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About THE TRUTH from USA: I pride myself on being a critical thinker who values truth and justice above all else.

Re: Patti Labelle to perform VH1 Divas Holiday special (68,112) (68,124) by THE TRUTH from USA
Mariah when she brings her A game easily hangs with the divas and shines. Let's hope she remembers that moments like these are an opportunity to revive the legacy and reinvent herself. Send Stella back to Russia, lock the liquor cabinet, and seriously prepare for VH1.
(Tuesday 8 November 2016; 15:16)
Re: Mariah's family (68,108) (68,116) by THE TRUTH from USA
That's a very sweet, heart felt post however I read that all that stuff about racist events Mariah couldn't possibly have any recollection of as she was an infant or not born yet and was simply recounting stories she'd heard. She used that for PR but in fact had pretended to be white throughout her childhood.
(Tuesday 8 November 2016; 11:56)
Re: The Truth is Morgan (68,084) (68,093) by THE TRUTH from USA
Keep on dreaming and by the way I've been here for years and you showed up what yesterday? Your first post is targeting me? Strange. Troll much? Makes me wonder who you really are.
(Monday 7 November 2016; 22:37)
Re: TMZ prenup article (68,015) (68,019) by THE TRUTH from USA
Oh yeah, I'm sure. The same James Packer who used his own money to produce "Before The Flood"? He's a philanthropist in the truest sense of the word. If anything he did his best to stay out of the press and she and Stella know no bounds when it comes to chasing cheap, tacky, gold digging, look at me type publicity.
(Saturday 5 November 2016; 22:26)
Re: Mariah's arm injury (68,007) (68,013) by THE TRUTH from USA
Looks to me like Morgan is doing fine, in fact he stayed out of the public eye for like 25 years. I think he just realized it was best to get he and his beautiful wife as far away from the madness as possible. They look pretty happy.
(Saturday 5 November 2016; 20:47)
Re: Comment on Daily Mail (67,999) (68,002) by THE TRUTH from USA
You haven't figured out that Mariah is the way she is for the most part because of Patricia? Look at Mariah's behavior, Alison's situation and lifestyle, and the fact that Morgan and his wife chose to move to Italy. Apparently Patricia's conduct as a parent was pretty destructive, the proof is in the putting. Just because Patricia taught Mariah to sing hardly absolves of the abuse she inflicted upon her kids.
(Saturday 5 November 2016; 12:21)
Re: (67,671) (67,719) by THE TRUTH from USA
Look at these pics and then say she's not in need of serious help. You don't need a PHD to see that she is being supported on both sides and is seriously medicated. This is not good and the truth will be revealed soon as they can only keep it hidden for a little longer.
(Sunday 30 October 2016; 20:05)
Mariah needs help (67,646) by THE TRUTH from USA
Mariah needs to be in a hospital under the care of a team of doctors who can help her, not under Stella's care. Stella calling James mentally unbalanced really was opening the door for some serious mudslinging and she knows Mariah lives in a glass house. That interview Morgan gave a while ago saying that he was scared for her really sounds to me to be having more and more weight. Do we really believe that if she was in her right mind rather than medicated and under the control of dark influence like Stella and whoever else is behind the scenes that Mariah would really be allowing all of this Stella-ness? This train has been heading off the tracks since 2001 and while there were a few moments overall, let's be honest with ourselves, the vultures have been picking at the carcass of Mariah's legend and legacy ever since. We can only pray for the best for she and Dem Babies.
(Saturday 29 October 2016; 2:00)
Breakup (67,579) by THE TRUTH from USA
Like that wedding was ever gonna happen. Cancellation of tour dates doesn't bode well either. Nice devil costume though.
(Friday 28 October 2016; 4:07)
Re: The Truth (65,874) (65,887) by THE TRUTH from USA
How interesting that me speaking about Shawn's [censored] are censored but you get to refer to me as a dick. Anyway in answer to your question: I truly was a great fan of Mariah's prior to 2001. There is so much fantasy and [censored] being perpetrated now that I feel compelled to help keep things real.
(Sunday 4 September 2016; 15:54)
Re: M.'s nephew tweets (65,863) (65,873) by THE TRUTH from USA
Shawn is [censored] and [censored]. I've seen Morgan doing 22 clapping pushups for our veterans on his FB page, he doesn't look old to me and he and his gorgeous wife look very happy to me. It's sad to me how the media has to keep talking about Alison's HIV status as if it's a crime to have HIV and her own son apparently does nothing to help his own mother other than to bash his uncle. How is Morgan the bad guy because he tries to shed light on Alison's need for help that Mariah, Pat, and her children choose to not provide?
(Sunday 4 September 2016; 10:20)
Re: Tragedy in Italy (65,673) (65,705) by THE TRUTH from USA
Mark Zuckerberg took a 100 million dollar stand, Lady Gaga is donating big dollars too. What's difficult to grasp about that, genius?
