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About enwar00 from usa: Been a fan since Vision of Love. I can say I'll be a fan for life.

Randoms (52,046) by enwar00 from usa
Bill that game was fun. I can't believe I got 2 wrong. How did you score? Btw I've meant to say I love your new avatar. Emotions is one of my favorite songs and videos. Marissa I've meant to tell you I dig your new old school avatar also. Baby what a coincidence, I just watched Almost Home earlier. I needed to feel how that song makes me feel after the day I had. I love that song. Dennis I agree with you, SIO would have been #1 if Gold Digger didn't sell like it did. It was behind it for like 6 weeks vs behind WBT for only 1. Jon and Randy my favorite performance of Vision Of Love is from the BET Blueprint. I just feel like she went off and was totally into it and that energy came across. Just thought I'd share. I hope everyone is having a blessed and or great weekend.
(Monday 20 April 2015; 2:27)
Mariah weekend (52,031) by enwar00 from usa
I had a Mariah weekend. I watched her #1s on Vevo Friday night, listened to Glitter yesterday, and am now listening to Charmbracelet. Rainbow may be next.
(Sunday 19 April 2015; 19:11)
One disc (51,994) by enwar00 from usa
I doubt they would split the 19 songs onto 2 discs. As someone mentioned below, I think Raphael, a CD fits 80 minutes, and the 19 songs will barely squeeze onto it. Also, 2 discs just for the sake of it would be annoying. Someone also mentioned RIAA certifications, but they don't just double it for having 2 discs, it actually has to add up to a certain length. So, if there is a disc 2, I think it'd be other material.
(Saturday 18 April 2015; 3:00)
Fake back cover features (51,993) by enwar00 from usa
Warrior Butterfly, the link to the tracklisting was hilarious. The best was Dreamlover featuring Meghan Trainor. Absolutely absurd. Not gonna happen.
(Saturday 18 April 2015; 2:01)
Infinity Butterfly (51,668) by enwar00 from usa
Did you guys notice the infinity symbol at the bottom of the butterfly on the new cover? Pretty slick.
(Monday 13 April 2015; 0:16)
Butterfly Zero (51,379) by enwar00 from usa
There's Butterfly Zero now? Do they sell it in the US too? I want some.
(Saturday 4 April 2015; 17:42)
Bill from UK (51,368) by enwar00 from usa
Thanks for the link to those reviews. It was an entertaining read. I've only been on that site once before.
(Saturday 4 April 2015; 3:57)
Lee TS Howard Stern (51,045) by enwar00 from usa
She's been interviewed by Howard Stern if you haven't seen it. Or did you mean she should again. I've also heard a phone one from when Around The World was airing.
(Thursday 19 March 2015; 12:01)
Boy performance (50,751) by enwar00 from usa

I've never seen this or any performance of this song. I enjoyed it, and in hindsight I do like the song better than The One. Crazy how you can lose a lot of natural energy in 10 or so years, or at different points in your life.
(Tuesday 10 March 2015; 14:47)
Baby re: eyebrows (50,356) by enwar00 from usa
Wow, this has got be one of the most random and odd coincidences, but I was literally just thinking about those eyebrows yesterday lol. Something possessed me to watch the Someday video and I was like they look good. I feel like the trend for eyebrows has been thicker the last few years, like it was back then. I've even been keeping mine thicker, although they need to be cleaned up lol. Sometimes I tell people I'd want my unibrow back and they think I'm nuts, but it doesn't grow back. But enough about me, did you notice that during the beginning of Emancipation she barely had any, like in the first couple videos that were shot? I was like, um where are her eyebrows lol? So not sure if hers would grow back the same way either. I believe they can also naturally thin out with age.
(Monday 23 February 2015; 20:35)
It's just like honey (50,319) by enwar00 from usa

