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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: Mariah Carey: winner by default (74,286) (74,347)
by Andrew from UK
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"Angels and ministers of grace defend us."
(Monday 10 April 2017; 21:53)
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Re: Mariah Carey: winner by default (74,274) (74,275)
by Andrew from UK
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God has favourites? The big magical make-believe beardy man in the sky likes Mariah a lot so gave her lots of talent and money. Moreso than he likes the people of Syria, for example. Bad little Syrians. God doesn't like you as much. Take this chemical bomb, kids. What an insane load of nonsense you always write, with very little ever based in reality. However, you have outdone yourself this time. Lunacy.
(Saturday 8 April 2017; 21:06)
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The Carey-Tanaka cynicism (74,263)
by Andrew from UK
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It is possible that people doubt Tanaka's love for Mariah because he is young and fit, and she is, well, not those things. Thus, it being all about the money is probably the thinking. When she met Nick Cannon she was fit and extremely attractive. Now, she is not so, so the logic falls by the wayside. But, maybe, just maybe, they get on. I can't imagine they have in-depth conversations about the Syrian crisis or the plight of the Amazonian rainforests but I'm sure they are on the same level somewhere on some other plain. In fact, on some other *plane*. It's only really flying around the world and dining out and getting drunk. Sounds like a f*cking riot to me.
(Saturday 8 April 2017; 16:19)
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The art of letting go of bad lyricism (74,262)
by Andrew from UK
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That Mariah leaves her songs "open to interpretation" is logical. To then tell someone that what they think a song is about is not correct and that you alone have the insight is not. In respect of the lyric, "Got a bundle of your possessions outside the kitchen window right now" the only poetic meaning I can attach to this would be that 1. Mariah is trivialising the quantity/quality of the possessions of the person she is ejecting from the home (that is to say, he didn't bring much in the first place), and, 2. she is flipping a symbol of female subjugation in its head (here, the "kitchen") and aligning it with a story of positive self-empowerment (that is to say, the "weak woman" just realised it is not she who is the weak one). This would suggest the song is about pseudo-macho Nick "my wife" Cannon. Yet, I may just be attaching a deep meaning to otherwise lazy lyrics designed, alongside others in Mariah's recent catalogue, to make her sound fun, cool and relevant, instead of universal, or as she unendingly states, "schmaltzy". And, anyway, who cares who Mariah's lyrics are about? It doesn't really help her sell records as people dont really buy into her woe-is-me narrative anymore. Indeed, the fact that the song might be about Nick Cannon makes me like it a lot less immediately, even.
(Saturday 8 April 2017; 16:01)
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Re: Todd from Australia (74,218) (74,228)
by Andrew from UK
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Darce, you'd have to be an actor. A television actor. But you're not one of those. Right?
(Friday 7 April 2017; 05:42)
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Re: American Idol producers attack Mariah (74,112) (74,113)
by Andrew from UK
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Toots, you're back with your love of the gays lol oh you. Rustbelt lesbianism not the rollercoaster ride you imagined it, eh? More's the pity.
(Monday 3 April 2017; 12:51)
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Mariah's money (74,095)
by Andrew from UK
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Given that most of us will inevitably make our friends in life out of the people we meet in various jobs along the way, Mariah will do the same. She's incredibly wealthy and a globally-renowned celebrity. Is she supposed to somehow hang out with other multi-millionaires in a multi-millionaires' club that meets in secret? If she meets people she likes who aren't rich should she not be friends with them? If the simplest solution is often the right one, fair it is to say that it is far simpler (and a lot more fun) for Mariah to take people along with her on her ride than for her to disembark and go slum it on other people's. As long as they're not idiots in return, like Dick Cannon, then who cares? It's her money. Sometimes I'm not particularly thrilled with how she makes it, but it's hers, nevertheless. And I'm sure she doesn't need anyone worrying about who she spends it on. And if she wants to take me to Capri, I'll kiss her ass and fan her face faster than you can say "f*ck you, Andrew" (by which time I will have thrown Stella in the ocean and be sipping sangria, singing "X-Girlfriend" at the top of my lungs to drown out her pleas of rescue: "She's not yours anymore don't you know, you gotta let her go, let her go, let her go.")
