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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: Mariah's final Vegas shows rescheduled (69,752) (69,766)
by Andrew from UK
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"Dude"? "Punk"? You've spent so long on your jollies in the United States you are starting to talk like them, hah. All your posts are you ostensibly showing off about how you (and your friends) can afford to book flights and hotels abroad and front row tickets to see Mariah and how you are buying her a rock equivalent to the Cullinan diamond (maybe I exaggerated there). Most people in the world can't afford such things and I think almost everyone on this website would love to do them but most of them can't do it. Reads very much like you are showing off which requires making other people feel down-heartened. So yes, I would say it to your face. Underneath the lovers in St Pancras International. Tonight at 1000hrs. I'll be in the dark shades and trench coat. Codeword: "The Russian bear flies by night." Bring vodka.
(Saturday 10 December 2016; 19:28)
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UK Christmas No.1 (69,749)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah being at Number 6 in the UK chart is amazing, it's like being in a time warp. Given that AIWFCIY originally went lost out on the top spot to this (which is possibly the most depressing slit-your-wrists-over-the-Christmas-pudding lets-sing-a-song-about-suicide little number) the song deserves the top spot.
(Saturday 10 December 2016; 12:34)
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Re: When Christmas Comes "Live" with John Legend (69,670) (69,747)
by Andrew from UK
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You do talk some absolute delusional rubbish. Mariah lips because her voice is seriously damaged and she cannot physically sing songs all the way through unless they're slow and/or in some high whisper. Facts are facts because they're facts. The last "O night, when Christ was born" in this shows how ridiculously wanton her actual capability is compared to the pre-record. Everything is lip-synced to high heaven, or strained and painful - and the recent poster who said that her voice actually no longer even sounds nice to listen to, isn't far off the mark. And it is clear that her voice is being engineered to [censored] on her albums. Like most people, I would love Mariah to get on stage with a microphone and sing a song all the way through, without backing track, sound good and look like she's enjoying it, but she doesn't, because she just can't. There's a reason she didn't go the group song at Diva's Live. Because she would have been skinned.
(Saturday 10 December 2016; 12:19)
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Re: Mariah's final Vegas shows rescheduled (69,721) (69,746)
by Andrew from UK
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Whoop, another little reminder you like to go to Vegas and sit in the front row every other weekend. I think everyone will know you haven't got flights and hotels booked because you would have announced it here already, right?
(Saturday 10 December 2016; 11:56)
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Scapelambing (68,774)
by Andrew from UK
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People need to stop scapelambing Mariah's manager. Mariah has probably, almost certainly, hired Stella, and continues to keep her on her payroll, because she wants somebody who will enable her to be drunk, party, be on self-indulgent reality shows, get her in the press for her personal life, hang out with her and be girly, kiss her ass, etc. So, if Mariah has purposefully hired a trash bag, because she wants a trash bag, isn't it a little trashy to trash the trash bag?
(Tuesday 29 November 2016; 6:54)
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The buttmunch (68,773)
by Andrew from UK
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"Lifestyle choices"? To quote Friends: "You are such a buttmunch. *No-one* like a buttmunch."
(Tuesday 29 November 2016; 6:45)
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Re: Randy (68,733) (68,736)
by Andrew from UK
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"Timbre" haha. "Lexically" in love with you, right now. Something obviously just "snapped" in that period. The vocal deterioration in the past 15 years can't be borne of singing too much. She mimes practically everything lol. Too much alcohol and partying. In comparison Celine is always banging on about how she looks after her voice. Can't see Celine in the studio with gangsters blazin' up haha.
(Monday 28 November 2016; 10:42)
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Re: Comeback (68,701) (68,705)
by Andrew from UK
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Given that Mariah has toured very little and when she does tour the high, belting or difficult parts (not even the difficult parts anymore) are lipped, why does Mariah's voice continue to decline so much? People may emphasise how long she's been in the business for, but this is misdirection. In reality, relatively speaking, she really hasn't done that much actual singing.
