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About Stacey from USA: Been a fan since 1993. Favorite albums include Daydream, TEOM, and Music Box. I love a good discussion, but won't stand for hateful comments because we disagree. I am too old to deal with drama and so are you. Keep it real with me and we'll have some fun. Peace.

Re: What song is being performed at Awards Show? (89,402) (89,418) by Stacey from USA
A No No
Always Be My Baby
We Belong Together

Pretty decent performance given everything. The major hiccup to me was Emotions. I got to give her credit for trying on that one. But she should have taken her own advice and said "a no no" on that song. She played it safe, singing songs in her middle range. I'd say her acceptance speech was good, particularly the last couple of minutes. And did you see Taylor Swift? Yup, she's a lamb.
(Thursday 2 May 2019; 07:09)
Re: Mariah - queen of the intro (89,231) (89,242) by Stacey from USA
Oh my gosh, Till the End of Time to me has one of the most emotionally invoking bridges ever. Ever. That's one thing I've always loved about MC: her ability to tap into our emotions with her lyrics and then sing in a way that releases those emotions.

Oh my Can't Let Go's intro proves you don't need You're So Cold-type belts to produce such powerful emotions. I always hated the radio edit cut off that long intro. One of my favorite ballads. Top 5.
(Saturday 20 April 2019; 19:37)
Re: Mariah to receive Icon Award at Music Awards (89,130) (89,138) by Stacey from USA
No to Migrate, lol. Songs she should sing would be Always Be My Baby. Another must would be the Fantasy remix. That song single handedly changed the face of music. That song alone makes her an icon.
(Friday 12 April 2019; 08:05)
Re: BBMA (89,127) (89,131) by Stacey from USA
Artist of the Millennium was I thought from the World Music Awards. No? I'm not sure either, lol.
(Friday 12 April 2019; 02:22)
Re: The Daydream era (88,938) (88,946) by Stacey from USA
This album is and always be my favorite album. It has everything for everyone. Ballads, hip-hop, R&B, Pop, dance remixes, etc. I was 18 when it was released and I'm 41 now. Still sounds so fresh as it did 20+ years ago.
(Monday 1 April 2019; 20:39)
Re: Daydream (88,910) (88,924) by Stacey from USA
Exactly. To me her most impressive song from Daydream is Underneath the Stars. Her voice in all its glory, using all facets of her voice is unmatched. Looking In is probably my favorite song off that album. Even at 41 years young, that song is still the story of my life. Funny thing is I find myself seeing Portrait as part 2 of Looking In.
(Sunday 31 March 2019; 00:24)
Re: The Emancipation of Mimi > E=MC2 (88,870) (88,888) by Stacey from USA
TEOM. Boom.
(Friday 29 March 2019; 04:43)
Re: Daydream (88,865) (88,887) by Stacey from USA
Oh no you didn't just diss I Am Free, lol. I love that song.
(Friday 29 March 2019; 04:42)
Re: MIAMTEC and Caution (88,863) (88,886) by Stacey from USA
It's ok. You're still a cool chick. So with TOEM, here's the thing. After Charmbracelet, I thought that was where she was going vocally. I was sad. I missed those mid-range vocals. I felt such a let down with amazing lyrics that didn't have the vocals to back them up. So when I got a 7:00 minute track full of snippets of each song, I was floored. I kept thinking gosh, this album feels like Daydream, part 2. I guess that's why I love it. It honestly was hard to pick my top three. I wanted to include Music Box. I first became a fan during that era. Such a unmatched catalogue of hits.
(Friday 29 March 2019; 04:39)
Re: MIAMTEC and Caution (88,833) (88,839) by Stacey from USA
Daydream at the bottom? Off with your head, lol.
(Wednesday 27 March 2019; 23:11)
Re: MIAMTEC and Caution (88,811) (88,838) by Stacey from USA
I'm 41 years young. Here's my list.

