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About Stacey from USA:
Been a fan since 1993. Favorite albums include Daydream, TEOM, and Music Box. I love a good discussion, but won't stand for hateful comments because we disagree. I am too old to deal with drama and so are you. Keep it real with me and we'll have some fun. Peace.
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,474)
by Stacey from USA
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I like Music Box too. All I Ever Wanted is a very underrated ballad. I first heard Mariah on VH1 (when they actually played videos, lol,) with Hero. That song hooked me on MC and Daydream reeled me in. But MB will always hold a special place with me because of that experience.
(Friday 28 March 2025; 01:17)
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108,449 |
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,449)
by TJ from Norway
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I like Daydream very much. A lot of good songs, and it was released on my 19th birthday (at least in Norway). What a gift. I have never liked One Sweet Day, except the live versions. Fantasy is still one of my long time favourites.
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 21:03)
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,431)
by Stacey from USA
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Yes yes, I am sorry. My apologies. I daydream all the time as well. One can easily get lost in their thoughts and lose all sense of reality when listening to such great music. I will do better next time.
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 17:50)
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,424)
by Edward from USA
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Dear Stacey, you of all people should understand what happens when one is in a Daydream state of mind. I had the album playing and as I was typing my two favorites for TEOM, "When I Saw You" kicked in. Let’s just call it a "mental lapse", a "slip of the keyboard", or most likely, "a glitch in the matrix" . My guilty pleasure from TEOM is "To The Floor".
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 16:19)
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,430)
by Stacey from USA
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Me too, lol. I first discovered Mariah during the MB era. I was 16. But my love and appreciation for MC was cemented during Daydream.
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 17:48)
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,426)
by TJ from Norway
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I'm so old that Music Box always trumps both Daydream and Emancipation. I'm old.
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 16:46)
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,419)
by Stacey from USA
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Daydream is a thing of beauty. I can listen to that whole album beginning to end. No skips. I love every song. Looking In is my favorite track. It's my life's theme song. "It seems as though I've always been; somebody outside looking in." Oh wait, I can choose another song. Hmmm let's see, ABMB. That song sounds as current today as it did 30 years ago. Guilty pleasure: Melt Away.
TEOM had me jumping for joy 20 years later after Daydream. I thought the whisper from CB was MC's current trend. However, when I got a hold of an mp3 containing snippets of all the songs before the album's release, I couldn't contain my excitement. The voice was back. I have to choose only 2 songs? Fly Like A Bird, Circles. Guilty pleasure: Your Girl.
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 03:36)
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,414)
by Jamie from UK
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Ok while it's the 20th Anniversary of Mimi and 30th Anniversary of Daydream. Choose your two favourite songs from each album. Mine are: We Belong Together/Get Your Number Fantasy/Looking In I'm interested to hear people's choices and thought I'd bring some fun to the board.
(Monday 24 March 2025; 18:14)
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,418)
by Stacey from USA
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Oh Edward dear, When I Saw You is on the Daydream album.
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 03:25)
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,416)
by Edward from USA
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Daydream: Fantasy Underneath the Stars (guilty pleasure: Melt Away)
TEOM: One & Only Get Your Number (guilty pleasure: When I Saw You)
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 00:21)
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I don't Heart (108,382)
by Stacey from USA
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Beautifully put.
(Thursday 20 March 2025; 04:06)
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I don't Heart (108,375)
by Randy from USA
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Thank you Shezz and Edward for reading my message and understanding what I was trying to say. You know, if you ask an average person on the street who the great singer songwriters are, they will say Joni Mitchell, Carole King, Jewel maybe Alicia Keys, Sarah McLachlan, Lauryn Hill, Paula Cole. The reason why I care about the way MC carries herself image wise is because she is lumped in with the vanity songwriters. Madonna is a songwriter. Janet Jackson is a songwriter. Beyonce is a songwriter. Do you really think MC is on the level of the three I just mentioned? But to the general public and the music industry it's like "yeah yeah yeah you write songs". If I could get an earth-wide loudspeaker and closed captioning in the sky, I'd play Close My Eyes, Languishing, Petals, Butterfly, Vanishing, My All, Outside, Looking In and Right To Dream for the world. But since I don't have those means the most I can do is scream on this board, MC you're making a fool of yourself and tarnishing your legacy. Check out this exchange here. And of course there will be those who insult Wendy and downplay what was said. But if Mariah talks about lighting, ensembles, says she's eternally 12, and has a man to carry her umbrella, is anyone gonna believe she writes the best kcufin songs ever recorded? Oh and let me address the bitter old queen remark. I can't say what I want to say because it won't get posted. You could never, on your best day, with AI assistance, outwit me. I have a resume and a CV. Find yourself a schoolmate with a chipped tooth and peanut allergy to play with. I'm the principle principal up in this bitch. That's all.
