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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: "25" (72,637) (72,672)
by Andrew from UK
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It was a little gushy. White woman guilt over beating the black woman? "#grammyssowhite?" However, Beyoncé was absolutely amazing. The woman just has *it*. Mariah used to. Get the memberberries out.
(Tuesday 14 February 2017; 21:44)
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Re: Adele (72,601) (72,620)
by Andrew from UK
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Adele was amazing. And it was a lot more human that she started over. Rule Britannia. Agree with those who say awards shows won't go near Mariah now. Don't you think the barriers being up on the bowling lane, with Mariah in stilettos looking like a desperate cougar, being praised by the kiss-ass sycophantic idiot is symbolic of her life? Somewhere people were celebrating real music. Mariah is the most irrelevant she's ever been.
(Monday 13 February 2017; 21:42)
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Re: Article: Mariah Carey is "deep into the Bible" (68,800) (72,619)
by Andrew from UK
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How did you type that whilst holding up your "God Hates [censored]" sign? Lmao.
(Monday 13 February 2017; 21:32)
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Re: New radio call in (72,545) (72,550)
by Andrew from UK
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I think you're right in the sense that adding it on to the end of an interview in which you kissed ass is bad form. If you don't like someone just tell them. Don't entrap them.
(Sunday 12 February 2017; 15:23)
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Re: New radio call in (72,547) (72,548)
by Andrew from UK
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I guess the point is: if you don't act classy, you can't expect people to treat you classy? I don't expect people on this board to tip toe around me because I'm extremely forthright. To be offended would be beyond comprehension. The voice and the bad songs aside, I could forgive a lot if she would just act like the person she used to be. I don't buy into "this is her". No way. She used to have class. [censored] knows where it went. That is not Mariah Carey in that video. It's an imposter.
(Sunday 12 February 2017; 15:22)
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Re: New radio call in (72,526) (72,530)
by Andrew from UK
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No I'm absolutely not saying that anyone should be subjected to physical abuse. But reverse it: isn't it inappropriate for Mariah to have her breasts out all the time? Can't somebody be offended at her rampant sexuality flung in everyone's face 24/7? Should I expect my child to see Mariah acting like a sex worker when they turn on the television? I'm not saying she's the only one who does it. But she's kinda the worse one. I'm not sure blowing your tits up to gargantuan proportions and getting them out and touching them all the time gives you the right to be offended when somebody makes a joke about them. She clearly wants everyone to look at them. Perhaps the comment will make her realise that her appearance and her behaviour have lost her most of the respect she spent so many years building up.
(Sunday 12 February 2017; 6:45)
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Re: New radio call in (72,501) (72,517)
by Andrew from UK
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Given that Mariah (almost) never puts her hideous looking, over-sized fake tits away, that they now accompany her face in almost every photo, that she wears outfits that look like she's being prepped for open-heart surgery, that her nipples have now even been revealed to the world, that she touches her ridiculously unattractive tits at every opportunity, is it "inappropriate" for someone to comment about them? If you act like a [censored], you surely can't take offense when someone calls you one.
(Saturday 11 February 2017; 19:37)
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Re: Relevance (72,511) (72,516)
by Andrew from UK
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There are people on this board who can make me rethink my opinions or my approach. You would be last on the list. But have your moment in the sun getting your thumbs up for dressing me down. I'd invite everyone who does so to read your wacko message history. It's a riotous laugh. "The Truth", indeed.
(Saturday 11 February 2017; 19:28)
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Re: Relevance (72,504) (72,515)
by Andrew from UK
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Hi, May. Some of MIAM was genius, but interspersed with songs that sounded really out-dated and with minimum appeal. All her efforts since have been awful. In order to be proclaimed a relevant (and good) singer and songwriter, I suppose you would have to evidence that you can still sing and write good songs that people want to hear, that have a fresh approach, that try new things, and so on. Unless I haven't been paying attention, the general consensus is that Mariah is doing incredibly poorly in these stakes, n'est-ce pas? Relevant, she is not.