(Saturday 26 November 2016; 18:19)
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Re: Comeback (68,689) (68,692)
by Andrew from UK
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Can we stop with the "imitation of Mariah Carey" nonsense. Granted, her use of melisma and vocal acrobatics outdid most people 92-95, but Christina Aguilera after 2002 did not imitate Mariah. Not many people do. They realised they can't pull it off. However, facts are facts. Mariah's voice is [censored]. She's lip-syncing Infuhmuzz. She can't reach anything out of two octaves. We can all pray for a new album, which I am sure will have amazing acrobatics. But she can't actually produce this shit in person. So, I have to ask, where are these sounds coming from?
(Saturday 26 November 2016; 0:15)
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Article: Mariah Carey is "deep into the Bible" (68,574)
by Andrew from UK
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Relationship with God? Praying together? Bible? If ever there was a reason to believe Mariah quite detached from reality, this is it. Also love the part about a religious person coming to the rescue of this who are emotionally compromised and vulnerable. Taking advantage of someone user the guise of helping them is abuse, no matter what the self-righteous nonsense in which you dress it up. Bizarre.
(Tuesday 22 November 2016; 21:45)
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Re: Click like on this if you won't be watching MW (68,485) (68,515)
by Andrew from UK
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Only just read your post in full. Your observations and opinions are sound about there being historical evidence as to her strange personality, the ego and vanity. During Make It Happen at Proctor's Theatre in 1993, Mariah bends over to kiss a little girl. You very briefly see her look up to see if the camera is on her. It made me think when I first saw it that the whole thing was staged, and that Mariah was more interested in making sure she got the shot than making a kid happy. Another example from VHS: "You really hit the big time now, Carrie" from Around The World was totally patronising and bitchy. I once wrote some posts theorising that perhaps Tommy, Walter and the team were trying to control Mariah because she had a wacko personality (that eventually came out, ruined her career and sent her into a breakdown) that was going to derail her career. It may be right, it may not be. But I think Mariah has just become more and more of herself to the point of being totally unlikeable. I am not saying Tommy was totally innocent, but I can't trust Mariah's relation of the story as she will rewrite anything for her own benefit, e.g., "of course I have to thank Tommy Mottola - particularly at the beginning of my career" is a quote from 1999 if I'm correct. She'd only just [censored] him off. He was responsible for almost every part of it until just before she said that (e.g. he arranged for and paid ODB a lot of money). It would have been like Celine Dion not crediting Rene Angelil - absurd. Like others, I like her music (well, most of it). I want to like her. But she's just so [censored] vulgar most of the time that I can't see any redeeming qualities and I'm looking hard enough. I predicted a major downfall not so long ago, and, well, this is the beginning of the end right here, isn't it?
(Sunday 20 November 2016; 19:26)
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Re: Mariah, it's one line, just sing it (68,488) (68,496)
by Andrew from UK
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This is why Mariah doesn't sing impromptu. 00:46. It's like watching a heroine addict ask for a tourniquet.
(Sunday 20 November 2016; 0:53)
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Re: Article: Performers at this year's Rockefeller Tree Lighting (68,491) (68,495)
by Andrew from UK
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Why would they ask her back? She can't sing that song anymore. It was awful. She acted like a disrespectful diva and got punched in the lower leotard for it. No high ground.
(Sunday 20 November 2016; 0:43)
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Article: "It's showtime!" (68,478)
by Andrew from UK
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Ugh, Mariah is overweight and thinks she's hot. Fine, be overweight. but don't get it all out and act like you're hot. You're not. It's really bizarre. The self-delusion is pretty worrying. And the leotards need to stop. I'm convinced she would get her vagina out if she could get away with it.
