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About Stacey from USA: Been a fan since 1993. Favorite albums include Daydream, TEOM, and Music Box. I love a good discussion, but won't stand for hateful comments because we disagree. I am too old to deal with drama and so are you. Keep it real with me and we'll have some fun. Peace.

Re: Clean version GTFO (83,759) (83,775) by Stacey from USA
P.S. I'm sure most know this is fan-made, but just putting that out there anyways. Here's hoping for an official edited version.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 12:22)
Video (83,774) by Stacey from USA
The good? At least it's being released at the same time the song is dropped. Seems like RocNation has their stuff in order. The bad? Oh where do I start? It reminds me of I'll Be Loving You Long Time and HATE-U. Oh and I Don't. Needs to break the "I'm the only one who needs to be on camera" trend. I grow bored of Mariah showing off sexy outfits. It's old. Where are the fun playful videos that tell a story? I will move passed this unless she puts out an edited version that I can listen to, with or without kids. Carey on. Oh and yes, I'll buy the album. Always do.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 12:21)
Re: Cussing ruins it for me (83,769) (83,773) by Stacey from USA
You are welcome. I like the song too. The cuss words are so beneath Mariah's abilities.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 12:08)
Re: Cussing ruins it for me (83,765) (83,772) by Stacey from USA
Nah, I think you are making a big deal over me simply saying I don't like the cussing. It's just an opinion. It's so beneath Mariah's talent as a songwriter. Move along.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 12:07)
Clean version GTFO (83,759) by Stacey from USA
Shortens the song by a minute, but sounds better to me. With the cussing, the song drags for me with vocal breaks. Anyways, enjoy.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 03:12)
Re: GTFO (83,724) (83,758) by Stacey from USA
Well put.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 03:08)
Cussing ruins it for me (83,757) by Stacey from USA
Sorry guys, the cussing ruins it for me. Sad a talented songwriter like Mariah has to resort to these words. She can't think of something better? Can't exactly listen to this in the car with kids in tow. I agree the vocals are nice. But I don't know. Not sure how to word this, but I was kinda bored. The f-word just ruins it for me. Hopefully, there is a nice clean version ready to drop. Definitely not a lead siingle.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 03:04)
Re: Eternally 12 at 48 (83,697) (83,703) by Stacey from USA
Well said. Won't add anything to your post. Sad it's come to this.
(Thursday 13 September 2018; 04:21)
Re: GTFO snips (83,698) (83,702) by Stacey from USA
No, you're not a stick in the mud. You're spot on with your thoughts. Cussing is so immature and just dumb in my opinion. What happened to songs like Clown or Obessed? Songs that shaded the person but in a fun clever way. Sad, really.
(Thursday 13 September 2018; 04:20)
Re: Mariah's next look (83,613) (83,618) by Stacey from USA
When I read the article "Choose my look", I had to laugh. You mean, I have to choose between those two outfits? Really? They are both hideous.
(Saturday 8 September 2018; 03:14)
Re: Mariah's voice and biology (83,615) (83,617) by Stacey from USA
Ouch. Still true, nonetheless.
(Saturday 8 September 2018; 03:12)
Re: She should've paid attention to us (83,585) (83,586) by Stacey from USA
Well duh. I would too.
(Tuesday 4 September 2018; 10:25)
Re: She should've paid attention to us (83,577) (83,581) by Stacey from USA
Spot on. Tommy's controlling ways weren't exclusive to her dress. He also set rules, whatever you want to call it to keep her voice in top form. Once she left the marriage all of a sudden her voice takes a hit.
(Tuesday 4 September 2018; 00:04)
Music Box songs ranked (83,561) by Stacey from USA
Billboard thinks Daydream continued in the same vein as Music Box, and that Mariah returned to R&B with Butterfly. I'm sorry Billboard, but are we listening to the same Daydream album? Daydream is R&B at its finest.
(Sunday 2 September 2018; 07:09)
Re: "Lullaby" Can’t Go For That remix? (83,165) (83,168) by Stacey from USA
Can I have it too?
(Thursday 19 July 2018; 05:51)
Greatest performance ever? (82,876) by Stacey from USA
I'm going to go a different route and say her appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. No, it's not your typical performance per se. She ad-libbed a lot and you could tell she was enjoying herself. With a typical performance, concert, etc., there is the opportunity to perfect the performance through dubbing, playback, etc. I guess she could have done it here too, but I doubt it.
(Wednesday 20 June 2018; 23:19)
Re: "That's about me" song (82,779) (82,802) by Stacey from USA
Without a doubt, the "song about me" is Looking In.
(Thursday 14 June 2018; 03:09)
Re: Stella, grasping at straws (82,727) (82,729) by Stacey from USA
Haha, I just laugh at it all. MC finally "woke up" and fired the leech. Now the leech actually has to earn her own money.
(Sunday 10 June 2018; 00:55)
Re: New appearances and promos (82,696) (82,699) by Stacey from USA
I agree. Mariah seemed herself with Kimmel. She seemed "all there" if ya'all know what I mean. Alive. Healthy. Funny. So many good reasons why I'm so happy Stella is in the rear view mirror. This was her best interview in a long time. She seemed grounded.
(Friday 8 June 2018; 02:40)
Long Ago and Melt Away (82,665) by Stacey from USA
I used to skip these songs. Nuts, right. I know, I'm nuts. Maybe my tastes have changed. I used to prefer songs like When I Saw You and Forever. I still do like them, but after I Am Free, I skip to Long Ago and Melt Away. Genius songs. Perfection.
(Tuesday 5 June 2018; 21:50)
Re: Slipping Away (82,647) (82,664) by Stacey from USA
Yes, where have you been, lol? Slipping Away is genius. Makes me love Daydream even more, as if that's even possible. Haha.
(Tuesday 5 June 2018; 21:44)
Mariah quietly sells diamond ring (82,549) by Stacey from USA
Another step in the right direction post-Stella era.
(Monday 28 May 2018; 04:44)
Memoirs (82,391) by Stacey from USA
Just say no. No, I'm kidding. Relax. The whole vibe of the album is just not my cup of tea.
(Sunday 13 May 2018; 01:27)
Re: Meet and Greet - wait 2 hours for 20 seconds (82,325) (82,330) by Stacey from USA
Um Stella was in the picture. I'm sure life is a whole lot clearer now that Stella and Co. are gone, baby, gone.
(Monday 7 May 2018; 20:47)
Re: Article: Mariah returns to Las Vegas for The Butterfly Returns (82,242) (82,251) by Stacey from USA
I agree. Now that's a great album title.
(Tuesday 1 May 2018; 05:25)


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