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About Andrew from UK:
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Illumate your life (64,728)
by Andrew from UK
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If you believe in the Illuminati you are a [censored]. Now, I censored that myself. So if you do, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being a pretty soft word that would accurately describe a fool, let's say, oh, "fool", to 10, with 10 being a word that succinctly describes insanely unintellectual people and/or describes genitalia, pick one very close to the 10 and use that. Like a 9. Like a 9 that 8'd a 10, then had a baby with 10 and named it 11. Insert a word that's 11 on the scale and use that. That's what you are. Daesh have a belief system as well. Yours get about the same level of intellectual consideration and respect as their garbage.
(Wednesday 27 July 2016; 20:46)
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Re: Complex photoshoot (64,704) (64,715)
by Andrew from UK
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Martyn McFly, you are, of course, correct. It's stylish, different and refreshing. Scientology, Illuminati, hallowe'en, Wes Craven, Armageddon? You couldn't make this nonsense up. Oh wait, they did. God bless America.
(Wednesday 27 July 2016; 8:26)
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Re: Sorry and not sorry (64,654) (64,660)
by Andrew from UK
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You bloody hero, you - jumping to the defense of grown adults who can speak for themselves and interfering getting involved in other people's issues. Let me pin a medal haha. What a crusader. But I have to say thank you for the compliment. I don't even know how to airbrush anything. And my hair is natural blonde, those aren't dark roots, it's the trio of the light. You're so kind to compliment me like that, though. I look airbrushed when I'm not. Magic.
(Tuesday 26 July 2016; 11:36)
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Re: Good Lord (64,636) (64,637)
by Andrew from UK
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Mimi L.? I don't even know if you're a boy or a girl (I wish everyone would put their pictures up to make it more personable) and directly and only to you: We may not agree with each other, we may argue, I'm sure we would have very animated conversations in person, but I (internet buddy-wise) respect you for the post to which I'm replying. I don't respect so many of your other posts but you give a [censored] and I absolutely know that I really do. I want people to think my way, and you, and others, yours. Perhaps that is why this website has survived. (Aand made Eric millions - the lawyers want the money, Mariah needs a new ring. And fat injections to be airbrushed out at a later date, apparently - ha, old habits die hard.) Negative articles are posted, as are my style of posts. It's a free-for-all honest debate. If Travon can't hack it then let him go. I'm not giving up on *my* Mariah (if I could, I'd send you videos of me telling everyone sat waiting around me at the O2 in London exactly why Mariah is [censored] awesome, and ones of me singing along with her, beaming like a monkey). I like this website because it's an opportunity for me to talk about the truth in re: my music idol. I don't enjoy the [censored] of the last few years. I document it. But play a Mariah song and I go nuts (I was at a friend's birthday in Covent Garden last night and someone next to us said "Mariah Carey" and she and I were banging on for just under an hour about how [censored] awesome Mariah's music is, much to my friend's chagrin). Essentially, Travon was wrong to attack this board. And it was a slap in the face to your support of him, and I'm not down with that. This board relates what die-hard fans think about on a daily basis. That can only ever be a good thing, whether we are people cut of similar cloth or not. And, yeah, Edward plagiarises me. But I love him, nevertheless. And in response to your next one: "I disagree with you. Stella4Eva". Wish you well.
(Monday 25 July 2016; 21:27)
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Re: Webmaster questions (64,633) (64,635)
by Andrew from UK
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This is beyond fascinating. So without reason Mariah told you to take down the site and hand over revenues? I'm completely shocked. As I told you before I thought Marij would bend over and kiss your ass for doing this site. I understand that you post negatives as well as positives but as an example, for every negative comment I make, there are ten people jumping on it. The only bad press is no press, surely. I remember an interview during the Rainbow promotion, with Jamie Theakston (whose back and forth flirtatious with Mariah every interview were hilarious) for the oZone (90's Uk music programme), where he lists some of her accomplishments to her face, and one of them was the number of websites dedicated to her (in 1999 a big deal) and she was chuffed and humbled. Mariah's abandonment of social media now seems to be part of a deep-rooted ill. Why would she suddenly start hating fan sites? And professional ones, at that? And she wants your money? Maybe somebody can she some light on the rationale behind it because I can't find it.
(Monday 25 July 2016; 16:31)
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Re: Good Lord (64,609) (64,631)
by Andrew from UK
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Travon. I always knew you were a screwball lol seriously bro, chill out. I don't know from where you get this idea of being constantly attacked but I think you've actually been well supported on this website, not least from Mimi L. who as the board regular championed and defended you. Your position is just not based in reality and it's bothersome. I agree with G.G., the drama is pointless. So cut it out and post your opinions (even though I hate most of them and do think you're annoying). If not, fare well.
