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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: Your own private concert (66,675) (66,677)
by Andrew from UK
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European countries don't like us lol we accept it. It makes for brilliant viewing. We always automatically qualify because we pay so much towards the European Broadcasting Union. But our music industry is second only to the United States in terms of dollar value, right? What says Holland? So, we win the world? The whole wide world. Except for America. But you like us more than her, right? God bless America, and God save the queen.
(Sunday 25 September 2016; 1:21)
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Re: Your own private concert (66,671) (66,674)
by Andrew from UK
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To quote the Eurovision Song Contest: "The Netherlands, no points - Les Pays-Bas, nuls points." But whilst I'm here: "The United Kingdom, twelve points. Le Royaume-Uni..." Well, you see where I'm going with this. Have a good weekend yourself, buddy.
(Sunday 25 September 2016; 0:19)
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Re: Your own private concert (66,665) (66,672)
by Andrew from UK
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Suggest "Outside" be on repeat. Once more you have evidenced your (and others) ability to completely miss the point of a post. Although "Andrew the android" made me actually laugh out loud. I'll give you that. I hope you're having a good weekend, buddy.
(Saturday 24 September 2016; 23:52)
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Re: Your own private concert (66,629) (66,671)
by Andrew from UK
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Bedankt voor de vertaling. Ik vergat dat je Nederlands bent. Ik heb Brexit. Maar we zijn alle Europese en beter voor het. Totally Google translate here. [Webmaster: Which shows Google Translate is still far from being perfect.]
(Saturday 24 September 2016; 23:50)
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Article: Mariah Carey's 9 best break-up songs (66,670)
by Andrew from UK
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What a cool list.
(Saturday 24 September 2016; 23:44)
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Re: New photo (66,585) (66,630)
by Andrew from UK
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I have forgotten what Mariah looks like with her skull positioned on her neck properly. My theory is there is a giant magnet above her head and her cheek implants contain metal. How her struggle to keep her head in the upright position must be hurting. I feel a ballad coming on. On a serious note, somebody really needs to tell her to start photographing like she used to - like a normal human being. Has she gone so bonkers? Mariah Photography for Dummies: Smile like an escapee (mouth and eyes wider than humanly possible), tilt skull so far to side that seasickness sets in, hand on hip like I'm-a-little-teapot-short-and-stout). Remember when Mariah wasn't absurd? No, I don't either.
(Friday 23 September 2016; 18:57)
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Re: Your own private concert (66,580) (66,629)
by Andrew from UK
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Ihre Liste ist gut. Dennis hat auch eine gute Auswahl, aber ich kann nicht Niederländisch sprechen. ["Jouw lijst is goed. Dennis heeft ook een goede selectie, maar ik spreek geen Nederlands."] Essentially, everyone here needs to cheer the fick up. Mariah's in front of you for 5 songs and everyone wants her to sing 5 songs designed to make you cry or comfort you when hurting. Woah, there, horse, back up. We missed Partyville and now we're stuck in Suicide City. Why not have a party and a sing-along and a dance? And I'm supposed to be the bloody miserable one. The Crying of The Lambs, me thinks.
(Friday 23 September 2016; 18:36)
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Re: Through The Rain (66,566) (66,568)
by Andrew from UK
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| send me your number and lets whatsapp.
