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About MusicfanJ from Germany:
I'm a fan of Mariah since Daydream came out.
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Re: Oh for fx sakes (84,390) (84,401)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Yes, I just can't understand it. It makes no sense. Lol. Effing Merry Christmas. Maybe we'll get a remix with it. Seriously, someone who is proud of the songwriting like "our" MC (and I always loved her songwriting) should be able to write something more mature.
(Friday 5 October 2018; 20:15)
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Re: With You (84,368) (84,381)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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What do the members on here think about the lyrics honestly? I would enjoy it more without the alcohol references again. (I think Deedre already mentioned it.) And without the f.. again. I hope on the new album there is a song without those words. The language outside is "aggressive" enough, I would prefer lyrics more deeply by Mariah. With deeply I mean more poetic and less "cool". But I had to laugh about the word "Vulgariah" posted on here.
(Friday 5 October 2018; 14:28)
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Re: History repeats itself (84,351) (84,376)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"The only question left: is the album like GTFO or With You?" Good question, I ask myself too. I just have a feeling we may all be surprised, positive or negative we'll see. When will the album be released? Is there a difference for the date between USA and Europe?
(Friday 5 October 2018; 13:52)
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Re: A message for Adam (84,353) (84,371)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Chris and Adam you speak from my heart. I feel the same way with everthing you said. It's really heartbreaking and sad. Yes, "Looking in" was telling that fame and money and the gift that the world was praising and loving didn't give happiness.
"I believe Tommy on some level was trying to protect her from the destructive influences of fame and the vipers den that is the music business, but he overplayed his hand and lost her. The irony is that when Mariah freed herself from Tommy's control she became a slave to the fame itself and all of the yes-men and sycophants that come with it. Now she goes through the motions, cynical and passionless. I don't think she ever had the temperament to cope with fame." Absolutely agree.
I don't care if the new songs are on the charts, she has enough number ones. I only wish that Mariah the artist would show up a little bit more, not the superstar. It's hard to believe that a woman who sung "Vision of love" and "Everything fades away" are the one who releases "GTFO". Yes, it may be modern or all for fun, but it's hard to recognize Mariah Carey. I know the 90ies will never come back (in every way) but I would love to see a more contemporary Mariah. I don't need pop music, RNB and soul are great but please for grown-ups and not for teenagers. They already have their "entertainers". I guess most of Mariah's fans are no teens. When Mariah started her career, she seemed more grown-up like today. I always find that a bit weird. Normally it is the opposite when someone starts. Fame really must be the hell, like you have said Elvis, Micheal, Whitney, George Micheal and many more were just a shadow of themself at the end. I will always love Mariah and I'm still excited for the new album, but it's good to know that some fans on this board share the same thoughts and feelings.
(Friday 5 October 2018; 10:49)
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Re: With You snippet (84,205) (84,216)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I already love the snippet. No childish lyrics and I enjoy the "daydreaming" vibe. I still don't like "GTFO" (sorry) but the few seconds of "With you" makes me smile.
(Tuesday 2 October 2018; 13:14)
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Re: I like the With You cover (84,127) (84,162)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Yes, it looks nice and different. That's a good thing. So if the song is good too, I'm happy.
(Sunday 30 September 2018; 17:06)
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Re: Worst Mariah song - in your mind (84,104) (84,118)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I love Meteorite too. And O.O.C is also a good one. But interesting. I choose "Infinity" and this "Why you mad" remix as well.
(Saturday 29 September 2018; 20:13)
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Re: #1's (84,103) (84,117)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Thanks Billy for reminding. And yes, I feel old now. Love the ones.
(Saturday 29 September 2018; 20:10)
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Re: Listening party (84,080) (84,083)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"I'm at a loss how a song like that is by the same person that sang Never Forget You." The same here. I will never understand. It makes no sense.
(Friday 28 September 2018; 21:43)
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Re: Mariah's voice and breath control (83,982) (83,983)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Great post Randy. "Her sad expression told it all when in 2009 she was on GMA and they showed her a clip of her singing in 1990." That's tough. I would be heartbroken too. Imagine you're the best singer ever (well the best of three) and then you loose your voice. Terrible. One said Mariah should talk honestly about her voice "problems". I agree with that. Of course it's the lifestyle, but not only. I do believe like Randy that something happened after the Daydream tour. But I also think if she takes care again of her voice, she can recover. I hope so.
(Monday 24 September 2018; 19:47)
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Re: A technical analysis of "Without You” (83,904) (83,905)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I still love "Without you" so much and always will. I remember when I heard it on the radio in 94 for the first time and I was totally blown away by the emotion and the voice. The song was played every evening on the radio. Good times. I do like the original version a lot, but Mariah's version is a highlight from the first note on. When she sings that low tone and starts the first chorus: eargsam.
