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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: Nick Cannon (65,474) (65,481)
by Andrew from UK
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This is priceless. It reads like you (and others) think that Mariah was somehow song-raped by Nick with "Hero"? Lol. Rightio. How do you think that played out? "You like me make you listen to this, don't you, baby?" "Nick, please, no, get off me, turn it off, I find this song schmaltzy and saccharine, don't do this." "Why do you make me do these things, huh? Why can't you be a good girl?" "I'll be good from now on, please, I promise." "Oh no, baby, now *my* Hero really *is* gonna 'come along', know what I'm sayin'?" I'm 100% certain that if Mariah had said she made love to "Hero" some of you would be trying to convince your next partner it was a good idea.
(Saturday 20 August 2016; 22:11)
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Nick Cannon (65,457)
by Andrew from UK
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Whilst I can admit to never having been a great fan of Nick Cannon, there is a smacking of hypocrisy amongst those who criticise him for talking about Mariah whose last album was, for a large part, a break up album concerning her relationship with Cannon. I imagine he would have preferred it not to have been. How can someone's position be "Don't talk about me in public, but I'ma right [sic] a little song or ten about you, honey." It doesn't work that way. And a marriage is a two-way street with mutual benefits and responsibilities, and whilst nobody outside of it might ever know what really happened, given how Mariah has been behaving for the past few years in other realms, I can't imagine her being completely blameless in the collapse of her own. But it does give her lots of opportunities to right [sic] woeful songs and pinch her leg for some on-stage tears whilst expecting her ex-husband's silence on the matter. Tommy Mottola was milked in this vein for well over a decade (with Mariah taking many swipes at him then strangely lamenting his alleged attempted sabotage of her career). So Nick is uncouth in his responses, not wielding the same power as Mottola and hopefully respecting Mariah somewhat, having had children with her. In reality, why does anyone expect him to care? His children are going to have/are having an incredibly strange and spoiled upbringing (by the looks of it, being groomed to become celebrity children in the public eye). So it ought to be considered: are they, in all honesty, going to turn into the type of people who will be bothered by all this? I'd bet this here new farm I seem to have recently acquired for gambling purposes that they couldn't care less.
(Saturday 20 August 2016; 13:37)
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The Mimi/Riri race (65,300)
by Andrew from UK
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Instead of people wishing ill upon Rihanna's career (don't get me wrong, she's a talentless [censored]) and praying she doesn't get more number one singles, why not petition Mariah to start putting out some relevant music people actually want to hear, that radio actually wants to play, with music videos people actually want to watch. Better to win the race because you ran the fastest, not because the other guy fell.
(Monday 15 August 2016; 18:21)
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Re: 90's music videos (65,293) (65,299)
by Andrew from UK
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No. Some of us had friends. Glad you're still reading my posts, keep readin', keep coming for me with personal attacks. You hate it because what I say is true and you can't disprove it and you just don't like it. You're such a hater, hater.
(Monday 15 August 2016; 18:14)
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Re: Me I Am Mariah (65,236) (65,246)
by Andrew from UK
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The Art Of Letting Go is awesome, I just had to listen to it again. It could have been a masterpiece if it didn't have silly "kitchen window" lyrics and didn't finish about a minute too early. Why did she write that kitchen window lyric? It's completely insane. It doesn't fit in with the song; you're soaring with the strings and suddenly you're in a bloody kitchen having a domestic. I think she had a few "splashes" that day, haha. In fact, I'd bet the farm on it.
(Sunday 14 August 2016; 13:48)
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Intervention (65,244)
by Andrew from UK
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People really need to stop with these cutesy words and silly phrases for Mariah lol it's like painting a watercolour of a car crash. This isn't the "bra era". Mariah doesn't have "splashes". Mariah dresses shamefully and clearly has an alcohol problem (and it clearly is a problem when a vocalist with damaged vocal chords can't say no to alcohol). Anybody else would be severely questioned and interventions staged lol you lot excuse it. No wonder shes gone completely off the rails with you guys enabling her and trying to make everything cutesy. Hah. That's shameful in itself. Dahlings.
(Sunday 14 August 2016; 13:40)
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Re: Insider info (65,212) (65,214)
by Andrew from UK
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No I thought he was being deadly serious, didn't I? Lol but I am actually quite losing any sense of humour where Mariah's concerned. It's all quite so dull and painful now.
(Saturday 13 August 2016; 12:43)
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Re: The emancipation of boobies (65,204) (65,213)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah looks like what she has become: [censored] If anybody else behaved (for want of a better word) and dressed (for want of a better word) like she does now, they would be instantly labelled as such. But with Mariah her die-hard [censored] brush it aside or excuse it away. You gotta wonder why almost everyone who has ever known her seems to think she's a bit of a [censored] and/or criticise her including her family, friends and people she's worked with. Could it just be that actually she's a bit of a [censored]? She certainly behaves and dresses like one. Just listened to Everytime I Close My Eyes and realised I was thinking of that Mariah as a completely different human being. If I thought it were actually possible, I would swear it was.