(Saturday 1 April 2017; 17:19)
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Re: Stand by me (74,026) (74,035)
by Andrew from UK
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Stelly, when Mariah offers you a toke, just say "no".
(Thursday 30 March 2017; 00:09)
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Re: Last Daydream era performance (74,025) (74,030)
by Andrew from UK
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What was the first live performance of 1997?
(Wednesday 29 March 2017; 19:45)
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Sumpin' nice (74,018)
by Andrew from UK
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Time to say something nice. Been listening to Mariah all day whilst working from home. Isn't funny how we sing what Mariah sings, and not the chorus? It's not just that she comes up with the melodies and lyrics, thus, the songs - it's the actual vocal over the top that provides another ancillary melody - the main melody. AYNAF would not be the same song without the way she ad libs. Fantasy would not be the same song with just the chorus - I haven't sung the chorus in twenty years, except for "on and on and on" (shout out to Luke and his "on and on and on" knowledge). It's like she used to create songs, and then make them exciting when she stood in front of the mic. We need that again. So there. Sumpin' nice. Take it. Or leave it. Whatever.
(Tuesday 28 March 2017; 23:22)
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Re: The uselessness of trying to change someone (74,006) (74,008)
by Andrew from UK
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Ever wondered what Mariah thinks people think of her? She acts like a stuck-up b***h then cries that people misjudge her. She gets her tits out at every opportunity (treating everyone now, desperately, to nipples) then slams the phone down when people make derogatory comments about them. She airbrushes her body in every image then acts like a horny soft porn actor when a camera is aimed at her and cries that people don't take her seriously. She performs badly then cries that production companies are picking on her. She makes a really awful reality show then looks annoyed when people refuse to show it respect. She makes really, really bad music and will definitely cry when her label drops her. You have to ask: does she actually have a frickin' clue about anything? Does she not see what most of the world thinks about her? The never-ending argument that Mariah is a victim is just incredibly weak, and it has been for years and years. She is a victim of her own attitude and her own behaviour. The saving grace was the music. Well, we all know what happened to that. Nobody is hassling Mariah to break records or number ones. They are demanding something in return for their time and their money. They want Mariah to act like a professional, produce professional, respectable products, and push them with the intent of showing people that her fans and lambs aren't absolute idiots for following her for the best part of their lives. At the very least, a few tracks that aren't painful to listen to would be a good place to start.
(Tuesday 28 March 2017; 15:09)
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Re: Belated birthday (73,986) (73,991)
by Andrew from UK
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How is it "belated"? It's today.
(Monday 27 March 2017; 19:15)
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Article: Mariah Carey flashes her boobs in see-through top (73,957)
by Andrew from UK
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Congratulations, Mariah and Stella. It worked. Your nipples got you attention. Now everyone thinks you're even more of a [censored] than they did before lmao. What a tragedy.
(Sunday 26 March 2017; 12:50)
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Re: Article about Mariah and politic statements (73,901) (73,924)
by Andrew from UK
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FML lol you don't wanna go there, Carlos. Suggest Mariah's ever so slightly in favour of one race over the other and you're a racist yourself on here, no matter how much the public have been saying it for years.
(Friday 24 March 2017; 19:03)
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Re: Celine doesn't deserve an apology (73,864) (73,870)
by Andrew from UK
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Adam, thou are right, and it was certainly not the bloody Aretha Franklin Show. There is no unwritten rule that if Aretha Franklin sings everyone else must pretend that they can't. Demented people who think that Celine should "stay in her lane" are lambs clutching at straws, once again, to excuse a poor performance my Mariah - in this instance, on "Natural Woman". Mariah probably would've if she could've but she couldn't so she didn't (however, in saying that, I thought she whooped Aretha on "Chain of Fools"). Further, Celine was probably top billing for that show given it was the year of Titanic ("Oycberg, royt ahead") and with "Falling Into You" not long since winning Celine a new inch of neck at the Grammys. If anyone shaded Aretha, surely it was the production company or whomsoever cut other performed songs from the DVD/CD. "Top billing", indeed. If only the show were Divas Live 96: Mariah would've annihilated everyone there. Mariah was not the best, and it's certainly not "passive aggressive" to explicitly say so. Who's up for people using terms like that to understand to what they actually refer and to what they should be applied? "Passive aggressive"? Hmm, let me see if I can help. Ooh, I know. One example springs to mind - how about inferring someone who sang better than you was being disrespectful to somebody else? Haha. Oh, you have to have a little fun, now and again.
