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About Andrew from UK:

Deedre and Licia (65,971) by Andrew from UK
Separated at birth? Ahem. No hold on, this is serious. You look very similar and write very similarly. Now, I can't tell Licia's race from the photograph, but I'm still calling separation at birth. Hashtag that. I could be onto something here. I jest, of course. But I'm sure everybody appreciates your posts.
(Wednesday 7 September 2016; 20:56)
Re: Duet With Ja Rule prevented a sophomore slump (65,955) (65,970) by Andrew from UK
Mariah has been embroiled in plagiarism cases from the word go. I have no opinion on the matter save to say that they existed and she paid them off. To decree that she was perfectly innocent is a virtuous step and why not? Go for it. The benefit of the doubt is worthy of someone who has written so many other songs that have not been called into question. However, the argument that it was normal during the Emotions days is very thin, such was the consternation of the other composers: "She lifted the whole song." TGIFY was high profile because it hit number one (despite being critically slated as Mariah's first dip into repetitive banality). Standing O I recall reading about. Perhaps on here. My own words may be used against me and those posts can be thumbed up to Kingdom come, my emotions will not be affected in a negative way. I think most readers here will appreciate I don't lie or embellish. Things are as they are as they are. Finally, I love your avatar. Do you have it because that's the first time Vibe Magazine put a white woman on the cover? Wait I forget: do you get annoyed easily or not easily? I always forget that part. Keep readin', I'll keep writin'.
(Wednesday 7 September 2016; 20:50)
Re: A disertation on being negative (65,927) (65,940) by Andrew from UK
Post whatever you like, Randy. It's not their website. Not their circus, not their monkeys. They dont have to read your posts. Except please stop posting about Right To Dream. It's such a terrible song lol. And I hope you are no longer struggling with sexuality issues. Be who you are. It's so totally like, like, so much more super fun than, like, not being who you are. I wrote that in American English for you. Because I'm international, y'know.
(Tuesday 6 September 2016; 12:35)
Re: Duet With Ja Rule prevented a sophomore slump (65,933) (65,936) by Andrew from UK
Honestly, does anybody with a brain actually still give a shit about Mariah vs J.Lo vs Mariah? So a label allegedly had an artist copy an idea or two from another artist 15 years ago. Glitter would likely still have massively flopped. Both the the album and the film. And without the Glitter debacle you wouldn't have had Charmbracelet and thus TEOM. Has not Mariah herself admitted plagiarism by settling copyright infringement suits out of court? It could be argued that way. Some people really need to stop flicking their bean to this J.Lo nonsense.
(Tuesday 6 September 2016; 12:01)
Re: Mariah Carey's HIV+ sister (65,888) (65,894) by Andrew from UK
"My statement about those who have contracted HIV by accident was to illustrate that not everybody got it just because they knowingly put themselves in risky situations." It'a as clear as day. You are making a distinction between these two groups whereas they are people who below to one group: HIV positive. How somebody came to contract it should be of total irrelevance. To say that it is not is to suggest one group more worthy of compassion or assistance than the other. There is no other reason for the distinction. In short, it shouldn't matter how somebody got something, what matters is they need help, just as the junkie who free-willingly stuck the first needle in his arm needs, and deserves, assistance. If Alison has access to treatment then that is great. Every man, woman and child in the UK is given treatment, if they need it, for free for the rest of their lives without question - without ever being questioned how they contracted HIV. The judgement would be, and is, already made in asking the question, in making the distinction. The judgement is made by slapping it on news articles where it is of little relevance. And Martyn is perfectly correct: what this all actually does is make it less likely that people will go and get tested for fear of being labelled in a negative way as somebody less deserving of compassion and understanding - of being fair game - because they were to blame and they should have known better. The stigma around HIV is very apparent in news articles concerning Alison and in views expressed here. Let's move on.
