yes. I love that song. It's so emotional. I always felt the structure was weird too. That's what You're Mine (Eternal) reminded me of, because I thought that had a weird structure as well. Alone In Love that song in particular off the debut takes me back to being a kid and listening to it in the car with my family, driving to a lake. I think my sister had just gotten a video camera and she shot random videos, and one clip was us in the car with that song playing. So I was able to watch that memory which sounds so weird.
(Wednesday 22 April 2015; 17:48)


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