(Wednesday 19 March 2025; 19:34)
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Accountability, kryptonite to Yass Queens (108,381)
by Stacey from USA
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Bravo. Some like to think Mariah is incapable of making a mistake. They refuse to take off the rose colored glasses. Then say to those of us who stopped wearing those glasses a long time ago, you aren't a real fan, blah, blah, blah. When all we want as fans is to see Mariah revered for the once in a generation talent that she is.
(Thursday 20 March 2025; 04:01)
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108,376 |
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Accountability, kryptonite to Yass Queens (108,376)
by Edward from USA
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Mariah, before fully embracing her diva persona, had a massive fanbase and was taken far more seriously. Being her fan felt like a badge of honor. I celebrated every time she hit number one and proudly showed everyone in my circle of friends the killer voice she had, her performances. But over time, she alienated a large portion of that fanbase with some of her choices. Some of those choices were justified because it was only a matter of time before she would start putting out the type of music that she liked, but some other choices were totally detrimental to her career and image, choices that didn't have anything to do with her artistry.
While I still acknowledge and celebrate her accomplishments, I've learned to keep my fandom to myself because, as the years passed, admitting to being a Mariah fan was seeing as weird, unless you had a "I'm Gay" sign written on your head, something I prefer to keep to myself. The shift in perception began when she adopted that cheap, exaggerated and sometimes shady Marilyn Monroe persona.
Celine, and Whitney with her struggles, always maintained a level of respect and relatability that Mariah started losing as she got more famous. She started believing her own hype. Now she is the least respected, not because of her talent, since she's the better overall artist, but because how she chose to present herself. And no, Tommy didn't have anything to do with it. For at least 8 years, Mariah was just as revered as the other two, but some of her choices made her fall from that pedestal.
Out of four judges on American Idol, she was the most experienced to give advice and guide the contestants. She had the perfect platform to show the world her greatness, her genius, but instead, she came out as insecure and petty sometimes, getting late to some of the auditions claiming they had to put up with it because she was a diva. At the end, Nicki ended up being a better judge.
If Mariah is so great to be praised for her accomplishments, she should be held accountable for her failures. End of the rant.
(Wednesday 19 March 2025; 20:11)
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MC in L.A. (108,359)
by Stacey from USA
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I thought that same thing when I saw the long leather coat. I can't believe my Daydream is turning 30 this year. Man, I feel old, lol.
(Tuesday 18 March 2025; 04:10)
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108,355 |
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MC in L.A. (108,355)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Wow really beautiful and classy. I love it. I get a little [Daydream] tour vibes with the outfit.
(Monday 17 March 2025; 18:29)
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The issue I have (108,295)
by Stacey from USA
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I can't stand Oprah. She thinks she's better than everyone else. Her condescending attitude is so off putting.
(Saturday 1 March 2025; 04:40)
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The issue I have (108,287)
by Edward from USA
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I agree. I swear Oprah thinks she's Jesus, and when gets a papercut, she goes like: "Stigmata." I don't trust her, she's very skinny now and very hungry. Mariah needs a different platform, Oprah might be plotting to get her on Ozempic.
(Friday 28 February 2025; 21:55)
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The issue I have (108,284)
by Stacey from USA
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I like the idea of doing a sit down interview with someone but not Oprah.
(Friday 28 February 2025; 03:16)
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The issue I have (108,280)
by Bobby A from United States
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MC should come clean during an interview with Oprah. Oprah could help MC focus on her being a real person and whatever she has been dealing with concerning her voice. I just wonder if any medication she takes for bipolar affects her voice and her ability to sing like she use to. One would think after proper rest and an extended break, her voice would bounce back easily. However, we know after seven years of bad performances that is not the case.
(Thursday 27 February 2025; 20:02)
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Daydream 30 (108,158)
by Stacey from USA
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I am trying not to get my hopes up for this anniversary, lol. I hope she does something similar to MB 30 3CD release. Release the normal album on CD 1. CD 2 should be Someone's Ugly Daughter, then CD 3 should be full of released and unreleased songs from extra sessions, etc.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 04:07)
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Daydream 30 (108,153)
by BFF from United States
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I wonder what, if anything, Mariah has planned for the 30th anniversary of the release of "Daydream" this year. We got "One Night" and "Slipping Away" on "The Rarities" track list along with the Tokyo Dome concert from the "Daydream" tour. But surely Mariah has other leftover material from the "Daydream" sessions outside of "Someone's Ugly Daughter"?
