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About jaker20 from US: You Will Never Be MC

Enwar00 (37,301) by jaker20 from US
You can't just take my post like that out of context. I'm all for discussion and decent arguments. That sentence is meant to be taken from the artist's point of view, not the listener. MC is a pop artist, not a indie artist. She makes music with universal appeal that reaches and breaks many boundaries, not just geared towards a niche market.
(Sunday 24 February 2013; 6:35)
Chart performance is a measure of success (37,290) by jaker20 from US
Is not the only measure, but it is a measure. Why do you think people here are wondering where MC's fans have gone? Isn't that a contradiction? Saying it's ok for her songs to not chart, and then say where her fans have gone? Her fans are only half here for her, they have become apathetic about her and her songs, so just like the posters here, they do not care if her songs chart, don't care if she's on the radio, or if the song succeeds. Wow, MC should really be concerned by fan's apathy. Well because her songs have flopped and they don't hear her anywhere, so many of them most likely don't even know she's got a new song. A good song that only you can enjoy means nothing. This is the keyword for MC's fans now: apathetic. They do not care one way or the other, as long as its a "good song". Well let me tell you, what is a good song when no one can hear it? Sting once said, any artists who only care about their art and not widespread success are hypocrites. It is sad, fans don't rally behind her anymore. MC needs new breed of fans. And did I just read someone just reprimand another fan for buying multiple copies of Almost Home? You actually get criticized for being a dedicated and enthusiastic fan. You know what fan is short for? It's suppossed to be short for fanatic. MC's lost them types of fans.
(Saturday 23 February 2013; 8:52)
Almost Home drops out of top 100 after just a few days (37,280) by jaker20 from US
You guys do not believe me she is working with old people who know nothing about how to market and buzz on today's music. The video should already be released now. Why wait until the movie that is more than 2 weeks away from now? By then the song has already maybe dropped to no. 500 on iTunes. This is very stupid, sorry. Look at Rihanna's release pattern and all the current hot artists. Mariah is mismanaged, this is the fact. And you guys defend this? Some of you here are talking about marketing wait-and-see strategy as if it's 1992. It's now 2013, that formula does not work anymore. You should want only and nothing but the very best to work with Mariah, not Randy Jackson or all those so-called managers from the 90s who have no clue. Why do you think all her sons lately are flopping? It is because of these reasons. This is a great great song, but the only way to make it a success is to have the right people. Anyway, watch as the song drops further down. You don't even know how much the song is used in the movie and how well the movie will do. That's kind of hope-for-the-best marketing, not aggressive marketing that treat the song can stand on its own.
(Friday 22 February 2013; 15:36)
A great song destined to fail (37,263) by jaker20 from US
Because they are not promoting it properly. It's already fallen to 81 on iTunes after peaking to a lowly 49 in one day. Mariah is working with a lot of old people who don't know anything about promoting a song in this age. No video release and by the time the movie is released, this song is long forgotten. Just bad release pattern. This is tragic, because this is a great song and probably one of her last songs that have a chance for success. From the massive Triumphant embarrassment, she can't afford another flop, but if she sticks with the same people to work with, this song will have the same destiny.
(Thursday 21 February 2013; 12:20)
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