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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: What's up, toots? (73,649) (73,659)
by Andrew from UK
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Ed, you and your vagina envy. Cracks me up.
(Wednesday 15 March 2017; 13:11)
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Re: What's up, toots? (73,633) (73,648)
by Andrew from UK
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Edward. Eddie. Eds. 32 thumbs up and counting. I'm not sure if they are thumbing up the fact that Sheila is a bit of a twat, or whether I am. Probably me. 
(Wednesday 15 March 2017; 00:39)
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Re: Celine Dion lipsings and it's ok? (73,641) (73,647)
by Andrew from UK
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Laughable. How many memos went through the doors of the public to pitch them against Mariah? Or maybe, just maybe, it was Mariah's behaviour, the direction he went personally and professionally, that made the people who liked and respected her leave her in droves. She did not get a hard deal. She got a better deal than probably any music artist that has ever lived. Lamb contrivance is quite laughable.
(Wednesday 15 March 2017; 00:15)
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What's up, toots? (73,628)
by Andrew from UK
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If anyone is wishy-washy it's you, lmao. Most people take a line and stick to it. You're all over the place. Except with the gays. You seem to really not like them. Or is it just all males? I notice that you think Roe is cute but not Roc, lol, still waters run deep. It's ironic how you and your ilk, like Gee, think your own posts are the empitomy of positivity, healthiness, etc. Yet, many of them are mostly just nasty themselves. Never an ounce of humour or insight. And quite [censored] dull. So Sheels, what's up, toots? Angry lesbian or rust-belt wash-up? I think most people would choose Mimi L's posts over yours every day of the week and twice on Tuesdays. Including me. And she made fun of my beautiful hair. So Carlos vented. So what? He said what many people see to be the big issues about which other people bury their head in the sand. So he didn't temper it with messages of positivity? So what? There's enough of those messages on here to do that for him. If he wants to criticise Mariah then how about you "STFU"? You've done it enough yourself. "Boy"? Penis envy's gotta suck. Figuratively, like. Don't get excited, toots.
(Monday 13 March 2017; 22:07)
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Re: Mariah's legacy (73,607) (73,627)
by Andrew from UK
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At the O2 Arena in London I can certify that it was mostly, if not completely, full. And it's bloody big in there.
(Monday 13 March 2017; 22:00)
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Re: Mariah's legacy (73,600) (73,621)
by Andrew from UK
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Eric, if it weren't for the ad revenues I would break up with you for that.
(Monday 13 March 2017; 19:53)
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Nick Cannon (73,571)
by Andrew from UK
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He looks like what he is in every photo. A [censored].
(Sunday 12 March 2017; 15:38)
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Re: Article: Mariah Carey not marrying Bryan Tanaka (73,518) (73,531)
by Andrew from UK
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Edward, that is very unenlightened of you, I'm disappointed. Look, times have changed. Some older women like younger men and some younger men like, well, some younger men like superstar millionaires hah. Me? I'm hoping my boyfriend gets good ad revenues from this here website or I'm off. I actually think Mariah and Tanaka look pretty cute together. Rather him than a wannabe rapper in a blue smurf suit. It may be that it's actually a real relationship but you'd just never guess it because of the way Mariah has represented herself in recent times. It's hard to take anything about her seriously anymore, even, sadly, the music.
(Saturday 11 March 2017; 19:36)
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Re: Can I say something? (73,495) (73,503)
by Andrew from UK
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You couldn't point to France on a map. Of France. Given to you by a guy wearing a tight black and white striped t-shirt and a beret. With garlic around his neck. Cigarette stuck to his lip. Hanging out of a Citroen. Playing an accordion. Saying, "Allo Madame, would you like to see zis ere map of France I juz bought in ze Map of France Shop on ze Champs Elysee." I have to go with my new gay lover Eric on this one. If you were French, in France, your email address would more than likely have a .fr domain. Seeing as he thinks you are Stella, I would imagine that your email address, which he can see, doesn't have a .fr domain. Also: you're Stella. [Webmaster: His e-mailadress is from]
(Friday 10 March 2017; 13:26)
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Re: Can I say something? (73,484) (73,493)
by Andrew from UK
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Madame Stella, it wasn't that your daughter was rude, per se, it was that she was an abusive little c u next Tuesday. An employee of the establishment isn't going to complain to an international superstar's entourage, she would likely be dismissed and kiss ass apologies offered. Your c u next Tuesday spawn took advantage of this to abuse the employee and you sat there and watched. You deserve a punch in the c u next Tuesday for being an appalling mother and not instilling any morals in your child. I pity Mariah that her life has become such that she has to hang around with you and your spawn. And I have my money on you not even being able to point to France on a map. Of France.
(Friday 10 March 2017; 11:04)
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Re: You've been censored (73,466) (73,472)
by Andrew from UK
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Edward, you should know it's not necessarily profanity. It might be something that Eric decides is uncalled for. Having been on the board for so long, you must know that sometimes people get pissy pants about why things were censored that they did not reasonably or unreasonably expect to be. I don't get things censored because Eric loves me. I made him gay. Because I'm gay, apparently. Ask Sheila. She loves the gays. Loves 'em. Except all the times when she doesn't.
(Thursday 9 March 2017; 21:51)
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Re: Andrew continues hateful, rude and disrespectful (73,465) (73,471)
by Andrew from UK
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Four months in, and, at a glance, about 16 posts, a quarter of which are about me. Disprove me or ignore me. Or just bang on about me. I talk about Mariah. You talk about me. "Andy Warhol said..."
