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About Andrew from UK:
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O Screaming London Lamb (71,628)
by Andrew from UK
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I tried listening to Charmbracelet again; some songs are okay. But the soft cooing on every song is too much to bear. It's like trying to watch a full episode of Mariah's World without vomiting blood. Well, I jest. But it's funny how listening to an old Mariah album all the way through can make you feel like you did in the period of your life during which it was released. For me it is, anyway. All the thoughts and feelings I had at that time of my life came flooding back, memories of the people I knew well back then but have long since drifted from, the grotty place I lived in, the person I tried hard to love but dumped (in, um, Paris). I guess it's because I never really listen to it. I suppose when you listen to an artist so much, and follow them so closely in your life, that they pretty much score it. Tonight, I was thinking of those years again and I thought I'd see if anything of the London leg of Charmbracelet tour was on YouTube because I was there, and it turns out that this is. Complete timewarp. And I'm posting it because 1) I can. 2) It's pretty good. But mainly 3) Because of the intro. Mariah: "Anybody out there tonight reaching for a dream?" Screaming London Lamb: "Yeeeeesssss." Mariah: "Then this is for you. And you. And you." [pause] Screaming London Lamb: "And meeeeeeeee!" (Really do need the extra letters and the exclamation marks there.) So, if you're out there, Screaming London Lamb, in whatever place the world has taken you to since those many years ago when we were in that same arena together, it was most definitely for you. I hope you Made It Happen. You just absolutely made my night.
(Thursday 26 January 2017; 0:29)
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Re: Mariah Wonderwall (71,622) (71,624)
by Andrew from UK
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"Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you." I see another plagiarism suit coming up. But you do know what that song she is singing was. Right?
(Wednesday 25 January 2017; 23:17)
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Re: Videography (71,514) (71,580)
by Andrew from UK
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Of course Mariah doesn't like "Almost Home". It isn't R&B drivel-by-numbers that Mariah pumps out on a monotonous production level only yet bettered by Stephen King. It's actually a really good song.
(Tuesday 24 January 2017; 19:35)
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Article: DJ Khaled and Mariah Carey spotted in the studio (71,400)
by Andrew from UK
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This photo looks like a friggin sketch from a comedy show. What is wrong with Mariah? Lol she's lost the feckin plot.
(Tuesday 17 January 2017; 20:07)
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by Andrew from UK
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Why is it that, on this board, men must conform to the stereotype of a "real man", i.e., Cannon and Tanaka are quite frequently put down for having less money than Mariah, for not being the dominant ones in the relationship, for not setting good examples of manly behaviour, for being "thirsty" and shallow? Equality, indeed. They're both clearly [censored]. But they're not [censored] because they're men. They're [censored] because they're [censored].
(Tuesday 17 January 2017; 9:16)
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Re: Cat-fight and Mel B (71,283) (71,295)
by Andrew from UK
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Poster: Yes daddy. 
(Sunday 15 January 2017; 17:07)
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Re: Cat-fight and Mel B (71,258) (71,283)
by Andrew from UK
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Please could everyone state which genitalia they have so that they can be classified differently and receive tempered responses? For the first time since I have been here, you sound like a [censored]. What a load of macho nonsense. "Bloody hell" (so said the Englishman, in England - I wonder what I would quote to take the [censored] out of an Asian and how well that would go down). Mind yourself and the high horse you rode in on. [Webmaster: Could you two children take this fight somewhere else?]
(Sunday 15 January 2017; 11:02)
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Re: Mel B (71,243) (71,250)
by Andrew from UK
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Haha. I'm holding a different finger up now. Guess which one? Once again, you read what you want to read, that which gives you an opportunity to respond. I'm not hurt Mel B is being attacked, society is hurt by your petulance. She is simply not the most irrelevant of the Spice Girls. It's not factual. The only more high-profile Spice Girl, that there, potentially, currently is, is Victoria Beckham. If Ed Sheeran had said that he thought Mariah's performance was awful, I have no doubt that you would have labelled him rubbish and awful and a ginger, despite the fact he is currently No.1 and No.2 in the UK. It's really immature. I'm not hurt by your attack on a Spice Girl, society is hurt by your spouting rubbish. I'm also quite careful with how I word things so if I put opinions forward as fact please relate which ones. But make no mistake: facts are facts because they are facts, not matters of opinion because you decide you don't like them and want to frame the conversation in your own fantastically warped view of the world. Put your picture up, "Mimi L.", seeing as pictures are fair game to you lol. Come back to me when you put your picture, your name and your location up and stand behind the things you say. Because all you are at the moment is a pathetic, crazy fan-girl who hides on the internet and can't face the harsh realities of the real world. Try it. Spice up your life.
