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About THE TRUTH from USA: I pride myself on being a critical thinker who values truth and justice above all else.

Re: The mother (96,461) (96,485) by THE TRUTH from USA
I used to think you were an insider but clearly you aren’t. Mariah’s hated her since the 911 call and only trotted her out for press opportunities. She was a prop just like so many others. Anyone who takes her memoirs seriously has to have a very low IQ or emotional/psychological issues of their own.
(Sunday 1 November 2020; 10:08)
Mizza full on lied (88,758) by THE TRUTH from USA
Mariah's brother was with her during her first two breakdowns and told the film makers in no uncertain terms that Mizza was lying, she absolutely did not try to jump out of car and did in no way attempt suicide.
(Saturday 23 March 2019; 03:21)
Re: Mariah Carey once hospitalized (81,947) (81,973) by THE TRUTH from USA
Sorry but as much as I hate Stella, I'm sick of the so called lambs and assorted folks who refer to Stella as "Russian" this or that. Call it what you like but racism is racism. Her ethnicity has no connection to what a piece of garbage she is. She's trash because she's trash. Do you refer to everyone with an ethnic identifier?
(Wednesday 18 April 2018; 10:48)
Re: Rae Rae tweet (81,963) (81,972) by THE TRUTH from USA
It figures you'd lump Stella and Morgan when, "Pat", you know perfectly well who had her back from day 1 and warned when there was no other way to alert anybody to the imminent danger of Stella and prior enablers who kept filling her glass, and pushing her towards the edge of the cliff. You don't keep filling the glass of someone on psych meds unless you're doing it with a very malignant agenda. Of course there is a ton of video and photos of her in compromising situations. Look who she has been surrounded by for ages. Nobody had the courage to risk their paychecks by encouraging/insisting upon healthy choices rather than guiding her straight to hell. Even Mizza in his pathetic YouTube pity me video spoke much truth most lambs didn't want to hear. Did he say it was Pat with him crying at the hospital in California? No, it was Morgan, same person who paid for her early demos. Oh yeah, same person who got Pat and MC speaking again post estrangement after Mommy Dearest's 911 call which had her led out of house MC bought for her/you in handcuffs back in 2001. Let's get real.
(Wednesday 18 April 2018; 10:43)
Re: Mental health and current team (81,762) (81,783) by THE TRUTH from USA
You clearly have not been an MC fan through the entire course of her career or you would know better. He did speak out about her struggle with her disease and abuse of alcohol and meds but those were prescription meds of course the press twisted much of what he said. She had no greater support than her brother who had her back all the way up til a few short years ago in fact if you look at the timing, things started downhill after her second breakdown once she married Nickelodeon. I know they haven't spoken since he moved to Italy in 2012. Sad how her team sanitized eliminating all mention of his paying for her early demos, introducing her to Gavin, Ben Marguiles, Billy Idol, Nona Hendryx, Seymour Stein, and anyone else he thought could help her career. Don't hate, celebrate. Stella's strategy to foil MC has been turned on its ear by Mariah's announcement and everyone in and out of her camp is stoked. I bet her brother is very happy for her as well.
(Thursday 12 April 2018; 06:43)
Re: An upper respiratory infection (79,566) (79,569) by THE TRUTH from USA
She has been sequestered as she usually is when she goes through one of her episodes. Once they get her blood serum levels back to normal she will re-emerge.
(Monday 27 November 2017; 02:54)
Re: Matiah's crazy ranting (78,950) (78,962) by THE TRUTH from USA
Yes of course she is bipolar and not being honest about it and addressing it honestly and openly which would have been doing a service to others who struggle with her condition would have been in her best interest. Mariah thinks she can lie her way out of anything, create and promote a fiction of her lifestory and rewrite history. She has made history over and over again with her talent but has trashed her legacy with her dishonesty coupled with her choice of leaches and assorted blood suckers who she's chosen to surround herself. I pray that she gets the help she has needed for such a long time.
