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About jaker20 from US: You Will Never Be MC

MC videos for this era (37,860) by jaker20 from US
I want MC to work with world-class video directors, like newcomers who have new ideas who's going to push her. Remember "I Still Believe"? I don't particularly like the video, but it's a big production, and the video itself was a big hit even though the song wasn't. I want her to go back to those concept videos, like Honey, Heartbreaker, Through The Rain, etc. But it has to be directed by a new and talented director. No more Brett Ratner or Nick Cannon, at least for this era. What do you think?
(Wednesday 15 May 2013; 8:24)
Idol duet (37,859) by jaker20 from US
Stacey/Nikki, remember Ryan said there's a surprise, so anything can happen, this is MC we're talking here. Lol. Miguel is probably out of the question, but a duet with any Idol present or past contestant is certainly possible. They did a lot. I see absolutely no point of a medley, but that at least I guess is exposure. But there's still no leak about song list, so I am holding my breath for a #Beautiful performance, because the promo/exposure of the finale is huge, that's why JLo and other stars booked it.
(Wednesday 15 May 2013; 5:56)
Why in the world is MC singing a medley in AI? (37,853) by jaker20 from US
She's got a song to promote and she's promoting... her catalog? This is the perfect timing to promote the song. I hope maybe Miguel will have a special appearance and then they'll sing a song, like a surprise.
(Tuesday 14 May 2013; 18:07)
I'm with Antone (37,850) by jaker20 from US
Why would anyone say "I don't understand why everyone likes the song"? If you don't understand, then there is something wrong with you. Because, duh, you're in an MC fan forum. Feel free to post that on a general forum, but on an MC forum, obviously you're going to tick someone. That's like going to MCDonald's and say burgers are gross. Feel free to express you don't like a song, but free expression has a right place and time. And it goes with tact and timing. I myself express negative opinions on this board, but if I know it's strongly negative, I know for sure I'll ruffle feathers so I'll move on. So it's not for you, just keep walking and don't preach. Don't go on and on with the free expression rhetoric and how long you've been a fan. If I get a dollar every time someone here gets melodrama and defensive about how long they've been a fan... for real.
(Tuesday 14 May 2013; 10:09)
What if MC sings #Beautiful acapella (37,836) by jaker20 from US
Ala AIWFC Fallon performance? I think that's going to slay all lives.
(Sunday 12 May 2013; 12:37)
"I thought we were friends" (37,835) by jaker20 from US
Note to Minaj: you know normally, when you threaten to shoot someone, that means you're not friends. Lol.
(Sunday 12 May 2013; 8:02)
Idol performance next week (37,824) by jaker20 from US
MC is going to slay it, I just know it. She needs to slay the Idol performance and that will really push the #Beautiful promo. I wish she's performing the song, because that's the best timing.
(Saturday 11 May 2013; 16:27)
Getting sooo nervous about #Beautiful (37,781) by jaker20 from US
For four consecutive days now, it's got the biggest update on radio. The last time we're getting this reception was We Belong Together and we all know how that turned out. MC is performing a medley in AI at the finale. I think she should perform #Beautiful instead. This is the right time. If she slays this performance, I feel the song is going to explode. Yeah yeah I know it's not about no.1s, but I can't help getting excited. If this song turns out into a massive no.1 hit, I think I just might die. Lol.

(Friday 10 May 2013; 14:17)
#Beautiful video (37,777) by jaker20 from US
So sexy and MC is so cute and gorgeous. Seriously, she looks glowing and she's even more beautiful than she was 20 years ago. I can't put into words how amazed I am that she's 40 years old. Sure, it takes a lot to maintain such beauty, skin and figure. But the huge part of it is her genetics (she's always looked young for her age and always had great skin), also her positive outlook in life. Such a proud moment to be an MC fan. I thought the video managed to be sexy and classy at the same time, and have that very summery vibe.
(Friday 10 May 2013; 9:26)
Ok guys listen up (37,760) by jaker20 from US
We need to support #Beautiful big time. Request on radio, stream stream stream. Buy on iTunes, gift it, send to friends, tweets, facebook, etc, etc. MC has a legit chance of hitting no.1 with #Beautiful and when was the last time we felt this? Long time coming guys. So we need to rally for the song. I want to see that 19th no. in my lifetime. Lol.