(Thursday 9 March 2017; 21:48)
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Re: Mariah Carey's manager fires back (73,448) (73,452)
by Andrew from UK
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Edward, Stella is verbally what Mariah has become visually: [censored], [censored], lacking class, lacking dignity, lacking self-respect, lacking sense. They're made for each other at the moment. Put on your show, indeed. But try to make it entertaining? Mariah will never recover from the past few years. She's dead in the water. Not like Whitney was, mind. Lmao, too far? Come on, it's been years.
(Thursday 9 March 2017; 00:57)
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Re: Attacking Andrew (73,397) (73,402)
by Andrew from UK
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I get Mimi L's point in that it's a little bit nasty to criticise the way someone looks if they have issues with how they look. However, that person in that picture is not Mariah Carey. That face has had some work. Well, a lot of work. It just doesn't look very much like the Mariah that most people see in their heads, I don't think. It is, lets be honest, a little bizarre. Enough with the surgery. There's enough for the public to mock Mariah about other than altering her face. Her face, after her voice, was her second best feature. Now they're both competing for second after her tits. Oh, I know, the hate, o the hate lol.
(Monday 6 March 2017; 18:18)
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Re: This eye popping selfie (73,373) (73,379)
by Andrew from UK
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I don't really understand. You mean the selfie one in the towel? Her face looks a little bizarre, no? And the comment that she had no make up on? She's wearing make up. A lot. Am I looking at the wrong picture, here?
(Sunday 5 March 2017; 20:18)
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Re: Vocal changes (73,181) (73,206)
by Andrew from UK
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Hi Jade. Well, first off, I'm sorry I upset you, because you have class and I don't like that you feel that way. I would question why my comment has - given that others (Edward, Billy, et al.) have alluded to a certain type of culture within a certain type of group - been read so provocatively. To be honest, I'd never even considered Mariah had f'd up her voice smoking weed since 97, until I read it here. It didn't even occur to me. But then, I guess, I know that Mariah is desperate for approval from certain people and she has some made ill-informed decisions since 97. Smoking weed to fit in to the detriment of the voice is beyond absurd. I think that's what I was trying to say. Kinda. Of course I know other races do drugs. I'm sure the social justice warriors of the board will leap on me as backtracking because I've gone "too far" and am purposely pushing boundaries for attention and what not. But I'm not. I'm replying to you as I am sad to read your messages. Love yourself some. You are, evidentially, beautiful on the inside and on the out-.
(Monday 27 February 2017; 17:01)
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Re: What should Mariah do now? (73,151) (73,154)
by Andrew from UK
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Well, not quite true. She does lip it a lot, but equally there's lots of evidence of her singing it live, and recently. It's fair to say her voice is still in pretty good condition. It's nice to listen to and it's not painful to watch her singing.
(Sunday 26 February 2017; 13:17)
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Re: Vocal changes (73,146) (73,153)
by Andrew from UK
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Edward, it's very simple: Mariah is an alcoholic. And not because of how much she drinks but that she can't stop. When something is having a detrimental effect on your life and you can't stop it, you have serious dependency/addiction issues. And if it is true that Mariah smokes/used to smoke weed, then she absolutely deserved to lose her voice. If fitting in with "Hood" culture is more important to her than singing, then let everyone recognise that she's a mixed raced artist, as she has always been so desperate to peddle, but, sadly, one that ruined the type of instrument, through her own stupidity and vanity, which is bestowed upon very few people on Earth.
(Sunday 26 February 2017; 13:01)
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Re: One More Try - Dubai (73,116) (73,124)
by Andrew from UK
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It didn't last longer because it goes into notes that, on the balance of probabilities, were engineered in the studio and not a true reflection of what Mariah laid down for the track. However, the part that she did perform in Dubai of OMT was nice to watch. It's nice to see honest singing.
(Saturday 25 February 2017; 11:20)
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What should Mariah do now? (73,123)
by Andrew from UK
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Since the tour is not happening as planned, suggest Mariah go get vocal surgery. She sounds the worst she's ever sounded. Hitting a few notes does not a good singer make; it actually has to sound good, also. I suspect she already had surgery around 1997 and maybe 2013 and what we are hearing is the result. However, if not, time to get surgery. There's nothing to lose, anymore, really.
(Saturday 25 February 2017; 11:08)
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Re: Less is more (73,008) (73,059)
by Andrew from UK
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Agreed. She looks great. Pictures of Mariah's face not featuring a huge pair of fake tits below it are so rare they seem throwback.
(Thursday 23 February 2017; 12:46)
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Re: You know who you are (72,960) (73,057)
by Andrew from UK
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Talking of nutters, here we are.
(Thursday 23 February 2017; 12:43)
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Re: From diva to laughing stock (72,978) (73,056)
by Andrew from UK
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The Sun is owned by Murdoch's Need International and is Britain's most circulated newspaper with a readership of something like 2 million. It may not be The Times when it comes to the in depth nature of its journalism but it's not disregarded as having false stories. As with all newspapers of this kind there is embellishment, so to speak. However, aside from calling the SSFT "disastrous", everything Dan Wooten has reported is on point and can be backed up with evidentiary support. Your construction of The Sun as OK in your head and dismissal is the actual impact this article will have on Mariah is, again, an example of how you (and others) will quickly spin anything in your head to create a fantasy land of unicorns and rainbows.
(Thursday 23 February 2017; 12:41)
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Re: Cut Mimi some slack (73,025) (73,055)
by Andrew from UK
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For a French person, you write very well, Stella.
(Thursday 23 February 2017; 12:29)
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You Don't (72,766)
by Andrew from UK
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So is the message here Mariah didn't lip a good portion of that song? Come on. What's with the nonsense? It was a good "performance". I didn't need to reach for the cushion for the cringe intent where it went wrong. But to say it wasn't at least even partially lipped is a stretch. Be honest. Everything above the speaking vocal range was almost completely lipped. Just, come on. This is just nonsense.
(Friday 17 February 2017; 0:10)
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