(Wednesday 22 March 2017; 23:23)
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Re: Something that bugs (73,823) (73,831)
by Andrew from UK
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What of the dues Mariah owes to the remaining fans who haven't abandoned her. If she can't commit to being an, I don't know, "professional", or, dare I say "good", music artist, how insulting to everyone who comes to this board. Rather have Stella milk as much money from her reputation and squeeze the life out of her legacy with shite like a Christmas movie about a dog. Like, oh you guys, like whatever. Or in English. What [censored] tosh. She is ironically, a parody of the parody of herself. So yeah, she's old. Who does she think she's putting this stuff out for? She won't commit to being a good music artist so who does she think cares about all this other nonsense? Nobody is going to care one iota about (another) shite Christmas movie from, what Joe Public considers, a has-been. AIWFCIY is bigger than Mariah (that's a crazy, but true, sentence). And, Martyn, I'm glad the helpdesk fixed your face. A whole helpdesk dedicated to your face. You [censored] diva. Love it.
(Tuesday 21 March 2017; 21:10)
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Re: Wasted songs (73,754) (73,783)
by Andrew from UK
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Missed you in this. Genuinely relieved that somebody else is extolling the virtue of "Cruise Control" over "Migrate" from E=MC2. The latter is, I would say, bordering on a master-ful, ie. clever and on point in its delivery. But "Cruise Control" is just get-your-tits out crazy fun. I defy anyone. It to smile and sing along. "Bottle broken. Think I'm joken?" Just so much fun. Like "YDKWTD". Mariah has so much fun inside of her, she knows how to make it go off. Listed to "Meteorite" today because of the board and don't understand why I've been ignoring it. It's massively fun. And the question would be this: Why won't Mariah "do EDM"? Why won't Mariah do disco? Why can't she do what Madonna did with "Confessions"? "Meteorite" is probably an expert at music being told to create the perfect disco/dance track. To all those who say Mariah needs a "Right to Dream" about R&B and jazz. Well, she can do most stuff. But people want to hear party music. And she ain't bad at it. Somebody lock JD in a closet.
(Sunday 19 March 2017; 00:59)
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Re: Madonna's classic is not Drowned World (73,780) (73,782)
by Andrew from UK
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Toots, are you back from the brink? Are you with us, again? Lol honestly, you may be right here (I approve your message). I listen to "Take A Bow" if ever I'm in a search-my-soul drive. And I listen to it more than "Drowned World". I guess that poses a really interesting question: Is Mariah's masterpiece, to you, or anyone, the song you listen to most, or is it something you can, yourself, critically acclaim? I would think they would be the same thing. But then I listen to some Mariah songs more than those I would consider to be masterpieces. What is Mariah's masterpiece? And is it the song each person listens to the most? If it isn't, then what makes it the masterpiece?
(Sunday 19 March 2017; 00:50)
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Re: Celine Dion vs Mariah Carey (73,759) (73,778)
by Andrew from UK
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Totally agree. Should always celebrate the virtues of other artists and admit when they are better than Mariah. But I can slag Mariah off: I won't hear it from Celine fans. Certainly not Whitney fans. And Madonna fans can suck it. Even though I like all those artists. Usually end up with: most of Celine's catalogue is saccharine and cringe, Whitney's catalogue is primarily 80's and early 90's synth shit, and Madonna writes lyrics that are bad. And "bad" will always rhyme with "sad". Or "mad". Or something else she Googled to rhyme with "bad". One day, someday, "ooh someday", I'll find a moment of peace. But not today.
