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About enwar00 from usa: Been a fan since Vision of Love. I can say I'll be a fan for life.

Similarities (46,170) by enwar00 from usa
Ok I can hear Alone In Love and Sent From Up Above in Faded. I also would never have thought that. All three awesome songs to me. You're Mine (Eternal) always reminded me of Alone In Love though. Maybe mixed with Like You by Bow Wow, the music at least. And Cry reminds me of And You Don't Remember, especially the bridge. And yes, I totally hear the Twisted notes towards the end. Haha this is fun. Supernatural of The Impossible not sure why though.
(Thursday 21 August 2014; 3:05)
MIAMTEC top 5 (46,097) by enwar00 from usa
Awhile back I thought I wasn't able to choose my top 5 faves from MIAMTEC, because it was so new, but it turns out that I was pretty much there, except for the fact that I like #Beautiful way more than I did last year, so I can only do to a top 6. In no particular order except Faded:
Make It Look Good
You Don't Know What to Do
(Monday 18 August 2014; 3:49)
Tour (46,045) by enwar00 from usa
I've seen Mariah on every tour that she's done in the US and I will most definitely see her this time around. I could give a fuck if she plays a small venue. She did theaters last time, and I don't see anything wrong with that. It's reality. I would love to see her at the House of Blues. The media can suck it. My admiration for her and her music is more personal than whether or not she is the most popular girl in school.
(Friday 15 August 2014; 22:03)
This is how we do drama (45,705) by enwar00 from usa
Why exactly is it being viewed as this huge big negative drama that Katy Perry has a Mariah lookalike in her video? She references her in the song, which I thought was complimentary as it's staying that Katy and her friends are singing a Mariah Carey song on karaoke but they suck in comparison. To me it's light hearted song in general about having fun. So why not show her, or a lookalike, in the video to go along with the lyric, especially when there are so many other visual references in it as well.
(Thursday 31 July 2014; 20:25)
Billy (45,377) by enwar00 from usa
Yes, I loved My All.
(Sunday 13 July 2014; 16:36)
YDKWTD cover art (44,953) by enwar00 from usa
I just saw the cover art for the new single, or supposed, and I think a lot of you are not going to be happy lol.
(Saturday 21 June 2014; 5:14)
Posts (44,820) by enwar00 from usa
Some of these posts are so depressing, I can't even know what to say. Did you know nobody stays the same their whole life? Mariah Carey is no exception.
(Monday 16 June 2014; 22:40)
Top 5 (44,780) by enwar00 from usa
I just can't yet. But here are some of my thoughts on some songs if you wanna read. I already mentioned Faded is my fave, and nice to see it getting love here, even at the top of other lambs lists. I do still also love Dedicated. I will say that there were 3 songs that had to grow on me. Cry, I used to skip it and thought it was so boring so I always started the listen with Faded. But that's not the case anymore and I pick up different things to like each listen. Make It Look Good, I'll be honest this was just meh for me at first, but now I think it's excellent and it may actually be in my top 5 now. Love when the guy sings with her, same thing with Dedicated when the guy is singing alongside her, I just love that. And Meteorite was different than what I was expecting, I guess from what I had read, so I felt underwhelmed, but it got me with more listens and sometimes I just wanna hear that song. The chorus does get stuck in my head, and I especially love the last minute, possible top 5. I agree that this could sound even better with club mixes. Now there's a couple I'll skip occasionally, Camouflage and Heavenly. Also, if I'm honest, I have mixed feelings about Thirsty. I feel like it somehow messes the old school mood of the songs around it, but it's ok by itself. I do love YDKWTD, but preferred its live band sound from GMA.
(Sunday 15 June 2014; 18:19)
G. G. (44,727) by enwar00 from usa
Regarding what JD said in the Tweet, wow that is drama.
(Friday 13 June 2014; 21:48)
Dani favorite song (44,711) by enwar00 from usa
Faded. I am so in love and obsessed with this song that I'm constantly repeating it. It just makes me feel so good when I hear it.
(Friday 13 June 2014; 3:22)
I love new Mariah music (44,616) by enwar00 from usa
I disagree with some comments. I'd rather see Mariah release an album and not promote it, than her not release an album. Of course it would make a lot of us proud if she opened at #1 and had a hit single, myself included, but it's obvious that some people truly care more about her being popular and selling than hearing new music from her. I also don't believe that no label would sign her.
(Tuesday 10 June 2014; 17:10)
Faded and Dedicated (44,474) by enwar00 from usa
Is anyone else in love with these two songs? After a week now with MIAMTEC, they're my early favorites.