(Saturday 14 January 2017; 13:18)
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Re: Mel B (71,242) (71,248)
by Andrew from UK
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Well, most Infinity uses pre-record in that instance. She doesn't sing along with a substantial portion of it, either, i.e., the technically more difficult parts. Thus, I'm not sure what your point is.
(Saturday 14 January 2017; 12:31)
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Mel B (71,240)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah does not sing over pre-recorded high notes, she just lips them. The suggestion is so [censored] desperate and patently absurd anyone who suggests it has sunk to new depths. Watch "Boy (I Need You)" on Graham Norton's show. Does she sing over them or cringe and try to hide her face when she realises she forgot to move her mouth? Also, does it have to be questioned that Mariah part sings/part lips? This is what she has now been found out for by everyone. Everywhere. It cannot be denied. She has been doing it since 1999, for sure. In fact, since Glitter, you'd be hard pressed to find any song that Mariah has sung through all the way live on television, at least. Anything remotely difficult is lipped. Case in point: WBT. Never the last chorus. Not once. Never. Since it was released. Not once. She smacks a little of a fraudster. I think everything would be forgiven if the songs from the studio were just once - just once - produced live. I think then everyone would turn their eyes away and go home to sleep. So pathetic children may start throwing their Spice Girl dolls out of the pram, but Mel B has a point (I think being a judge on America's Got Talent is a pretty high profile and relevant gig, incidentally): is there any voice still there? Because, and I'm sorry, there is absolutely almost no evidence to the contrary to be found in the last decade. It comes in extremely small bursts in an incredibly restricted range. And that's that.
(Friday 13 January 2017; 22:07)
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Re: Kelly Price has slammed Mariah time after time (71,193) (71,204)
by Andrew from UK
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Kelly slammed Mariah? I hope they didn't share pins.
(Thursday 12 January 2017; 19:56)
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Voicemail (71,040)
by Andrew from UK
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Am I hearing something different from everyone else? Mariah sounds almost drugged and she is clearly reading aloud something that has been written down (potentially for her by someone else). I wouldn't be surprised if Stella was there moving her finger along the words with one hand and topping up Mariah's glass with the other, so desperate to make sure people know Mariah is with her and not against her she probably is. And taking a break from social media? Mariah doesn't even do her own social media so who cares? Even if she did, "I'm not sending tweets for a while" is hardly ground-breaking. And just drop the NYE thing, nobody cares anymore. What a lot of weird tosh.
(Monday 9 January 2017; 11:43)
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Re: I'm so happy with what Stella said (70,948) (70,955)
by Andrew from UK
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I have had many French friends, thus I feel qualified to say this: you don't write English like a French person. I thought Eric was going mad. But there's something not right here. Whether the demon or her young spawn: Vous n'ĂȘtes pas qui vous dites que vous ĂȘtes.
(Sunday 8 January 2017; 0:59)
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Mariah's World (70,942)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah's World has descended into farce and I won't watch anymore of it. It was a nice idea, but it is not what I thought it would be. It is, like many things Mariah does of late, a lie.
(Saturday 7 January 2017; 18:43)
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New Year's in New York (70,941)
by Andrew from UK
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Aside from being very dignified in her handling of what happened, the other positive from NYE was a reminder of just how truly globally known Mariah Carey is. The story was everywhere, and everyone was talking about it. It was in the top 10 of news stories read on the BBC website for over two days after it. Quite remarkable. In part, yes, I think it's because people don't like her and rejoice to see her fall. But, whatever the reason, I am not certain that if it had happened like that to another artist it would have been such a big global story. However, I am certain, though, that some lowly goat herds in the middle east were plotting Jihad whilst debating earpiece-gate.
