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About MusicfanJ from Germany:
I'm a fan of Mariah since Daydream came out.
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Re: Article: Everything you ever wanted to know about Mariah Carey (89,331) (89,333)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Cool idea. I "see" six songs. Hate U Bye Bye Beautiful Butterfly Candy Bling Rainbow (Interlude)
(Friday 26 April 2019; 23:16)
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Make It Happen (89,330)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I know it's a fan favorite, it is one of mine. I love MIH so much. The album version, the live version (legendary) and the remix as well (the "bass-line" keeps me dancing). Do you think we will ever get a song like this? I miss a positive song like this from Mariah.
(Friday 26 April 2019; 18:53)
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Re: Groan (89,317) (89,328)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Have you heard that Madonna will have an appearance at the Eurovision song contest? Lol. On the radio they said she will earn 3 million for it. So I think she can do a video with that money too.
(Friday 26 April 2019; 12:32)
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Article: Everything you ever wanted to know about Mariah Carey (89,327)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Love that article. It was nice to read especially the part with her features and the remixes. I love most of her remixes. What she used to do with the songs, samples and remixes. Genius. The listed dance and Hip-Hop remixes are so good. It's really annoying that a lot of people don't see and know this because they only think of her as a diva. She's really the queen of music. Also the level was set so high by herself that it can't get repeated. But if you listen to "Giving me life" the magic is back.
(Friday 26 April 2019; 12:27)
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Re: Mariah's memoirs (89,303) (89,305)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Like all of you said, I just want some real and honest things to be told. I'm sure Mariah can tell so many interesting things it would be enough for three books. Personally I'm very interested in the time before her stardom. The Long Island days. The year where she went to New York, the beginning of writing the songs for her debut/demotape. Then of course what really happened in her marriage with Tommy. (I think we'll never know and she won't tell.) I mean we all know he was a control freak and so on, but there must have been more scary things. Although it's scary enough. About her break-free years with Butterfly. About Luis Miguel, Derek Jeter. Her experience how it felt to be a legend at the very young age. She had broke so many records at the age of 25. I'm also interested about the marriage with Nick. I understand she can't be negative because he's the father and it must be too hurtful. I would love to read about her friendships with other musicians and "normal" people like Josefine. What she thinks about the music biz in general and how it changed. I'm also open for "deeper" things but I understand it's a risk to tell and Mariah has every right to keep some things like we all do. I'm excited what she will tell.
(Thursday 25 April 2019; 12:44)
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Re: Caution - now that we've had some time (89,300) (89,304)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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The song "Caution" climbed to my number one of the album. The second is "Giving me life" (I need a video of it). Followed by "One more gen" and "Portrait". What changed since the release is that now I like "GTFO" and even "SLLY". I don't know why but I often skip "With You".
(Thursday 25 April 2019; 12:17)
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Re: The voices Mariah and Whitney (89,294) (89,297)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I also think that Whitney had more "power". But Mariah has something in her voice that is so unique and untouched. It is the dreamy thing that takes you to another place. Angel like, mysterious and haunting.
I always preferred Mariah's voice (also I like Whitney) because of these reasons. I love MC's softness in her voice so much and when she's singing with power it's heavenly. By the way I'm listening to Mariah's debut and I'm still blown away.
(Wednesday 24 April 2019; 17:58)
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Re: Mariah - queen of the intro (89,221) (89,225)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Oh that's so true. I love all her intros. "Vision of love", Fantasy" and "You're so cold" are so phenomenal and outstanding. I could listen over and over just to the intros. I did that many times, but Mariah is the only singer where enjoy doing this.
(Thursday 18 April 2019; 19:20)
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Re: Tupac obsessed (89,177) (89,179)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I think now I know what you mean Ribbon B. Maybe Mariah is a just a real big fan or really a bit obsessive. Like with Marilyn Monroe. She adores her so much. She named her daughter Monroe, bought the piano and so on. I often read that Tupac loved Mariah's music especially "Vision of love". He had good taste. In a lot of articles it is written that Mariah regrets that they didn't get the chance to really meet, romanticize and do a record. So that would explain the t-shirts. Not to forget that Bryan seems to be a Tupac "fan" too.
(Saturday 13 April 2019; 22:22)
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Re: Tupac obsessed (89,169) (89,170)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I can understand her "obsession" with Tupac. The man was a true artist and yes good-looking. At my youth everybody was listening to Tupac (the cool kids) and his hits "California Love" and "Changes" were huge here. I think he was simply genius with his songwriting and had really something to tell. Maybe Mariah had a little crush on him. I wish they had recorded something together or at least a remix. Nothing against ODB, but Mariah and Tupac would have been great too.
