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About THE TRUTH from USA: I pride myself on being a critical thinker who values truth and justice above all else.

Re: A galaxy far, far away (70,254) (70,256) by THE TRUTH from USA
Keep trolling. Me thinks thou doth protest too much. You sound pretty unbalanced, try to take it easy. You are taking this stuff way to seriously. Do some exercise or have another splash and try to be festive. Enjoy your holidays.
(Saturday 24 December 2016; 2:50)
Re: A galaxy far, far away (70,250) (70,253) by THE TRUTH from USA
Given the choice, I'd sure rather be Morgan than Shawn. Morgan's a stud who looks really happy, calls it like he sees it, and lives in Florence Italy with his gorgeous wife.
(Saturday 24 December 2016; 0:13)
Re: A galaxy far, far away (70,242) (70,245) by THE TRUTH from USA
No Lanister, it was absolutely not the mid 90's when she and Tommy broke up, it was 1999, try fact checking. Her first breakdown was not long afterwards, maybe you are the one having a Sr. moment. Keep boozing it on up Lannister, your physique is betraying your affinity for alcohol and twinkies. It's not about age, it's about integrity and quality of life. Merry Christmas.
(Friday 23 December 2016; 22:31)
Re: Coming clean (70,207) (70,236) by THE TRUTH from USA
No disrespect at all intended but you're struggling with alcoholism and eating disorders and this is your role model? Do you think that perhaps this might be part of the problem? I can only imagine if I suffered from homicidal ideation and Charles Manson was my role model, that would be a problem. Do you see where I'm coming from?
(Friday 23 December 2016; 18:25)
Re: A galaxy far, far away (70,210) (70,215) by THE TRUTH from USA
Your inability to critically analyze what is clear to anyone that uses their brain is that Mariah's mental state, image, and career choices have been on an accelerating decline since leaving Tommy. Pretty much everyone here who isn't trolling or in a state of chronic denial sees that as well. The Mariah of the 90s was unstoppable and her image was one that was G rated and not Kardashianesque. Today it's a full on trainwreck and we can only hope that she wakes up, smells the coffee and embraces the legendary status she threw away. PS "Lanister" I imagine you aren't much of a chess player.
(Friday 23 December 2016; 11:13)
Re: Lionel Richie on Facebook fans attack Mariah (70,168) (70,171) by THE TRUTH from USA
Lionel is a class act who will absolutely show up on time, climb up on stage on his own steam, give his all to his fans, and definitely not lip synch. His fans pay their hard earned money to go hear great music music from someone they've followed for years. If MCs show and media coverage ate indicative of what they can expect, it's understandable why they might be upset. Still no reason to be all hateful and mean.
(Wednesday 21 December 2016; 14:51)
Re: A galaxy far, far away (70,165) (70,167) by THE TRUTH from USA
Yep. As soon as Tommy was out of the picture she decided to go 180 degrees in the opposite direction, like a child having a tantrum and trying to prove a point at all cost. Stella is only the latest in a series of missteps which are chipping away at her legacy.
(Wednesday 21 December 2016; 12:06)
Re: Mariah's World ratings (70,149) (70,166) by THE TRUTH from USA
No, not quite a flop by industry standards yet. A giant turd sure but will likely take another few weeks to arrive in the red. You can watch it's demise and track it's descent on and please can we stop blaming it's failure and every other thing on Stella. If the show were doing great everyone would be praising MC for her genius. In the real world you only get to take credit for your victories when you own your failures as well. All the scapegoating is lame. I've rarely seen Lambs praising and attributing MCs hits to her management even though often and particularly in the Mottola era they were in large part due to his brilliant management and guidance. That said, certainly when MC finally fires Stella we'll discover she'd been spiking the splashes hence all of MC's poor choices.
(Wednesday 21 December 2016; 12:02)
Re: Trey Lorenz? Blurred face (70,089) (70,096) by THE TRUTH from USA
Certainly if his face is blurred then he didn't sign off. Most likely mutually acceptable financial arrangements were not reached. Is he at Beacon this year?
(Monday 19 December 2016; 17:53)
Re: Trey Lorenz? Blurred face (70,058) (70,079) by THE TRUTH from USA
In Brenda K Starr's interview with Wendy Williams, she said, "Mariah takes advantage of her friends while they're useful to her and then discards them when they are not."
(Monday 19 December 2016; 12:47)
Re: 1969 or 1970? (69,903) (69,931) by THE TRUTH from USA
Oh yeah, nothing is ever Mariah's fault. It's always someone else. The rest of us are always accountable for our own actions but her no. Must be nice. "Denial ain't a river in Egypt."
(Wednesday 14 December 2016; 9:25)
Re: Stella's employment crimes (69,885) (69,906) by THE TRUTH from USA
Absolutely. Stella is above the law or so she seems to think. I keep thinking that Child Protective Services should turn up on her doorstep too but am guessing that'll never happen.