(Saturday 18 March 2017; 21:30)
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Re: Singles mean? (73,773) (73,777)
by Andrew from UK
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"Drowned World" is probably Madonna's masterpiece. Definitely not "Masterpiece" lol. I love those songs, too. "RTD" should not be mentioned in the same sentence as "Petals", "Looking In", "TTEOT", "Twister" and all those other moody, brooding songs that come from a dark place but play out in the light. "RTD" is proper slit-your-wrists, jump-off-the-cliff fabulousness. It's so depressing. Suggest if you listen to that on repeat, you will stay single forever. Come to London and I'll dump Eric and date you, with the gayness that Toots has awarded me. Or Berlin. Might be moving there for work soon. If you don't like a wholly sausage and beer based diet, or people who tell you something is funny instead of laughing - "Ja, that's so funny, ja" - then maybe it won't work.
(Saturday 18 March 2017; 21:21)
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Re: Singles mean? (73,743) (73,753)
by Andrew from UK
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Another day, another Randy "Right To a dream" moment. It's actually getting a little weird now lmao. No, seriously, it is a bit creepy. I think most fans like Mariah's introspection in her music, but this should not outweigh the need for upbeat feel-good music and power ballads.
(Saturday 18 March 2017; 09:53)
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Re: Wasted songs (73,739) (73,744)
by Andrew from UK
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Aside from "You Don't Know What To Do" which could have been pushed with considerable millions to become a global smash, "Cruise Control" is definitely on a par with how happy and professional it sounds. "Can't nobody, can't nobody tell me nuttin..." Genius. Darcy is right. "Faded" is boring rubbish. People want to party, not drown in smooth, slow R&B drivel. Mariah needs to take some friggin happy pills and put some life back into her career. No more Dreary nonsense. Come back and hit it with an upbeat party album or retire to the legends circuit. No longer convinced she has it in her. But which would I prefer? "2018. Watch it."
(Friday 17 March 2017; 21:10)
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Re: March is almost over (73,736) (73,742)
by Andrew from UK
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Thanks Stelly.
(Friday 17 March 2017; 21:02)
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Re: Most played MC song in iTunes (73,697) (73,716)
by Andrew from UK
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Agreed. "Till The End of Time" is both haunting, building, measured, thoughtful, moving, powerful, returning once again to haunting, if not, and emphatically, defeated. The joy in the defeat I think is what many teenagers who were perhaps not understood or not good at being expressive needed to be expressed for them: "I can't love you, but I love the unrequited, because it's love in itself and that's moving, if not haunting."
(Thursday 16 March 2017; 23:40)
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Celion Delion (73,680)
by Andrew from UK
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To state that Mariah is more talented than Celine is a bit of an (intentionally) vague statement. Celine can't write music, no. Celine doesn't produce music, no. But she can sure as hell sing the shit out of it, still. This current fatigue of "Celine lipsyncs almost everything" is lambs clutching at straws. It is a realignment of the truth to fit a purpose. Many people lipsync. To use it to lessen the mess Mariah has put herself in with regard to lipsync is laughable. No Celine doesn't write and produce music. But in a speech she made recently she said of her late husband, "He always surrounded me with the best people." It was a wonderfully romantic statement. That her doting husband would be on the phone demanding the best songs, the best producers, the best marketing for his wife and her globally respected voice and brand was heart-warming, and made their now eternal separation all the more thought-provoking. "This one's for you Rene, the show must go on." What do we have? "This ones for you, James, I kept the ring." Is Mariah a better singer than Celine? No. Mariah has, to me, the better back catalogue, and a tone that makes sense to the ears. Sometimes in Celine's songs I have to skip because the excess of sentiment becomes a bit cringe. But Celine is a f**king brilliant singer and could sing Mariah out of the water in 1998 and 2018. And she hasn't ruined her own brand by acting like a vapid idiot. I will say, though, that I'm almost certain around 1994/95 I read a quote from Celine saying that Mariah was a better singer, way back then. So humble is she. And, thus, likeable. In fact, reminded now of the Kathy Griffin sketch of how Celine Dion walks out to the crowd with a shocked look every time and points to everyone like she didn't expect them to be there: "Rene? What if tonight is the night... they do not come?" She's loved the world over. Mariah, sadly, no longer is. But I'll listen to Mariah songs over Celine songs any day of the week, and twice on those twice-Tuesdays. And Mariah didn't do a bad job of selling out the UK venues. So there's still an appetite. Even it is an appetite for days long since past.
(Wednesday 15 March 2017; 23:43)
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