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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: Mariah needs help (67,646) (67,659)
by Andrew from UK
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Maybe you could recommend Mariah a good mental health hospital to check into then, lol. It wouldn't be an unwise wager to bet you've tested a few out.
(Saturday 29 October 2016; 15:57)
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Re: TMZ is reporting the split (67,551) (67,612)
by Andrew from UK
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I thought this was interesting, Luke. Why do you think Mariah needs an entourage to go to dinner with her fiancé? What is it about being a superstar that requires (always rather plain looking) people to accompany you absolutely everywhere. Dinner is a dinner. Why does Stella et al. need to be at her side 24/7? I can't see any possible reason that doesn't come down to vanity. Or, perhaps, comfort. Perhaps superstars get too caught up in their own hype to be grounded? When they're starting out they always seem to shout out to somebody who "keeps me grounded", i.e., reminds them that they're just a bag of water with a mouth and asshole like the rest of us. Superstars get so big I imagine people are too afraid to do that. Or afraid of being cast aside. If it were true that James grew tired of the entourage, it may have simply been because he questioned as to why Mariah can't let go of it?
(Friday 28 October 2016; 16:59)
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Re: Bryan Tanaka and Anthony Burrell are gay (67,594) (67,611)
by Andrew from UK
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"All those dancers are bi or gay. Mariah and Stella are trying to gain publicity for the reality show. It's a ploy. The man is gay. I've met him twice." So spoketh Ty the Oracle. You know, the day before he threatened physical violence.
(Friday 28 October 2016; 16:51)
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This is KickAss? (67,567)
by Andrew from UK
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Little confused as to what James Packer had to gain from the alleged "publicity stunt". Surely, he doesn't need it. You could fabricate a hundred theories as to why he does but they wouldn't hold much water. Doesn't anybody feel sorry for the fans in South America who paid for flights and hotels which they probably won't get refunded back to them? For the fans who looked forward to it for ages only to be disappointed and not even get a genuine apology? Strange that the story is about Mariah getting dumped by somebody she was only ever going out with because of the fame and money associated with it. However, even *I* don't think Mariah has turned her *whole* life into a bullshit story to expose a little documentary and get it some viewers. What's more: there's little evidence to support such a theory. So let everyone rejoice that James is out of the picture and that Stella will (one can only imagine) probably be soon out of the picture and that Mariah will... well, Mariah will be on her own again with no new material and a heap shit of bad press and social media exploits that tarnishes her image further and ruins her legend. I don't agree with "no press is bad press". "Bad press", to me, would encapsulate being thought of as a person who used to sell records selling his or her reputation for some column inches. She needs to release a kickass party album soon in the new year. Ten tracks with attitude. Kill it. Put this nonsense behind her. In fact, she should call it that. "Mariah Carey - KickAss" or "Mariah Carey - This is KickAss".
(Thursday 27 October 2016; 22:45)
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Re: What female should Mariah duet with? (67,526) (67,542)
by Andrew from UK
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Honey, there's only one queen I can see when I look at your message.
(Thursday 27 October 2016; 15:19)
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Re: What female should Mariah duet with? (67,491) (67,525)
by Andrew from UK
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There's nothing you'd love more? How about Mariah smacking Ariana in the jaw to stop that pretentious, pouty, posey, posey jaw wobble she does every time someone aims a camera at her? She's just so bloody awful.
(Thursday 27 October 2016; 9:04)
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Re: SA tour (67,519) (67,524)
by Andrew from UK
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Nobody may have predicted the tour cancellation, as such, but - and, lets be honest - is anybody really that surprised? There's little shock in "Mariah Carey in another career balls-up shocker". What is a little shocking is her continued disregard and nonchalance toward her fans, who might have expected a slightly less disingenuous apology and more detailed explanation, as you rightly point out. "My darlings"? She could have at least written the tweets herself. Really sad for the South American fans because the SSFT is actually really good.
(Thursday 27 October 2016; 8:50)
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Carpool Carey-oke (67,430)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah can have her nipples hanging out of the car window for all it would matter, she looks [censored] amazing. More of this fierce and dignified look, please, and away with the crappy ball gowns and more jeans etc. She looks amazing here. She looks relevant again.