(Wednesday 8 May 2013; 18:16)
I thought the hashtag was genius (37,743) by jaker20 from US
It's meant for Miguel's censored line. When it's sung (or even when it's spoken), it really amplifies the expression of how beautiful someone is. It's a huge difference from just saying someone is "beautiful". So in this case it actually meant something.
(Tuesday 7 May 2013; 8:03)
#Beautiful is beautiful (37,707) by jaker20 from US
I love it. MC's best produced song in a long time. Download guys, supports, banners, tweets, Facebook, etc. I can't wait to download (I just heard it online). Lol.
(Monday 6 May 2013; 14:14)
Will (37,696) by jaker20 from US
You're off tangent once again. Who even suggested she should be fired? Not me, maybe you. I said, she should leave. Huge difference from being fired. Why would they even fire her now, the season is almost over. Negotiations is for 2014, and I say she should either quit, or not take the offer. There is a very high possibility she would not be offered to return, but if she does, I hope she does not take it. One season is enough. Also, getting fired by Idol is not that bad as you make it. Very few people who cares about good music watch Idol. It's being beaten by Big Bang Theory on the ratings for crying out loud. Everyone who left Idol was rumored to get fired. Idol is not going to publicize she got fired even if she did, MC was decent enough to part ways on "creative differences". I still don't understand why you guys have so much high regard for this show. I don't know anyone who listens to decent music watches the show. Leaving the show would be one of the best things that MC can do for her and her career. And who told you she's getting good press out of AI? Everything that I have been reading about AI is negative (ratings on all-time low, her big boobs, her fight with Minaj). Is this the kind of press you want for MC? I'm sorry but I don't watch the Kardashians and maybe to them that is "press". tracks weekly ratings, and every single time, the posts are either negative or a back and forth bickering between MC and Minaj fans. Is this your idea of "press"? Another thing, since joining AI, she's released two songs, Triumphant and Almost Home. So the "publicity she needs" that you are talking about did not help the songs one bit, in fact they are her worst performing songs ever. Lastly, you seem so focused on this "public opinion" siding with Mariah. You know, it takes two to tango. Her name is being dragged in this ridiculous girl-fight that have not helper her at all in anyway whatsoever. A woman in her mid-40s supposedly a music legend, quarreling with a 30-year old newbie. By mere comparison, who do you think has something to lose here and instantly winning? Had she been fighting Beyonce or someone of her calibre, I would tell her to fight. So if you want MC to stay in AI, good for you, I hope you get your wish. The writing's on the wall. AI has not given anything more than $20M, bad press, and no music. She said once if she makes a decision based on money she falters. She might have to revisit her own statements and wake up.
(Sunday 5 May 2013; 17:28)
MC should leave Idol (37,690) by jaker20 from US
I don't know why you guys are pushing for MC to stay on Idol. I would be glad if they keep Minaj and then boot MC, because MC does not deserve Idol. She deserves better. Idol is trash, cheap, and fake. These singing contests are for celebrities who have no creative output anymore and are passing their time for easy money. One season is more than enough. She should move on and focus on making real music, something she's not done in more than 2 years. Idol is also on decline. Idol is getting nothing but negative press, and she's being used as a reason for its failure. It's not without reason because she's being paid $20M and naturally eyes will be on her. She's overcharging Idol based on her legacy and talent, but she's not been able to pull in audiences, and TV is a numbers game. For her career, I suggest she leave Idol asap. No one can save the show, not even MC. Another thing. I'm very sorry but you have to be really dim to not know this Minaj vs. MC is all a stunt. Just because it's not working, does not mean it's real. Sure people talk about it, but you and hopefully MC is learning now, controversy does not always equal ratings. That said, it is a stunt. Does MC want to enter this Kardashian/Real House Wives brand of entertainment? These are reserved to newbies, starlets and has-beens. Fantasia did it. Whitney did it. I sure hope MC is not enjoying herself in Idol.
(Sunday 5 May 2013; 8:00)
Positivity from negativity (37,456) by jaker20 from US
I know there's been a lot of criticisms here, but I know in my heart, these all reaches MC somehow. This is like our little support system, like a little MC family. Where else do you want us to post these concerns? Me and a lot of frustrated fans want to get these out of our chest. So don't even get into how much a fan I am and I will show you boxes full of MC merch and how I use to travel miles and miles just to see her, you have no freaking idea how crazy I am and still am about her. And you know, if MC chose otherwise, then that's ok too. But not saying anything is not constructive. I know in my heart it's important for us to say what we feel and what is really bothering us. Because I know MC listens and the next album will be awesome and super hot because she listens and learned and is a true artist. But don't tell us to stop, that doesn't help in any way, that just drives people away and forget about her.
