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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: Brett (79,153) (79,156)
by Andrew from UK
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So if I accuse you of molestation you're automatically guilty? The assumption of guilt based upon accusation without evidence is a very dangerous position to take and suggests lack of intelligence or bad character in those who assume it. If Tanaka accused Mariah Carey of sexual assault, would you immediately shun her or rather ask for facts and evidence? If the assault were historic and without possibility of being backed up by evidence would you just assume there once was evidence and it lost, thus apportioning guilt? If it was broadcast in the form of contribution to public witch hunt would you not at least question Tanaka's integrity and wonder why he didn't go to the police but rather jumped on a publicity bandwagon? People are innocent until proven guilty. And if you can't prove their guilt, tough. That's the way modern Western society is. It's not okay to ruin the lives of one innocent to put ten guilty persons behind bars.
(Friday 3 November 2017; 08:28)
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Re: New interview (79,154) (79,155)
by Andrew from UK
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I'm not back up. I'll be the one pushing play on your prerecord on New Year's Eve.
(Friday 3 November 2017; 07:32)
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Re: New interview (79,129) (79,142)
by Andrew from UK
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Eddie and the Delulons. That is your band name. Form a band immediately and call it that.
(Thursday 2 November 2017; 17:29)
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Re: Lil Snowman (79,138) (79,141)
by Andrew from UK
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Lil Snowman is wicked. But, seriously, can you not hear "Johnny B Goode"?
(Thursday 2 November 2017; 17:27)
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Re: New interview (79,132) (79,140)
by Andrew from UK
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*sigh* Don't make me copy and paste some of the endless delusions and lies you frequently post, for you know they exist. Since you seem to think it bothers me that you confuse my gender, let me tell you it doesn't because you don't matter. You're a liar and liars don't matter. That you think homosexuals or those whom you perceive to be homosexuals are fodder to be called feminine or female is okay is simply gross bigotry from someone who screams social justice at the slightest offense. I assume you can't reconcile being a bible basher with being a bum basher.
(Thursday 2 November 2017; 17:25)
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Re: New interview (79,118) (79,123)
by Andrew from UK
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Sensitive little thing, arentcha.
(Wednesday 1 November 2017; 19:09)
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Honey B. Goode (79,114)
by Andrew from UK
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This. Is. Awesome. "Go, go. Go lil snowman go" ha.
(Wednesday 1 November 2017; 06:24)
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Re: New interview (79,105) (79,113)
by Andrew from UK
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It seems the cattiness is coming from you, Daddy. So you were rebuked for joining The Delusionals. Be a good sport and take it on the chin. Remember, we only fall so that we can learn how to get back up.
(Wednesday 1 November 2017; 06:16)
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Re: New interview (79,094) (79,111)
by Andrew from UK
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Bloody hell. Who replaced the imposter with Mariah Carey? It's like... it's like... watching Mariah Carey talk again. Brilliant.
(Wednesday 1 November 2017; 00:49)
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Re: Glitter OST (79,084) (79,092)
by Andrew from UK
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Oh William. I woke up a little miserable and how you had me howling before I even got out of bed. Now, whilst I'm sure you have most men laughing in bed, this time it's all good. Seriously, though, mate, that was lol funny.
(Tuesday 31 October 2017; 08:21)
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Re: That ring (79,079) (79,083)
by Andrew from UK
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You shouldn't call yourself a desperate old queen. At least try to have some mystery about you.
(Monday 30 October 2017; 19:56)
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Re: Outside (EMC Stripped Version) (79,076) (79,082)
by Andrew from UK
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Aye, that it does lol whoopsadaisy.
(Monday 30 October 2017; 19:53)
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Re: My All (79,057) (79,066)
by Andrew from UK
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I think, on reflection, My All is probably just a really famous Mariah Carey song. Honey, whilst ground-breaking for Mariah and for the industry at that time, is not as famous. "Do you remember this song?" she shouted. My All is a classic in its own right, outside of the Carey attachment. It harkens back to the days when Mariah produced professional sounding music. Leap forward to The Star and you have no momentum, clunky production and a vocal which rhythmically stops and starts so much you'll need anti-anxiety medication and a Fast Response Unit just to give it a re-listen.
(Sunday 29 October 2017; 23:06)
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Re: Outside (EMC Stripped Version) (79,060) (79,065)
by Andrew from UK
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I never realised that the denouement to Outside is actually almost a minute long. Good ending to an album. I had the British version which had the two Honey remixes tacked on. It's strange: if there were anything after Looking In on the Daydream album I would think it sacrilege. I wonder what it would be like to think of Outside as the actual denouement itself, to Butterfly? When I hear the ending of Always Be My Baby, for example, my head immediately goes to the opening bars of When I Saw You. When I hear the ending of AYNAF (I can do that one) I immediately hear the opening tones of Music Box. Likewise, after Outside, I always hear the Honey Club remix. I think, perhaps, it would have been nicer to have that as the ending. But I, like most teenagers, was quite angst-ridden. Better to have a cry, then party.