(Thursday 22 September 2016; 1:12)
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Through The Rain (66,555)
by Andrew from UK
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Here's to "Through The Rain" as I move down memory lane (as I think are others in here). O long song. O wrong song. How you were hated. How everybody hated thee. Singing it to myself (and it really is one of those you sing to yourself quietly) I am moved. It doesn't even feel like a "Mariah Carey" song, even now. It doesn't fit in with anything else. I think it will stand the test of time as a rare gem. Charmbracelet was obviously a safe move to the middle of the road, and, although I was supremely disappointed by it (who the [censored] allowed Mariah to name her albums? the title screams "Don't buy my music, I'm nuts"), it was necessary for Mariah to get back on track. I remember online that people were begging for Mariah to pick a different first single. But there were none on the album that could have impacted, so MOR it really was. I have fond memories of that period in my life and in that vein, "My Saving Grace" has just moved me, too. I wonder: do we remember songs as we once thought of them or in the spirit in which we felt about them at the time, or do we re-invent the past and our own sentiments based upon how we feel about the music now? I suppose I feel fondly about that period in Mariah's music now because it wasn't extraordinary, it was very ordinary - somewhat of a conversation with the fans, if you will - the ego re-landing, perhaps. Of course, what happened next sent Mariah global again, and once more she became a little too full of herself and started believing her own bullshit. But for those few moments during the Crapbracelet years, Mariah accepted she was human and showed incredible humility and vulnerability. It was genuine and real and not part of the narrative she has wrapped around truth and reality. All in all, the above was probably just a fancy, erudite way of saying: "[censored], I feel old." Mariah during Charmbracelet promotion was the age that I am now. Incredible.
(Wednesday 21 September 2016; 19:04)
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Re: This Mariah (66,547) (66,554)
by Andrew from UK
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Graham Norton is a tosser. Yes she was frozen and preened a lot in between takes. She became extremely weird after 2001 and that's when the high-octane vanity really kicked in. She was also really guarded in her responses. Again, she never really voices an opinion anymore and every line seems to be a detraction or a lie to protect what she considers her brand (learned nothing from the Mottola machine, much?). But on the whole it was kinda cute to see the international superstar on the show doing silly things. I, for one, loved it. She looked at me and said "I love you, too" ten years after I first imagined speaking to her. Loved it. Even if she did lip-sync TTR. But Graham Norton walked over to one of the crew after she finished and the crew member said something like "Did you [censored] hear that?" and Graham Norton laughed really hard in disbelief saying "I know, that's [censored] crazy". [censored], I feel old.
(Wednesday 21 September 2016; 18:32)
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Re: This Mariah (66,537) (66,543)
by Andrew from UK
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I was at that taping. The whole audience was amazed. Including Graham Norton who, when the cameras stopped, was laughing about how crazy her memory was. I spoke to him a few months later and he described her as "awful". Which he is when he's not on camera.
(Wednesday 21 September 2016; 14:04)
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Re: Through The Rain, Hero or Can't Take That Away (66,451) (66,456)
by Andrew from UK
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Through The Rain because just after she finished singing it on The Graham Norton Show I jumped up and shouted "I love you Mariah" and she turned, looked at me, waved and said "I love you, too." And I cried like a girl all the way from the South Bank into Soho. Unfortunately on the actual show the credits stopped rolling and the programme ended about three seconds before this ha ha so I could be full of it. Hero for karaoke. CTTA is pretty infantile in lyrics and structure but I like the final "They can try but they can't take that away..." part on Oprah. She sings it movingly and much better than the record. Unfortunately her voice was [censored] on that show and it's cringe so just skip to that line lol. A music question. Hasn't happened on this board in a while haha.
(Monday 19 September 2016; 11:48)
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Re: Butterfly (66,415) (66,417)
by Andrew from UK
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So basically everything that has ever gone wrong in Mariah's world is somebody else's fault to you. There's a word for that. Anyway. Bro, are you the guy in Infinity who is the other side of the street? Either that or you're in her closet sniffing her smalls. I'm betting the latter. But enlighten. If it's true, it's very cool. Very very cool.
(Sunday 18 September 2016; 0:56)
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Re: Empire (66,366) (66,381)
by Andrew from UK
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Sorry buddy, I didn't mean to get your hopes up about that. But in response to those who would say that some of Mariah's best songs are slow jams, I would rephrase it to some of Mariah's best *album tracks* are slow jams and are, further, better appreciated relative to the album in which they sit. This is an opportunity for Mariah to use Empire as a vehicle for more exposure than she currently warrants with a song that could put her back on the map. She should be oozing confidence and attitude with an uptempo number to take on the Rihannas and Beyonces. She should have created a track to make a younger demographic sit up and ask the right questions. A slow number is sending the message to the world that Mariah doesn't have the confidence to sing or perform on television anymore, that she's doing the music-by-numbers she's been doing for the last umpteen number of years. Imagine she will get JD to groan "Y'all know what dis iz" over the top. To which the answer would obviously be: "Yes, JD, we do. We really, really do."