(Monday 5 September 2016; 1:00)
Re: Mariah Carey's HIV+ sister (65,864) (65,877) by Andrew from UK
Actually, Martyn, I think people here are showing exactly why the journalists keep labelling Alison as they do. Quite absurd attitudes abound. Not sure if the point of my post was missed or if people are actually revealing quite dark sides in terms of people with HIV. Edward (coming soon, an original post) seems to quite strongly infer that those people who contracted HIV "through no fault of their own" should not be condemned but those who had unprotected sex should. That's dark. Should smokers who develop cancer be treated with less consideration than non-smokers who do? Patently absurd. Talking of condemnation, hot off the press from Australia: "There's a special place in hell reserved for those who sleep around without full disclosure." So, let's tattoo a big "+" on people's genitalia shall we? Hell? I thought it was up to an individual to select their own sexual partners and then practice safe sex once they have done so. Safe to say if you believe in a hell you may not be the person best placed to decide public policy. But let's skip back across the Pacific for some more compassionate conservatism. It's a "public health matter". Dammit where are those symbols on the foreheads? You dont get no privacy or dignity now, honey. Maybe we could put big red plusses on their front doors as was done during the Plague. Silly Alison, trying to "draw up sympathy". Nobody feels sympathy for you, honey. It's quite evident. Which has all kind of made me realise that Alison lives in the United States where there isn't a social health care system, thus she would have to pay for HIV meds which it seems she can't afford and will, thus, die from an Aids related illness, something which is not a pleasant way to go. Such an insignificant amount to Mariah would save her sister's life. Family is still family. You may not like them but you surely love them. Gonna have to reluctantly agree with old Eminem: if Alison doesn't have access to meds Mariah is morally obliged to provide them for sister. Not to do so would be a moral outrage. I'm sure Christianity has teachings on forgiveness, compassion and "crossing the road". I wonder if some recent posters here would.
(Sunday 4 September 2016; 11:26)
Mariah Carey's HIV+ sister (65,856) by Andrew from UK
The advert is awful. She is a prostitute and a drug addict, yes, but she ought not to be demonised or overly harshly admonished for this. Some people make all the wrong choices in life. Some people have naturally addictive personalities, whether it be to alcohol, chems or sex, which they find difficult to control. It's a disease from which they suffer not from which they prosper and it incrementsally becomes more serious leading to more desperate behaviour - such as using your sister's self-penned lyrics to sell yourself, an act which is likely to have been committed to directly seek media coverage and Mariah's attention. If Mariah doesn't feel able to help her sister then that's her business. Nobody is privy to what has gone on between them. It is of great shame, however, that Alison is referred to in every news story as "Mariah Carey's HIV positive sister". What does Alison's HIV status have to do with anything? The inclusion of this information in the context in which it is written serves to directly infer that being HIV positive is something of which to be ashamed, something for which to be admonished, something that stains your character, and so on. Whether it's because she is a prostitute or not I don't know, but it's simply nasty journalism and it is not in the public interest. The statement asking anyone who has had sex with her to go get tested is ridiculous and simply trying to instill more shock and disgust. If you have unprotected sex with a visibly drug-ruined, older prostitute, do you really need a reminder to go get tested? It's almost as if the inference here is that the evil Alison is going around happily infecting poor, helpless, kerb-crawling men. What vicious nonsense. She's already in the gutter. She doesn't need to be pissed on, too. That's a chargeable extra, after all.
(Saturday 3 September 2016; 17:07)
Re: Alison's advertisement (65,841) (65,855) by Andrew from UK
Thanks for your personal statement but where's Alison's advert?
(Saturday 3 September 2016; 16:26)
Re: Vegas has made Mariah a better performer (65,747) (65,763) by Andrew from UK
Glittery angels and wizards lol you wicked, wicked boy, you. That performance looked painful - does she really actually enjoy singing anymore? Because it looks like she's swallowing gravel. Since when did Mariah become some sophomore singer in need of seasoning? Everybody now seems to be trying to repeat the word "legend" every other sentence whilst declaring that she has "nothing to prove". Well, if that's the case why is this legend with nothing to prove in need of drastic improvement in live performances? The argument that Mariah needs to perform more to get better at singing is absurd. She can practice in the [censored] shower like everyone else lol. It would be wise for Mariah to quit this Vegas nonsense, abandon Stella and this tv-movie and reality show debacle, call child protective services for her social media infant, take control of her own social media and start showing her remaining fans they're not just walking dollar signs, tell James she'll come back to him if they ever invent a gym for the face, fire her plastic surgeon, hire a new one to undo what the first one did, take her children and personal trainer to Capri, fly out some writers and producers who won't bash out the same old shite, beg Justin Bieber's forgiveness, chill out and write a new album she can reproduce live with which to regain her reputation. Oh, and hire me as her manager. She may not like me, but gimme six figures and six months and this shit would be back on track.
(Wednesday 31 August 2016; 18:42)
Re: Meet and greet mess (65,724) (65,743) by Andrew from UK
"Thou stands accused of punching the plaintiff in the face. How dost thou plead?" "Guilty, your Honour. But I didn't hit 'im as 'ard as with the uvvers did, guvnor, ain't no mistake." It's not relative. If it's wrong, it's wrong.