(Wednesday 4 June 2014; 7:43)
Nikki (44,443) by enwar00 from usa
Thank you for your message regarding live vs. television. I feel very similarly regarding this topic. I remember seeing Mariah during the Music Box tour and then the next week watching the Thanksgiving special and wondering why she sounded weird. Even back then being young and all figured out it was dubbed. I've seen her on every tour since then and I've never been disappointed or questioned if she's singing. Honestly that's when I care more, because it ain't cheap. I also thought there was a difference between lip synching and singing with a track or background vocalists. Maybe I'm deaf.
(Tuesday 3 June 2014; 3:32)
To The Floor (44,346) by enwar00 from usa
That is so funny, I was just listening to The Emancipation Of Mimi the other day and repeated To The Floor a couple times because I was enjoying it. I even thought about how it used to be called Tonight. Made me miss the old Neptunes sound.
(Saturday 31 May 2014; 7:00)
J.Lo (44,337) by enwar00 from usa
J.Lo is Jennifer Lopez.
(Saturday 31 May 2014; 2:02)
Slant magazine and Glitter (44,302) by enwar00 from usa
Have you guys read their review of MIAMTEC? Well they rated it 3 out of 5 stars but highly praised both YDKWTD and Meteorite, and at the end say at this point is it too late to ask that Mariah buries Mimi and resurrect Miss Billie Frank once and for all? I thought that was pretty funny. Honestly the first time I heard YDKWTD live from GMA, it screamed Glitter to me. And now listening to MIAMTEC, the in between song banter and giggling also reminds me of Glitter. Am I the only one? Lol.
(Friday 30 May 2014; 11:11)
Finally got the album (44,297) by enwar00 from usa
Just ordered the CD off Amazon and it auto ripped to my phone. I'm so excited to listen to it on my plane ride. This bitch battery better not die.
(Friday 30 May 2014; 4:49)
Skip Love Story (44,292) by enwar00 from usa
Wow wow wow. I had no idea that Love Story was replaced by Bye Bye. What a shame, as I love that song and think the video that eventually made it onto Vevo was cute. I did think that it was bizarre how Nick Cannon was appearing in the Bye Bye video, so this makes way more sense now. Wow.
(Friday 30 May 2014; 3:02)
Coldplay (44,228) by enwar00 from usa
Coldplay's Ghost Stories is projected to be #1 again next week, and Mariah at #2. Aww. I guess I should buy the album this week for sure.
(Thursday 29 May 2014; 1:13)
Jelly (44,120) by enwar00 from usa
I feel like the only person who hasn't heard the album yet. Today is going to drag, but thankfully it's hot in Phoenix so I can swim and have some Coronas to get my mind off the wait. Enough about me, I'm glad so many of you are enjoying MIAMTEC. It's def calmed the board down huh.
(Monday 26 May 2014; 20:37)
Johnny (44,118) by enwar00 from usa
I'm having the same problems, not sure which version to get tomorrow. I already have TAOLG but don't mind having the MOAIA tracks on there, though not necessary. Decided against the Target one in spite of the cool cover lol. At least we have all day to decide.
(Monday 26 May 2014; 20:19)
The wait (43,811) by enwar00 from usa
The wait for this album is finally getting to me. I'm on vacation and could really use the album now (caps) to go along with that. Sigh one more week.
(Monday 19 May 2014; 19:11)
Ooh hahlings (43,696) by enwar00 from usa
Watching the Today performances now and loving them. Lmao when said see I said ooh dahlings even back then during Always Be My Baby.
(Friday 16 May 2014; 17:37)
Bill from UK and Mimi L. (43,630) by enwar00 from usa
I was just thinking about the buzz single practice this week as well. Mimi after reading your post, it reminded me of the Butterfly era. I feel like back then if there was suspicion that the newest single wouldn't hit #1, they didn't release a commercial single in the US, therefore it couldn't chart on Billboard. #2 would be so embarrassing wouldn't it? And forget about #11, that would be the chart equivalent of social suicide. Now that they can't manipulate the charts in that respect, a single gets downgraded based on its performance, as if you can just go back in time when you want to. I think this is pretty lame. It's been happening with other artists and singles as well. What's the big deal, have 8 singles from an album, half of them perform better than the others. And?
(Wednesday 14 May 2014; 22:11)
G. G. (43,194) by enwar00 from usa
Right on. No old shit allowed.
(Friday 2 May 2014; 6:01)


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