(Saturday 17 September 2016; 11:24)
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Re: The Rap Game (66,360) (66,362)
by Andrew from UK
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What an awesome looking show. No, really. Looks great. Except they missed out the "C" from the title. But I'm gonna guess reading or writing isn't their forte, given their standard in speaking.
(Friday 16 September 2016; 22:23)
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Re: Empire (66,359) (66,361)
by Andrew from UK
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Judging from the clip of her singing in the show it looks like a boring, soporific slow jam with her ooh-ing and cooing. It really doesn't appear to be the banging tune that she needs to get noticed again. Same old, same old, I reckon.
(Friday 16 September 2016; 22:17)
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Article: Pair of tits photographed with Mariah again (66,297)
by Andrew from UK
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I can't believe this woman is so obsessed with showing everybody those ridiculous and frankly [censored] breasts. She looks like a [censored] in almost every single photo she releases. I hope that wasn't censored because, well, let's be honest here. She had lost all sense of class. She clearly wants men to look at her and think: "I want to [censored] her." That is priority numero uno. Newsflash Mariah: there are far classier and sexier women. Most people I know like classy women not women who find their only self-worth in men masturbating over their tits. You can be sexy and have class. Unfortunately she is not and she does not. Gross.
(Wednesday 14 September 2016; 23:26)
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Re: Wow some post here (66,216) (66,229)
by Andrew from UK
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An increasing number of fans seemingly fail to understand blindness and muteness as to the reality of "badness" when it is happening, but are overjoyed and outspoken with elation when the badness ends. Out of many examples of criticism that you have outlined or others may give let me use Mariah's weight as a case in point. Mariah got fat. People complained about it and in turn were complained about for being negative and rude and worse. The word even got banned from this board. But fat she was. She over-indulged massively and, obviously, had damaged her image because of this. You weren't allowed to say it, though, and absolutely not allowed to joke about it. But scroll forward and Mariah loses quite a bit of the weight. Suddenly all those who were screaming that she's not fat and calling the press to tell them not to call her fat and waking up the President to complain about fat jokes were talking everywhere about how Mariah has lost so much weight and looks so good and she's back to this year or that year and we believe Mariah can ride on the unicorn'a back again, yass queen yass. This is just a bizarre way of being. It is changing the narrative to suit your own ideal. So when I first called people loonies and was told I was a big old meanie, it was based upon that forced altering of the narrative, of having to live wrapped in social justice warrior-cotton wool. Sure, you can be diehard fans who love unconditionally, but it doesn't make you anymore righteous than those who don't tow your line, for in your narrative, the truth is often completely lost. A bit like at Westboro Baptist Church.
(Tuesday 13 September 2016; 20:11)
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Re: Andrew / eternally12 (66,161) (66,180)
by Andrew from UK
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Right To Dream? Bloody hell, mate, it's the most depressing, aurally grating song ever. I'm pretty sure that when the Dementors suck out the the joy of life from people in Harry Potter, that song is what they hear playing in their head. It's so depressing. There's only two sounds: whisper singing where there's so much air coming through it sounds like Mariah's competing with the wind, or nasal whining over three or four notes. I can't understand why anybody would listen to this voluntarily. I would rather have ISIS find me on the roof of a tall building. In drag. Wiith a Rainbow flag. Singing Born This Way.
(Monday 12 September 2016; 13:31)
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Re: Eternally 12 (66,133) (66,146)
by Andrew from UK
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Interesting take on it, Randy. I've said it before but I'll say it again: Tommy gets a lot of criticism for apparently imprisoning Mariah and not allowing her to be herself and doing all these other really mean things he did with her whilst making her an international superstar with more money than braincells, but I'm not sure she would have gotten very far if she wasn't controlled. If she behaved like this slutty airhead in the nineties I don't think she would have made it past the first couple of years. It's possible that the girl with the amazing voice and the beautiful face was a bit of a muppet who had to be controlled and reined in for her own good and so the millions invested in her didn't go to waste. Look at the Loverboy video. I'm sure behaviour like that was knocked out the park by others in the decade leading up to it. I know this goes against the story Mariah has been feeding for two decades and will make lambs pull their wool out but it must be asked, music aside (and even that seems like a historical subject now), does Mariah have any redeeming qualities? I'd like to know what they are.