(Monday 29 August 2016; 15:12)
Re: Alison (65,697) (65,704) by THE TRUTH from USA
No idea where you get your info. Their dad left everything to Alison, her kids, and his companion at the time. Mariah and Morgan got nothing. Don't pretend to know what you don't know.
(Monday 29 August 2016; 14:52)
Re: M upset? (65,661) (65,668) by THE TRUTH from USA
Yeah right, she doesn't shed one tear over Alison. She never even went to the hospital when they were pulling the plug on Alison's life support.
(Saturday 27 August 2016; 23:15)
Re: Tragedy in Italy (65,627) (65,658) by THE TRUTH from USA
You're a pompous [censored] who of course doesn't care if the celebrities that earn and flaunt billions thanks to their fans take a stand about tragedies and world events. So she should care about gays being shot but not dead children in an earthquake somewhere she has spent much of her time?
(Saturday 27 August 2016; 15:05)
Tragedy in Italy (65,621) by THE TRUTH from USA
Once again Mariah is so wrapped up in her own ego that she couldn't even say a word about this travesty. Lady Gaga and Mark Zuckerberg aree putting their money and celebrity where their mouthes are, God bless them. Mariah for all the prancing around in her underwear flashing her diamonds on James yacht there in Italy, you'd think she'd have the decency to step out of her bubble for a second and say or do something. Hell she's been going to Capri since the 90s and her brother lives in Italy too.
(Thursday 25 August 2016; 21:12)
Article: Mariah Carey did not throw James Packer computer out (65,572) by THE TRUTH from USA
Gossip Cop, give us a break. You've been on Mariah's payroll since when? Like anybody takes you debunking any/all stories which shade Mariah seriously? Come on.
(Wednesday 24 August 2016; 0:01)
Re: Standards/classics (65,348) (65,408) by THE TRUTH from USA
Both Mariah and Lindsay Lohan recently did vow renewal ceremonies under the Vatican. Do the math.
(Thursday 18 August 2016; 22:43)
Re: Mariah's World "delay" (64,891) (64,922) by THE TRUTH from USA
No. It has been "delivered" is in the can and on the shelf at E for some time now. It is in a holding pattern there with no scheduled release date. Any solid dates you have seen have been fabricated and leaked by Stella. This is not conjecture it's a fact.
(Wednesday 3 August 2016; 18:43)
Re: All sex, no class (64,914) (64,921) by THE TRUTH from USA
You've been sounding pretty bitter lately mate. If you have so much beef why do you spend so much time here? Lonely? Need to vent? Therapist?
(Wednesday 3 August 2016; 18:39)
Re: Mariah singing with lady (64,824) (64,840) by THE TRUTH from USA
Randy the lady is singing her best, trying to outshine a legend and MC is goofing off and making fun. She's just too lost to understand that almost nobody else gets the joke except her.
(Sunday 31 July 2016; 20:57)
Stella (64,839) by THE TRUTH from USA
So you have Mishka clearly damaged mental state and substantial weight gain over such a short span of time coupled with Stella's encouragement of her consumption of alcohol (she is a minor). Seems like some of you who have beef with her might consider contacting Child Protective Services. Is that a great environment for Mariah's children? No but at least they aren't boozing it on up yet. Oh and Andrew, maybe you should get yourself on some meds, I'm sensing quite a bit of hostility.
(Sunday 31 July 2016; 20:55)
Re: Mariah singing with lady (64,770) (64,801) by THE TRUTH from USA
Sorry but yeah she's way out of touch, shouldn't be up there singing, it's degrading and pathetic but no way did she out sing Mariah. Obviously Mariah is playing around, using her voice as an instrument. She's goofing around and is too drunk to understand that nobody else understands her sense of humor. Give her at least that much credit, she has earned it.
(Saturday 30 July 2016; 17:56)
Re: Illoominaughty fans (64,793) (64,798) by THE TRUTH from USA
She's playing right into their hands and all of you will remember that I said it. She's mixing alcohol and her prescription medications. When she comes to her bad end doctor's will affirm that she was advised not to consume alcohol. She will have made a public display of her alcoholidays for years so whether they find her in a bathtub or she falls overboard, it won't be questioned. Ownership of her catalogue and any remaining valued assets will pass into the hands of the hand that rocks the cradle and so the story is told, over and over again. Sorry but so many of you want to believe this story has a happy ending but it doesn't.
(Saturday 30 July 2016; 15:45)
Re: Complex and Clash (64,680) (64,693) by THE TRUTH from USA
You guys didn't want to hear it from me. The sky is falling and I will not be afraid to say I told you so when it all comes tumbling down. For all that they would have you believe, this is not gonna be a fairytale ending, think Wes Craven.
(Tuesday 26 July 2016; 20:46)


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