(Sunday 23 October 2016; 10:11)
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Re: Madonna is Billboard's 2016 Woman of the Year (67,284) (67,338)
by Andrew from UK
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I like Madonna, I think most of the world does. But I don't understand what she did this year to warrant being "woman of the year". What were the criteria? How was this judged? All I remember of her in 2016 was her crying on stage because her kid ran back to London to get away from her. Something smells fishy. And I'm not talking about the contents of GG's underpants. I doubt Mariah would ever go to anything Madonna was attending. I'm not sure she would surrender top billing to her and if she did there'd be a fight. I reckon Mariah could take Madonna.
(Tuesday 18 October 2016; 14:21)
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Re: Just had to play some Mariah tonight (67,330) (67,337)
by Andrew from UK
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Mate, cheer the [censored] up. If you're wallowing in the mire of self-pity listening to depressing MC tunes, nobody's going to be drawn to you and you'll be doing the same [censored] next birthday. How about this? Turn off the ballads, stick on some uptempo songs, Dreamlover, Now That I Know, ABMB, It's Like That, etc., sing and dance yourself into a good mood and plan some positive changes in your life. You're not a victim. Make it happen, buddy.
(Tuesday 18 October 2016; 14:04)
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Re: Rank first singles (full length studio albums only) (67,312) (67,318)
by Andrew from UK
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Once again you are seemingly disingenuous. "Glitter" may be the soundtrack to the film of the same name, but it is, also, a fully-fledged Mariah Carey studio album: it seems designed that it was anything but and the two are not mutually exclusive. The album (and project) was much of a failure so are you distancing Mariah from it? I have a sneaking suspicion that if the album has been a runaway success you wouldn't be claiming what you are.
(Monday 17 October 2016; 11:41)
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Re: [censored] Andrew (67,117) (67,131)
by Andrew from UK
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Um, yeah I really will say she cannot act. And so would most other people. Precious was "alright". But I'm not sure sitting down looking bored and pissed off and being aloof is that stretching for anybody. Anybody who isn't a delusional lamb hell bent on being "positive" for positivity's sake can see that Mariah is to acting what Angela Merkel is to modelling. However, Merkel has the good sense and humility to stick to politics. Mariah is a completely awful actress. And the lip-sync was cringe. And the song is terrible. [censored] So let the lambs bleat all they like about my posts. The hypocrisy and irony contained therein is lamentable. And, yes, big words with a good mastery of the English language? A lot of us here are capable of it and it comes naturally and I won't be dumbing down for people who are clearly intimidated by it. And by intelligence. And the truth. See, my delivery is now the new contrived issue, yet, this is, again, wrapping a strange narrative around the truth. People in the real world (the smart and interesting ones, at least) don't dress their opinions up or down to not offend the sensibilities of precious people. It's not my fault if you're precious and it's not my problem, either. But the irony and hypocrisy really is lamentable. I'm so mean and nasty, etc., about Mariah and "all" my posts negative. Well, they are not. I went back and looked. I'm a "racist". Well, I checked that, too. Most times I mention race I'm suggesting that Mariah and/or somebody she knows (like Lee Daniels) is. If I make fun of other races, I have not treated you less favourably. I'll make fun of anyone who can listen. It's a sense of humour, which is severely lacking from some people here in favour of a precious call to offence. But lo, so wrong is it that my nationality is brought to the fore, alongside my country and the colour of my skin (not really sure what "white privilege" is and, again, I couldn't care less about your personal hang-ups if you do). I "attack" and am "rude"? Well, I have been called everything under the Sun here, derogatory comments made about what somebody thinks my employment is (which was incorrect), my social life hacked to pieces with no basis but simply to try to hurt my feelings, my choosing not to use social media referenced as my having no friends, labelled a bigot alongside the majority of my fellow citizens (for democratically choosing to remove our country from a supra-national body due to socio-economic reasons), my sexuality guessed at and used against me, my natural way of speaking labelled as attention-seeking, my haircut mocked, my pictures accused of photo-shop, people trying to get me involved in "I called you out and shot you down and you don't like it" retarded argument methods as if I'm twelve, my postings labelled the contrivances of an attention seeker (there's tautology there somewhere), labelled a "hater" as if that means anything to people with a brain or the over-12's (seriously, lambs, "hate" is just "intense dislike" and a necessary human emotion), the list goes on and on and on and on. And you know what? I really don't give a [censored] lol. To whatever God you believe in, I swear it. I swear it before Him. I give it out (sometimes tongue-in-cheek, sometimes not) but Lordy me do you make sure I get it back three-fold. And, I may say "fine" and move on. However, look at the outrageous and quite stupendous