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About Brandon from USA: I have been a fan of MC since VOL. I have followed MC through the ups and downs of her career and want to see her continue to soar as the global superstar that she is.

Did I click on the JLo message board? (108,395) by Brandon from USA
Maybe you should start your own message board where you and the other yass queens can reside in Delulu Land together. We keep it real over here, maybe too real for you.

What I will not do is stop expecting the best from MC because she is the best. If you can't take the heat, go find another kitchen sweetie.
(Friday 21 March 2025; 14:04)
this is a reply to message 108,386
I am trying (108,367) by Brandon from USA
Randy, I rolled my eyes so hard when MC started to talk about lighting and the ensemble in her speech. Can we not get another serious and heartfelt moment please?
(Tuesday 18 March 2025; 22:13)
this is a reply to message 108,361
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (108,332) by Brandon from USA
Randy, I 100 percent agree with [you]. However, Mary, Janet, Whitney and Madonna (Celine as well) all take their artistry seriously, which includes being respected performers/entertainers. They are all confident in their craft, put the work in and it shows in their performances. They present themselves as confident artists to be taken seriously in their interviews. They command respect on the stage whether you like their music or not. Mariah has never mastered the art of performing and always presents herself as insecure. While MC has the record sales, she does not have the same respect on the stage which is why it has taken so long for her to be added to the RRHF. MJB is not a great singer and is often off key, but she gives her all whenever she performs. MC has been on autopilot for many years now unfortunately.
(Tuesday 11 March 2025; 05:10)
this is a reply to message 108,330
The issue I have (108,278) by Brandon from USA
I wouldn't mind MC miming as much if she put on a big budget show with a huge production (pyro, a lot of dancers, laser lights, etc), did some light choreography, had weeks of intense rehearsals and was an actual believable lipsyncer. Bey, Celine and Toni have mastered lip syncing but MC has never been good at it.

Sorry guys it just frustrates me that at this point in her career, she is performing at such a low level. I just don't understand. Toni Braxton has lupus and almost had a heart attack recently but is still giving high energy performances in her Vegas show dancing and singing. Anyone performing 35 years should be a master at performing and commanding the stage.

Sigh, I can't wait until this era is over. It feels worse than those lazy Vegas performances of 2017.
(Thursday 27 February 2025; 15:22)
this is a reply to message 108,276
Branding/brand deals (108,273) by Brandon from USA
I would have loved to have seen MC develop her acting career during this break from releasing new music. She was amazing in Precious and Wise Girls and won an award for her performance. I would love to see her in a weekly series drama ala Law and Order SVU where she could flex her acting skills. She's also super close to Lee Daniels and I'm sure he could have put her in more movies. There's no reason why she shouldn't have several more movies under her belt. I love how Lady Gaga has developed herself into a credible actress and would love the same for MC.

To me, MC is very unfocused right now and this is yet another missed opportunity.
(Wednesday 26 February 2025; 14:53)
this is a reply to message 108,267
Remaining Vegas shows (108,237) by Brandon from USA
I just wish that either she would be forthcoming (ala Celine) and let us know that something is going on so we can support and cheer her on. If not, quietly take a break from performing and get herself together. Then come back focused and determined to rule the music game again.
(Wednesday 19 February 2025; 18:03)
this is a reply to message 108,234
Remaining Vegas shows (108,227) by Brandon from USA
Did anyone go to MC's remaining Vegas shows after the People article stated that people were concerned about her last few shows? I was wondering if that sparked her back to life again on stage or if it was more of the same.
(Tuesday 18 February 2025; 00:17)
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (108,220) by Brandon from USA
I definitely hope that she wins and I will be voting for MC. She deserves it.
(Sunday 16 February 2025; 21:17)
this is a reply to message 108,216
Voice (108,190) by Brandon from USA
Lack of discipline has always been one of Mariah's biggest weaknesses. After Tommy, MC's focus shifted to wanting everything to be about fun and partying. Investing in the preservation of her voice and commanding a stage like Whitney or Celine, strong performers, was no longer important. Every "moment" had to be about fun at the expense of her voice. She became comfortable stepping on stage with minimal to zero rehearsal, using back up tracks to compensate for lack of properly resting and preparing her voice for the stage because it's boring and "bleak". Vocal rest is no longer her antidote to neglecting her voice. Unfortunately we now see what happens when an artist neglects their talent.

All is not lost though. It's time to refocus and get disciplined and come back stronger. We know uou can do it MC.
(Wednesday 12 February 2025; 14:45)
this is a reply to message 108,187
Article: Mariah Carey fans wonder if singer is "OK" (108,183) by Brandon from USA
I said it's only a matter of time before this gets mainstream attention. Hopefully she gets it together for the remaining shows and puts this issue to rest. If she is not up to performing right now with the energy needed to put on a show, she doesn't need to be performing at all. Period.
(Wednesday 12 February 2025; 03:09)
Frustrated lamb (108,165) by Brandon from USA
MC has a lot of people on payroll. They unfortunately have to keep her booked in order to get paid even though she does not seem to be into these shows. I hope after this leg she takes some time away and focuses on her mental wellbeing.
(Monday 10 February 2025; 21:32)
this is a reply to message 108,159
Frustrated lamb (108,151) by Brandon from USA
The most recent clips from the 2025 shows are cringeworthy. In one clip, she was "singing" ILT and there was literally no expression on her face, no energy or anything. In another clip she's singing Fantasy and looks lost as though she's been told to follow the dancer around the stage. She's looking around like she has no idea what's going on in that moment. The comments on the videos were in shambles. MC can only keep this up for so long until mainstream media starts asking questions and she's forced to address it or stop performing until she gets herself together. Does no one on her team ever watch her performances back and see that something is wrong? This era is so frustrating as a lamb.
(Sunday 9 February 2025; 20:38)
A bit harsh (108,097) by Brandon from USA
Jamie, well said. I agree 100%. A lot of us that have followed MC throughout her career are genuinely concerned about her. I voice my concern because I care. I want the best for MC and lately, I just don’t feel like we are getting her best. She is just not performing up to the caliber of a legend who has been on stage for 35 years. It’s not about being negative but expressing genuine concern.
(Monday 3 February 2025; 19:54)
this is a reply to message 108,092
Vegas show 2025 (108,089) by Brandon from USA
Not only is the voice gone, but any resemblance of stage presence is gone as well. Whenever she's on stage now, she's on autopilot with the pre recorded vocals and giving minimal effort. Every show I watch clips hoping that this is the show that she will remind us why she is the Mariah Carey but it's always more of the same. I'm about to give up hope that we will ever get anything more than what she is giving right now.

