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About Andrew from UK:

Re: Manchester UK (78,329) (78,337) by Andrew from UK
He meant the "X" was a timesaver but probably means "Christ" anyway, Christians shouldn't be so sensitive, the holiday is not about religion for him it's about family - and it's his holiday, as much as anyone else's. Oh and he likes gospel. If you find reading difficult, suggest Googling some colourful pictures.
(Monday 11 September 2017; 16:50)
Re: Miss You Most at Christmas Time (78,321) (78,336) by Andrew from UK
Bill, actually dropping concert announcements with no advance warning is not very fair. Given that a pair of tickets will cost up to £200, the average person would need to hope that the announcement comes at a time when they are not brassic. If you don't live in London or Manchester the costs become significantly higher with travel and accommodation. Even for those just about able to put the pennies together, the question of how long or short the concert will be, whether most of it will be live or lipped, etc. all comes into play: essentially, is that significant expense worth it given the reward? I think dropping shock concert announcements is not a very moral thing to do. By all means, shock drop the music. But not a concert.
(Monday 11 September 2017; 16:44)
Small potatoes (78,315) by Andrew from UK
Aside from roasting your small potatoes, I have to ask: Eric, buddy, are you coming to London for the show?
(Thursday 7 September 2017; 21:03)
Re: Manchester UK (78,311) (78,314) by Andrew from UK
I had a feeling. A hurricane rips up the earth from the Caribbean whilst throwing the ocean upon it, Donald Trump and the Kim Jong-Insane have a game of Global Thermonuclear War (Penis Measurement Edition) and Mimi L still hasn't taken out Stella. But Lee can't write "Xmas" instead of "Christmas". Pretty sure the X is something to do with the Greek for "Christ". But surely atheists can assert their own beliefs in as much as religious people do? Surely that has to be part of the world in which we live. You know, that lovely world where it's a toss up between being dying in a storm, dying in a nuclear fallout, or dying from what Stella does for a living.
(Thursday 7 September 2017; 20:54)
Re: (78,309) (78,312) by Andrew from UK
Jadakiss, it sounds very much like you are sorting out a Christmas UK fan get together. I nominate you to do it lmao thumbs up if Jade should do it.
(Thursday 7 September 2017; 20:29)
Re: Manchester UK (78,301) (78,311) by Andrew from UK
Why is Christmas in square brackets? [Webmaster: Some people write X-Mas and I find that disrespectful.]
(Thursday 7 September 2017; 17:50)
Sweet sweet Merry Christmas (78,305) by Andrew from UK
I didn't get tickets and Jade has convinced me that is a mistake. Once in a lifetime, apparently. If someone wants to go email me. I assume it's not fully booked? Honestly it's all too draining. She spends a lifetime releasing [censored] all from an album, but concert tickets? Stay up all night. Oh. I'll ruin your magical evening.
(Thursday 7 September 2017; 00:45)
Charitable donations (78,255) by Andrew from UK
With a lot to donate to in the world, it turns out that French Montana is a pretty nice guy. It is distasteful for the very rich encouraging people to donate to global causes whilst not putting their hands in their pockets themselves. Performing at charity concerts and attending benefit galas is all well and good, but doing something that is far less self-serving and far more self-effacing is much more morally praiseworthy. With many music celebrities donating actual significant amounts of cash to good causes, Mariah would do well to put down the pot-roast and pick up her cheque book. In these times, people do not look to self-proclaimed princesses who drab themselves in expensive jewellery and act aloof, they look to people who remember that they are humans just like the rest of us but with the ability to make a significant contribution. That being said, contributions of $25,000 are hardly significant when it makes up about 0.05% of your total wealth.
(Sunday 3 September 2017; 17:50)
Unforgettable (78,254) by Andrew from UK
According to Wikipedia this is Hip-Hop. Like, really?
(Sunday 3 September 2017; 17:34)
Re: Mariah out with Tanaka (78,238) (78,246) by Andrew from UK
The dress is better. However, Miss Piggy is going to attract satellites into her orbit soon. Kermit must really like cushen for the pushen.
(Saturday 2 September 2017; 10:54)
Re: Slightly shocked at Despacito (78,199) (78,200) by Andrew from UK
How anybody can tolerate the same bloody song, any bloody song, being everywhere for four months is beyond me, Mariah or otherwise. Despacito is the song of the Summer, undoubtedly. But who the hell are the muppets still buying it? It's been everywhere for four months. Why the bloody hell are you only purchasing it now?
(Wednesday 30 August 2017; 10:09)
Re: Forgotten gem: The One (78,147) (78,149) by Andrew from UK
Jade, did you upload your photo at a right angle? Sure I did not. Eric, this is about Brexit, isn't it?
