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About Andrew from UK:
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Hero every year (85,585)
by Andrew from UK
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If this doesn't make you feel old, nothing will.
(Saturday 3 November 2018; 18:28)
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by Andrew from UK
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So she's fixed the Times Square problem with AIWFCIY for this year by now lipping large sections of it like everything else. I feel bad for her in this video. When she does sing she is flat and struggling to get out of one octave. Some vocals seem like painful shouts. This cannot be healthy. She needs to stop touring and see a doctor.
(Saturday 3 November 2018; 13:25)
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Re: Abandon? (85,549) (85,564)
by Andrew from UK
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Following the logical semantics debate around "irregardless" I would just like to point out that the American "I could care less" is actually "I couldn't care less" in the UK (which is the sentence that actually makes sense). In England. Where the English are. Speaking English.
(Friday 2 November 2018; 21:43)
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Re: Waiting (85,538) (85,562)
by Andrew from UK
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Already said, it's a yes yes. This should've been the first single. It's catchy, it's fun. It's like ABMB meets TMB. The rap part doesn't feel like an add on and there's no histrionics I may doubt. It's a yes yes.
(Friday 2 November 2018; 21:35)
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Re: Abandon? (85,535) (85,561)
by Andrew from UK
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It's a Mariah fan page. And you only ever post about me. Keep readin', sweetheart.
(Friday 2 November 2018; 21:33)
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Re: AIWFCIY returns (85,526) (85,533)
by Andrew from UK
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AIWFCIY is the eleventh best selling single of all time. White Christmas is not obviously way up there by. But surely Mariah's song will surpass it one day, possibly not in our lifetimes, but one day. It will continue to sell forever.
(Friday 2 November 2018; 01:07)
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Abandon? (85,532)
by Andrew from UK
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Shezz, here's a hopeful theory for you: Mariah has written two ten track albums and she is releasing the second one at the start of summer next year. Caution does feel like a very cosy winter album rather than a vibrant summer one. It could be called Abandon (being an antonym of Caution). I should *so* be Mariah's manager.
(Friday 2 November 2018; 00:37)
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Re: Irregardless (85,477) (85,522)
by Andrew from UK
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Irregardless is a perfectly commonly used word here. In England. Where the English are. Speaking English.
(Thursday 1 November 2018; 17:12)
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A No No (85,473)
by Andrew from UK
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It's a yes yes.
(Wednesday 31 October 2018; 16:50)
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by Andrew from UK
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So Ellen DeGeneres, in another rip-roaring moment of hilarity from US television's number one comedienne, has dressed up like Mariah, fake boobs and all. Right. I think somebody should imitate Ellen and see how she likes it. All you need is a girl that can dress and look like a young millennial boy with beady eyes, unflattering short hair, terrible interviewing skills and no comedic ability whatsoever. Shouldn't be too hard to throw together.
(Wednesday 31 October 2018; 15:41)
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Re: Caution standard edition tracklist (85,430) (85,469)
by Andrew from UK
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You're right, WY is quite beautiful. But it does have a kind of big vocal moment in Mariah's now standard climax: sing or adlib the chorus an octave higher and sustain a note for a bit. And Mariah fails to reproduce this live everytime she "sings" it. So given that she supposedly only recorded this a couple of months ago, surely she can sing the climax like that again? At the moment I don't think there's a Dane soul alive that doesn't think heavy engineering is going on. I hope Caution gets a bit happier, because it starts off very slow and a bit morose and maintains a very slow soft temperament.
(Wednesday 31 October 2018; 15:25)
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Re: Lipsync in the studio (85,450) (85,468)
by Andrew from UK
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No, Mariah doesn't lipsync in the studio. She sings a line at a time, engineers each one then sticks them together to form a song. Again, someone show me some good live vocal climaxes to WBT or FLAB or Bye Bye or We Stay In Love or #Beautiful or anything in the last ten years really. To be on The Voice is pretty cool but there is no evidence of Mariah actually having sung these tracks this way. Someone posted that Mariah sang well in the nineties and that's good enough. Maybe so. But it's a little uncomfortable watching someone "coach" aspiring singers without actually being able to demonstrate the techniques. Three guesses for why she doesn't do that? No, wait, you got it first time.
(Wednesday 31 October 2018; 15:18)
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Re: Caution standard edition tracklist (85,417) (85,428)
by Andrew from UK
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Talking of E=MC2, I was thinking today or my dwindling excitement for Corshugh ugh ugh ugh ugh uhn. And I was thinking of all the previous album releases and my differing levels of excitement. I think I was most excited about Rainbow. It was at that 99 Pop pinnacle moment, I'd heard Mariah showcasing the album in Atlantic 252, Heartbreaker was pop genius and I was feeling the fun from the sombre seriousness of Butterfly. I was a bit disappointed with it. But I was also wet with excitement at E=MC2 and when I got it back to work from a break I thought it was the best thing she had done. I still think that sometimes. I listened to it constantly. Because. It. Was. Fun. Corshugh ugh ugh ugh ugh uhn is going to have to have some stellar tracks in there together repeat plays. It's not exactly, well, fun, so far.
