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About enwar00 from usa:
Been a fan since Vision of Love. I can say I'll be a fan for life.
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Autocue (106,339)
by enwar00 from usa
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Your sarcasm is welcomed back Mister.
(Friday 3 May 2024; 01:06)
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106,333 |
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Autocue (106,333)
by Edward from USA
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Suggesting that Mariah has Alzheimer's would be extremely insensitive. It could potentially be an onset of early dementia though.
(Thursday 2 May 2024; 17:23)
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More Taylor (106,313)
by enwar00 from usa
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What's up with these mature messages?
(Sunday 28 April 2024; 22:09)
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106,311 |
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More Taylor (106,311)
by Edward from USA
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Your post just brought me back. The constant invocation of the race card feels tired and overused, at this point it's kind of slickening.
Mariah Carey once held the same formidable position in the music industry that Taylor Swift now occupies. During her reign, Mariah stood tall at the pinnacle of success while other esteemed artists gradually receded from the spotlight. Such is the cycle of life in the music world. Mariah's dominance coincided with a generation that grew up immersed in her timeless melodies, perhaps unaware of the legendary artists who paved the way before her.
While I may not personally resonate with Taylor's music, it's important to acknowledge the undeniable facts: her numbers speak volumes, much like Mariah's did in the '90s. Though I wouldn't personally invest in Taylor's work due to my own tastes, it's clear that millions around the globe find immense appeal in her music. This is undeniably her moment to shine.
As fans, it's natural to root for our favorites and celebrate their successes. However, it's equally important to do so without disparaging other artists. Mariah herself has faced unwarranted criticism in the past, and as fans, we should understand the importance of uplifting our idols without tearing down others.
Man you all have a great day.
(Sunday 28 April 2024; 18:16)
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Music right now (105,973)
by enwar00 from usa
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Radical Optimism comes out May 3rd. My most anticipated album of the year.
(Thursday 14 March 2024; 05:39)
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105,971 |
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Music right now (105,971)
by Bobby A from United States
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I am just finding right now that music now is just boring and lacks creativity. I sure hope that this summer gives us memorable music for the rest of the year. I just wonder if there's a reason why Dua Lipa has not announced her album title or release date. Does she anticipate huge sales and streaming numbers if she holds out until later this year?
(Wednesday 13 March 2024; 19:03)
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I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,704)
by enwar00 from usa
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Yay. A friendship is born.
(Saturday 24 February 2024; 06:38)
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105,701 |
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I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,701)
by Jamie from UK
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Thanks Libra Lamb.
(Friday 23 February 2024; 23:02)
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I Don't (105,658)
by enwar00 from usa
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I Don't always gets so much hate on this board. It's funny or maybe ironic because that whole era she sang live at ease and sounded fire, and now here we are some handful years later, the nightmare era is just a memory yet we're scared of her singing one verse live on TV. Yikes.
(Thursday 22 February 2024; 06:53)
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General public or bad decisions (105,657)
by enwar00 from usa
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I love GTFO. Such a slinky song. So glad it opened the album. So underrated. I'll always stan Caution. What a vibe.
(Thursday 22 February 2024; 06:29)
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105,642 |
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General public or bad decisions (105,642)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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If there's one thing we know about MC it's that she's gonna do what she wants creatively and not what others want. It was just a matter of time before her music style or genre would evolve from mostly Pop to something all her own. She seamlessly merged genres and it is magic. Walter or not, she was going to create music from within and collaborate with rappers she respects, a few Walter ballads sprinkled here or there, but mostly her creative expression. Butterfly was inevitable. That's what makes it so wonderful, her full creative freedom was announced when the butterfly emerged from being controlled in the cocoon for many years. She's never going back to the Mary Poppins persona some fans are waiting for. Meanwhile , let me clutch my pearls and gay gasp at a curse word or two while I enjoy the new Yes, And? remix. For the record, GTFO is my favorite song from Caution.
(Wednesday 21 February 2024; 14:24)
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General public or bad decisions (105,631)
by enwar00 from usa
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I think that fall in 2013 may have set off a series of unfortunate events, and affected more than we'll ever know.