(Saturday 19 November 2016; 12:02)
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Article: Vanessa Williams joins VH1 Divas Holiday: Unsilent Night (68,477)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah should pull out of this show. Every other singer on the bill can out-sing the shit out of her live now. This will have everyone hiding behind the sofa, praying that she doesn't do too much damage. Hardly an enjoyable experience, I don't think, whilst hoping that she has enough dignity left not to lip-sync on that stage.
(Saturday 19 November 2016; 11:58)
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Article: Mariah Carey recording breakup album after split (68,476)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah may want to rethink her tired old approach to making records. "Mariah Carey makes album asking for sympathy, moaning about how hard her life is after the oddly-behaved, washed-up lip sync diva splits from pretend engagement to a billionaire" is hardly going to inspire the public. Whereas once people may have bought into her releasing her inner turmoil through song, that ship has long since sailed. She's seen as a vain, self-obsessed, publicity seeking has-been who treats people badly. Writing a woe-is-me album won't even go down well with fans, I don't think, who no longer really believe that she has much depth and kindness. Nobody feels sorry for her. Better she writes a party album and sings good hooks to good beats. At least people might invest in that.
(Saturday 19 November 2016; 11:56)
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Re: VH1 (68,384) (68,386)
by Andrew from UK
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TGICS42M. I am howling with laughter. Brilliant.
(Wednesday 16 November 2016; 23:35)
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Mariah's World vs VH1 Divas Holiday (68,385)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah's World won't be a disaster, the Divas show will. What's the bet Mariah lips her solo songs whilst nobody else does, giggles and acts frantic whilst talking over her parts during duets, and stands back smiling and shaking her head slowly at the floor during groups songs to "show respect" (i.e., shit herself that somebody might ask her to join in without anyone to press play backstage)? What's the bet on her piling on even more pounds and being sewn into something Barbie would wear? Like an actual Barbie. To scale. I'm such a hayturrr.
(Wednesday 16 November 2016; 23:31)
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Re: Unheard vocals - Anytime You Need A Friend (67,888) (67,967)
by Andrew from UK
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The first time I heard Mariah sing was in the kitchen when my brothers were watching "Here is Mariah Carey" VHS which they stole off their friend because they thought she was fit and awesome. I walked in, jaw dropped, and asked, "Who is that?" and stared endlessly. The story if fable in my family. The song was AYNAF. My eldest brother commented: "There's a woman who gets into her music." He was 17. My friends used to laugh that I could do the hand and feet movement to Mariah during that song. AYNAF is the greatest exaltation of her voice. To have it continued - I must agree with Martyn - is so profound, it beggars belief. In Mariah terms, it's asking for more 90s voice music - to your favourite song. The secret vocals at the end of the greatest song from 20 years ago, you dreamt about, but you'd never imagine. [censored] amazing. Quite spellbound. Genuinely. That song I ruined the VHS tape over has more to it and I just heard it. It's like the clouds opened and Donald Trump touched the face of God.
(Friday 4 November 2016; 22:36)
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Re: There Goes My Heart Again - Bill (67,941) (67,963)
by Andrew from UK
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Licia, you wondrous woman. I would, humbly, ask you to consider the song as follows. Listen to it. Then listen to any one of a hundred Mariah Carey songs you know had time and care spent on them. Then go back to it. It sounds like a child wrote it with a crayon, right? Sometimes Mariah makes awful songs. Turns out, she's 90% awesome. But sometimes, she just makes shite.