(Wednesday 31 August 2016; 1:54)
Re: Marian's behavior explained? (65,740) (65,741) by Andrew from UK
Conspiracy theories are a haven for people too thick to engage with and learn about the real world so they retreat into pathetic fantasies which deserve about as much respect as the shit on my shoe. Then they shove that shit down everyone else's throats as if it even forms a basis for intelligent discourse. [censored] You know all the "crazy people" you hear people talking about? Syoo, honey.
(Wednesday 31 August 2016; 1:45)
Re: Tragedy in Italy (65,705) (65,707) by Andrew from UK
Again, your use of idiomatic English. That's what is dfficult to understand. And now ironic, given that I just explained that to you as part of a message about you not comprehending simple things that are posted. If you can't keep up with the conversation - and it's clearly often a struggle for you, requiring embellishment and/or fabrications - best not to join in at all. On paper, speaking as someone who is almost universally panned or hated on this board, I should like you. You just aren't interesting, witty or intelligent enough to like. At the very least people like GG and MiMi L have those qualities. I attack Mariah when I think she acts like an [censored]. You attack her because you *are* one. You'd be wise not to debate me. You are clearly not up to the task, sweetheart.
(Monday 29 August 2016; 17:59)
Re: Meet and greet mess (65,700) (65,703) by Andrew from UK
US$750 is equivalent to £575 or €675. That is patently absurd and unequivocally extortionate for a ten second photograph. It is completely taking advantage of the love some fans have for her. What kind of person does that? It's impossible to feel any sympathy for Mariah these days. Looks like she got over her sadness, though. Don't know what the world would have done without Mariah displaying her arse cheeks.
(Monday 29 August 2016; 14:20)
Re: Tragedy in Italy (65,658) (65,673) by Andrew from UK
You can't "take a stand" against a natural disaster. Pompous enough for you, sweetheart? I shan't bother explaining the points as they were already well made, by several people, and you just failed to understand them. Seems to be a habit of yours. If you can't keep up with the conversation, best not to join in at all.
(Sunday 28 August 2016; 3:28)
Re: Mimi on Empire (65,644) (65,654) by Andrew from UK
Agreed. Looked pretty good. Fingers crossed.
(Saturday 27 August 2016; 13:37)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey "threw a laptop out the window" (65,649) (65,653) by Andrew from UK
Total nonsense. You are guessing. But following on from that, why not plant a story saying "Mariah Carey makes large donation to AIDS Foundation" or "Mariah Carey to build schools in Africa". Better still, how about Mariah actually goes and does those things with her limitless time and endless wads of Packer's cash. Would be much better publicity than acting like a self-involved lush on entertainment news. "Mariah Carey throws laptop" serves only to make people think she's even more of a spoiled brat than they already do.
(Saturday 27 August 2016; 13:35)
Re: Meet and greet (65,648) (65,651) by Andrew from UK
Cancelling the Meet and Greet is another example of Mariah's total lack of interest in her fans. So she can perform a show for an hour and a half and accept the large amount of revenue from it but can't have some photos taken with fans who have paid for, and looked forward to, it for a long time? Crocodile tears on stage won't gain her sympathy from a very many people, that ship having long since sailed with the dawn on the narcissism era. If she's okay to perform a show she's probably okay to have a few photographs taken.
(Saturday 27 August 2016; 13:25)
Re: Tragedy in Italy (65,621) (65,627) by Andrew from UK
I'm the first in line when I think Mariah is doing, or has done, something wrong in recent years. A random earthquake in Italy? Argument for arguments sake. With all due respect to the dead, not her circus, not her monkeys. In saying that: there was a justified anger at the silence in Orlando. Your position is bizarre. Who cares what Mariah Carey thinks about global natural disasters? Next up: Mariah Carey's position on the middle east peace process. You're nonsense, mate. Laughable nonsense.
(Friday 26 August 2016; 3:52)
Re: The voice dilemma (65,611) (65,626) by Andrew from UK
Are the songs lowered enough to allow full live vocals? Talk semantics all you like. It's dancing around the issues.