(Wednesday 21 February 2024; 05:14)
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105,612 |
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General public or bad decisions (105,612)
by Jamie from UK
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I'm sat here and a thought came into my head regarding Mariah and her career. For the majority of the 1990's Mariah could do no wrong, she was America's sweetheart and had countless number one songs and albums. People took her into their hearts and adored her. From 1997 she made what some call a drastic change in musical direction and lost some of her core fanbase as a result. However she continued to have number one songs and albums even through a difficult time with Sony and Tommy Mottola. Why was it then that during her most difficult time in her life in 2001 did people turn their backs on her? Surely someone who they had grown to love had spent so long adoring her and buying her music would want to support her during this difficult time. Glitter and Charmbracelet failed to sell anywhere near what she would normally sell. My point is, is it the general public who turn on an artist so quickly, is it the music industry and media that set current trends what is a hit and what the people want or is it bad decisions made by Mariah the artist. For me it's just difficult to understand how such a quick switch in popularity can happen with someone who was literally a force of nature at one point. Firstly I don't think the whole Glitter film helped her persona one bit, 9/11 didn't help but the film just wasn't good enough 9/11 or not. The album or soundtrack is great but in hindsight should it have been left on the shelf once the film tanked to help control the damage from the film and save her also having a music flop too which was unheard of at the time. Would her next album then have been more well received by the public. For me I like Charmbracelet but it feels almost like a complete different body of work to the rest of her catalogue (present and past included) the whole vibe is just different. Were bad decisions made by Mariah creatively should she have come back with an upbeat track ala Fantasy/Honey mode and had less rappers on the album, it would be interesting to see if the Glitter album hadn't been released and she had come back with a stronger album (maybe a combination of Glitter tracks and new ones and called it something else) how her popularity would have been at that time and now. Or had the public already turned their backs on her and changed their view of her as a person. Obviously we had Emancipation but that was very short lived, and since then with the exception of Touch My Body and Christmas she hasn't got anywhere near the popularity she should have had. Do you think the general public just doesn't warm to her anymore, is it Mariah's decisions of music creativity or the way her persona has come across post 2001, or do you think it's the music industry making wrong decisions for her career? We can't change what happens but sometimes it's interesting to put a different spin on how we think things could have gone or been. Would love to hear your views and where you think things went wrong or could have been different for her.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 17:36)
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General public or bad decisions (105,630)
by enwar00 from usa
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Lol thank you Matty for calling out that discount argument for Loverboy. Just another way to drag her. There were so many singles I bought because they were on sale, therefore I could afford them. No different than songs being discounted now for $0.69 on iTunes.
(Wednesday 21 February 2024; 05:06)
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105,622 |
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General public or bad decisions (105,622)
by Matty from Vancouver Canada
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Glitter is a masterpiece - I think lambs remember this moment as a failure, but this was the only year Mariah appeared in Forbes list of most powerful women, she did the national anthem at the Super Bowl in 2002 next to the 9/11 statue, she looked gorgeous, and Loverboy was constantly on the radio, on TV music stations, also #2 on Billboard (don't give me the it was discounted argument, because most singles were always discounted and sat in the discount bins at HMV and Music World). I think corporate Virgin panicked more than the public.
I love Charmbraclet personally, and in my home town of Guelph Ontario (45 mins south/west of Toronto) "Boy" was on the radio constantly, but for some reason the album wasn't what they wanted as a "comeback" album after 18 months of lows ( ) Why do those few months out of 30 years taint her? I'll never know. Think of all the celebrated singers with issues now, 18 months out of the game or spotlight is nothing, Demi Lovato, Britney, even the beauty that is Selina Gomez, Gaga, Ariana. Maybe it was simply the expectation that year after year for a decade Mariah was ever present and showed up. I have no doubt that's exhausting.
(Wednesday 21 February 2024; 01:06)
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Stacey and Robert (105,607)
by enwar00 from usa
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Agreed. That name sounded familiar once you said it. Don't remember the posts though. I feel like I discovered this site during The Emancipation of Mimi, which is almost 20 years ago. Gulp.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 15:23)
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105,594 |
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Stacey and Robert (105,594)
by Stacey from USA
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I get it. I take my breaks too, just unannounced. I miss Stephen's posts. Remember him. Anyway, for me coming here is a break from madness that is life as a wife, working mom of three. I enjoy the banter then go back to that craziness as those peeps are most important to me. I don't take anything here too seriously or remember what happened six months ago. It ain't that deep. Carey on.
(Tuesday 20 February 2024; 01:14)
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Yes, And? (105,495)
by enwar00 from usa
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Literally the song playing right now in my car as I'm reading your post is Sorry from Confessions on a Dance Floor.