(Friday 21 September 2018; 10:22)
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Re: Mariah needs a real "video" A theme again (83,853) (83,857)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Completly agree. The over-sexuality can be used for all the talentless out there. A real singer doesn't need it, even today. I can't believe Mariah still thinks this is the only way to sell music. MC had the most success by only showing her real talent. Singing and looking like a superstar without trying too hard. I hope the official single is a real video with a theme.
(Tuesday 18 September 2018; 19:44)
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Re: The video (83,793) (83,797)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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There is nothing more boring than a "I'm so sexy" video. The videos in the 80ies and 90ies were a pleasure to watch. Still almost every video from that time is better than today's "videos". Yes, I know those times are gone. Don't get me wrong I love a glamorous video like "I still believe". The MM tribute was such a cool idea. And the "army outfit", just wow. Or the black and white video from "Can't let go", classy and more than beautiful without showing too much.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 21:30)
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Re: Cussing ruins it for me (83,778) (83,796)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Yup, this song won't be played for decades. "Anytime you need a friend" and "Honey" are musical diamonds compared to "GTFO". I even like "I don't" more than this song. It sounds so mainstream, not like a Mariah song. Congratulations for the number one, but a number one doesn't make a good song. A lot of Mariah's best songs weren't even released or are just b-singles.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 21:06)
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Re: GTFO (83,742) (83,744)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Listened to it three times yet. I don't feel the song. If the song goes to number one in the US charts, MC and her team will be happy commercially. It may sound "modern", that's why I'm not so into it. Maybe it will grew on me. I hope "With you" has more power and soul. And less f. please.
(Thursday 13 September 2018; 21:58)
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Re: GTFO snips (83,702) (83,712)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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That's exactly what I think. "Clown" and "Obsessed" are on point. They are a little "mean" but with class and humor. GTFO sounds like a title for a teenager or a very young twen who is just starting in music biz. The funny thing is when Mariah started, her titles were perfect and never childish.
(Thursday 13 September 2018; 11:02)
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Re: How Bout You GTFO (83,672) (83,681)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I'm sorry to say that, but I don't like the title. GTFO, doesn't sound promising. I dind't know what it means but if it means get the f. out it sounds aggressive indeed.
(Wednesday 12 September 2018; 20:01)
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Re: The truth will come out (83,575) (83,576)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Stella is a true nightmare/black widow. That she was "connected" with Mariah, still unbelievable. Even if I would be drunk as hell, I would run away from this witch. Lol. Seriously I hope that this chapter get closed for all time.
(Monday 3 September 2018; 12:30)
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Re: Aretha's funeral performances (83,543) (83,545)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I know some don't like the opinion, but for me Ariana is not a serious artist. For me she's a Disney kid that knows who to copy and how to follow trends. Is there any grown-up who would listen to her music? She's definitely a beauty, and her voice is at best ok. But that's it. Jennifer Hudson is a real singer. She's great. I was listening to Aretha today. That was music from the heart, love every song of her. Not many great artists are left on earth. But the music will live forever.
(Saturday 1 September 2018; 16:48)
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Re: Listening session (83,489) (83,493)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I got "Honey vibes" from that little clip on instagram. Mariah looks so beautiful. I'm excited what that secret is?
(Monday 27 August 2018; 19:43)
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Re: MC and J.Lo (83,487) (83,490)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Great post Nikki.
(Monday 27 August 2018; 13:17)
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Re: Wow (83,461) (83,469)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"I sometimes think Mariah has been playing 'Mariah Carey' the caricature for so long now she's frightened that if she doesn't she will be forgotten." I can imagine that too. I still think it was just for protection once, but now I would love to see more of Mariah. I'm sure she's interesting enough without playing a "role".
(Friday 24 August 2018; 22:42)
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Re: J.Lo and Mariah (83,450) (83,468)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Instagram means almost nothing. Mariah's behavior with the diva image may be hated by most of the people but musically she's respected because of her 90ies legendary albums and singles for all time. There will never be another artist like Mariah. Even if she releases another "Infinity" or "I don't". To compare Mariah with J.Lo is impossible. J.Lo was perfect as the background-dancer for the Janet Jackson. She's beautiful and can dance, but her voice is a joke. If she wasn't pretty and clever in businesses no one would know her. Even if the whole world would "follow" her on the internet, she will never ever be a true artist. Just a performer.
(Friday 24 August 2018; 22:25)
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Re: RIP Aretha (83,381) (83,388)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Another legend gone. It makes me sad. But her music will live forever. What a voice, what a woman. The queen of soul will be missed.
(Thursday 16 August 2018; 23:52)
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Re: Aggressive music (83,367) (83,368)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I don't like the description aggressive for music. If it really means it's fresh and creative that would be nice. I want a soulful album without overproducing. Just her voice with "real" instruments and heartfelt lyrics.
(Tuesday 14 August 2018; 10:14)
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