(Friday 26 August 2016; 3:31)
Re: The voice dilemma (65,595) (65,607) by Andrew from UK
What a load of old [censored]. So there'a nothing in which Mariah is not a victim but this time around it's the fans' fault. What genuine first-class nonsense. Mariah has spent a decade and a half pressing songs with vocals engineered into octaves she just can't reach and/or in a quality she just can't create. Her massive ego did that, nothing else. Watching her struggle to hit notes an octave lower than the notes of the engineered vocals when they kick in live is something most fans would rather not have to witness. She engineers the vocals to something she just hasn't actually produced from her throat. When she now performs the songs she once did produce from her throat - the 90's - she refuses to drop the key of the songs and produce live vocals. She actively chooses the pre-record and squints like a [censored] on stage, flapping her jaw and waving her hand about apparently in fear of the track not kicking in and her being made to look a fool. Many years ago I argued, as did others, for lowering the songs and singing live and not charging people a fortune to watch her have what appear to be spasms on stage to the vocals she originally put out on the CD's. Now many more fans seem to want this and she *still* doesn't listen because her super massive ego won't let her. The fans let go of her being a great vocalist ages ago. Mariah hasn't. The fans' fault? Heaven forbid it actually be because of her own ego. Prize-winning nonsense.
(Thursday 25 August 2016; 0:48)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey "threw a laptop out the window" (65,563) (65,584) by Andrew from UK
She threw it out the kitchen window to join a bundle of Packer's possessions (guess which song she flipped over to before she did that). Silly Packer, putting on Beyonce. You never know, he might have actually switched on the radio when Beyonce just happened to come on and that's what pissed her off. Not Bey, but the radio. They could be going at it to the radio all day and night, thus removing all chance of her having sex to her own music if they do.
(Wednesday 24 August 2016; 10:29)
Labels and duets (65,583) by Andrew from UK
Is it so hard to believe record labels won't want anything to do with Mariah? I predicted such a possibility ages ago whilst everyone delated if Mariah was a queen with a capital Q or a little one lol. Who would want to be party to a big contract with somebody who writes self-indulgent music that won't do well on the charts, who doesn't promote as other artists do, who has been written off as a laughable has-been by the general public, whose private life is all tits and tiaras, who relies on lipsync to get through even the simplest of songs - and whilst all this is going on, still has the cheek to act superior to everybody else? Which further brings the duet debate to a conclusion: it's all well and good naming which artists Mariah should duet with (Adele, Beyonce, usw.) but the likelihood of them wanting to be associated with Mariah and her awful image and career at the moment is, I imagine, a big fat round zero. The artists named on this board are relevant and treat themselves, their careers and their fans with respect. Mariah has lost the plot in spectacular style. How did that petition about her social media work out? It is likely she saw it and, if so, evident she doesn't give a chap. Being dropped or having nobody strike up a new contract may be the slap around the head Mariah needs. Maybe then she will have to wake up and start respecting things again. At the very least she can write a woe-is-me song about it and some of the bleating lambs here can find new people to blame for Mariah'a trashing of her own career.
(Wednesday 24 August 2016; 9:52)
Re: Duet with another female singer (65,515) (65,523) by Andrew from UK
Think duets are a bad idea given that Mariah has good days and bad days and lipping whilst another artist sings live might work with Miguel but she'd be eaten alive if it was another female vocalist. She needs a kickass party song with a memorable hook and a great beat that she can pull off live whilst moving about the stage. It doesn't even need vocal acrobatics just a whistle note as a climax somewhere near the end to make people sit up. Said "whilst" I have. Twice, I did.
(Monday 22 August 2016; 14:37)
Re: Fans (65,514) (65,522) by Andrew from UK
But Licia, please consider the question: is mouthing off randomly in an interview (and some such) when on-the-spot and trying to be entertaining, any more morally unpraiseworthy than writing, recording and arranging a song over a long period of time then allowing it to be pressed and released? That's malice aforethought, surely, which is more reprehensible. It will surprise no one that I think Mariah responsible for her own downfall. And a downfall this is. Dare say I. Yoda, I am. Used big words, I did.
(Monday 22 August 2016; 14:23)
Re: Nick (65,504) (65,506) by Andrew from UK
Mariah didn't pick Nick carefully? That's highly debatable. He was/is: 1. Much younger than her, 2. black, 3. popular with a younger generation than her main fanbase, and 4. in a relative position to be emasculated. I could expand on why each of those points was beneficial for Mariah and her career objectives but I'm sure it's all self-evident. I think she picked him very carefully. But theyre in different places now, and, as with Mottola and Eminem, if you're going to write songs criticising people, they're going to retaliate. Those in glass houses...
(Monday 22 August 2016; 0:30)


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