(Friday 16 February 2024; 21:56)
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105,492 |
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Yes, And? (105,492)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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Madonna's Confessions on a Dance Floor is one of my favorite albums, it is just perfect. I wish MC would actually do something like that but with her twist on it, her lyrics alone would be superior. I want a continuous all dance album. 12 tracks.
(Friday 16 February 2024; 18:20)
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100% (105,348)
by enwar00 from usa
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For me 100% is at the bottom of the barrel. I barely listened to it a couple of times. Makes Infinity sound like a #1.
(Saturday 10 February 2024; 19:57)
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105,344 |
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100% (105,344)
by Tevin from USA
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Do you all remember Mariah's song 100%? I randomly started singing this in my head today. I was curious, what were your thoughts on this song, has it changed since you first heard it 14 years ago?
(Saturday 10 February 2024; 17:23)
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Next Friday (105,151)
by enwar00 from usa
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Are there any differences on the physical versions of MB30 versus the digital ones on streaming?
(Sunday 28 January 2024; 05:20)
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105,128 |
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Next Friday (105,128)
by Bobby A from United States
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We will talking about the MB anniversary edition starting Thursday and Friday. I ordered both the vinyl and CD sets. I am looking forward to hearing the Proctor Theater concert on CD the most.
(Saturday 27 January 2024; 21:01)
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Article: Mariah shows off physique in sparkling "swimwear" (105,150)
by enwar00 from usa
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Oh wow I think I remember TEOM snippets too. For some reason Joyride was missing so it was new to me when I got the CD. That was a wonderful time in life. I think I discovered this site back then too.
(Sunday 28 January 2024; 05:15)
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105,133 |
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Article: Mariah shows off physique in sparkling "swimwear" (105,133)
by Stacey from USA
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I remember when I got my hands on a TEOM song full of snippets of each track. I about fell over in excitement. I love a good mystery. Makes the discovery that much sweeter.
(Saturday 27 January 2024; 22:13)
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Daydream era - unknown performance (105,149)
by enwar00 from usa
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I can totally see the UOMF remix with Nicki going viral one day. I like Nicki and think she makes some fun music, and she added to that song versus taking away from it, as we've seen with many other insert rapper here copy and paste MC remixes. I can't believe that was 14 years ago. Oh Angels Advocate, maybe we'll get you for MC35.
(Sunday 28 January 2024; 04:46)
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105,102 |
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Daydream era - unknown performance (105,102)
by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
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Haha to be honest I don't get The Weeknd hype. I know it's unpopular opinion but most of his songs sound the same to me for some reason. It's sad that Mariah, who normally doesn't talk about about other singers she wants to work with, named 3 artists recently and none of them really replied back. The Weeknd, Bruno Mars and Cardi B. Although Cardi did do the interview with Mariah and has fan-girled over Mariah. Another unpopular opinion but I would love for Mariah to patch it up with Nicki. Nicki was clearly always a fan and still praises Mariah, I just think the producers egged them on to create drama. I love the UOOMF remix and think a fresh Mariah feat Nicki song would be fire.
(Friday 26 January 2024; 02:54)
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Billy from Greece (104,974)
by enwar00 from usa
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Billy I'm finally making it to Greece this August. So excited to get to the #1 destination on my bucket list. Couldn't find your email, email me if you can and want, let me know if you do.
(Wednesday 17 January 2024; 02:36)
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Merry Christmas to all (104,661)
by enwar00 from usa
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A golden shower. Did you have one today?
(Monday 25 December 2023; 23:33)
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104,659 |
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Merry Christmas to all (104,659)
by Edward from USA
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That'll be a boost for next week position on Billboard. Record: the only song that has been the first and last number one of the year five years in a row.
Sorry. I've been splashing heavily, Mariah told me to do it. Question? What is it called when you shower in gold? I can't seem to remember.
(Monday 25 December 2023; 20:34)
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AIWFCIY back at #1 (104,569)
by enwar00 from usa
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I just read on Talk of the Charts that AIWFCIY is predicted to be back at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 next week, overtaking Brenda Lee again. Suddenly things seem a little brighter again. Mimi back at #1 where she belongs. It's still a prediction as Billboard doesn't release the official top 10 until Monday. But hopefully it will be, and for the next 3 weeks.