(Wednesday 20 March 2013; 6:48)
E=MC2 (37,455) by jaker20 from US
What a great album, promoted all the wrong ways. But it's jampacked with so many great songs. I love it.
(Wednesday 20 March 2013; 6:39)
Giselle L. (37,453) by jaker20 from US
I agree with you completely. The release pattern that she's been doing in the 90s which is uptempo followed by a ballad is super tired. I was here. I was here when E=MC2 was released. I keep saying, please no Bye Bye, don't release Bye Bye. But they went with it, and guess what, her career went into a nosedive. This morning I was jamming this what many refer to as MC's 19th no.1 song which ever was Migrate. It was the highest charting song on iTunes when the album was released, but they're so stuck in the past with creating the uptempo/ballad combo. I just hope MC learns from her mistakes. It has to be something fresh and cool, and then promote it. Who cares if she's 40. Duh, Cher had her biggest album/song ever well past her 50s, and even Madonna is beating her with her last no.1 album and top 10 single. If you're she's committed to it, then might as well take another long break and make more babies. There's nothing wrong with that anyway. Quit now while your legacy is still somewhat intact. It's embarrassing for her to release singles that no one buys or listens to. I know that's exaggeration, but how is the artist constantly promoted by her team as "most no.1s" but can't even hit hot 100? Don't do it. It makes the failure all the more obvious whenever they use that title.
(Wednesday 20 March 2013; 6:35)
Re: most Nos.1 title to Natalie (37,437) by jaker20 from US
I think Brad's point is very very valid. A lot of people resent hearing that from the artist themselves. Let the records and facts speak for themselves. Billboard and other music writers bring this up whenever the discussion is there. But to bring that up on your own marketing is just too corny and self-centered. Besides at this point, MC should be concentrating on quality not quantity. And also, the record is for solo artist, there is still one to break and that is The Beatles. When MC hit no.1 with TMB to break Elvis, MC and her marketing used the title so extensively, and immediately after that, radio immediately completely abandoned her. Once she's broken The Beatles' record, then yes. But right now, they need to be stealthy about it in marketing MC. Look at Rihanna, she and her team does not brag about the fact that she's got most no.1 in the past 10 years, and this will be her key into breaking not only MC but also The Beatles, slowly and quietly. Her destination is not MC, but The Beatles. Brad's post makes a lot of sense. This is not the first time this subject has been brought up. Anyway, no point talking about this now, most posters here believe MC's best is over, she does not need anymore no.1s, so let's just leave it at that.
(Tuesday 19 March 2013; 12:13)
Brad, I completely agree (37,431) by jaker20 from US
I think MC should drop the "all-time records" and "most no.1" in her marketing. It actually make her look old. Let the facts speak for themselves, not put it on the fact of everyone. Also, when she's on AI, she's not as natural. I want to see the Mariah we see on YouTube where's she's more fun and speaks her mind. Anyway Brad, our post is the kind of post that I hope to see more here, honest and constructive. I mean come on, everytime someone gives a suggestion they are labeled know-it-all. We care for MC, that's why we do this, at the end of the day we can't control her. But that doesn't mean we should not suggest. I believe lack of suggestion leads to apathy and call for action, which I think results of not caring that much either way what happens to her.
(Tuesday 19 March 2013; 6:41)
Eric and Licia (37,430) by jaker20 from US
Not once did I say Nick was to blame for Almost Home. I never said that. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I am saying that Almost Home can be attributed to the failure of her management, who don't know what to do with her or how to market a song in today's age. My bringing up Nick was about her past failures, and it's not without basis. Nick has not done 3 or 4 videos for MC and they all failed to make any impact. How many more will he get involved into before she figures out there's work and there's personal life? I am by no means telling anybody or Mariah what to do. Of course I don't have all the answers to save the world. I am simply stating what is happening to MC's career, which is, as long as Nick is involved in her next promos, and she's with the same management, there's not a lot of hope. We learn from mistakes, right?