(Tuesday 13 December 2016; 19:47)
Re: 1969 or 1970? (69,867) (69,890) by THE TRUTH from USA
Well Licia and anyone else so determined to believe Mariah isn't lying about her age, please read the webmaster's post; it doesn't get much clearer than that. You're expecting reasoned choices from somene who dresses like she's in the Bahamas while in NY and then complains about having a cold. So there you have it, Mariah will be turning 48 on March 27th.
(Tuesday 13 December 2016; 17:39)
Re: 1969 or 1970? (69,851) (69,866) by THE TRUTH from USA
So what? She lied on their birth certificate. That surprises you? How hard was that? Much easier than getting DMV to lie. Come on, who are we talking about? Certainly not Mother Teresa.
(Tuesday 13 December 2016; 11:04)
Re: 1969 or 1970? (69,849) (69,850) by THE TRUTH from USA
Don't believe the hype. She was born in 1969 and the reason she never renewed her driver's license is because she does not want her true birthdate to be verified. Pretty ridiculous really, 47 or 46 either way you're fast approaching 50 so what? Enjoy being a middle aged mom and start dressing and acting like a grown up.
(Tuesday 13 December 2016; 0:18)
Re: Mariah going on tour with Lionel Ritchie (69,821) (69,837) by THE TRUTH from USA
Michael Richardson who was with Mariah from the very beginning, all the way up until when Stella from hell turned up used to manage Lionel so I'm sure that's how that came together.
(Monday 12 December 2016; 19:26)
Re: Mariah Carey and R. Kelly (69,744) (69,748) by THE TRUTH from USA
R Kelly's video of him having sex with a 13 year old girl and urinating on her in spite of his acquittal on 14 counts of child pornography in my mind should have excluded him from being an appropriate choice for a duet on a Christmas song. Is this the best way to recharge her career? Go Stella. Great management. Pedophiles and Satanists in the mix probably not the best idea, I hope he doesn't spend any time around Dem Babies. See link.
(Saturday 10 December 2016; 12:31)
Re: Leave her boobs alone (69,686) (69,691) by THE TRUTH from USA
What on earth are you talking about? That is the most ridiculous thing I've read here ever. You take denial to a whole new level, frankly it's scary. And I'm seeing 9 likes too? Chest voice? Her voice is all but gone, for her anyway. Her voice is suffering her lifestyle choices, drinking, erratic sleep patterns, over using her whisper register, and of course running around practically naked exposing herself to the elements and changes in temperature etc even in the dead of winter in NY and Aspen. Get a clue.
(Thursday 8 December 2016; 23:48)
Re: Stelle is here to stay (69,210) (69,225) by THE TRUTH from USA
That's downright ridiculous. "Lucky"? Even you know how to use Wikipedia or Google I would imagine. Check TM's creds pre MC before spouting ignorant. The guy is ancient now and crazy paid with a young wife, I seriously doubt he feels the need to work.
(Wednesday 7 December 2016; 21:15)
Re: Stelle is here to stay (69,197) (69,205) by THE TRUTH from USA
Yes, unfortunately her control issues have prevented her from working with anybody post Tommy Mottola, who for all his faults really guided her towards super stardom and kept her on that path; ultimately becoming of victim of that same ego. I can think of no pop star who has had as many managers as Mariah. She steers the ship, and you do and say exactly what she wants of you're out of there. It's too bad she didn't stick with Tommy because for sure her star would have continued shining brighter and brighter, her legend remaining unscathed and intact.
(Wednesday 7 December 2016; 11:56)
Re: Oprah (68,720) (68,759) by THE TRUTH from USA
Ribbon, it wasn't a criticism; nobody on this board would judge Shawn for being gay. It's almost 2017 and lifestyle choices are celebrated, not demonized, at least on this board.
(Monday 28 November 2016; 22:04)
Re: Oprah (68,723) (68,727) by THE TRUTH from USA
Troll much? Am I the only one on this board who notices you are brand new here, made your debut accusing me of being Morgan, then turned up again singing Shawn's praises; and now are talking smack about Morgan? You don't need a law degree to see what's going on here. Maybe you should take your issues directly to Morgan or seek help elsewhere and not on this board.
(Monday 28 November 2016; 1:50)
Re: Oprah (68,710) (68,716) by THE TRUTH from USA
It's sweet that Mariah paid for his education. Having Alisson for a mother can't have been easy, even these days being black and gay at Harvard was probably no easy road either. Nice that his auntie had his back.
(Sunday 27 November 2016; 13:26)
Re: Nick (68,454) (68,472) by THE TRUTH from USA
Sorry to burst your bubble, She was not heartbroken over LM. She dumped Luis because of a personal issue and the fact that she was obsessing over Eminem. Fact, not speculation.
(Saturday 19 November 2016; 4:05)
Re: VH1 (68,384) (68,387) by THE TRUTH from USA
I'd bet say 500 bucks that she'll be lip synching or at the very least there will be backing tracks. Any takers?
(Thursday 17 November 2016; 0:11)


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