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About MusicfanJ from Germany: I'm a fan of Mariah since Daydream came out.

Re: Glitter n1 (85,945) (85,949) by MusicfanJ from Germany
How cool is that? So wonderful. I always loved Glitter. It's such a great album/soundtrack. What a nice surprise. Wow great idea lambily.
(Thursday 15 November 2018; 11:36)
Re: Ariana (85,907) (85,908) by MusicfanJ from Germany
To compare Mariah and Ariana is a joke. Sorry but this Disney kid is not a bit like Mariah. It's bubble gum pop with RnB elements. She tried to copy or was forced to copy I don't know, but she's not a real artist. Pretty and young with an ok voice that's all. That she is so hyped in the US, I can't understand. The teens in Europe know and love her of course too, but I don't know anyone who is listening her music. Lady Gaga has more fans here I guess.
(Wednesday 14 November 2018; 12:07)
Re: Bipolar and vocal issues (85,669) (85,672) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Happy Birthday Licia. Enjoy your day and of course "Charmbracelet". For Bill's list I have no words. Lol.
(Tuesday 6 November 2018; 18:40)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey still gets "goosebumps" thinking about WBT (85,582) (85,589) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yup, "My All" and "The Roof" that's what I call songwriting. Just genius. It's so poetic, I can feel every word from beginning to end.
(Saturday 3 November 2018; 19:33)
Re: Edward Scissorhands (85,578) (85,587) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I saw this movie in cinema when I was a little kid. I was so frightened of Edward. Lol. At that time I didn't know Mariah. But it's really nostalgic that she's using it in her song.
(Saturday 3 November 2018; 19:28)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey surrounded by creepy clowns (85,368) (85,384) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Bill I thought the same. Seriously I was frightened. I mean even normal clowns are a bit spooky but horror clowns are just awful. If I was a kid at the age of Mariah's children I would get nightmares for a long time. Does anybody know why the clowns were "meeting" MC and her children? In the article it sounds like they are fans from Osaka.
(Sunday 28 October 2018; 10:02)
Re: With You radio airplay and "The Voice" appearance (85,327) (85,349) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"Create this dumb bigger than life diva persona hasn't worked for Mariah, it's done more bad than good to her career." I completely agree with it. And the MM-inspired persona is also boring. As you said I loved the idea for the video on "ISB" and Mariah was always sexy without trying too hard. That was her thing, and everyone well most were loving this side of her. I wonder why she forget it. I'm really happy if she takes the "fake diva" personality back. She is Mariah Carey and she can still admire Marilyn Monroe (I love her too). But at some point it looked like she was copying MM too much and this never works for anybody. I also see the positive changes and like most members of the board I can only say thank you new team Mariah. So glad they are trying to repair her image and knowing what they do at a time where the music biz is not easy to predict and control. I'm ready for "Caution".
(Saturday 27 October 2018; 11:13)
Re: Brat bankruptcy (85,288) (85,291) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Bill I can't deal with your new avatar. Lol. A true avatar. It's hilarious.
(Thursday 25 October 2018; 20:50)
Re: The Distance (85,214) (85,216) by MusicfanJ from Germany
It has something that makes me press the repeat too. At the end I can even hear "Daydream-MC" for a few seconds and I love it. From all three new songs this is my favorite.
(Tuesday 23 October 2018; 11:24)
Re: With You > TD > GTFO (85,107) (85,114) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Edward "I can't help it, Mariah is a bad influence." Haha that made me laugh. I also prefer a 10 track album. Sometimes less is more. "The Distance" totally got me. When she sings fly and ladida it's so Mariah. it. How she sings distance, I can't get out of my head.
(Friday 19 October 2018; 17:01)
Re: The Distance (85,025) (85,032) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes, that sounds like Mariah.
(Thursday 18 October 2018; 11:13)
Re: Caution album art (84,989) (84,993) by MusicfanJ from Germany
My first thought of the album cover was it reminds me of an comic. Because of the colours. Like superwoman. But I like it too.
(Wednesday 17 October 2018; 16:51)
Re: Ariana (84,930) (84,963) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"I'm reading some articles from 1991-1996. There always was a lot of negative press about her." That's so true Dennis. At that time the press often titled her as too perfect, Cinderella, just a pop-princess and so on. They were mean almost from the beginning. But at that time she really seemed "supernatural" so the envy people were trying to bring her down. She was already a legend at the age of 25. Not many artists have reached this.
(Tuesday 16 October 2018; 20:19)
Re: Caution (84,886) (84,910) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Didn't expect it too. Nice surprise. I really like that it's short.
(Monday 15 October 2018; 19:46)
Re: If Mariah would (84,881) (84,909) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Hilton your posts are always great. I feel the same way especially with "After this I hope she walks away from the chart chasing for good and just makes music with real musicians." She broke every record and I don't need another number one. She's the one. I'm exited for the new album. But real musicians for the future and so on (I love Babyface, his greatest hits are still so enjoyable) would be nice for her fans who are there since beginning or mid-late 90ies.