(Sunday 17 December 2023; 01:43)
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Fly Like A Bird performance (104,558)
by enwar00 from usa
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It's been years if not decades since I watched this FLAB performance from the Grammy's. Watching this from the halfway point of her long career with this many more years of life and experience since was amazing, and moved me so much more than in 2006. Mimi tore up that stage. After the performance this clips shows all the televised awards presented that she was nominated for. She was truly used and robbed that night.
(Saturday 16 December 2023; 05:15)
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News (104,492)
by enwar00 from usa
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Yes, AIWFCIY is protected to be #2 again behind Brenda, who is ahead in streaming and sales.
(Sunday 10 December 2023; 07:39)
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104,489 |
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News (104,489)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Is there any news on chart positions for Monday?
(Sunday 10 December 2023; 02:06)
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Christmas collabs (104,491)
by enwar00 from usa
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You were correct, I just watched it on YouTube. Honestly I wasn't a fan of the remix, and don't even care too much about the song in general and often skip it, but I'm into this performance. Seems so festive and fun, and I think they sound great.
(Sunday 10 December 2023; 07:11)
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104,480 |
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Christmas collabs (104,480)
by jaker20 from US
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Apparently, Mariah will (rumor) bring out JHud and Ariana in MSG. But to me, this collab isn't doing the song any favors. Their voices don't blend well. Well, Ariana and Mariah's voice blends a bit, but JHud, bless her, doesn't.
So got me thinking: who should Mariah collab next? How about Darelene Love or Brenda Lee, in the form of mashup. It's not like Mariah, Ariana and JHud all showed up on the studio.
I actually really really like Mariah's live duet with Michael Buble. I thought their voices blend so very well together. And I don't hate her duet with Justin Bieber, either.
So it sounds like Mariah's best duets are with the male artists. I can't wait for Mariah/Usher being together again.
(Saturday 9 December 2023; 04:32)
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Christmastime Is In The Air Again (104,464)
by enwar00 from usa
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Always a treat to revisit this performance. An underrated gem from an underrated album IMO. Oh 2012 Mariah, how agile was your voice still. Did that fall somehow affect more than we know?
(Friday 8 December 2023; 07:19)
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New video (104,463)
by enwar00 from usa
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It's true. It's the festive lambs edition.
(Friday 8 December 2023; 03:16)
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104,457 |
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New video (104,457)
by Bobby A from United States
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According to Glittering Mariah on X, MC is dropping a new video featuring the Lambs tonight at midnight. Could it be the huge AIWFCIY performance during the Kansas City show?
(Friday 8 December 2023; 00:02)
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Number one (104,438)
by enwar00 from usa
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Billboard has a whole article discussing Brenda going to #1 and what they think can happen going forward. Many points were discussed here too.
(Wednesday 6 December 2023; 19:15)
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104,436 |
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Number one (104,436)
by jaker20 from US
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It can't just be this one song. It's everything else, the little things that helps and matters. Two years ago she had had that AppleTV+ thingy with Jhud and Ariana, and then the year later the second special with Khalid and Kirk. They're cute little songs here and there, not huge hits, but they contribute. All these little things helps. It can't just be this one song. She has all year to prepare, but has no new visuals nor project this year.
I always say that Caution paved the way to AIWFC's massive resurgence. The album was not a huge hit, but it gained her a whole new young fans which contributed to a whole lot.
Next year I expect the new album. And then a bunch of new videos, maybe for Miss You Most At Christmas, like a real video with a classy intriguing story, not those cheap $10 videos.
Good for Brenda, but I'm sorry but her song is just awful. It's neither here nor there. But good for her, her team is outsmarting Mariah's.
(Wednesday 6 December 2023; 17:25)
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Rockin' Around #1 (104,398)
by enwar00 from usa
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It's officially #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. Congrats to Brenda Lee. I imagine Mariah is gracious and happy for her. Maybe this can further help against ageism and Mimi can get to #1 in decades to come still.
(Monday 4 December 2023; 21:04)
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Clips (104,120)
by enwar00 from usa
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Wow that was really good. Makes me want to go. Thank you for sharing Terna.
(Sunday 19 November 2023; 04:57)
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104,111 |
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Clips (104,111)
by Terna from Nigeria
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Yeah she's a little bit low energy, but she pulled out songs she hasn't sung in almost 10 years and killed it and she's singing live. Mariah is going through real vocal issues and I wish the fans would be a little bit more understanding. She obviously has taken our advice and seen some form of voice therapist and or coach because she sounds much better than she did this time last year and even all the way back to the pandemic year. I hope she gets even better.
(Saturday 18 November 2023; 19:48)
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