(Sunday 29 October 2017; 23:00)
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Re: My All (79,029) (79,052)
by Andrew from UK
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I don't understand how My All has 100M views and Honey 35M. Honey is a superior video. By far. My All is Mariah lying in a boat. Every guy in school talked about Honey. Everyone talked about it. It was brilliant. And Mariah has never looked so stunning as standing in that beach in white with the white sheets blowing. Nothing makes sense anymore. Stop the planet. Getting off.
(Saturday 28 October 2017; 09:25)
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Re: That ring (79,020) (79,051)
by Andrew from UK
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As long as Mariah has that ring around her finger she will remain devoid of any class and unworthy of respect. That she has not already removed says much about her newly developed personality. I, for one, find people flashing extreme wealth in public quite vulgar. When you earned it by spreading your legs, as in the ring, the vulgarity knows no bounds.
(Saturday 28 October 2017; 09:21)
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Re: Christmas on December 4 (79,013) (79,028)
by Andrew from UK
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You can't tell me what to do, you're not my real daddy.
(Wednesday 25 October 2017; 20:18)
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Re: Soundtracks and Mariah (78,994) (79,010)
by Andrew from UK
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They should have made a movie called "Migrate" for "Migrate" to be the Original Song. That song was bloody wasted.
(Tuesday 24 October 2017; 21:51)
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Re: Page Six (79,003) (79,009)
by Andrew from UK
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Come on, let's be real and honest, here. Just for once. Mariah Carey is known for being a wacko. And she just streamed the most wacko thing ever that didn't have a TRL logo in the corner of the screen. People laugh at Mariah because her "Darling, look how rich I am and how little about you peasants I care" attitude has removed any semblance of sympathy for her. So yes, I have to agree. Maybe she is bipolar. But nobody really gives a shit. And if she did come out with it she would be *legitimising* the "wacko" argument. So she never will. Best play it up like you mean it, right? For you can't act like a bitch then expect everyone to come to your hospital room. It would be like you guys coming to my hypothetical funeral.
(Tuesday 24 October 2017; 21:49)
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Re: Christmas on December 4 (78,996) (79,008)
by Andrew from UK
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So the fact that it's really short is a good thing? Because, rather than getting your money's worth, it leaves you *wishing* you got your money's worth? Alright TernEddie. Calm down. There's a good boy.
(Tuesday 24 October 2017; 21:44)
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Re: Matiah's crazy ranting (78,941) (78,954)
by Andrew from UK
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From the legs I would say it's filmed by Tanaka. However, when Mariah is walking down the stairs you can clearly see a woman in the mirror standing at the bottom of them, very Stella-like, who quickly moves out of the way. That woman surely moves back in behind the camera to ask the questions at the end as Mariah shoots a look left when the question is asked, and she clearly gains some focus. Possibly Stella.
(Sunday 22 October 2017; 01:40)
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Re: The Star (78,924) (78,951)
by Andrew from UK
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You shan't play anything at my funeral. I plan on living forever.
(Saturday 21 October 2017; 23:48)
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Matiah's crazy ranting (78,928)
by Andrew from UK
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Sorry. My apologies. I was wrong. The Star is not the worst thing Mariah’s ever recorded. This is.
(Saturday 21 October 2017; 08:19)
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The Star (78,914)
by Andrew from UK
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Like a long, slow, agonising march toward death. I would go as far as to say it is the worst thing she has ever recorded. Ever. And I still have nightmares about There For Me. It's not that it's just bad, it's *so* bad that it's only mildly more preferable than hearing loss.
(Friday 20 October 2017; 21:08)
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Re: Article: Carey on (78,878) (78,886)
by Andrew from UK
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As an example: Idina Menzel went on stage every night in Wicked. If she was constantly bad she would be fired because people are paying money. The producer wouldn't come on after the show every night to say "Sorry everyone but Idina has some personal stuff going on so, yeah, um sorry. Thanks for buying tickets, though." Stick any excuse lambs make for rubbish, half-assed performances and put them into the mouth of that there producer and just listen to it. It's ludicrous. There's so many reasons as to why Mariah giving shite performances is not acceptable or excusable. But they're obvious so I won't bother writing any more here as you're clearly not a very intelligent person.
(Friday 20 October 2017; 00:03)
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