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About MusicfanJ from Germany: I'm a fan of Mariah since Daydream came out.

Re: CNN on Mariah's concert in Saudi Arabia (87,821) (87,828) by MusicfanJ from Germany
It's on the news here too. She's the looser of the day. (Not my words, it's the headline of it.)
(Thursday 31 January 2019; 19:37)
Re: The Roof (87,814) (87,820) by MusicfanJ from Germany
The Roof is indeed hypnotic. I love the song so much since the first listening. The description of it by Gee is perfect. I also love the video (her look is just stunning, that retro vibe is everything), and the remix. Pure art. The lyrics are so poetic and the rap part is great too. It suits so well. I also noticed that a lot of non-Mariah fans enjoy the song and are surprised that this is Mariah Carey. So enough praising.
(Thursday 31 January 2019; 11:32)
Re: Proceed with caution: Saudi threats (87,807) (87,818) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I really hope Mariah and her team will cancel this gig. Yes, her safety is another reason not to perform there. Please Mariah don't go.
(Thursday 31 January 2019; 11:19)
Re: Okay hooold up now (87,788) (87,796) by MusicfanJ from Germany
But it's a difference if a country has no human rights at all and is living like we still have the middle age. I wouldn't go to a place like that, not even for money. To compare Saudi Arabia with Spain and Australia is ridiculous. Every country has it's own problems for sure, especially with politics. But again, to have no human rights at all is another thing.
(Wednesday 30 January 2019; 11:52)
Re: Saudi Arabia (87,703) (87,712) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Why just why? Aren't there other countries/companies who are willing to book her for an event. The Caribbean makes sense after Christmas (who wouldn't love to be there) but Saudi-Arabia? If she would perform in Dubai fine, but Saudi-Arabia? Just a no no.
(Saturday 26 January 2019; 12:59)
Re: With You (87,689) (87,691) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Lol Edward, your post is hilarious.
(Thursday 24 January 2019; 12:41)
Re: New found appreciation for IDWC (87,672) (87,673) by MusicfanJ from Germany
It's such a great song. And so underrated. I miss those vocals and lyrics too. Sometimes you really need a certain mood to rediscover a song. Since I'm bored of the worldwide charts I rediscover a lot of older records. Brings back good memories and new appreciation too. So keep enjoying "IDWC".
(Tuesday 22 January 2019; 17:37)
Re: If it was me (87,647) (87,649) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"I think about people who are icons like Elvis, The Beatles, Marilyn Monroe." Paloma but that was a time where the internet and the smartphones didn't exist. That today a grownup global superstar like Mariah is so naive, I can't understand as much as I try to. I mean to hang out with trash people (her old team) and thinking it's ok, nothing will happen, I don't get it. The Instagram videos at that time were embarrassing enough. What was MC thinking? I mean we are talking about Mariah Carey not about a reality TV star. For me it's unbelievable, that she trusted Crustella and her clan. With Amy Winehouse, it was the worst. Because of the clips everybody could see the creeping decay of her as a person and artist. It was heartbreaking. Some videos should have never get public.
(Sunday 20 January 2019; 12:16)
Re: Mariah sues personal assistant (87,620) (87,624) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"Not used to working with people who are so unprofessional and sees them more like friends than employees." But this is one thing I can't understand, how can you see a friend in Stella and co. Even if I were drunk, I would stay away from those people. The empower/sister thing was just terrible too. Mariah was not recognizable at that time. I can only imagine that they were good at manipulating. But again you must be very blind or maybe eternally 12 if you can't look behind the fake facade of Crustella and her "team".
(Friday 18 January 2019; 18:46)
Re: Mariah sues personal assistant (87,591) (87,606) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I hope that the nightmare ends now. I saw the story on the celebrity news and it was embarrassing to see the old pics with Crustella on Mariah's side. Some things should be private, more than ever. There are enough cheap "stars" outside who are willingly to talk about everything and show everything. And nobody is interested in. Look at Heidi Klum, just disgusting. What bothers me the most is that Mariah's image is still in repair and now the scum is coming back with the dumb story.
(Thursday 17 January 2019; 18:36)
Re: Mariah sues personal assistant (87,582) (87,588) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Biggest mistake ever to let those snakes be part of her professional and private life. I understand that she was going through a very tough time again, but she was also blind or not willing to see what kind of people she had surrounded herself. I hope that chapter is closed forever after the new "scandal".
