
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Brandon from USA: I have been a fan of MC since VOL. I have followed MC through the ups and downs of her career and want to see her continue to soar as the global superstar that she is.

Something's going on behind the scenes (103,506) by Brandon from USA
My comment was out of concern for Mariah and nothing else. As a dedicated lamb from the beginning, I can be concerned and question things as I see them. You choose to follow blindly and that's ok for you. I want the best for MC and if something doesn't look right, I will speak on it. With that being said, I hope everything is ok and that we get to see more of her healthy soon.
(Saturday 16 September 2023; 02:53)
this is a reply to message 103,502
Something's going on behind the scenes (103,498) by Brandon from USA
While I'm enjoying this moment of MB30, I hate to be a negative Nancy, but did MC seem a bit "medicated" in those videos? She looked beautiful but something seemed a little bit off to me. I can't put my finger on it. I'm a very long time fan and can notice when she's a little different and there was something interesting going on here. Plus she's pretty much been MIA for a while. Maybe it's just me. Let me know what you guys think.
(Friday 15 September 2023; 17:52)
All I Live For Extended Mix (103,421) by Brandon from USA
One word, masterpiece. This sing embodies everything I want in a song from MC, lyrics, melody, and of course that soaring voice. 10/10
(Sunday 10 September 2023; 18:23)
Nodules (103,198) by Brandon from USA
I’ve been wondering if that is where she has been. I hope so.
(Thursday 17 August 2023; 20:00)
this is a reply to message 103,196
Bye Bryan (103,013) by Brandon from USA
So it's very obvious that MC and Bryan are no longer together. Who do [you] think would be a good match for our queen?
(Monday 17 July 2023; 01:15)
Pride (102,968) by Brandon from USA
I actually agree with everything that you said. As a legend that has sold as many records as MC has, she should be a pro when it comes to live performances. Unfortunately she has always struggled when it comes to performing, which I think is mainly due to her lack of discipline to practice/rehearse for live shows and her loss of confidence in her voice. She often looks lost on stage or doesn't know how to gracefully move her body. There's actually choreographers who can teach singers how to move gracefully, how to emote, how to talk to your audience in between songs to keep them engaged (not just ramble a bunch of words) and even how to lip sync in a way that looks real (Celine). MC has access to use the best of the best in the business to help her be a better performer but most of her performances fall flat. I've seen her live in concert twice so I know what I speak. Where is the grown woman (not eternally 12), confident, sexy, commander of the stage who's been performing for over 30 years? I love MC and have been a lamb for over 30 years and want to always see her win but a lot of times she is her own worst enemy. I hate to see singers who have been performing only a fraction of the time MC has be able to run circles around her when it comes to performing live. There's no excuse.
(Wednesday 5 July 2023; 19:31)
this is a reply to message 102,952
MC's next era (102,954) by Brandon from USA
I agree. I would love a 90’s r&b sound from MC.
(Monday 3 July 2023; 07:28)
this is a reply to message 102,951
MC's next era (102,950) by Brandon from USA
What would you guys like to see for MC's next era? What type of music do [you] want to hear? What would [you] like to see visually (videos, performances, ensembles, hairstyles, etc)?
(Sunday 2 July 2023; 19:35)
My All (102,938) by Brandon from USA
I have been saying this for years. It seems that every year she struggles with it more and more and I don't understand why she keeps trying to sing it at every show. She can barely even do the low, breathy parts without struggling these days. It sounds painful when she tries to do the belting portions of the song. I cringe at the "feel your body, feel your body, feel your body" every time she does it. Let's not even talk about the lipped parts of the song that sounds vastly different from her current live vocals. MC, please retire that song from your live shows. I'm still good with WBT and Hero which aren't that difficult but My All can go.
(Wednesday 28 June 2023; 22:49)
this is a reply to message 102,937
Hopes for Mariah’s Pride performance (102,865) by Brandon from USA
What are you guys hoping to see during Mariah's upcoming performance? I want to see a completely revamped set list with her performing a lot of her remixes. I don't want to see any long sequined gowns but more body suits, jump suits and short flirty dresses. I also want to see a confident, well rehearsed Mariah owning the stage. I do not want to see her in tight corsets or super tall heels that restricts her movement or singing. I don't want a bunch of lip syncing with an occasional "Aye" shout nor for her to look as though she's lost on stage and doesn't know where to go. I want her to properly warm up that golden voice and tear the house down like we know she can.
(Friday 9 June 2023; 18:20)
this is a reply to message 102,842
The Weekend collaboration (102,864) by Brandon from USA
The Weekend just released a song with Madonna and she's way past her prime so he obviously doesn't have a problem working with legacy artists. For some reason, he just wasn't interested in working with Mariah specifically.
(Friday 9 June 2023; 18:09)
this is a reply to message 102,858
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