(Saturday 13 April 2019; 12:30)
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Re: Mariah to receive Icon Award at Music Awards (89,138) (89,141)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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So true, "Fantasy" changed everything. I hope she does a great medley of the songs that everyone know plus one new or a remix.
That J.Lo got this award before Mariah is a shame. I also think the Millenium Award was given by the World Music Awards.
(Friday 12 April 2019; 11:07)
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Re: How are singles chosen? (89,099) (89,100)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I think the same. "Migrate", "For the record" and even "Side effects" would have been way better as single choices. I wonder why a management isn't able to hear what songs are radio friendly and have a chance of being a hit.
(Thursday 11 April 2019; 11:48)
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Re: "Alone In Love" (89,052) (89,059)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Totally agree. I love the song so much. I also think that's the ultimate Mariah sound. The real "trademark". Dreamy, powerful and softly all in one song. It has something that can't be created by other artists. Pure Mariah.
(Monday 8 April 2019; 12:04)
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Re: A No No (89,000) (89,011)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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There used to be a time where I knew the guest rappers on the remix too. I didn't knew Steflon and I have no clue who Shawni is. But it's good to know that at this time I'm not the only one.
(Friday 5 April 2019; 10:23)
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Re: Patti in Philly (88,999) (89,010)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"It seems, bigger, thicker and blonder than ever before, therefore less realistic." I thought the same. Looks too much like a Barbie doll. Her natural look is beautiful, I hope the wig will be gone soon.
(Friday 5 April 2019; 10:16)
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A star is born (the movie) (88,998)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I know it's off-topic. But finally I watched the movie and I'm really impressed by the fantastic Lady Gaga (and Bradley Cooper). Since some said Mariah should do a duet with Celine Dion how about Lady Gaga? I think they could connect better musically.
(Thursday 4 April 2019; 22:47)
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Re: Latest lawsuit (88,979) (88,981)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Thanks RibbonB for the link of the article. It was interesting to read. That Mr. Burrell knew that there were snakes, well he has it in common with the lambs. That touring shall be her private life is somehow a bit sad. I hope after the Caution tour she'll have some private life and free time to enjoy.
(Wednesday 3 April 2019; 21:46)
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Re: Outside (88,968) (88,969)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Perfect description of this beautiful song. When Mariah sings softly at the end "You'll always be somewhere on the outside" it gets me everytime. So emotional and true. That song has always a special place in my heart too.
(Wednesday 3 April 2019; 10:37)
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Re: Mariah performs for 1 hour in DC (88,940) (88,944)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Oh, I would be a bit disappointed too. The tickets were so expensive? Front row? One hour is really short.
(Monday 1 April 2019; 15:51)
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Re: The Daydream era (88,939) (88,943)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"Lulls her listeners into her dream world." That's true, if I listen to Mariah she takes me away in a dreamland. And I love it. Her background vocals are always perfection. She's a genius with all the background vocals that fit so well on every song.
(Monday 1 April 2019; 15:49)
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Re: The last karaoke (88,911) (88,936)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Whenever You Call is brilliant and more important truly emotional. It has the softly side at the beginning and the powerful end. Classic MC. Yup, that's what I call "real music". It was indeed the last Mariah ballad. I miss those kind of songs with lyrics.
(Sunday 31 March 2019; 18:18)
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Re: MOAIA (88,897) (88,899)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I love "Obsessed", "Hate U", "Candy bling", "Out of my face" and of course "Standing O" and "Languishing". The lyrics are clever and fun. Some say it's boring, I don't think so. The mood and sound is just completely different to E=MC2. More dreamy and relaxed. A perfect album for autumn or late summer.
(Friday 29 March 2019; 18:20)
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Re: MIAMTEC and Caution (88,836) (88,860)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I forgot the info for Randy. I'm 34.
(Thursday 28 March 2019; 14:09)
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Re: MIAMTEC and Caution (88,827) (88,831)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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It really changes from time to time and the personal mood. At the moment I prefer Caution over MIAMTiC.
1. Butterfly 2. Daydream 3. Emotions 4. Music Box 5. Merry Christmas 6. Mariah Carey 7. Glitter 8. TEOM 9. E=MC2 10. Charmbracelet 11. Caution 12. MOAIA 13. Rainbow 14. MIAMTEC
(Wednesday 27 March 2019; 18:13)
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Re: Happy Birthday (88,822) (88,824)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Happy Birthday to the one and only Miss Mariah Carey. We love you. Have a festive day. Sending you love and butterflies.
(Wednesday 27 March 2019; 13:46)
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