(Thursday 17 January 2019; 11:47)
Re: The debut (87,579) (87,587) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I became a fan with "Daydream" but the debut is so special. I love every song too. I can't believe what a 20 year-young Mariah was able to record. A true legendary album. After listening the first few seconds of "Vision of love" you knew a new star was born. The voice, the power, the softness, it's a real pleasure to listen to the album. And yes, even "You need me" rocks. The rap from "Prisoner" is so cool and sweet at the same time. I miss those days. At that time the radio where playing good stuff in general.
(Thursday 17 January 2019; 11:41)
Re: R. Kelly (87,508) (87,516) by MusicfanJ from Germany
As I said before I have cd's from him from the 90ies. It all started with "I believe I can fly" too. But with all I know now, I will never be able to really enjoy the music again. I will keep the cd's but I won't buy any new music or a featuring. It's really a shame that so many artists think they are above the law.
(Tuesday 8 January 2019; 19:35)
Re: R. Kelly (87,478) (87,483) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Oh I just read it on the celebrity news. I listened a lot to his music in the 90ies. But if all the things are true (and I can imagine it) he should be banned from the biz. He may be a great musician but as a human he seems to be scum. Just like Kevin Spacey and many others. I hate when people think because the have power and money they can do everything with everyone. And nobody will say something. So I'm a little disappointed Mariah did say nothing against R. Kelly. She has reasons to, but it would be nice if more people who are famous too would speak up.
(Monday 7 January 2019; 11:17)
Re: Portrait (87,475) (87,480) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Dove I love the idea for the video. Plus it would be something Mariah has never done before.
(Monday 7 January 2019; 11:01)
Re: Adele (87,472) (87,479) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Agree. I have the albums 21 and 25 and I like the songs. But to listen to the whole album can be a bit boring indeed.
(Monday 7 January 2019; 10:58)
Re: With You (87,457) (87,469) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I understand what you mean Randy. "It's almost as if her music is getting younger as she gets older." I think of that since the "MOAIA" album. I enjoy the new album but I would enjoy some songs more without the modern f-language and so on. For example I really love the lyrics from "Clown" or "Touch my body" (great humor and funny). I mean normally if you get older you prefer other lyrics than with 16 or 20. But hey we got "Portrait". The lyrics are pure emotional Mariah.
(Sunday 6 January 2019; 23:16)
Re: With You (87,452) (87,456) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I love Caution so much. Should have been the single. Second "Giving me Life" and third "8the Grade". And for the younger people "Stay Long Love You".
(Sunday 6 January 2019; 19:49)
Re: With You (87,450) (87,455) by MusicfanJ from Germany
The music teachers know what they do. But I must admit I like Adele too. She's one of the few younger ones I can listen to, who have a unique voice and is able to write songs. Taylor Swift has a thin voice and Ariana is for me somehow like a kid who is just trendy.
(Sunday 6 January 2019; 19:44)
Re: With You (87,450) (87,454) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Haha Special K. that's cool. I've noticed the same many times. The stores are often playing Mariah even here. That makes the shopping so much better. They often play "ABMB", "Hero", "Fantasy" and a lot more of her hits. Once they were playing "Thanx for Nothing" and I thought for the first second good music and than I realized it was Mariah. Lol.
(Sunday 6 January 2019; 19:35)
Re: Mariah's opinion (87,414) (87,416) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Great post this_is_qhm. I would love to hear her speak about her voice. All the details and everything what we fans assume. But I also understand that she doesn't like to talk about her "weapon". Because her brand is still the songbird supreme, the voice and of course the diva for the public. Maybe some people would attack her even more, but a lot of people also love honesty. Hmm maybe in her book/the memoirs we will get a little more info. I hope so.
(Friday 4 January 2019; 17:44)
Re: The Roof (87,377) (87,388) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I always knew the story was real and not just imagination. Ah I would love to read the true story behind it.
(Thursday 3 January 2019; 17:59)
Re: Meet and Greet in December (87,373) (87,387) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Thanks for sharing your story and experiences. What a beautiful photo. Your smile is everything. Mariah looks fabulous too.
(Thursday 3 January 2019; 17:57)
Re: Best wishes (87,327) (87,334) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Thanks Tijl. I wish the same for you and for the MCA family around the world. 2018 was one of the hardest years for me personally. So I look forward to 2019. And thanks to the webmaster. I really appreciate to come here and enjoy you all.
(Monday 31 December 2018; 17:31)
Re: AIWFCIY #1 in Norway (87,304) (87,309) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Here in Germany it's still at number 2. Like in the UK right? Next year it has to be number one.
(Sunday 30 December 2018; 15:25)


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