(Friday 4 November 2016; 22:23)
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Re: Stella board or Mariah board? (67,792) (67,810)
by Andrew from UK
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You don't normally miss the point, but I think you may have here. Some people may like Stella. It is perfectly reasonable to argue that "no press is bad press" and that, as long as people are talking about you, you are still relevant. If Stella is uncouth or different in her approach, or is making certain decisions for Mariah that are putting her in the press for reasons the others fans don't like, then, I suppose, at least, Mariah hasn't gone silent for months on end and fans aren't on message boards debating how much they'd like to eat Mariah's hair. On the flip side of the coin, it is perfectly reasonable to say that "bad press is bad press" and Mariah should be protecting her legend and status as an artist, and fighting to earn back respect that she lost through her antics and attitude, rather than making herself (Nick?) cannon-fodder. On whichever side of the fence you or I or others may fall, the constant demonisation of Stella and her children is not far off bordering on hysteria. It is almost a declaration that Mariah is not in charge, when, by most accounts, we could claim she probably is, and her managers merely her enablers. Again, it feels as if a rewriting of the facts or a twisting of the narrative to portray Mariah as a victim with Stella in the latest of a long line of people whose asses are hauled before the Supreme Court of the Lambs to blame them for Mariah's own failings as an artist. Questioning the rationality of people who bang on about Stella in emotionally stunted ways is not defending Stella, it's defending rationality, I would say.
(Tuesday 1 November 2016; 10:38)
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Re: Shocking (67,804) (67,808)
by Andrew from UK
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Happy Halloween to you, also.
(Tuesday 1 November 2016; 9:56)
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Re: Shocking (67,770) (67,788)
by Andrew from UK
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To paraphrase a recent post on the newly renamed MLA: "I hope you got your fun calling [Stella] names and abusing [Stella] yet again by making uncalled for shots." What's that sound, you say? That's your high horse running away. I said quite a while ago that your obsession with Stella and her daughters was over the top and odd and it truly appears to be that way. Many people dislike Stella and voice it. Your posts come across as crazy-obsessive, like a teenage girl who has trouble expressing their irrational emotions. Me thinks it's far more likely that you are desperately unhappy with Mariah's choices of late and are finding it easier to vent about Stella than Mariah. Well, Mariah's the boss. She's probably not medicated, she's probably not led, she's definitely not blind, she's arguably not stupid, she's more than likely not not-to-blame. You do come across as crazy-obsessive but it seems to be fashionable for people to jump to your defence. My account is definitely real. And I definitely think your posts are wacko.
(Monday 31 October 2016; 21:41)
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Re: (67,719) (67,772)
by Andrew from UK
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You want people to look at a picture and on the basis of said picture declare that Mariah needs serious help. As said picture is of Mariah holding someone's hand, that's a little bit of a wee leap there, Madame. I'm not saying that I can prove that Mariah is heavily medicated, but you can not prove that she is. Where the evidence is of pictures of her holding hands with someone, it's probably more justified to say she is not. The onus is normally on the accuser to provide evidence, not the defendant. Knowing that Mariah holds peoples hands to a) help her down stairs, b) ensure she doesn't get pushed off high heels in a crowd, c) because she's drunk more Champagne than France can produce in a day, it is far more just to claim that she *probably* isn't medicated. Basically, you're so [censored] dumbass, you make regular dumbasses look appealing lol.
(Monday 31 October 2016; 15:39)
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by Andrew from UK
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Somebody explain why everyone thinks the shit has hit the fan and I don't. I'm forced to agree with recent posts here. Nothing has actually been confirmed. Stella isn't the best. We knew that. Mariah is non compos mentis. We knew that. Fans are being ignored. We knew that. Joe Public doesn't really care about Mariah in the press. Surely they don't now. Christmas is still coming. And she needs to put out material soon in the new year to ride the coat-tails of the exposure. We knew that, also. I'm confused as to what has changed. Mariah needs to get a professional team to sell her brand again. She may have given up. In which case she will be her own undoing. Id love to pick this apart. But it's all a bit: "we knew that". I feel the anger directed toward Stella is actually frustration with Mariah. And I cant help but feel that Stella wouldn't be called half the things she has been were she a man. But, seriously you guys, the path is still the path. I'm lost as to what the proverbial fan is here. I've been convinced myself by posters here as to the virtue of the Christmas material and new material in the new year. What's changed? Don't see it. This will come to pass. Her band will be damaged. But we knew that.
(Saturday 29 October 2016; 23:47)
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