(Sunday 9 February 2025; 22:42)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,079)
by Stacey from USA
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I've never seen Charmbracelet as something that could have done better, been better. I think the album exactly what was intended. The album provided Mariah with an opportunity to deal with her struggles through the writing of songs. That was her therapy. The promotion of the album allowed MC to explain her side of things and show the world that all she needed was a few hours of sleep, and not believe all the crazy tabloid rumors. That album and subsequent tour (of which I saw her live the last night of said tour), put her voice in great shape to give us TEOM. Is CB my favorite album? No. But I'll always be grateful for the purpose it served in MC's storied career.
(Friday 31 January 2025; 00:08)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,075)
by Bobby A from United States
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For me Charmbracelet is another outlier album. What do you think if 7 Aurelius and Dre and Vidal were the only producers on Charmbracelet? They could have really made Charmbracelet sell more copies and not been such a disjointed album in my opinion. I feel that Lyor Cohen gave MC some bad advice by telling her to choose Through the Rain as the first single. Charmbracelet was an great album, but it could have been better.
(Thursday 30 January 2025; 15:05)
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Music Box 30 (108,050)
by Stacey from USA
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Well said Edward. Well said.
(Saturday 25 January 2025; 00:24)
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Music Box 30 (108,043)
by Edward from USA
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Robert-Anthony, I'm so glad people are finally fed up with cancel culture. It's like we're been policed for about anything we say. What happened to the Dixie Chicks should never happen again, regardless of your political leanings. Carrie slayed, period. I would love for someone to ask Snoop Dogg in his face why he performed, he would obliterate them. When you talk at people instead of talking to them, you realize why things happened the way they did. And I'm a Democrat, not a radical one though.
(Friday 24 January 2025; 14:59)
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New Year's pic post (107,937)
by Stacey from USA
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Just because Dolly can doesn't mean she should.
(Monday 6 January 2025; 04:23)
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New Year's pic post (107,930)
by Bobby A from United States
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If Dolly Parton can do this at 78, then MC should be able to do it at 55. MC should be able to have some fun in her late 50s.
(Sunday 5 January 2025; 15:25)
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New Year's pic post (107,936)
by Stacey from USA
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Well said.
(Monday 6 January 2025; 04:22)
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New Year's pic post (107,932)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Well, you can look classy and have fun too. I hope her next outfit is more classy. Mariah is so beautiful she [doesn't] need that look. But I know tastes are different. I'm hoping for new music this year.
(Sunday 5 January 2025; 19:18)
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Article: Mariah Carey shares busty New Year's post (107,925)
by Stacey from USA
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Don't get me wrong. MC is beautiful. But instead of looking at her face, overall look, our eyes are drawn elsewhere. I don't understand it. I get Tommy pulled her so far one way, but that doesn't mean you have to swing the pendulum so far the other way. Find a nice middle ground. Bring back some denim, ala Butterfly era looks.
(Saturday 4 January 2025; 22:30)
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Article: Mariah Carey shares busty New Year's post (107,920)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I thought the same. Less is more. But I love the smile.
(Saturday 4 January 2025; 16:50)
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Rare Whenever You Call video (107,924)
by Stacey from USA
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Such a beautiful and hard song to sing live, and she hit a home run. I miss that look, jeans and a tank top. So simple yet such a powerful outfit. I wish we had more of that today.
(Saturday 4 January 2025; 22:27)
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Rare Whenever You Call video (107,919)
by Shezz from Pk
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I just came across this recently posted video from the Perth Butterfly concert - I don't know if it's new or been around for a while. Her voice was definitely tired and worn out but she soldiered on (98% live) and her rasp was still pretty. The climax audio transition was tough to watch - not too smooth in the early days I suppose but still a beautiful performance of an amazing song. Also she looked so gorgeous here - no frills no elaborate impractical gowns just a simple white top and a pair of jeans.
(Saturday 4 January 2025; 13:04)
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Article: Mariah Carey shares busty New Year's post (107,916)
by Stacey from USA
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Yes stunning. But uh I could do without all the girls front and center. Not a fan.
(Saturday 4 January 2025; 02:47)
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Article: Mariah Carey shares busty New Year's post (107,912)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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Simply stunning.
(Friday 3 January 2025; 13:03)
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Merry Christmas SACD (107,892)
by Stacey from USA
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Same. I am trying to hold my expectations in check for Daydream's 30th anniversary. It's hard, though. I get so excited at the thought of what MC may be hiding in the vault.