(Saturday 7 January 2017; 18:41)
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Re: Mariah Carey's legacy in critical condition (70,910) (70,940)
by Andrew from UK
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Honeypie, cutie, baby, sweetie pants: the buses don't stop around your neck of the woods, do they? Whilst your devotion to MC is fantastic, constantly trying to pretend that everything is as it was and that no damage has been done is delusional at best and retarded at worst. Mariah does indeed leave behind a great legacy of outrageous achievements, a catalogue that defies expression in less than a dissertation and not-often-paralleled global success. But the memory of a person is often about what they did not achieve or failed in or their negative attributes just as much as what they did achieve or succeeded in or their positive attributes. NYE was a catastrophe on a global scale, despite the gracious and dignified way she handled it. Yet this isn't her downfall, per se, as the downfall has been quite slow and progressive. Many things over the past few years have been completely awful (which I think was one of the first things I ever posted here) and have contributed to a public opinion of Mariah that would score her only a few percentage points in a poll of music artists. Mariah is now seen as a somewhat of a dimwit, stuck up, cheap jewellery flogging, titty-revealing, billionaire using, shade-throwing lip-syncer by a great, great many people. Add in the sad denouement of Mariah's World and there you have it: indeed, Mariah will be remembered for her stellar music career, but in exactly the same thought or sentence she will be remembered as a bit of a joke. She has done that to herself. Nobody else. So be truthful, at least, just for once. It doesn't mean you love Mariah any less, it just means you're not deluding yourself in a comfort blanket of false hope and misrepresentations which is a way of living that most people find contemptible. Basically, come live with the regular people on the bus routes. You get to appreciate and understand the world for what it is, not merely what you wish it to be.
(Saturday 7 January 2017; 18:34)
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Re: Dear diary... (70,729) (70,784)
by Andrew from UK
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Martyn, this is the biggest break-up since Ken smashed Deirdre into the door. Ima go get me a Samir.
(Wednesday 4 January 2017; 21:04)
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Re: Dear diary... (70,726) (70,783)
by Andrew from UK
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Sorry, GG, I forgot about you. Your status is hereby confirmed, also.
(Wednesday 4 January 2017; 21:01)
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Dear diary... (70,721)
by Andrew from UK
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So what's going on in the Stella Bulochnikov Archives today? First up, the Asian Superfan obsessing over Stella with a voodoo doll and. Over. And over. And over, again. Next up, some gay guy bitching about Stella's make up. And this just in: Stella's a twat. Who knew? But wait, what's this? Is it a bird, is it a plane? No. It's Stellabitch. Here to ruin everyone's lives with her dastardly plan to drug and manipulate Mariah. Mariah has just been torn apart by the public in, probably, every nation of the world. Stella may be a gobby prick, and, assuredly, not the person who Mariah should have hired, but Mariah chose Stella for her own ends, not for mine, nor for yours, nor, indeed, "ours". Mariah is both the question and the answer here. I do have to agree with Sheila (well, let Sheila agree with me ) that Mariah acted with total decorum. I have been telling people what I believe actually to have happened and how proud I am of her for the way she handled it. To stand there, and endure that, and not strop and walk off, well, what a [censored] legend. That's what I'll take from that. [censored] legend. The show had to go on. Of course, now, it kinda has to stop. Time to go home. But what a [censored] legend.
(Tuesday 3 January 2017; 22:35)
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Re: My thoughts on NYE (70,635) (70,641)
by Andrew from UK
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There seems to be 3 issues with the performance: Where the faults came from, how Mariah handled it, and the lip-syncing. Where the faults came from are really neither here nor there. Mariah obviously couldn't hear what she wanted to hear. So be it. Mariah's manager should have down played this not blow it up. She is nucking futs. She would be wise to stop acting like someone desperate to look like they are in control and keep their job and to show good grace, which is what Mariah did on stage. I respect that she didn't walk off and I respect that she made it clear when they put on the album version of WBT (which I assume they did to try to help her seeing as she only ever lips the last chorus) she made it evident that she was only singing along. My heart actually broke when she looked up at the sky looking embarrassed and defeated. I genuinely had tears in my eyes because I saw the person I used to know and I didn't want her to be stood there enduring that and the shit-storm she probably immediately knew was coming. But a shit-storm it is. The third issue, the lip-syncing, is now globally recognised, fully understood and not going away. The whistle notes playing at the end of Emotions was excruciating, especially when she talked over them. She's been lipping those for years. The game is really up. Lip-syncing is so commonplace now it is across every register in every song. She is a singer that doesn't actually sing to the point where people don't even believe she physically can anymore. So that's it. I thought you handled it gracefully, Mariah, but it was only a matter of time. The end of the party. Time to go home.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 15:14)
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Re: Bleak (70,459) (70,468)
by Andrew from UK
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Beak zipped. I will listen to Right To Dream on repeat until I love it or lose the will to live. Which means I will probably get halfway through and put on Almost Home which is actually awesome (ha, see, just call me Mr Positivity, eh). And you must remember Juan. I sent you his bat-shit crazy emails. I tried to find them again for a giggle but had deleted them. Still, as bat-shit crazy as he is, I'm kinda glad he got to meet her now. It looks like it meant the world to him. The segment has actually made me have a rethink on what I'd say to Mariah if I ever got to say something to her. I think she must be fed up with "your music saved my life, you mean the world to me, I love you" endless speeches accompanied by life story/sob story. I think I'd probably just say "You really helped me get through, and your voice always kept me company, so cheers", smile, shake her hand and leave her be. Of course, if she reads this board, and recognised me, she'd probably bounce me out the building. But I've got a right to dream, right?