(Saturday 11 February 2017; 19:24)
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Re: Lionel Richie Facebook fans attack Mariah, help her (72,465) (72,484)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah is not co-headlining anything. She's billed as a "Special Guest" on a Lionel Richie tour. Your delusion is [censored] fantastical. Have a day off, darling.
(Friday 10 February 2017; 21:18)
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Re: Relevance (72,469) (72,483)
by Andrew from UK
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You live away with the fairies. Mariah is completely irrelevant resorting to cheap tricks to try to be noticed and showing that she has very little singing and songwriting talent left. You should visit Earth once in a while, buddy. You're kinda scary.
(Friday 10 February 2017; 21:11)
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Re: It's just entertainment (72,241) (72,258)
by Andrew from UK
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"Self-righteous judgement" indeed haha.
(Monday 6 February 2017; 14:27)
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Re: I Don't video (72,228) (72,257)
by Andrew from UK
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Whilst the red dress is probably the best - sorry, strike that - the least worst thing about the video, it looks like she's been prepped for open heart surgery. Maybe the vulgar look is the future and all the classy people are gonna look proper stupid and feel somewhat silly pretty soon. I think I might start cutting holes in my pants and walking around with my testicles on show.
(Monday 6 February 2017; 14:24)
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Re: Why are you here: George Golden from UK (72,198) (72,223)
by Andrew from UK
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DildoMan is the worst Superhero name ever.
(Sunday 5 February 2017; 18:53)
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Re: Why are you here: George Golden from UK (72,169) (72,222)
by Andrew from UK
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I know you don't particularly like my posts. I'm not sure I like yours. But don't apologise to [censored] who demand "Be nice or leave". The website owner recently posted to question the virtues of blind following. He's not happy. Most Mariah fans with a brain, self-respect and musical taste are not happy. Don't apologise to people. Say what you think. In any way you see fit.
(Sunday 5 February 2017; 18:52)
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Re: Mariah has a hit (72,172) (72,208)
by Andrew from UK
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Maybe lend Mariah yours?
(Sunday 5 February 2017; 12:26)
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Re: Mariah has a hit (72,108) (72,139)
by Andrew from UK
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This song will climb about as high on the iTunes chart as Mariah can climb a slight incline without losing breath. Any good sentiment by anybody will surely be lost in the abhorrence that is the video. What an absolute joke she has become. Mariah Carey the music artist has been replaced in recent years by Mariah Carey the [censored]. But I'm sure "[censored]" got censored. But to be honest there's no other way to say it. L I can't even reword it because it is the best representation of what she has become and certainly what she is in that video. A [censored]. You're not attractive, you're not sexy. You're a global joke. I look at the person in the ABMB video or Honey video and then look at you and wonder how you became so damaged. You are not the same person. Do us all a favour and buy a dildo.
(Saturday 4 February 2017; 7:41)
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Re: I actually like it (72,000) (72,014)
by Andrew from UK
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Anyone who says they "actually" like it is, probably, ironically, stating how shit it is. Mariah should embarrassed and ashamed. It seems that the non-delusional fans are. But then I think it's safe to say that Mariah doesn't feel shame and embarrassment or she'd have given up long ago. She has, undoubtedly, become a hot mess and pretty much ruined a once proud career. If I was Nick I'd go after full custody. She's clearly got mental health problems she does nothing to address.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 0:09)
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I Don't video (71,964)
by Andrew from UK
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Not sure of the lyrics but I'll guess at them. "I don't act my age, I don't have any class. I don't know why the whole world thinks I'm a joke. I don't diet I just airbrush what I haven't had surgically altered. I don't know how to write music people want to buy anymore. I don't respect myself enough to put on some clothes and stop acting like a cheap dime store hooker." Them's gotta be the lyrics, right? Lmao come on, she's a [censored] mess. I knew it was eventually going to tank. I didn't know it was going to tank this badly.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 14:41)
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Re: Tommy Mottola (71,923) (71,930)
by Andrew from UK
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Given that Tommy Motolla has apologised for being controlling and to any hurt it caused Mariah and his two children, and given that he has said that Mariah's depictions of his behaviour are over-the-top, too harsh or untrue, given that we know that Mariah when left to her own devices makes tragic decisions and looks to other people to blame, and given that we now know that Mariah embellishes, or lies about, most stuff in her life to gain sympathy or play the victim, it's fair to say that Mariah's depiction of the Mottola situation is probably not as the most reliable witness.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 0:35)
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Re: Are the Lambs overly negative? (71,851) (71,870)
by Andrew from UK
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If I watch 15 minutes of a two hour film and decide that it's not good, is there something wrong with me for turning it off and saying so? Do you believe that the rest of the song is suddenly going to burst into a fan fair by which iTunes melts down as a result of its popularity? The main point here is that the premise of the song is an offence before it's even been played. It is based on yet another lie. How insulting for Mariah to peddle this nonsense. Does she think everybody is thick? If she had any class she'd have given that ring back when he dumped her. Total farce.