(Sunday 27 August 2017; 01:23)
Re: Forgotten gem: The One (78,132) (78,148) by Andrew from UK
As I did with Martyn, I invite good humoured and sensible members of the board to WhatsApp me. Randy, drop me a line. Would be fun to talk to you. +00447850088786. Although I will deny you of any RTD.
(Sunday 27 August 2017; 01:18)
Re: Forgotten gem: The One (78,141) (78,147) by Andrew from UK
Why are our pictures at 90 degrees, then? [Webmaster: Don't ask me, you've uploaded that picture yourself.]
(Sunday 27 August 2017; 01:04)
Re: Forgotten gem: The One (78,124) (78,135) by Andrew from UK
Jade. Oh Jadey. The fair maiden, Jade. I think Eric thanks God he found the Brits. Why else would our selfies be at, wait for it... wait, wait, wait for it... "98 degrees"?
(Saturday 26 August 2017; 21:06)
Re: Forgotten gem: The One (78,132) (78,134) by Andrew from UK
I genuinely listened to it today, both the studio versions and semi-live version. It's simply just basically the same couple of notes sung the same way. Have you ever seen the episode of Friends where Ross plays the bagpipes and Phoebe screeches along. That is mildly preferable to The One. In fact, Ross is the music, Phoebe is Mariah and I'm Jennifer Aniston who can't fight back the laughter. But even Ross had a right to dream.
(Saturday 26 August 2017; 20:27)
Re: Mariah Carey's Archives (78,128) (78,133) by Andrew from UK
I agree. He has the last performance 96/first performance 97 and a comparison video I previously suggested would be interesting to see.
(Saturday 26 August 2017; 20:22)
Mariah Carey's Archives (78,128) by Andrew from UK
Eric is this you? [Webmaster: No. But an interesting list.]
(Saturday 26 August 2017; 17:41)
Re: Forgotten gem: The One (78,101) (78,123) by Andrew from UK
If you gush anymore you'll have to visit a clinic. The One is boring shite.
(Saturday 26 August 2017; 08:25)
This is definitely unforgetable (78,085) by Andrew from UK
When Kennedy got shot, when Diana died, when Mariah Carey did something different, relevant and new. Everyone, remember where you were and remember to speak of it to your children and grandchildren. Suddenly she doesn't feel like an RnB relic from the nineties. And she sounds good on it, too.
(Thursday 24 August 2017; 13:47)
Re: What happened to Mariah's voice? (78,045) (78,053) by Andrew from UK
Mariah will never sound like the studio because of her stage fright? This is a complete nonsense. Mariah sounded exactly like the studio in her twenties and used to really go for it on stage. She doesn't sound like the studio now because she engineers vocals heavily due to her damaged voice and an unwillingness to admit that the range is reduced. Even if she stood in a studio with nobody listening it is extremely doubtful that she could sing something like Heavenly as it was pressed. You really are the most awful propaganda machine.
(Wednesday 23 August 2017; 12:24)
Re: Self esteem (78,050) (78,051) by Andrew from UK
People with low self esteem don't crave attention. This is another example of Mariah having a bad characteristic and trying to portray herself as the opposite. Mariah is vain and is known for being such around the world. No amount of caterwauling will make people think otherwise.
(Wednesday 23 August 2017; 12:03)
Our girl (77,993) by Andrew from UK
If you call Mariah that, you are cringe.
(Sunday 20 August 2017; 21:56)
Article: Christian singer aims to "invade" tour with God's love (77,923) by Andrew from UK
So, essentially, if you wish to go and watch Mariah Carey and Lionel Richie live, you are forced to endure religious propaganda from the barmy army. How vulgar. I just read a story about a waitress who wasn't left a tip because she had a rainbow tattoo. She had a note written to her that she couldn't have a tip because she "doesn't love Jesus". How utterly bewilderingly mental people are. "And now, free with your ticket, ladies and gentleman, singing to you live from somewhere you don't want them to be, all-singing, all-dancing, yes, it's, wait for it, yes, it's the Mentally Disturbed." What must the alien overlords think of us?
(Tuesday 15 August 2017; 20:37)
Roc and Roe (77,922) by Andrew from UK
Some really strange people in here commenting on how hard Roc and Roe have it. Whilst I agree that Mariah should not be seen to be using her children for attention or to make money because that would be crass, good for them that they are going to live such a fantastical life other children mostly always, I would say, dream of. Seemingly unlimited wealth, travelling the world, meeting lots of people. Great. So what if they don't grow up in a "normal" lifestyle. What a stupid argument. It's like rejecting a lottery win because you won't know what it's like to grow up average.
(Tuesday 15 August 2017; 20:26)


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