(Sunday 29 December 2024; 00:58)
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Merry Christmas SACD (107,887)
by Bill from the UK
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Thank you gents, yes all is well with me thanks. Wishing you all the best for the year ahead. If there's no new music from Mariah in 2025, here's hoping Daydream gets an anniversary release with my beautiful London tour date added as a bonus audio CD. I would probably die of happiness. It's still one of the best days of my life, always will be.
(Saturday 28 December 2024; 12:40)
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Crystal ball prediction (107,874)
by Stacey from USA
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I just posted about this very thing. AIWFCIY is cemented as a classic along with Nat King Cole's version of The Christmas song or Bing Crosby singing White Christmas. You can't think of Christmas without those songs. Truly amazing and just another example of MC's talent to create an original holiday song that increases in popularity 30 years after its release. Enjoy the spoils year after year.
(Thursday 26 December 2024; 22:37)
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Crystal ball prediction (107,868)
by Chicago Lamb from USA
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Mariah's AIWFC goes #1 every year, the rest of the decade and every now/then beyond. Billboard honors her with a 3rd "Song of the Decade" for 2020's. She'll be the only artist in our lifetimes to have 3, OSD, WBT, and AIWFC. In addition, more artist weeks at #1 than anyone could touch for generations. How many weeks can AIWFC touch #1? A possible 18th this year. But beyond it's anyone guess. 30, 40, 50?
(Thursday 26 December 2024; 13:21)
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Last Christmas (107,873)
by Stacey from USA
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Numbers truly don't lie. What an amazing stat to look at. Thanks for sharing, Edward. It's never bothered me to see MC become a one trick item. Her career accomplishments will never be duplicated. Christmas is a holiday that comes around every year. Her success is celebrated every year. To see a song become more popular then when it was released 30 years ago is truly is what's cool. My 16 year old daughter doesn't care for MC. Not her kind of music. But yet, she loves AIWFCIY, and will sing to it every year. Who else comes close to that? No one.
(Thursday 26 December 2024; 22:32)
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Last Christmas (107,865)
by Edward from USA
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I had no idea they were giving "Last Christmas" a push with multiple releases this year. You'd think people might be getting tired of "AIWFCIY", but judging by its streaming numbers over the years, it's actually getting more popular every year.
"AIWFCIY" performance on Global Spotify on December 24th over the years: 2024: #1 - 24.86M 2023: #1 - 23.7M 2022: #1 - 21.27M 2021: #1 - 17.42M 2020: #1 - 17.22M 2019: #1 - 12.02M 2018: #1 - 10.81M 2017: #1 - 8.06M
Numbers don't lie.
(Thursday 26 December 2024; 02:57)
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Have you heard? (107,775)
by Stacey from USA
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I can neither confirm nor deny this rumor, lol. MC's version of Santa Claus Is Coming To Town is also known to cause issues during driving. Not that I would know.
(Wednesday 11 December 2024; 04:04)
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Have you heard? (107,773)
by TJ from Norway
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I just read that it's dangerous to drive and listen to Christmas music. AIWFCIY is the second most dangerous one. Haha.
(Tuesday 10 December 2024; 18:45)
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Marc Shaiman (107,766)
by Stacey from USA
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Agreed. Christmas Time Air Again is a beautiful song. I remember listening to MCIIY the first time all the way through. One Child caused me to stop and replay once more before continuing on.
(Monday 9 December 2024; 19:03)
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Marc Shaiman (107,763)
by Edward from USA
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Unlike Walter Afanasieff, Marc Shaiman brings a unique touch as an exceptional lyricist. "Christmas Time Is in the Air Again" and "One Child" stand out as the best written and produced tracks among the four original songs on the album. These songs come closest to recapturing the musical quality of the Merry Christmas album from 1994.
(Monday 9 December 2024; 02:15)
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AIWFCIY ringtone (107,705)
by Stacey from USA
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I put together a pretty good cut and paste job ringtone for AIWFCIY. If you're interested, post your email address and I'll send it to you.
(Monday 25 November 2024; 06:54)
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New music? (107,686)
by Stacey from USA
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I came across a E. News report about Jason Kelce's duet with Stevie Nicks "dethroned" MC off the top of the iTunes chart. I had to laugh. When Kelce's song hits #1 on Billboard Hot 100 chart 25 years after its release, then you can talk about dethroning the queen. Until then, you can bow before the queen, lol.
(Thursday 21 November 2024; 19:41)
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New music? (107,675)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Absolutely. It's the same with the "home alone" movie. I saw it 1990 in cinema as a little kid and I still love it. It's a classic. Mariah's AIWFCIY is another classic during the Christmas season forever. No matter to which number it climbs on the charts. It's music history.
(Wednesday 20 November 2024; 18:05)
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