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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: Can't Let Go (76,565) (76,582)
by Andrew from UK
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If that's the loudest you've ever screamed "Yes bitch scream that good word", I have to ask the question: how often are you screaming this?
(Friday 23 June 2017; 20:45)
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The violence verification (76,459)
by Andrew from UK
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It Tommy Mottola was "violent", why has he never faced any charges? Why didn't Mariah expose him? Why did she *thank* him in speeches years after leaving him? Why have I never once heard her say "He's used to hit me"? Where is there any evidence of this?
(Tuesday 20 June 2017; 18:31)
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Re: Mariah has got to stop (76,400) (76,407)
by Andrew from UK
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Eddie Eddie Eddie, something occurred to me earlier: you think Stella is Mariah's endgame? As in, she has a retirement date in mind and she has hired Stella to milk as much money as she can for her before the retirement? It's just a supposition. But it would make sense, were it true.
(Monday 19 June 2017; 00:20)
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Re: Mariah has got to stop (76,399) (76,402)
by Andrew from UK
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Randy, Mariah looks heavily medicated in the Austrian performance. She has chopped and frozen her face so much she can't emote in it, which may have something to do with it. And she is very overweight and trying to move around on stilettos, which may, also, have something to do with it. But she definitely looks medicated most of the time. Add in the obvious lip sync (seriously, she can't sing "Hero"? - "I like to sing Hero live because it's a pretty easy song to sing"), then it's just not very entertaining, is it? Hark back to Mariah throwing herself around a stage smiling and having fun, like she did in MSG or Hyde Park, and she certainly doesn't seem quite "with it". If she's not medicated then credit where credit is due - the woman has some balls. If she can stand on a stage and deliver a dire performance like that, use pre-record that blatantly and still bill for her fee, then she has some serious balls. She must reeeeeally want the money.
(Sunday 18 June 2017; 18:11)
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Re: Skydiving (76,359) (76,365)
by Andrew from UK
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But, don't worry, a member of your family or one of your friends will be randomly quoted as supporting whatever nonsense propaganda you are coming up with today. I don't have to be specific, I don't think, with why messages from the likes of you and Terna are nonsense. Most objective reasonable persons know what you are doing. We will never get on because you are a liar. You lie. Unequivocally. You misrepresent things so as to suit what you want to be true. Essentially what you are asking is for everyone who reads your posts to pretend they're a daft twat. Yes, I said the word "bomb". Send in the clowns. You would do anything to detract from the point and try to silence dissent. His name was Martyn. Martyn Hett. He was my friend. He was indeed blown up by a bomb. And I can tell you he would have laughed at the joke I made. And, furthermore, I promise you, he thought you a nut job, too.
(Saturday 17 June 2017; 01:07)
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Re: Mariah Pride (76,344) (76,346)
by Andrew from UK
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The UK is in Europe.
(Friday 16 June 2017; 01:36)
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Re: Who would you pick (76,337) (76,345)
by Andrew from UK
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The world is a darker place with people like you in it. You're a bomb short of a campaign, you nut job.
(Friday 16 June 2017; 01:34)
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Dress-gate (76,302)
by Andrew from UK
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Ever one to go against the grain: The Dress. I like it. Now, I think she needs a new stylist and I prefer it when she dresses funky and wears pants, but she looks good here. Credit where credit is due.
(Wednesday 14 June 2017; 11:15)
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Re: Just an older fan (76,237) (76,244)
by Andrew from UK
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"Champagne scented toilet paper" haha. I'm screaming with laughter. You just made my morning brighter. Don't put ideas in old Mariah's head. Best rim job ever though, I feel.
(Monday 12 June 2017; 10:18)
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Gay icon status (76,243)
by Andrew from UK
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I donated to Elton John's AIDS foundation. Am I a gay icon? It seems basically some of the more needy and emotional homos in here desperately need Mariah to be thought of as a gay icon, whereas, I would suggest that even most gay people would roll their eyes and say "I can't stand her" alongside the rest of society that does that now. Would suggest that is an axiom that Mariah is not a gay icon in that she isn't revered in the gay community. Some gays like her. But some gays like J.Lo. Is she a gay icon, too? Some gays like Michael Jackson. Is he a gay icon? Basically, if gay people like your music/have heard your music/know who you are, you're a so-called "gay icon"? Utter tripe. And Outside is no more a gay anthem than I am a gay icon, myself. It is a song about being mixed race that some have re-interpreted to fit their own situation, a song that back ended an album 20 years ago, that nobody, unless a Mariah Carey fan, has heard, or, indeed, cares about, either. Utter, utter tripe.
(Monday 12 June 2017; 10:14)
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It feels like Christmas in June (76,215)
by Andrew from UK
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How magical Mariah's vocals are on this track. I think it's her crowning glory. Not her song. Only on it for a little while. But insanely magical. Who could do it like she did it? Who could steal the show in a few seconds? Kitchen windows and tea need to disappear. Mariah, find your soul again.
(Saturday 10 June 2017; 22:30)
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Re: Mariah - gay icon (76,209) (76,210) (76,212)
by Andrew from UK
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I always admire your sentiments as being grounded in reality. As a gay guy, you probably don't feel negative towards Mariah for not being pro-gay - to be disappointed that someone doesn't advance or subscribe to your own cause is ridiculous. But a spade is a spade. Mariah avoids politics like the plague. Gay icon she is not. Someone loved by gays she is. Talking like Yoda I am.