(Saturday 31 December 2016; 6:13)
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Re: Bleak (70,446) (70,452)
by Andrew from UK
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Don't apologise for criticising. The only thing that could possibly be more boring than people who criticise are the people who criticise the criticisers. I would rather read insightful comments or opinions like yours any day of the week than the [censored] delusional garbage some of this lot come out with - often completely fabricated, interspersed with redundant camp shite like "Yaassss queen" and "Preach" and "Dahlin'", sprinkled with a few slaps on each others backs for promulgating the same delusion for each other. But what you absolutely must do is apologise to that poor child you have brainwashed into thinking Right To Dream is a good song. You and that bloody song hah.
(Friday 30 December 2016; 14:47)
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Re: Marissa (70,393) (70,400)
by Andrew from UK
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If you wrote "Brava" I'd have thumbed you up myself.
(Wednesday 28 December 2016; 23:21)
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Re: Why not wearing them? They're cute (70,390) (70,397)
by Andrew from UK
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I can defend myself. I am a human being. Mariah is a human being. I do not think of her as a cockroach. My opinion of what she is doing or who she is matters not one iota to her. I criticise her here because it is my avenue for doing so because I care so much. I think massively positive thoughts all the time. I have adored her all my life. In person, I rant about how awesome she is. Others post such rants on here but it isn't my role or in my interest to do so (much). I can take your attempts at getting thumbed-up from your little audience from the pedestal upon which your ignorant ass rests. But animals are vulnerable and somebody so globally [censored] famous and revered as Mariah Carey should not be extolling the virtues of barbarity. On a base level, we need animals to die, but fur-farming is barbaric and sick. You don't get to debate this. You just [censored] don't. You can no more debate this than debate with me the composition of the air that we breathe. There are moral certainties in life that are inalienable truths. Just as we have moved on to (trying) not to purchase eggs from battery-farm hens, so this practice, itself, is inhumane and disgusting. Society has moved, quite recently, into becoming more aware of the need to balance the availability of food with animal rights. We are, ourselves, in the food chain, and it is natural for us to eat them. The leather issue? Well, most leather is (hopefully) produced in humane ways. It's morality is debatable, but the process is, for the most part, humane. I may need to research this more, I can't claim to be the authority here. Certainly, I do not purchase leather, but, were I to, I would expect quality-of-life to exist, despite the animals' impending death. Fur-farms are the level at which all humanity is lost. They are the ISIS of dinner parties for animals. You cannot wear fur and claim to be a nice person. You cannot dismiss the issue lightly with a few taps of your keys and claim to be a nice person. You cannot advocate it and claim to be a nice person. Mariah Carey politics aside (for it is politics), something is very wrong with whomsoever cannot see this. Call me what you like, but this isn't about me, or my perceived hypocrisy. This is about who Mariah is. Does she know what is being posted there? It is important that she speaks instead of being "elusive", i.e., not giving a shit about what her fans think. The guy who owns this site has just threatened to pull it because of this. That's how ridiculous this is. I hope everyone is following Martyn's campaign. Your own campaign was well adhered to, but I would argue that Martyn's is significantly more important. Companies go to lengths to protect their brand. Incredible writ-laden lengths. Mariah, or Stella, or both, seem to be dumping upon hers from a great height. Let me finish with this (and move on): if Mariah pulls that website and replaces it with a massive apology and fires Stella then I will rejoice from the rooftops and sing her praises for showing that that twenty-something "innocence" still exists inside. Stella is now Ground Zero. As for Mariah, at her best, I find Mariah to represent all that is great about humanity. At her worst (the last couple of years) I find Mariah, as a person, morally questionable. I never ever thought of her as somebody who would use her name to advocates fur farms. The idea would have been anathema to me. "Angels' Advocate"? How about "Animals' Advocate"? How about actually meaning something again, instead of just being a human (albeit a human with musical greatness) attached to two balls of silicone?
(Wednesday 28 December 2016; 23:17)
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Re: Fur coat? (70,362) (70,379)
by Andrew from UK
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You are a fucking prick. There's no way around it. I hope that wasn't censored. Nothing wrong with wearing fur? You absolute horror of human being. Go suck chicken off a bone.
(Wednesday 28 December 2016; 8:55)
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