(Monday 25 July 2016; 16:10)
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Re: (64,623) plus my view on the current (64,627) (64,630)
by Andrew from UK
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Dearest May, I am (internet buddy-wise) in love with you right now. Some people really are Stella obsessed and it's not at all veiled very well. Maybe it's not Andrew vs everyone then lol. Much love to Kongeriget Danmark
(Monday 25 July 2016; 15:57)
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Re: Webmaster questions (64,622) (64,629)
by Andrew from UK
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What was the possible legal reasoning for trying to force a site takedown and you to hand over advertising revenue? I can't see any legal basis for that. That's kind of outrageous. Mariah tried to have this site shut down? So basically she doesn't even want it here? Outrageous. Audacious.
(Monday 25 July 2016; 15:52)
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Re: Marissa and Mimi L (64,606) (64,619)
by Andrew from UK
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Still read my messages, though, don't you, princess? Go ahead and, um, not read them. I will contribute to the board whether you like my opinions (which many people now agree with where once they didn't) or not. Your contributions seem to mostly be about, um, me. Itchy under your skin, right? Keep scratching and I wish you well.
(Sunday 24 July 2016; 3:24)
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Re: I don't think you're ready (64,592) (64,601)
by Andrew from UK
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Mate, given that awful video of Mariah flashing in a video that's been put on Instagram I may sign the bloody petition myself. Lmfao what the bloody hell is going on there? What insane person took that and is Mariah completely high? So my theory is as follows. Mariah is recreating the scene from "Silence Of The Lambs" where Buffalo Bill tucks Little William between his legs and poses naked, arms spread, in front of the mirror. Ergo, "Silence of the Lambs" = "stop with the petition"? Lol ok I jest. Next post, positive positive positive I promise promise promise. *scratches head and thinks super hard*
(Saturday 23 July 2016; 21:18)
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Re: Petition (64,595) (64,599)
by Andrew from UK
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Oh, honey, when the effects wear off, keep popping. Honestly, good for those who signed the petition. I went to it and read the comments from around the globe and it was good to see so much love. However, with you, you, you, it's all about Mishka and Stella isn't it. You can dress it up anyway you like, adopt Marissa's rather eloquent explanation as a front, but deep down, you wanna *get* Stella & Co. You just wanna get 'em, don't you, sweetheart? You know it, we know it, and you know we know it lol. And if you can't keep up with the conversation, best not join in. Now, I'd love to sit around and chat mental with you, but Snowy and I have some crimes to solve.
(Saturday 23 July 2016; 20:37)
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You Don't know What To Do (64,589)
by Andrew from UK
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So I have a message about the music (remember those?) and a topic for a petition to Mariah: petition Mariah to make an expensive full-blown kick ass video to You Don't Know What To Do for the lambs and fans. It can be by way of recognising the disappointment surrounding the MIAM promotion in re: personal injury, etc. Full-blown kick-ass video with storyline and special effects and hot guys and girls. Tribute to a banging summer song that should've been released. Who knows, if it's not even targeting the charts and it's just "for the fans", it may still chart high anyway with the video out there, because it's absolutely genius.
(Saturday 23 July 2016; 13:49)
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I don't think you're ready (64,587)
by Andrew from UK
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For this jelly. I'll explain it in simple terms for you, girls. My issue was with prioritisation. This topic has spurred you into frenzied action but everything else, which is actually of note, received little to no attention from you, whatsoever. I didn't say you should actually start a petition on the aforementioned topics, I merely questioned the temerity of prioritising the topic at hand. I didn't suggest it because I think any petition, personally, is going to be rather wank for Mariah's already shite PR. Look back and you'll even see me as the person raising the topic of Mariah disconnecting from her fans. I think it serious but not serious enough to warrant an embarrassing petition. But each to their own and if you signed it, good for you. Alas, stop trying to be clever. You're clearly not up to the task. What dress has Mariah been seen in lately? Also, having pondered why Mariah has basically professionally stuck two fingers up at her fans, I can conclude that she doesn't care about selling music anymore. If she doesn't need anyone to buy the music, why kiss their ass? People will always go to a concert to hear the greatest hits.
(Saturday 23 July 2016; 13:15)
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Re: Petition (64,578) (64,580)
by Andrew from UK
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You'll probably find that I and a couple of others made most of the points now often mentioned long before most people dared to, including the point of MC no longer communicating with her fans directly. I'm quite comfortable with this here platform. It's got a great view. Look up and you'll see me. Blonde hair and all. You need to buy some? Somebody done snatched your weave?
(Saturday 23 July 2016; 2:58)
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Re: Are you guys even lambs? (64,571) (64,574)
by Andrew from UK
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"The word censored in my post (I don't understand why) was [censored]." That. Is. Hillary Clinton-arious. Eric, I think you got "dragged". Yeah, I don't know what it means, either. But seeing as you and I are supposedly besties, much love for that post, buddy. I almost regret voting for Brexit. Almost.