1. Daydream (duh)
3. Butterfly
4. Merry Christmas
5. Music Box
6. E=MC
7. Emotions
8. Debut
9. Rainbow
11. Glitter
12. #1s
13. Unplugged '92
14. Merry Christmas II You
15. Charmbracelet
17. Caution
(Wednesday 27 March 2019; 23:10)
Re: Fly Like a Bird acapella (88,801) (88,805) by Stacey from USA
I love TOEM, and this song. Wow. Thanks for sharing.
(Tuesday 26 March 2019; 18:24)
Re: Stefflon Don and the remix (88,649) (88,654) by Stacey from USA
Because the remix is crap and she knows it.
(Sunday 17 March 2019; 03:26)
Mariah's age (88,140) by Stacey from USA
1969? 1970? Tomato. Tomato. You get the idea, lol.
(Thursday 21 February 2019; 09:00)
Re: Caution the title track (87,995) (88,001) by Stacey from USA
I love Giving Me Life. Caution too. Both songs sound so different. I don't know how to explain it, lol. Both songs incorporate such hauntingly beautiful arrangements.
(Monday 11 February 2019; 18:26)
Re: Sounding like an old goat (87,847) (87,857) by Stacey from USA
Well, that's because Saudi Arabia has this thing about covering up "the assets", lol. But I agree 200% with you. She looked great. Just proves again you can still look fabulous while showing less skin.
(Friday 1 February 2019; 20:40)
Treated me kind (87,840) by Stacey from USA
Through all the arguments, discussions, fights, dumb comments, smart ones too, even all the posts where Edward forgets to take his meds (seriously dude, get an alarm clock, lol, works for me), etc... I still get goosebumps when I think of the first time the world heard those few words, "treated me kind". The rest they say is history. Don't forget why we all love MC. That voice.
(Friday 1 February 2019; 08:17)
Re: Daydream vs Butterfly (87,833) (87,839) by Stacey from USA
(Friday 1 February 2019; 08:08)
Re: (87,713) (87,723) by Stacey from USA
You're kidding, right? You think Maduro was legitimately elected? That's funny.
(Sunday 27 January 2019; 04:04)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey sets a new record (87,525) (87,526) by Stacey from USA
Next year is the 25th anniversary of AIWFCIY. I hope MC's team gets something together to promote the song. Between that and the popularity of the song in general, I have no doubt the song hits #1. If ever a song deserved to be counted among MC's #1s, it's this song.
(Thursday 10 January 2019; 22:28)
Re: AIWFCIY #3 in U.S. and MC top 10 (87,339) (87,355) by Stacey from USA
Seriously we have to get it to #1 next year. It will be the songs 25th anniversary. MC is all about anniversaries, right? If the fans can get Glitter to #1 in iTunes, there has got to be justice for AIWFCIY. Exactly. Next year AIWFCIY will celebrate 25 years. With the right gimic, promotion, the song has a chance to be #1. Perfect opportunity to really get the song to the top spot. So deserves to be a #1 single.
(Tuesday 1 January 2019; 07:24)
Re: Daydream album (87,352) (87,354) by Stacey from USA
Awww Daydream. Enough said.
(Tuesday 1 January 2019; 07:21)
Re: B (87,111) (87,114) by Stacey from USA
Same here. Losing a loved one, particularly at Christmas, is hard. I lost my dad just over a week ago. Kinda fitting he passed at Christmas time. It was his favorite time of year. He was the Christmas nut. Sorry for your loss.
(Tuesday 18 December 2018; 17:21)
Wow (87,112) by Stacey from USA
That's about all I can say. Love this song. Probably my favorite off MCIIY. Enjoy.
(Tuesday 18 December 2018; 05:46)
Giving Me Life (86,718) by Stacey from USA
Ok so tonight after I got my kiddos to bed, I put in Caution and let it play for the first time. Decided to take a few seconds break from Christmas music. This gem of a song came on. What a gem. The arrangement is so different. Edgy. Haunting. Beautiful. I found myself immediately wanting to sing along even before the song was done. Is there anyone that could make me an edit? Shorten it? The rap just doesn't need to be there. Takes away from the song whereas Ty Dolla fits right in on The Distance. Anyways this song is a definite winner.
(Saturday 1 December 2018; 06:16)


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