(Sunday 22 October 2017; 05:31)
Re: MSG (77,989) (77,992) by THE TRUTH from USA
You really drank the Koolaid.
(Sunday 20 August 2017; 20:23)
Re: Article: Mariah lovingly holds hands with toyboy Bryan Tanaka (77,954) (77,956) by THE TRUTH from USA
Never seen anything so not convincing.
(Thursday 17 August 2017; 21:25)
Re: Help is close by (77,952) (77,955) by THE TRUTH from USA
Ha ha Pat/Ribbon why wouldn't I champion him? Morgan looks amazing at 57, wears his age with pride and dignity rather than lying about it, and no surgery or photoshop. He launched her career and saved her during her first episode at the Soho Grand, and defended her in the press for 20+ years. I for one choose not to buy into the hype, facts are facts. The Lannister Shawn thing you nailed though lol.
(Thursday 17 August 2017; 21:21)
Help is close by (77,937) by THE TRUTH from USA
Why is Mariah at 48 having so many issues with her weight? Surely her brother who is 10 years older than she could help whip her into shape far better than Stella and her minions are doing. Sometimes you have to go back to the beginning rather than struggling to reinvent something which wasn't broken in the first place.
(Thursday 17 August 2017; 02:32)
Re: Sleeping on matresses with 5 girls? (74,690) (74,702) by THE TRUTH from USA
Andrew, I would love to but then I'd have to reveal my identity. However, post your e-mail and I'll send you some items which will convince you. I don't have my computer here but will send in a week.
(Monday 24 April 2017; 00:24)
Re: Sleeping on matresses with 5 girls? (74,689) (74,701) by THE TRUTH from USA
Mariah and her friend Clarissa rented a two bedroom apartment on the upper west side. Nobody slept on matresses on the floor. They shared one bedroom and rented out the other one. Mariah's High School years were spent living up the driveway from the beach in Centerport, Long Island and while she wasn't awash in diamonds, she never lacked for anything. Pat says whatever Mariah wants because Mariah keeps her in the lap of luxury. It's as simple as that. Even before she signed with Sony she was given her own apartment which was arranged and paid for by Tommy Mottola. All the nonsense about holes in her shoes is a complete fiction.
(Monday 24 April 2017; 00:22)
Sleeping on matresses with 5 girls? (74,682) by THE TRUTH from USA
Why is she making up these new lies? Mariah why can't you just tell the truth? Your truth is pretty impressive; multiple Grammy wins, massive record sales, and number 1 singles, stop telling lies it's so not necessary. Why isn't icon status enough for you? Sorry lambs but Mariah was never poor, it's a myth.
(Sunday 23 April 2017; 00:29)
Re: Benny Medina (74,196) (74,223) by THE TRUTH from USA
Benny like Tommy has been around the block and knows how the game needs to be played. Handprint is run with military precision and he's not shy about expressing his opinion. He wouldn't bow down and be subsurvient. She is unmanagable and has been ever since she divorced Tommy. Every year she is more and more out of control. If you aren't an ass kissing, yes man, encouraging her vices and stoking her ego you won't last long.
(Friday 7 April 2017; 01:18)
No flowers from Mariah at the funeral (73,338) by THE TRUTH from USA
Gavin Christopher passed away one year ago today.
(Saturday 4 March 2017; 1:01)
Re: Vocal changes (73,211) (73,217) by THE TRUTH from USA
You and several other folks here seem a bit obsessed with Morgan, wonder what that's all about. Worried perhaps that he'll come out with a tell all book and bust certain family members for their perverse and twisted deeds?
(Monday 27 February 2017; 23:22)
Re: Vocal changes (73,167) (73,207) by THE TRUTH from USA
Yeah Ribbon, I know who you really are. Anyway, Chaka is not a coke head and has never been. It's not her drug of choice by a long shot. As for "if" Mariah has a drinking problem, who are you kidding?
(Monday 27 February 2017; 17:18)
Vision Of Love Dubai (73,087) by THE TRUTH from USA
Vision Of Love Dubai.