(Sunday 11 September 2016; 23:11)
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Re: Bath tub post (66,042) (66,056)
by Andrew from UK
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Nothing to insult. Not rambling: you make sense.
(Saturday 10 September 2016; 0:26)
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Re: Bath tub post (66,031) (66,037)
by Andrew from UK
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To much protestation I did say a couple of years back this was heading one way only. But I can't rejoice. It's heartbreaking. But to analyse, it can only be one of two things, as I see it. Has Mariah finally lost the last marble or is there an endgame? By the latter I mean maybe (and, honestly, even I want to find the good in this) she's playing out Stella's business plan? I know squat about PR (Martyn and others may actually know) but there must have been a proposal, a business plan, that Mariah signed off on, with the reality show the final play. Packer, plastic surgery, diva diamonds, everything points towards what the TV show may be about. Perhaps this is all part of that proposal. Suggest Stella be retained for the things for which she is qualified and other professionals brought in alongside her to counteract bad decisions and guide the machine. Powerful people have several advisors. Think Mariah needs the same. And, yes, some class. When your fans don't even recognise your face, something is seriously rotten. I recall the first time I saw Mariah in 1993 and couldn't believe that voice came out of that face. How could anyone be so beautiful and sound so ethereal? In addition, Mariah has breathing problems when singing. Now, a vocal expert would know more, but let me armchair this: is vocal chord deterioration linked to breathlessness and vice-versa? I shouldnt think so. Mariah had a set of lungs unrivalled save for Whitney and Celine. Since 1998 she gasps for air before she's finished the phrase she's on. Happened that this was around the start of the breast augmentation. Surely having two pounds of sugar strapped to your chest would cause this? Again, I'm not the expert here. But it makes sense to me.
(Friday 9 September 2016; 20:30)
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Dreamlover (66,012)
by Andrew from UK
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This sounded amazing. Bloody hell, I couldn't believe it. And then realised she's lipped the whole thing from the Daydream tour recordings. O well, it was good for a throwback and a few joyous moments of warmth and disbelief. A bit like in the morning when you open your eyes, still half sleeping, you think your dreamworld is the real world. "You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming? That’s where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting." A Peter Pan quote about Mariah for the morning to make everyone feel young again. Actually, maybe the trains don't go where I live, either.
(Friday 9 September 2016; 10:56)
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Re: Duet With Ja Rule prevented a sophomore slump (66,007) (66,011)
by Andrew from UK
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"And I was like, why you so obsessed with me?" The trains definitely don't go where you live, sweetheart lol.
(Friday 9 September 2016; 9:49)
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Re: Duet With Ja Rule prevented a sophomore slump (65,988) (65,991)
by Andrew from UK
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The point was that Mariah was sued for copyright infringement and she settled the case: "The judgement was later reversed and the lawsuit reinstated in 2004; Carey and Swirsky settled out of court in 2006." (Wikipedia) Your dancing around it trying to find mistakes in a journalist's copy does nothing to deny this. Facts are facts because they're facts. They don't suddenly become non-facts open to debate because you write something irrelevant and say it proves something else. Nonsense. What people like you are actually trying to do is convince other people of the lies that fit your agenda which actually quite vulgar and disrespectful of other people. Should they be denied the truth because you are emotionally incapable of facing it? In addition, it was understood, as I recall, that Mariah's own notes have her declaring to have written Hero shortly after the movie, for which it was claimed she had written it, was released. Thus, it remained somewhat open ended as to what really happened, despite being dismissed, as although not evidence enough as to the liability, nobody could fathom the huge discrepancy.
(Thursday 8 September 2016; 17:50)
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