(Saturday 13 August 2016; 12:32)
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Re: Insider info (65,201) (65,211)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah Carey and Dolly Parton in "Who Let The Girls Out"? Lol the two biggest fake titted singers in the world singing about their own tits? What's Part Two called? "(We Ain't Nothin' But) Golddiggaz"? Either your friend is stupid, you're stupid or you think everyone else is stupid.
(Saturday 13 August 2016; 12:20)
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Re: Perfect example (65,022) (65,023)
by Andrew from UK
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Good post. Agree she's not vulgar although I have probably vented that to myself at some point in frustration. But that's the point. This is all so frustrating. I *know* what Mariah Carey can be. I used to big her up to anybody who dared taketh her name in vain. Not vulgar. Just lacking decorum and class. I can't get behind that. I want it to change. But if this is who she is, well, spells the end of the career, doesn't it. Nobody's gonna buy.
(Saturday 6 August 2016; 21:47)
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Re: Perfect example (65,014) (65,016)
by Andrew from UK
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O Licia, you miss the point, though. It's not about the quality of the visual when she has the Cheech and Chong out, it's that she never puts them away. Several things are messed up in her head, one of which is that in the battle of getting attention for being fashionable and beautiful vs fake tits hanging out (every second of the day) she opts for the latter, despite it contributing to the public perception of her being a [censored] who loves herself some Mariah. It's like a drug addict telling you she doesn't want to stop taking drugs because they make her feel good despite the fact that it's completely ruining them lol it makes absolutely no bloody sense. If the breasts were real it might be a little better but the sentiment is essentially: "Aren't I hot with these breasts I bought? Please find me attractive or I don't feel qualified. Haha it's preposterous." What happened to the normal woman everyone respected? And final point (and one of extremely high import, I think you'll find): Is it just me or are her eyebrows about half a centimetre higher than they used to be? It looks like they're crawling away from her face. I'm glad you're posting again, Licia. Your picture makes me smile. You look so happy in it. Peace out.
(Saturday 6 August 2016; 16:25)
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Re: WTF (64,991) (64,997)
by Andrew from UK
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What bad message does it send?
(Friday 5 August 2016; 18:32)
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Re: WTF? (64,980) (64,987)
by Andrew from UK
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Don't be ridiculous. Mariah racist *towards* black people? Lol if anything she wanted to sit on him *because* he's black. Where have you been for the past two decades? Ridiculous.
(Friday 5 August 2016; 11:14)
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Re: NBC Universal Summer Press Tour (64,952) (64,957)
by Andrew from UK
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There you go. An MCA post equivalent to "Mariah Carey in covered up breasts shocker" lol. Fair play, she looks absolutely amazing in that photo. That's Mariah Carey. Not the clown seen almost everywhere else recently.
(Thursday 4 August 2016; 14:24)
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Re: From Mariah's Facebook (64,945) (64,956)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah Carey in regular clothes shooting out of a slide? Awesome. A normal person again. But straight back into the quite frankly annoying, obnoxious behaviour that most people think she's a twat for, and fewer and fewer "lambs" are prepared to accept. It isn't ironic. It isn't funny. It isn't entertaining. If this documentary is meant to glamorise Mariah's life and create a superstar diva image in the public's eye it is seriously out of sync with the times. People don't like pretentious, spoilt diva types, they like down-to-Earth Adele types and YouTube stars. The only thing worse in that trailer is Stella's face. It's like a cross between Pennywise the Clown and an Eastern European lady of the night. Anyway, too scary. So cue a shot of Mariah's staged crying and talking about how hard life is. The whole point of this documentary is falling seriously flat. It is not going to endear Mariah to anybody save for a few of the crazies that L4L themselves and would buy her piss if it was in a bottle with a butterfly on it. 
(Thursday 4 August 2016; 14:21)
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All sex, no class (64,914)
by Andrew from UK
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I'm pretty sure that soon the only time Mariah will be in the news is if her breasts have been covered up: "Mariah Carey in covered breasts shocker". She used to be classy, now she's just cheap. What happened to her that made her this way? If your sexy isn't classy, you're simply just trashy, no matter how many diamonds you hang off yourself.