(Tuesday 30 October 2018; 00:29)
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Re: Caution standard edition tracklist (85,417) (85,420)
by Andrew from UK
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When I saw track 8 I actually said FFS out loud to myself. It's weird that an album is coming out and we've heard 40 per cent of it already. There's only really suspense left in six songs. I agree with the other poster: Caution needs to be a banger and I hope Truthfully is another Languishing type moment. Otherwise, WTP?
(Monday 29 October 2018; 18:35)
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Re: Lips? Lol (85,408) (85,419)
by Andrew from UK
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Edward, her voice seems to have deteriorated even further in the last twelve months. I am surely not the only one thinking this. Everything is stacatto, nothing seems drawn out. "Still I buhlee eh eh evv'd" on VOL, "Higher... than the heavens... Uh buh uhv" on Eeeh muh ugh ugh ugh oh shuns and so on. There are some good vocal moments on her tour but this shit is not pleasant to listen to. It's actually [censored] weird. I notice Mariah now sings with her neck tense and her jaw jutting out. I think she has more serious problems with than anyone realizes, to be perfectly honest.
(Monday 29 October 2018; 18:33)
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Re: Just a thought (85,396) (85,405)
by Andrew from UK
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Does she sound good, though? All I am hearing is staccato bursts of struggle and seeing Mariah drinking in the studio. Celine looks after her voice and Mariah abuses it and lips.
(Monday 29 October 2018; 04:34)
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Re: Mariah's best advice (85,401) (85,404)
by Andrew from UK
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Upon reading your message I thought you were being sarcastic about what Mariah should have said. That she said that, well, how iconic. Proud of that. How thoughtful and how insightful. Very proud.
(Monday 29 October 2018; 04:30)
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Re: Limited edition of Caution (85,309) (85,319)
by Andrew from UK
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Perhaps I am. You are literally a bullshit machine eho lies and misrepresents and you need to be called on it, sweetheart. And, no, sweetheart, facts do not become "opinions" because you don't like the fact that the facts exist. And, yes, when it is something to have an opinion about, you can have your own. Even though it seems the integrity and honesty of your opinions is mostly always questionable. Cheers.
(Friday 26 October 2018; 17:40)
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Re: Brat bankruptcy (85,292) (85,307)
by Andrew from UK
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That is hilarious.
(Friday 26 October 2018; 10:28)
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Re: Limited edition of Caution (85,284) (85,306)
by Andrew from UK
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And this is *your* problem. You do understand the "hate" that cover gets because if you do not you have clear basic comprehension issues. You just choose to pretend the truth is not real. So I say to you: do you really like Mariah yourself, or the fairytale reality you have created about her in your head? It really is quite scary, some of the bullshit you come out with.
(Friday 26 October 2018; 10:26)
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Re: Limited edition of Caution (85,260) (85,268)
by Andrew from UK
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Agreed. It's decisions like this that make the last ten years so baffling. It's obvious to most sane people that that is a brilliant album cover. It could be iconic. And yet they opted for the contorted cartoon of her face? It must be the weed. It must be the E's. Whatever it is, so many oddball decisions. It's not to late to change it, surely. So I say petition for a change.
(Thursday 25 October 2018; 01:33)
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Re: The Voice (85,250) (85,256)
by Andrew from UK
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I think she is advising them all. The interview Mariah had about The Voice was thoughtful, non-flakey, didn't involve a lot of hair touching and it was interesting. My only concern here is that she'll be expected to sing and she is struggling within one octave. If she lips on The Voice it's game over.
(Wednesday 24 October 2018; 17:41)
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Re: Brat bankruptcy (85,248) (85,255)
by Andrew from UK
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Da Brat is a violent thug who changed someone's life forever because she's a petulant, self-entitled madam. She owes that woman she assaulted that money. Should Mariah pay for it? Why should she? The victim deserves it, so it would be good for her. But Da Brat deserves no help. If she earns $9000 a month she should give the victim $8000 of it. But that would require morality and decency, not, naturally, virtues of violent thugs. Why is Mariah even still in contact with her? If anyone I knew smashed someone over the head with a bottle I would never speak to them again.
(Wednesday 24 October 2018; 17:38)
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Re: ? (85,237) (85,253)
by Andrew from UK
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The world is no more "negative" than it has been in the past (whatever that means), that's just a platitude some [censored] might offer up to suggest people who have dissenting opinions are bad and should be denied platforms. The world is a safer, fairer more connected place than it has ever been. I would offer up this: the world is *dumb* enough as it is at the moment. This board should be a break from dumbness. I.e., people screaming like emotional [censored] that everything is just how they say it is, then crying even louder when people point out that it isn't.
(Wednesday 24 October 2018; 17:27)
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Re: Too many bubbles for my taste (85,182) (85,209)
by Andrew from UK
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No. Nobody heard With You live that weekend. Especially the crowd there at that arena. Let me ask something, and I really want to know. Genuinely. All these chorus climaxes that Mariah has recorded since 2000 and whatever. All of them. Every single one. Can someone post me one of her doing it live? Just one. One? Just one.
(Tuesday 23 October 2018; 01:20)
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