(Friday 24 February 2017; 0:13)
Re: Nose (73,071) (73,072) by THE TRUTH from USA
Do I really need to post some High School pics or 1990 VOL for those of you who are so delusional? Of course she had several nose jobs, breast augmentations, and when you see the radical weight loss it's not from dieting or strenuous bouts of exercise in the gym with heels and a teddy on. Wow, contouring, lighting, make up?
(Thursday 23 February 2017; 16:55)
Re: Stella's new IG pic (73,002) (73,034) by THE TRUTH from USA
Well in fact legal or not, minors are not legally allowed on premises of a dispensary anywhere in the US. As for the alcohol and being in establishments which serve alcohol that is more than likely actionable as well. I'd encourage all the lambs who really care and were so enthusiastic about signing petitions, posting on Lionel's page, calling radio stations, and just generally venting here and elsewhere to contact CPS. If they get enough e-mails and phone calls, Mariah will feel the heat and Stella will be gone.
(Wednesday 22 February 2017; 19:05)
Re: Stella's new IG pic (72,991) (72,995) by THE TRUTH from USA
Not long ago, in the pre-reality TV celebrity obsessed America, mass media controlled America Child Protective Services would have stepped in and taken control of the situation. If we look beyond the Trump/Putin obsessed reporting of late there has been a massive increase in reports of pedophillia allegations, arrests, and cover ups. Sadly the under-reported status of these events is just further illustration of the degradation of our values as a society. Truly the fact that this whole Mariah's World debacle has been front and center media-wise and yet no authorities have stepped in to investigate what on its face is beyond child neglect and in fact outright criminal activity is deplorable. At the very least Stella should be in jail and the rest of this mess thoroughly investigated. Child Protective Services, where are you?
(Tuesday 21 February 2017; 14:23)
Re: Relevance (72,483) (72,511) by THE TRUTH from USA
I disagree with Andrew's tone and assertion. Mariah is sick, desperate and keeping very bad company however if she changed her lifestyle and environment there's no way of knowing how quickly she might or might not bounce back. Anything is possible and the potential of the human body and spirit are beyond our comprehension. Mariah's musicianship when she was at her best was unfathomable some might say superhuman so I wouldn't count her completely out. I'd also say Andrew that your mean-spiritedness and condescending tone must bespeak some serious character defect or worse. Get help and stop bullying people it's really unbecoming.
(Saturday 11 February 2017; 17:11)
Re: MC copied Whitney and Aretha's runs (72,332) (72,342) by THE TRUTH from USA
When you don't understand context you really shouldn't comment on things and relationships about which you know nothing. In fact anybody with an ear can hear especially if they listen to early MC that she was in fact very influenced by Aretha and Whitney. There's nothing wrong with that. Would you have preferred she copied Debbie Gibson or Tiffany because those were her peers on Long Island at the time. Musicians have to emulate somebody and you model the best. Christina openly admitted emulating Mariah, has always been nothing but complimentary to her. In fact when she first came out I was at a party in Hollywood where she was fawning all over Mariah and Mariah was very rude to her in fact her pet name for Christina has always been White Rat for who knows what reason. It's a shame that Mariah lacks the grace to acknowledge and show kindness to someone who openly refers to her as an idol. Talent is no excuse for cruelty or pettiness. As for Morgan, lots of people here act as if he doesn't have the right to honestly express his opinions if they aren't the same as there's. News flash this is America, regardless of Mariah's revisionist history which some lambs are finally recognizing, Morgan paid Mariah's first demos, put her with Gavin Christopher, introduced and paid for her to work with Ben Marguilies, and was by her side day and night during her first two breakdowns.
(Wednesday 8 February 2017; 1:49)
Re: Random songs (72,153) (72,166) by THE TRUTH from USA
Is that a serious question? It's called payola. They stay on charts as long as the label or artist is willing to pay for that chart position.
(Saturday 4 February 2017; 15:24)


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