ironies and hypocrisies, here. To all those with their aggression and arrogance, a quick glance at your reflection in the pool of positivity wouldn't go amiss lol. You couldn't make this shit up. All those who don't fit into your narrative are struck down with abject viciousness and cynicism (the vitriol towards Stella being the most recent prime example of this). Would the owners of the high-horses please, kindly, move them? They're blocking the way for impassioned debate. Seriously, though, I will not be silenced by others, nor your plainly, painfully and laughably obvious repeated attempts to subversively sway the guy who runs this site to block me. So, essentially, if you don't like what someone is saying or the way in which they say it, you don't want them to be able to say it? That's the basis of many failed and nasty political ideologies. You can never be right or righteous if the other person doesn't at least get to make an argument, be they right or wrong, despite how much you dislike it. And if Eric does block me at some point, so be it. The world will still spin on its axis (and GG will still not be capable of simple thought processes and understanding, such as "whilst" being as commonly used as "while" in British English where it is not archaic as it is in American English). And I will not move on from Mariah - I listen to her music constantly every day. My best friend's football team has been shite for years. He slags them off, no end. But he still loves them. So, if you actually detest what I say (and, crikey, some of you may need some SSRI's), don't read it, sweeties. How many more times? I think, though, deep down, in that place you don't talk about at parties, you *want* me on that wall, you *need" me on that... wait, I'm stealing quotes now. And I bet you Googled "SSRI's" lol.
(Sunday 9 October 2016; 17:53)
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Re: Kitty, Jussie and his hit the right-note pills (67,061) (67,070)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah's acting in anything is pointless because: She. Cannot. Act. At. All. She is, perhaps, one of the worst actresses of all time. To make it worse, if she really was "playing herself" she somehow managed to [censored] even that up. Couple her crap acting with her crap lip-syncing (which is essentially acting, also) and the whole thing is terrible. Triple that with whatever she has done to her face (starting to look like an alien - definitely looks nothing like she used to) and the whole thing is unbearable. Quadruple that with the (awfully acted) plug for her tour and the whole thing becomes farce. The show is pure unadulterated crap, anyway, so you are right, Edward, in that it was pointless. To humour her massive vanity projects (get ready for soft-lit Hallmark close-ups even William Shatner would be jealous of) is as pathetic as her doing them in the first place. Still, at least Empire had a white character on it. Somebody tell her she cannot act. She can't even pretend to sing her own bloody songs. Awful.
(Friday 7 October 2016; 20:12)
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Re: Infamous/Dangerous sneak peak (66,992) (67,016)
by Andrew from UK
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They may as well rename the Emmys the Mimis after that performance. The face of acting itself has changed forever. Awful. Totally awful.
(Tuesday 4 October 2016; 23:39)
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Re: Infamous (66,946) (66,951)
by Andrew from UK
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"Infinidy" is much better than "Infuhmuzz", absolutely. So, here we go again: more excuses made for Mariah (so automatically now that the excuses are lined up before the event itself) and hollow predictions of better stuff in the future (today was yesterday's future, no?). Anyway, let us all brace ourselves for the Empire episode itself. I'm sure Mariah's acting will more than make up for the song.
(Sunday 2 October 2016; 18:39)
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Re: Infamous - I bloody love it (66,890) (66,910)
by Andrew from UK
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I didn't recognise you so I thought I'd check out your last few messages. Pretty much just trying to tell everybody that you spend money going to New York and Vegas and clearly just trying to show off lol. No, people won't be silent if they hate it. Why don't you be silent instead of trying to blatantly tell everyone how great you think you are.
(Saturday 1 October 2016; 14:49)
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Songbird supreme? (66,888)
by Andrew from UK
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The song is just frickin' awful. Does the Songbird Supreme have anything left in her? The lambs may scream all they want but there is little evidence that anybody in Mariah's world has a clue what they are doing. But Mariah is to blame. It's her show, it's her ship. There's a reason the captain goes down with the ship: they're the one responsible for crashing the bloody thing. To me, that song shows that she holds her fans in contempt. It doesn't matter what we want. "Fudge you" is the message. "I like it" or "It's a grower" means "It's shit". No, the Beyhive and other artist's fanbases don't critticise this much. But hey have the luxury of not having the galactically messy artist that Mariah has become.
(Friday 30 September 2016; 21:06)
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Re: New song honest review (66,841) (66,843)
by Andrew from UK
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So Mariah made a shit song because she expected to make a shit song? You just lost all credibility.