(Tuesday 19 March 2013; 6:36)
Edward re: a little bit worried (37,418) by jaker20 from US
You should be worried. She's now have two consecutive massive flops, and this coming off the time when she's constantly visible on television. Triumphant also came out when she's in the media regarding Idol auditions, and I bet she released it to take advantage of the exposure. But that didn't work as well. There is a big problem. And the big problem is her management. This is the same I posted before, but instead of discussions I was attacked for being a know-it-all. Fact is, her musical career is on freefall. MC is surrounded by the wrong people. She needs to get out of her comfort zone and be with creative people, not Randy and her husband. Sorry, this is my opinion. Her husband has no resume nor talent to get involved in her career. Stay out of her office basically, like the rest of the people in the world. Sure she can do whatever she wants, I'm just stating my opinion, that every single time he gets involved, she flops. Every time. As for her management, they don't know what to do with her. They've not been able to update her image and her songs, and do not know how to work in the current music landscape. When I say music landscape, not just sales, because that time is over. There are many avenues too long to post here.
(Monday 18 March 2013; 6:40)
Almost Home (37,400) by jaker20 from US
MC's management does not care about her, nor is she surrounded by artistic, inspired and creative people. She is surrounded by Randy and her husband, who unfortunately gets involved in her career way too much. Nick really doesn't have the resume or talent to be doing so. Oh by the way, Allmost Home is a great song. The song received great reviews and it fits right in to current pop radio. In fact, many of Rihanna's fans accuse the song of sounding like Diamonds. I don't think it does, but you get my point. What you are probably trying to deny is this, Triumphant, and Almost Home were supposed to be lead singles that never was, because they failed. But they were meant to be buzz songs. How many more will she release because you guys get it. She needs new management, she cannot manage herself. I know some of you are apathetic because there's feeling here that she is over, that times have changed, that she doesn't fit in. I disagree. A great song is a great song. Talent is talent. We learned that from Adelle. Mathew: it is very fair to compare JLo's success to MC's failed song. JLo did not perform the song until after the song was already taking off everywhere. Also, the fact that its a dance song ft. Pitbull does not guarantee the massive success it had. There's lots of ft. Pitbull songs and JLo also had a lot of dance songs that flopped. The song was a massive hit because her team shrewdly hyped and managed the song, and JLo smartly used her visibility on AI to her advantage. She was super likeable on the show, even though she does not even deserve to judge because of her lack of vocal skills. That alone, being able to change people's perspective on you, says alot. That's because she's with a very good team of people and management.
(Friday 15 March 2013; 9:22)
Almost Home (37,377) by jaker20 from US
I guess my previous post was too strong so the moderator didn't post it. So I will tone it down a little just to get the message across, and I think this should be posted, so we can have a reality check right now, and as fans I think that is important. When you have a great song like Almost Home, featured on a massively successful movie, and in time when MC is visible in public in AI, and yet the song still didn't make any impact whatsoever, I think we as fans should all be worried that something is definitely very wrong. And I think MC should be worried as well. JLo managed to have a massive hit song by merely being on the show, yet MC was not able to convert her visibility into something similarly positive for her career. I do think her public image isn't very good right now. The public is simply not into her and her style, which seem old fashioned. MC has not been able to update her public persona. She is that woman with the big breasts on TV, not the great singer who makes great songs. You would be surprised how short kids' memories of the past is.
(Tuesday 12 March 2013; 8:34)
No more negatives (37,311) by jaker20 from US
Sorry I was just venting. Anyway, let's just enjoy the music, because it's really a great song.
(Monday 25 February 2013; 15:10)
Fans' apathy (37,302) by jaker20 from US
Edward, thanks for your kind message. My post might have been too harsh about MC fans being apathetic. But I'm only basing from previous posts that I have read here. It's very frustrating when MC creates a great song and two things happen, one the song is mismanaged by a bunch of clueless people who have no idea how to market her and her song, and two, the fans seem ok with it. You come here and read posters say "oh it's ok if it doesn't chart, it's not what it used to be, blah blah blah". What is the point of releasing a great song then? We used to go nuts whenever MC had a new song and we'll do anything and everything to support her. Madonna's fans got her a no.1 album last year and another top 10 hit. Where are MC's rabid fans gone? Some of you seriously are downers, and your lack of enthusiam, "oh it's ok if she doesn' chart" attitude is contagious. MC will probably read these posts and say, "you know know what, fans are right, they're happy, its a good song, nothing more to do about it, let it be". Well I am not happy. With all of MC's resources, money and influence, I want only the best and the very best to work with her. I want fans to go mad insane whenever she has a new song. And I want the whole world to know that she has a new song. Otherwise, don't make another song. Better not to put any effort than put 50% effort and destroy your legacy. I am really frustrated.
(Sunday 24 February 2013; 6:50)


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