(Monday 15 October 2018; 19:44)
Re: New Mariah Carey song co-written by Fresco Kane (84,820) (84,835) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Really strange. I don't like that this guy brings alcohol to the studio. After a recording session (if everything is done), I don't mind if the artist will have a drink because the "project" is done and to celebrate it. But to drink cognac or whisky shots for a singer like Mariah just no. I mean she's not a Rock singer. That's pure poison for the voice. Even wine wouldn't be helpful. I can't understand that a professional is allowing this. A rapper or a producer might get no problems by taking some shots but a singer? It's just not good at all to be honest.
(Saturday 13 October 2018; 11:58)
Re: Homecoming special (84,819) (84,834) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I also love the way she was talking in it. So down-to-earth and just lovely.
(Saturday 13 October 2018; 11:48)
Re: Homecoming special (84,793) (84,796) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Oh how I love the Homecoming special. Mariah was sweet, fun and so beautiful. Great songs and most of all she seemed to have fun on stage and with the students. It's impossible to love her not after watching this. When she says Bill has never looked harder (the big teddy), it's too funny. And the part when she talks to the ex-classmate. So cool. And not to forget the ex-principal. So many great scenes on it. That should have been on a DVD.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 16:13)
Re: With You video (84,724) (84,745) by MusicfanJ from Germany
It's definitely growing on me too. And compared to the "GTFO" video it's pretty good. Black and white videos are never wrong.
(Thursday 11 October 2018; 13:44)
Re: Music biz today (84,615) (84,639) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Great post Deedre. Completely agree with everything. I love to collect cd's, books, movies and so on too. (Lol the three headed-snake, I know this reaction as well.) I need to read the booklet of a cd. The same with the movies. A good movie is worth watching at a cinema. There are people who have 3000 songs downloaded but I bet they never "really" listen to it like if you're turning your stereo on with a cd and take the time to enjoy it. I think that we all agree that the digital things like streaming, downloads etc, didn't give quality to the arts. Everything is available very soon and everywhere. I compare it a bit with food. There's nothing wrong with fast food once in a while but a real cooked meal is another thing. Both makes you full, but the cooked meal you will enjoy and appreciate more.
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 10:47)
Re: Classic Mariah (84,545) (84,551) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I would love a jazz album too. She can still be an RnB singer but making one jazz album, because she is able to do it like the examples "The wind", " Subtle invitation" has shown. Even Lada Gaga did one with Tony Bennett, respect for that. When Mariah was on tour and did the introducing of the band, it was also very jazzy and sounded so good. And it's not like we are asking for a rock or country album. And she sung the Billie Holiday song live. Hmm I will keep that dream.
(Monday 8 October 2018; 18:32)
Re: Maybe it's time to pass the pen (84,496) (84,506) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Hello Licia, yes this is the James Poyser I had on my mind. It's not like I want her to make pop and no Rnb. In my youth I only listened to Rnb and some Hip-Hop too. It was the great 90ies Rnb which I still love. But most of the Rnb today feels heart- and soulless to me. Rihanna for example is not a pleasure to listen to, but I love Whitney and Toni Braxton. It's hard to describe, maybe you know what I mean. And I'm getting older too. I love all the great soul artists. Stevie Wonder, Aretha, Bill Withers, Sam Cooke, all the legends. And some young like John Legend, Leon Bridges, Bruno Mars, Alicia Keys. But the "hot" things on the radio today and charts with EDM and modern Rnb, it all sounds the same to me. It doesn't touch my heart, nor my feet to dance. My fear is that the album will sound like everything on the radio. Of course we don't know now. If I'm wrong, perfect.
(Sunday 7 October 2018; 18:06)
Re: Maybe it's time to pass the pen (84,481) (84,487) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Ben Margulies was great. I love all the songs he wrote with Mariah. Timeless quality music. Instead of another hot DJ/rapper or famous hip-hop/rnb producer. James Poyser, Walter A., David Foster and many more are top musicians/producers who could bring back the contemporary sound. And I'm sure they would love to work with Mariah again. Or some unknown professionals or at least not so famous ones who could also bring back a more soulful vibe with real instruments. That would be a big surprise and no trend at all. I think a lot of music lovers would appreciate it, enjoy it and buy it.
(Sunday 7 October 2018; 14:20)
Re: Give it a rest (84,425) (84,449) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"Bacardi and getting high on weed in It's Like That." Yup, but this was in 2005 and "It's like that" is a party-song. So it fits. But now it seems a bit desperate, trying to sound cool. But it's not. Mariah herself set the level for her music so high. I mean we're not talking about Britney Spears or J.Lo. Mariah was a musical genius and I think she still is, but the two new songs doesn't show it. Someone said here it would be interesting if Mariah releases something without her "eternal 12" feelings. If I listen to debut I'm still blown away what she has recorded at the very young age. A young girl, with an old soul (I guess Edward wrote it). Wouldn't it be great if a grown-up Mariah releases something with that "old-soul" again?
(Saturday 6 October 2018; 18:37)
Re: Oh for fx sakes (84,398) (84,403) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"And she just doesn't realized fully how those songs touch so many people's lives because of their deep sometime introspective lyrics." So true. I wish she would work again with him, even if it's just for one song. But I think it won't happen. Mariah and Walter really created magical songs. I miss the collaboration since the latest on "Butterfly".
(Friday 5 October 2018; 20:31)


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