(Saturday 10 June 2017; 20:13)
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Re: Gay anthem? Gay icon (76,194) (76,204)
by Andrew from UK
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Why is Mariah a gay icon? What makes a gay icon? Yes, the majority of her male fans are probably gay because gay people like emotional and pop driven music. Does that make her a gay *icon*? I don't think so. Gay people liked the Spice Girls. Are they gay icons? Far from it. Gay icons that immediately come to mind are Madonna, Lady Gaga, Elton John, et al. Just because a fan happens to be gay and likes Mariah surely doesn't make her a gay icon. And calling someone a gay icon is perhaps a little awkward (for want of a better word) to the straight people that like them.
(Saturday 10 June 2017; 14:12)
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Re: Curves (76,186) (76,203)
by Andrew from UK
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Sometimes there's a time for coaching and suggestive help; other times you just have to say it bluntly. Mariah isn't listening to any advice from fans, friends or families alike, it seems. I've stated before there is nothing wrong with being big. If you are naturally big, fine. Some big women are stunning. However, if you are a thin woman who is eating and drinking yourself into oblivion, you *should* be ashamed and you should stop or seek help to stop. No amount of social justice warrior battling will erase what is simply a self-evident truth. If you are damaging yourself, you need to stop or seek help. Mariah is extremely big. It is indicative of her life that she is damaging herself on many levels, physically and professionally. I have extolled the virtue here for many years to stop pussyfooting around Mariah, stop indulging her and tell her the truth. People didn't and her career is all but lost. Time to be blunt. She's fat. She needs to lose weight. She did it in 1999. She did it in 2008. She can do it now. Would suggest, however, that the lights are on, but nobody's been home for a while.
(Saturday 10 June 2017; 14:05)
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Re: Mariah and Madonna (76,158) (76,172)
by Andrew from UK
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"Sometimes"? Next you'll be telling me the Edouard "occasionally" tries to delude everyone in some emotionally-needy propaganda drive. Some people here are total whack jobs.
(Friday 9 June 2017; 20:31)
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Curves (76,171)
by Andrew from UK
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So when men are fat, they are just *fat*. When women are fat, they are *curvy*. Mariah is fat. I hope she's reading this. Mariah, you're fat. Stop eating and drinking yourself into Aretha Franklin.
(Friday 9 June 2017; 20:26)
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Stephen (76,033)
by Andrew from UK
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That's a point, Madigan, check in, won't you?
(Sunday 4 June 2017; 16:29)
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To the lambs (76,014)
by Andrew from UK
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Another terrorist thing in the UK. Everyone check in. I hope you're all safe.
(Sunday 4 June 2017; 00:23)
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Re: MTV Unplugged article (75,984) (76,001)
by Andrew from UK
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Don't you wish she would do another live album? Dion pumps them out like Stephen Kings pumps out novels. Mariah doing a live album in a massive auditorium would be wicked, with some of her in-between-songs speeches on the tracks. If anything, that would get across to people that she's actually a pretty cool person. Well, if she hasn't actually had a "personality transplant" as a Mr Hett recently opined. Maybe even the third Merry Christmas album could be it. "M3rry Christmas: Live". I think that might actually sell, y'know.
(Saturday 3 June 2017; 16:00)
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Re: Artists you love that may surprise others (75,996) (76,000)
by Andrew from UK
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Mostly what you say I find to be complete nonsensical conjecture. However, the Renata Tebaldi thing. I'm with you there. Every cloud.
(Saturday 3 June 2017; 15:56)
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Re: Latest fabrication (75,980) (75,999)
by Andrew from UK
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Ariana Grande visited a hospital today to visit a young victim of the attack on her show. Then, there is a charity gig/show of defiance tomorrow in the Great City of Manchester. What's Mariah doing? Well the only thing she ever does these days: drinking and eating herself into obesity whilst allowing people to convince her that anyone really gives two sh*ts about who may or may not be poking her. Who gives a (let's Americanise it) a rat's ass? And whilst I may get the usual diatribe for trying to convince Mariah of the truth and to change: I have never seen her look the size she did when she walked out of The Ivy. Let's hope she ordered salad. It is absolutely okay to be big. If you are naturally big. It is absolutely not okay to eat and drink yourself big and not to have an intervention. Furthermore, she absolutely needs to get a new stylist. I agree with others here who say it. She really must lose the diamonds and clown make-up and become a bit more down-to-Earth and *real* in her appearance. Ariana's hugging sick children while Mariah visibly hugs her wealth. If Mariah is "music royalty", she is, perhaps, like the Princess Michael of Kent. She ain't the Queen, but you might sit up, if only to note her presence and carry before you carry on with your salad, commenting that you don't mind swapping it for her diamonds, such is the case that it would be beneficial for you both.
(Saturday 3 June 2017; 15:54)
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Re: Can we all get along? (75,906) (75,915)
by Andrew from UK
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I think you've just shown yourself for what you are. Not sure the issue is mine, buddy.
(Wednesday 31 May 2017; 19:02)
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The stars are out (except one?) (75,882)
by Andrew from UK
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So almost everyone, it seems, is signing up for Ariana's charity gig. Where is Mariah's name? She could even do a somber duet with Martyn's friend on TTEOT. It's obviously of her own volition. But if she didn't go, having nothing on, I'd probably think less of her. In fact, that might even just be *it*.
(Tuesday 30 May 2017; 17:30)
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Re: Stephen from London (75,782) (75,824)
by Andrew from UK
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I'm really confused. Special K was talking to Stephen Madigan. Who are you? You are answering for him? Or am I on drugs? Or are you? It's you, me or both.
(Sunday 28 May 2017; 01:51)
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Re: Battle of the albums round 1 (75,811) (75,823)
by Andrew from UK
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Eddie Eddie Eddie, it's almost as if someone suggested polls not so long ago. Coming soon: an original post? Love you much.
(Sunday 28 May 2017; 01:48)
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