I've been sick for a week and a half with a lingering cold, finally feeling well enough to go out tonight, and after dinner now I'm at my favorite martini bar, where one drink gets you buzzed, and they're playing this. It's a good night and I needed it. I need it need it need it. I just thought I'd share with the MCA lambily. Cheers to the freaking weekend.
(Saturday 21 February 2015; 5:02)
Bill from UK (49,915) by enwar00 from usa
Thanks for your posts. I appreciate them, especially recently, and it's nice to read them. Also, I felt very similarly regarding Hero recently. Out of her 18 #1s I definitely would rank it higher today than I would have a few years back.
(Sunday 8 February 2015; 2:35)
It's Like That you all (49,367) by enwar00 from usa

Can you believe it's been 10 whole years since this song first debuted? I still remember first hearing it on the radio, then first hearing it at the club, there was such a buzz and excitement around it, it just seemed right. I feel like it's somewhat forgotten because of what exploded after it, but I love it, especially with the video, and always remember the feeling that this is what kicked started that massive Mimi year. For you #5 theorists out there, I hope you're right, that would be fun.
(Thursday 22 January 2015; 15:13)
John john from UK (49,005) by enwar00 from usa
I'm with you. That'll be the excuse I need to go to Vegas. I hope it's soon.
(Wednesday 7 January 2015; 7:19)
Happy New Year lambily (48,878) by enwar00 from usa

I only saw this once before and thought it was really bad. But now I think it's cute with her dancing and all. She really is quite festive. Happy New year.
(Thursday 1 January 2015; 16:20)
Still on it (48,811) by enwar00 from usa

Let me try that again lol.
(Sunday 28 December 2014; 16:13)
Still on it (48,808) by enwar00 from usa
This performance is effortlessly phenomenal to me.
(Sunday 28 December 2014; 12:05)
I Stay In Love (48,791) by enwar00 from usa

Is there anyone else that actually likes this video? The reason I ask is because for some reason I feel like I remember it getting a lot of hate, and when it just came on tv I remembered that I like it as well as the song. Love the desert scenes and she looks really good too. The only thing I'm like eh to is the lethargic dancing. Like the choreographer didn't show up. But overall thought I'd give it some love.
(Friday 26 December 2014; 7:14)
Merry Christmas lambily (48,780) by enwar00 from usa

Here's a fun and festive video I'm about to watch. Thought I'd share.
(Wednesday 24 December 2014; 18:57)
Mara (48,659) by enwar00 from usa
I hope you have an amazing day, and enjoy the show. Have fun for us lambs that can't make it to the shows. I expect a full report tomorrow. Just kidding.
(Saturday 20 December 2014; 17:32)
12/18 show (48,651) by enwar00 from usa
Wow it sounds like she fucking killed it last night. I swear every time I see clips and I'm like eh, like from the first show, and hearing all the haterade over and over, and people wanting so bad to count her out, she then sings again and amazes me. Ktktkt thanks for posting those highlights, and I love your caption.
(Saturday 20 December 2014; 3:12)
Baby AIWFCIY acoustic (48,601) by enwar00 from usa
Baby thank you so much, that was literally like an awesome early Christmas present. I absolutely love it. My life is complete. Ok that last one is an exaggeration but you get what I'm saying.
(Thursday 18 December 2014; 6:55)
AIWFCIY #50 (48,474) by enwar00 from usa
Guess who's got the second highest charting Christmas song this week? Looks like all that hate last week helped the song reenter Billboard's Hot 100. I love it.
(Friday 12 December 2014; 4:42)
Edward (48,473) by enwar00 from usa
Yes, it is a great song. Thanks again to Nikki for posting. But hold up though, that's probably the only MC song I hadn't heard, and I stand by my other cuts. No, I am not a fan of My Love. 100% is just eh to me. And the other two I feel are inferior to the original solo versions. Are you going to the Christmas show?
(Friday 12 December 2014; 4:07)
Help Me Make It (Through the Night) (48,442) by enwar00 from usa
Wow I'd never heard this song before, or at least I don't remember. I'm assuming it's from Tennessee. I absolutely loved it, so different for MC, and I can't stop listening to it. Nikki thanks so much for posting. I'm actually embarrassed that I suggested Edward to take it off his playlist, clearly I figured if I hadn't heard an MC song it must not be good, but I was so wrong.
(Wednesday 10 December 2014; 15:32)


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