(Wednesday 3 August 2016; 12:16)
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Re: Message from a UK Mix poster (64,859) (64,869)
by Andrew from UK
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The idea that Stella is a bad parent is not removed from reality. Lamb sentiments aside, if the point made is that a mother would never put her child in the firing line then foul mouth herself on the internet as the only line of defence, then yep. Bad mother. I gotta say I never got the anti-Stella sentiments. But in actuality, Mariah should have nothing to do with specific types of behaviour. I stand by it: the docu-series is make or break. Everyone's waiting for it. Who is Mariah and what is Stella doing? Make or break for both of them.
(Monday 1 August 2016; 12:07)
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Re: Hate speech (64,833) (64,865)
by Andrew from UK
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Hate speech indeed. I wish you well.
(Monday 1 August 2016; 7:41)
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by Andrew from UK
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Stella possibly has cause to be seriously pissed at some of Mariah's fans online. However, she's as manager of a successful international music artist. A more professional response would've been appropriate. If I were Mariah I would sack her just for that brand-polluting response alone. I think the old Mariah would have. New Mariah is too drunk or ignorant to care about the brand she spent twenty years building being razed to the ground, it would seem.
(Sunday 31 July 2016; 12:55)
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Re: Hate speech (64,800) (64,826)
by Andrew from UK
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My email address has been posted. If you really want me to see your response then send it to me directly lol. However, don't portray yourself as a martyr to the cause: you tried to pick a fight with me, unprovoked, if memory serves, in which you called me a fool, a liar and a "canary". I laughed it off because I call people idiots all the time. So, you went in again, accusing the colours of my photo of being a lie. So let me play your own card: the only colours in my photo are my skin and hair colour (my race) and the colours of my flag (my nationality). I could've screamed "racist" or whatever else and loosely claimed offence in some way but I found it funny because none of the things you or your boring Social Justice Warrior friends on here will say about me are true. So, my response wasn't in terms of how you would like a response to your attacks to be. I actually thought you may laugh but it doesn't bother me that you didn't. Suck it up and don't pick fights jumping to everyone's defence where you're not involved and possibly making much more of a deal about it than they do. One of your SJW friends just labelled over half of the British racist (were it true it would be "xenophobia", I think) and pretentious for using the word "whilst" as a common every day word (try telling the Aussies and Kiwis, who use it, that they're pretentious). But who cares? Lighten up, and don't assume throwing labels around is the answer to anything. You assume the person you're trying to label is stupid enough to care. I hope that's the end of it. If you'd like to discuss further, email me and I'll be happy to read it. Pinky swear. Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
(Sunday 31 July 2016; 12:47)
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Re: Mariah singing with lady (64,801) (64,806)
by Andrew from UK
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Mate, you fall into the categories of 1. dishonest and 2. bizarre. So, I'm not really sure how to take you. On the one hand I find your posts entertaining (nature knows, there's some boring [censored] on here (GG knows who he is)) but on the other hand it's a bit like torture porn in that it's entertaining but I feel like if need to watch an episode of Friends straight after with the lights on. On Mariah, that video is awful. In my opinion, no credit is due as she is looking and acting bizarre. This "nobody understands her [insert character trait]" excuse is just that. It's awful. A spade is a spade is a spade.
(Saturday 30 July 2016; 18:47)
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Re: Mariah singing with lady (64,770) (64,773)
by Andrew from UK
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Looks like Mariah's going to vomit at the end. Seriously, looks like she's going to projectile vomit champagne over that there mic. The poor girl with her looks like she doesn't know what the [censored] is going on. You can see the thought bubbles, now. Girl: "What happened to your voice?" Mariah: "What happened to my drinks?" Hah how awful.
(Friday 29 July 2016; 15:25)
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Re: Celine the fashionista (64,750) (64,752)
by Andrew from UK
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Because Mariah doesn't get her confidence from looking stylish, she gets it from feeling that men are physically attracted to her. Two very different types of women. Agreed Celine is looking pretty classy and respectable these days.
(Thursday 28 July 2016; 17:38)
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Re: Sorry and not sorry (64,741) (64,746)
by Andrew from UK
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Again, with this lol you're way too clever for me, Latifah. Red and blue and white. And blond hair and white skin in the sunshine in summertime. I know you probably don't know anyone with blond hair and white skin but we do exist. We just don't want to live near you lol. I have other photos of myself. I'll send them to you. C/o which ghetto shall I address it? Lol yeah we can all act like teenagers. If you can't attack my arguments feel free to do what you need to do. You ain't clever, m'kaaay? M'kay.
(Thursday 28 July 2016; 13:39)
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Re: Clash and Complex (64,726) (64,729)
by Andrew from UK
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Deedre, yesss. Yesss on the photo shoot logic and yesss on your putting your photo up. *tips cap over bleach blond hair and airbrushes resulting pap photo*
(Wednesday 27 July 2016; 20:49)
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