(Friday 22 July 2016; 23:18)
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Re: Petition (64,569) (64,573)
by Andrew from UK
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Travon, there may be hope for you yet, buddy. I have two objections to this: firstly, of all the reasons to start an ePetition, Stella's kid doing her social media is it? Secondly, a petition may attract the attention of a showbiz journalist who will spin it (or on this case just report it) in a way that will humiliate Mariah. Thus it's possible you are assisting directly in Mariah's potential humiliation. And Mariah is as my family and friends: I can bitch about her, but I don't like it when non-fans do, to put it mildly. But I do have to state that for years I've been (quite unpopular in) stating the truth as I see it and trying to get people to be honest with their feelings and tell Mariah to change for the better in many ways. Now that it's happening perhaps I should just celebrate it. I don't know. Maybe. I just wish it were for something more worthwhile and meaningful. Anyway, you and me sittin' in a tree, loverboy.
(Friday 22 July 2016; 23:06)
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Petition (64,551)
by Andrew from UK
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Funny how everyone's so passionate about a petition to do with Mariah posting her own social media messages/over-the-top hatred of Stella and co., but there's never been word of a petition to do with her lip-sync, studio engineering, airbrushing, poor interviews, money-grabbing fan "meets", and so on. Good priorities [censored]. Think this goes to show, Mariah isn't a music artist to most people here, she's a living soap opera. [censored] Hashtag just saying.
(Friday 22 July 2016; 12:25)
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Weightloss? What weightloss? (64,514)
by Andrew from UK
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Filler on her face? What the? Mariah is still over-weight this she has a large face (tilting her head so far in very photo and plastering on a fixed smile may make it look less puffy but just makes her look deranged hah). I don't know where this thread of Mariah being really thin now but has had fat injected into her face has come from but it is quite bizarre and quite ridiculous. Mariah is not thin. She still carries a lot of weight. If she were thin, she wouldn't be airbrushing for a start. It's simply just not the case. When pap photos of her are taken when she isn't posing, her actual physique becomes clear, especially around the cheeks and chin.
(Thursday 21 July 2016; 17:32)
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Giovanni (64,485)
by Andrew from UK
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Why do you bother posting here? You're always a [censored].
(Thursday 21 July 2016; 0:40)
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Re: Bruises? (64,452) (64,464)
by Andrew from UK
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To put it simply, you went from interesting to nuts in the flick of a unicorns horn. Seek help.
(Tuesday 19 July 2016; 23:33)
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Re: What's with the stockings? (64,451) (64,463)
by Andrew from UK
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Hold the phone, Brett Ratner was quoted as saying "rehearsal is for [censored]" and Mariah is best friends with him? After winning the GLAAD award for chief issue avoider? Get outta town. Has Mariah actively defended or stood up for gay men and/or women in any way? Any [censored] way? Post a link. I think she's scarily over religious and too caught up with her ghetto good friends. I'm quite convinced she's a complete fake. I realise the irony.
(Tuesday 19 July 2016; 23:21)
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Re: Petition or nah (64,405) (64,415)
by Andrew from UK
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Black black black, something about Mariah, ghetto ghetto ghetto, hood hood hood. Your posts make you sound quite disconnected from sanity. Yes, some people post here a lot. It keeps the threads going which gives grunt. ls like you a chance to pipe up an remind everyone, occasionally, of your race, and which college you go to and how gay you are whilst posting a passive aggressive smiley. Oh well. Some people post here a lot. Others eat their feelings. Let them do theirs and you do yours. Oh yeah:
(Monday 18 July 2016; 22:19)
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Re: Lambs defending Stella (64,392) (64,414)
by Andrew from UK
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Once again the Oracle B speaks. Jennifer Lopez "knew what was going on" and he surely as he claims does have insight that goes against what the majority of people think. Please post your evidence for scrutiny Queen B. You have evidence? Right? Surely you didn't make another bullshit lamb claim. You wouldn't do that.
(Monday 18 July 2016; 22:12)
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Re: A question for all (64,373) (64,385)
by Andrew from UK
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Singing the climax for WBT? I will eat my own shit if that's true and not another lamb delusion. Post the link, please.
(Monday 18 July 2016; 15:56)
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Re: Tragedy in France (64,319) (64,323)
by Andrew from UK
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Adam I'm normally one to agree with you but am surprised at your post. White people? That's completely bizarre. I think fan backlash as made her realise silence is not an option in this day and age. I hope that's the reason. White people? That's so far off my radar I'm a little shocked. And how can anything be too little too late? I'm the first to criticise where I feel it's necessary, but when somebody makes a move to correct a wrong they should be supported in doing so. Otherwise we would all be punished eternally for past wrongdoings. This doesn't sit well with me. You can't be damned if you do and damned if you don't. That's markedly unfair.
(Friday 15 July 2016; 23:03)
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