(Thursday 29 September 2016; 21:01)
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In-fuh-muzzz (66,837)
by Andrew from UK
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"Judging from the clip of her singing in the show it looks like a boring, soporific slow jam with her ooh-ing and cooing. It really doesn't appear to be the banging tune that she needs to get noticed again. Same old, same old, I reckon." Well, I was mostly right. What a load of crap. Did anyone else say "Oh, fudge off" out loud when the first redundant whistle note came in? No? Just me then. It appears even the diehard lambs are finding it hard to feel positive anymore. I hate to say "I told you so" - no, wait, I love to say that. Let's be honest: it's a piece of boring, dated rubbish. It's shit (if that's censored, picture the colour brown). Infinity seems like a Manet for the ears compared to this. Clicks and auto-tune? She's lost it. In-fuh-muzz? Remember when Mariah Carey was Fuh-muzz? No? Neither does she.
(Thursday 29 September 2016; 19:21)
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Re: Miley's comments (66,803) (66,820)
by Andrew from UK
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Demi and Miley, sisters in arms. Wonder if they've seen much of Cinderella since the wedding?
(Thursday 29 September 2016; 15:09)
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The meet-and-greet guy (66,810)
by Andrew from UK
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I'm glad he has some support from some friends on here. But let's be honest here in that he is more than likely a total whack job. I don't know him, admittedly, but following anybody that closely, when it is affecting your life that much that you are dropping (what is probably) all your money on it, spending so much time on it, making crazy-ass things like dolls that only children should be making, well, at worst, you aren't all there and at best, you have issues - you certainly are not normal and will have made people wary of you. If you then kick off or even act a little temperamental, people will x10 it, because you already had them on edge. So, I'm glad he has support, but I changed my (brief) opinion on this. Just because he's (alarmingly) throwing money at Mariah to hang out regularly for a few moments, seeming to (alarmingly) need her to qualify his existence, doesn't mean he should get special treatment. The person who pays ten times shouldn't have exceptions made for them over the person who pays one time. It sounds like anyone who knows him should have a word with him and try to help him figure out what's wrong and lead a normal, grown-up life.
(Thursday 29 September 2016; 9:44)
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The lesser MC (66,809)
by Andrew from UK
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Miley Cyrus [censored] marketing tool based solely upon the premise of "Yeah, we do what we want, cos we, like, do what we want 'n' stuff." Which is fantastic if what you want is to act like a [censored]. Now I really don't go in for teenage-fangirling every time someone criticises Mariah, but Miley Cyrus is beyond irritating. She made a lot of money because of a television show made for young teenage girls. It will be interesting to see if she can carry on making money with the flatulence once the generation to which she appeals finally grows up (which has probably got to be some time around, um, now).
(Thursday 29 September 2016; 9:17)
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Re: Mariah's meet and greet disaster (66,726) (66,735)
by Andrew from UK
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So Mariah has to cancel the pocket change meet and greets from the fans who have to save up and spend all of their money on a few seconds of a photograph? Camp Mariah indeed. Such a giving person. Poor Mariah. What nonsense. The creator of this website gets no time with her because he won't hand over money. And she tried to take it by force. Those who cling onto the idea that Mariah considers herself an artist and not an account are mad.
(Tuesday 27 September 2016; 1:58)
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Article: Mariah Carey arrives in Bodrum during secluded holiday (66,719)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah's breasts now require their own postcode. It's not attractive. I recently watched a UK documentary on Mariah and a commentator said the following, which came to mind: "Her video image was perceived as a move of desperation, a move of cynical calculation, that her core audience - her most loyal audience - became embarrassed about for her." Their attitude was: "You've come this far without having to, essentially, prostitute yourself visually. No-one ever really asked to see your breasts or to see, you know, the bottom part of your behind or any of these things you seem bounded to show us in these videos now. So, why do it?"
(Monday 26 September 2016; 20:12)
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Re: Bye Bye (66,706) (66,717)
by Andrew from UK
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I've had tears to this song, too. "And you never got to see how good I've done, you never got to see me back at number one" makes me well-up every time. But then there are other lyrics which ruin the song: "With the teddy bear you gave me that I held so tight" probably single-handedly prevented this song from having universal application. And her trying to ghetto it up for "[her] people". Cruise Control is the best thing on the album and should have been released as the second single. "Can't nobody, can't nobody tell me nuttin' when he comes into view..." is genius. I play it whenever I need to smile. "2008, watch it."
(Monday 26 September 2016; 19:56)
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