(Tuesday 31 January 2017; 16:56)
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Re: Tommy Mottola (71,798) (71,818)
by Andrew from UK
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Ha, gee, ya think? Now, I'm sure someone's being saying that for a while and being lambasted. Who could it be? I'm sure he's pretty much right all the time whoever he is. So seriously, what an absolutely awful human being to make that song and video and reality show. How cheap and nasty she has become or revealed herself to be. I'd like someone to challenge her to a sing off to show her some humility. "[censored] nobody"? "[censored] everybody."
(Monday 30 January 2017; 21:28)
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The new song (71,713)
by Andrew from UK
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It's sh*t. And like everything Mariah does of late, it's a lie. Why does she bother pumping out garbage constantly? She is embarrassing herself, and everybody who follows her along with it. I talked about going to see Celine, in work, yesterday. "I'm 90's," I said. "I love Whitney, Celine and Mariah." On hearing the name Mariah my colleague snapped her head and said, "I can't stand that woman." Not sure that many people can. Her voice sounds awful. Her music is boring repetitive shite. And, as a person, she is a fake plastic mess with no redeeming qualities left. Safe to say even once die-hard fans are now abandoning ship. What a load of old shite. It's not that I don't like Mariah as a person - I'm increasingly finding myself actually thinking she's a complete twat.
(Saturday 28 January 2017; 17:21)
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The show must go on (71,678)
by Andrew from UK
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Celine Dion at the O2 Arena, London in June. Just found out and am p*ssing my pants with excitement. Figuratively of course. Until tonight when it may be literal. That would mean I've seen Mariah, Whitney and Celine live. Never thought it would happen. Of course, I don't actually know anyone else who likes Celine. But the show must go on.
(Friday 27 January 2017; 16:41)
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Re: Everyone asking: why open for Lionel? (71,639) (71,654)
by Andrew from UK
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Don't you think that this is bizarre on Mariah's part? She's the one with the so-called "music in her". At once, she wants to be both Hoodriah and pop(ular) Mariah. She's recording nonsense drivel that no one wants to hear, but, at the same time, performing popular hits that she doesn't really stray anywhere near to in the studio. And when she does, and does it well (we all know the most recent songs that shoulda and coulda), she ignores them. Make no bones about it, she won't go out on Lionel Richie's stage singing - sorry, strike singing, I meant performing - performing Triumphant and Side Effects and Infinnidee Remix and Infuhmuzz. No fecker wants to hear them. So who does she think she is (in the literal sense of the phrase)? If you're Hoodriah then go get some gangstas who drone on about objectifying women in the back of Lambourghinis paid for with drug money and double up with them. Don't double up with Lionel Richie. How bizarre. Appeal to the middle masses? That's all well and good. But when your latest releases are all Crap Hop, the middle masses will forget you as soon as the curtain comes down on your Greatest Hits show and not flick a look, let alone a penny, in your direction. It's almost as if Mariah likes to kick sand in the face of those people who actually still give a shit about her relevancy and her output. I have no idea who she really is anymore.
(Thursday 26 January 2017; 20:04)
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