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About Stacey from USA: Been a fan since 1993. Favorite albums include Daydream, TEOM, and Music Box. I love a good discussion, but won't stand for hateful comments because we disagree. I am too old to deal with drama and so are you. Keep it real with me and we'll have some fun. Peace.

Re: Fallon (86,115) (86,125) by Stacey from USA
Yeah, she could've handled the Glitter praise a bit better. For an album that caused a lot of grief the passed 17 years, to see it hit #1 should have seen MC be a bit more grateful. Stick up for that album. Has probably one of my favorite ballads on it: Lead The Way. Then again, as someone who has battled depression/anxiety, it might have been a dark enough time, that she doesn't want to dwell on it too much. Anyways, her interview was great and performance too. I couldn't tell what was lipped or not. That's a good sign. What was funny was Ty Dolla put his mic down on parts his voice was heard. Oeps. All in all, she did great. The Distance is growing on me.
(Saturday 17 November 2018; 17:12)
My take, Caution (86,084) by Stacey from USA
Portrait is my favorite song by far. The arrangement is classic Mariah, what I've always loved about her.

Why I'm still a fan? Because she produces amazing songs like Portrait. I closed my eyes as I listened to the song. I loved the raspy belts. The song is so Mariah. It felt so Butterfly-esq. My favorite of the album. I kept thinking why weren't there more songs like this on the album. The rest of the album sounds the same. Different beats, but still the same formula. Maybe other songs will grow on me. *shrugs* Time will tell. In the end though, as I've always said, even if the album doesn't grab me as a whole, I'm always grateful for those songs that I do like. Grateful she made Caution because I got Portrait.
(Saturday 17 November 2018; 05:42)
Re: Limited edition / ticket purchase (85,266) (85,274) by Stacey from USA
Can someone post a link? I'd like to see the deluxe album cover. Thanks.
(Thursday 25 October 2018; 07:03)
Re: Too many bubbles for my taste (85,182) (85,205) by Stacey from USA
Dang, why didn't she sing like that at the AMAs?
(Monday 22 October 2018; 23:23)
The Distance (85,090) by Stacey from USA
So the first 55 seconds, I'm like what is this mess. The whole spirit chant is so unnecessary and out of place. After that, the beat kicks in and the song sounds nice. Even Ty Dolla, whatever his name is, his part flows nicely with the song. So I guess I'll skip the first minute of the song, lol.
(Friday 19 October 2018; 09:58)
Again (85,089) by Stacey from USA
Again with the f-word.
(Friday 19 October 2018; 09:55)
Re: Album title (85,004) (85,012) by Stacey from USA
Haha, so true.
(Thursday 18 October 2018; 05:56)
Re: Oh my (85,002) (85,011) by Stacey from USA
No, it wasn't.
(Thursday 18 October 2018; 05:56)
Re: Album title (84,996) (85,001) by Stacey from USA
I know. I just said to Licia I hit send and forgot to include Daydream, lol. I'm glad some saw my post as light, not to be taking seriously. I was only joking.
(Wednesday 17 October 2018; 20:40)
Re: Album title (84,986) (85,000) by Stacey from USA
I realized that after I hit send, lol.
(Wednesday 17 October 2018; 20:38)
Oh my (84,999) by Stacey from USA
Some of you need to learn how to laugh a little more. I was only joking. Dang.
(Wednesday 17 October 2018; 20:37)
Album title (84,983) by Stacey from USA
At least it's not something immature along the lines of Butterfly, Rainbow, Charmbracelet, or Music Box.
(Wednesday 17 October 2018; 09:43)
Re: With You video (84,724) (84,779) by Stacey from USA
Same here. I really enjoyed the video. Her outfits show skin, but keep them "girls" in check. I found myself lipping along not realizing it. I'm really starting to like this song.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 08:04)
Re: With You video (84,750) (84,778) by Stacey from USA
Oh we've all had a hairbrush singing moment or two or more, lol. I mean we are all Mariah fans, right? I personally preferred a fat sharpie marker to use as my microphone when pretending I was singing, lol.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 08:00)
Re: The video (84,749) (84,777) by Stacey from USA
Agreed. Nice summary.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 07:58)
Re: AMAs (84,771) (84,776) by Stacey from USA
Agreed. I'll give credit where credit is due. At least this era seems to be organized. Both songs have had the videos released days after the song dropped. Both song releases included a nationwide TV performance to promote the song. Credit given.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 07:56)
Re: With You video (84,762) (84,775) by Stacey from USA
I liked it too. The song is growing on me. I found myself unknowingly mouthing along as I watched the video. Very reminiscent of DFAU, for me anyways.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 07:54)
Re: AMA / disgruntled fans sticking around (84,707) (84,732) by Stacey from USA
A-freaking-men. Seriously I can't love your post enough. I've been a fan since 1993, 15 years old. I'm now 41. Do the math, lol. Love your thoughts. Spot on.
(Thursday 11 October 2018; 04:24)
Re: Oh for fx sakes (84,390) (84,409) by Stacey from USA
Yeah, I don't understand this move toward profanity. It's so unnecessary.
(Friday 5 October 2018; 22:57)
Re: A message for Adam (84,331) (84,335) by Stacey from USA
Well said, Bill. Agree 100%.
(Thursday 4 October 2018; 21:59)
Re: Where's little Stacey Daydream? (84,268) (84,277) by Stacey from USA
"Lol I know she's throwing a Daydream party to celebrate the 23 year anniversary. She's made her children, the pets, and her husband dress like different Mariah's during that era. That's actually what I plan on doing when CB turns 20. Those pictures are going to be epic."

Where do I begin, lol. One, haven't been little in decades. I love Daydream, but I couldn't even tell you when it was released. Two, I celebrate my birthday not the day when Daydream was released. Three, my kids have never worn Mariah gear nor would I make them. I love MC's music, but shoot I would never wear a shirt. So, how can I make my kids, lol? Lastly, do they even make MC clothes for cats? I wouldn't know either way. I know this is all fun for some. It's not that deep for me either. I love Daydream. I ain't gonna lie. Sweet sweet fantasy baby. Peace.
(Thursday 4 October 2018; 01:18)
With You, my birthday (84,201) by Stacey from USA
The song just so happens to be released on my birthday. What a great present. So it just has to be good because that's the day I was born. Already a winner or so I can dream, right? 41 and fabulous.
(Tuesday 2 October 2018; 04:38)
With You cover art (84,200) by Stacey from USA
I like it. It isn't the usual "hey, I'm in a bathing suit, look at me" so unnecessary sexy pose type cover. Reminds me of the great cover art from her days at Sony. Yes, did I just say Sony? She's 2/2 when it comes to cover art. Here's hoping for a good performance on the AMAs. At least promotion for this latest effort seems on point and organized.
(Tuesday 2 October 2018; 04:34)
Re: iHeart (83,916) (83,932) by Stacey from USA
If they keep talking about all her diva moments, the only person to blame is Mariah herself.
(Saturday 22 September 2018; 17:42)
Re: She didn't, but now she does (83,805) (83,808) by Stacey from USA
Thanks for the shout out, Edward. My kids still ask for You Don't Know What To Do in the car. I gladly oblige.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 23:31)


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