And FYI, I doubt there is any new music ready for her to release. Please don't hold your breath.
(Monday 3 February 2025; 07:53)
this is a reply to message 108,086
Manifestation (108,036) by Brandon from USA
Robert-Anthony, I've always thought that an MC and Maxwell joint world tour would be amazing. Maxwell is a great performer and has hits. They would sell out arenas all over the world. Of course, MC would be last in the line up but they both love R&B, are from the same era and would be a great night of music.
(Thursday 23 January 2025; 21:03)
this is a reply to message 108,035
Music Box 30 (108,029) by Brandon from USA
RL, let me jump in. MC is already a nervous wreck performing at high profile live events. She gets terribly afraid. Plus she loves a pre-recorded moment so that she doesn't have to try to hit the studio notes live or worry about her voice cracking. In addition, her voice is very unreliable these days and she knows that. If her sound went out, I don't know that she would pull off a good live acapella moment like Carrie these days. She's too dependent on pre-recorded vocals these days. This is my opinion and I'm not changing it lol.
(Wednesday 22 January 2025; 05:08)
this is a reply to message 108,026
California fires (107,974) by Brandon from USA
Does anyone know if MC has any properties in LA that were affected by the recent fires?
(Monday 13 January 2025; 21:31)
Anderson .Paak (107,900) by Brandon from USA
Do [you] guys really think that MC is dating Anderson .Paak? If so, good for her but I feel as though they are just working on music and have become good friends. Both are eccentric and musically inclined and I'm sure have other things in common. I'm curious to know how the rest of the lambily thinks and feels about it.
(Thursday 2 January 2025; 07:27)
New music? (107,666) by Brandon from USA
In order to keep the momentum going every year for AIWFCIY, MC and her team will need to start thinking outside the box year after year. They need to employ new ways of marketing instead of MC just doing a string of shows each year (and MC recycling the same show every year, let's keep it real people). Everyone is jumping on the Christmas bandwagon right now and it won't be long before another Christmas song gains steam and AIWFCIY loses steam. Obviously no one stays on top forever, but I would like to see MC's team get creative.

On another note, I wonder how MC and Celine would sound on a Christmas song together? Thoughts?
(Monday 18 November 2024; 17:30)
this is a reply to message 107,664
New music? (107,648) by Brandon from USA
So no new music for Merry Christmas 30th anniversary? Just new covers for the album? I'm disappointed. I was hoping for at least a new song or something.
(Friday 15 November 2024; 17:58)
Christmas tour 2024 (107,625) by Brandon from USA
Edward, I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately it's more of the same from what I've seen too. Constant staring at the monitors, moving extra stiff and rigid and an over reliance on lip syncing. I asked the question to see if anyone else noticed it like me. I know there are some fans that don't care and just want to see her but I'm not moved from what I see. Also I prefer the production and staging from last year to this years shows.
(Monday 11 November 2024; 18:13)
this is a reply to message 107,623
Christmas tour 2024 (107,613) by Brandon from USA
Any thoughts on Mimi's new Christmas tour? I'm curious to hear what [you] guys honestly think after watching the clips or actually going to the show.
(Saturday 9 November 2024; 17:55)
MC's happy (107,599) by Brandon from USA
Is it me or is MC starting to get that twinkle back in her eyes that's been gone the past year and a half. I feel like she's getting her happy back and I love it.
(Tuesday 5 November 2024; 00:08)
(107,440) by Brandon from USA
Mimi L, you are 100% correct. Her comfortability on stage would increase if she practices more. I like [you] don't bury my head in the sand when it comes to MC. I appreciate the good that she does but her stage presence could use some work in my opinion. Ive been a fan from the beginning so I know what MC is capable of. Last I checked, the purpose of this site is for us to discuss all things MC, some things we love and some things we think could be better. Not sure what to tell those who can't take criticism. I just scroll past the posts that I'm not interested in instead of trying to tell them what to post.
(Wednesday 2 October 2024; 03:35)
this is a reply to message 107,432
Opening act (107,398) by Brandon from USA
Although she has used opening acts before, she mostly does not currently and hasn't for a long time. I just think it would be more interesting if she had an opening act that got the party started. Janet just recently had Nelly and Ludacris open for her on tour. It does draw more people to the shows. I'd love to see her do a non-Christmas US arena tour with another well known artist opening for her. I'm a fan of going to shows with multiple artists. But that's just my thoughts. I have come across a couple social media reviews of her shows that complained that she had no opening act, left the stage frequently during the show, and that her show didn't last long.
(Tuesday 24 September 2024; 15:50)
this is a reply to message 107,396


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