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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: Debates and ideas (62,743) (62,799)
by Andrew from UK
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Anthony, I left my email address here a while back, if you have whatsapp and want to, message me. Did I mention I was born in Wales? Hah. Regardless, don't let people on here affect how you think of yourself in respect of Mariah. The Truth isn't some angry little Eminem avatar, it's what you want it to be. As long as it agrees with mine. Then it's all good.
(Sunday 29 May 2016; 0:59)
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Divas 96 (the trinity, in memoria) (62,798)
by Andrew from UK
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Is it so hard, so impossibly difficult to accept, that, sometimes, just sometimes, somebody can sing, or did sing, better than Mariah Carey? If it was Divas Live 1996 I think she would've stratosphered everybody's ass off. Can you imagine if Whitney, Celine and Mariah had done that in '96? Sometimes I look back and think there were so many wasted opportunities, so many great things that could have been done, so many moments lost. As it was, Divas Live 1998 hung off the back-end of the Butterfly tour and Mariah was vocally knackered but she still pulled some serious shit off. That show is an historic masterpiece. Celine doing her thing did not upstage anybody, did not embarrass anybody and she was not rude. If you don't like the fact Mariah wasn't the best one on the stage for that one song then don't watch it. Her solo performances were fiercely entertaining and Chain Of Fools is what I would play anybody to show what Mariah being a straight forward and fun vocalist was (remember those days of being an entertainer and not lipping and pouting and touching the tits?). Celine and Mariah are friends and respect each other. They are from a different era, a golden era. Not that I want to live in the nineties again (although sometimes, in the dark of the day, it has its appeal hah) but watching Divas Live has made me very nostalgic for that era of the vocal trinity. I can't imagine that will ever happen in that way to that level again, at least in our lifetimes. Whitney ruled, Celine ruled and Mariah ruled, and by the end of the nineties, they all loved each other and are all icons in any sense of the meaning that word can have. Whatever we think about the now, let's just remember it that way. [censored] it was good.
(Sunday 29 May 2016; 0:51)
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Re: Hallmark Channel deal: desperate or good business? (62,705) (62,718)
by Andrew from UK
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"Mariah has proven herself as an actress." Mariah is to acting what J.Lo is to singing. Actually that's a little unfair on J.Lo. Mariah is to acting what Mariah is to lip-syncing. She's awful. Everybody knows she's awful. The only person who doesn't seem to know she is awful is Mariah, herself. It is an ego trip gone too far. Precious involved a few minutes of donning awful make-up and acting pissed off. It was okay, in that it was surprising, because it wasn't totally terrible. Wise Girls? Terrible acting. Glitter? Terrible acting. That crap road movie? Terrible acting. A Christmas Melody? Terrible acting and terrible everything else. Why is nobody grabbing her by the cheeks and screaming, "You can't f**king act. Stop embarrassing yourself." Mariah Carey is a singer-songwriter and a pretty good one, and she would do well to remember it and go and bloody do it. I would not be surprised if Hallmark are praying for these movies to be absolutely awful. Because they would become cult classics. Joe Public wants to see the vain Mariah Carey make an ass of herself. And here she is directing herself bloody doing it. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
(Friday 27 May 2016; 3:04)
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Re: This wacko fan is back at it again (62,686) (62,717)
by Andrew from UK
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The trains don't go where you live, do they? It's nice they let you have some supervised tablet-time, though.
(Friday 27 May 2016; 2:47)
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Re: Celine vs Aretha and Patti (62,677) (62,716)
by Andrew from UK
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That ol' chestnut. Been a little while since that one's been given an airing. "Holding back out of respect." Hmmm. Right. It wasn't the frickin' Aretha Franklin tribute show. Were all the singers supposed to stand next to Aretha and half-ass into the microphone to make Aretha feel better? Aretha Franklin, who visibly and audibly wanted people to bounce off and sing with her properly. Please, let's all just start being a little more honest. Mariah, arguably smashed it on Chain Of Fools, depending, probably on what you were looking for, it being a good song for her. Mariah's voice strained and cracked on Natural Woman and it was a cringe few minutes. Celine smashed it. Everyone can bloody see and hear it. "Holding back out of respect" is so desperately transparent there's some sort of Windex joke here somewhere.
(Friday 27 May 2016; 2:42)
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Re: Celine vs Aretha and Patti (62,696) (62,714)
by Andrew from UK
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So Celine was so good it must have been lip sync even though she doesn't look like she's lip syncing. She's just too good at it, and isn't. And the industry picks on Mariah. So essentially, Celine, good - Mariah, victim. Mariah's a victim. Again. Another day another crock of shit.
(Friday 27 May 2016; 2:30)
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The blame game (62,656)
by Andrew from UK
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Has anyone else noticed how, when something has gone wrong, is going wrong or looks as if it will go wrong in Mariah's world, (mostly) the delusional lambs (like the ones who say she outsang Celine on Natural Woman) find a person other than Mariah to blame/vilify/condemn. If it's not Nick, it's Randy. Let's take potshots out of Boyz II Men or Lee Daniels or anyone else for voicing concern. JD was at fault for everything during his tenure. Stella is the fault of everything now (even Mariah not releasing a new record now: come on Stella, push her in the studio and shout "create, dahling, create") and her daughter is the reason why Mariah doesn't bother with fans over the internet anymore (as if that's a recent thing). But wait, if everything else fails, if Mariah [censored] up, have no fear, we can always blame Tommy, because it's what happened 20 years ago that's the reason for everything going wrong ever in the world. Mariah runs off stage halfway through a song? Tommy. Mariah's voice cracked? Tommy. Mariah lost an eyelash? Tommy. Sometimes it seems only the people who are oddly convinced that Mariah is a massive victim are the ones who still follow her career. She is a grown woman. Nobody's forcing her to make more cheap [censored] Hallmark movies but she is. However, I'm sure somebody else will be to blame when they're mocked. Who can we blame this time? I don't think Monroe has been taking her share of the blame, the little slacker. Let's blame Monroe.
(Wednesday 25 May 2016; 14:42)
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Celine, Mariah and the Icon Award (62,578)
by Andrew from UK
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I am not sure there is a performer in the music industry with more class, integrity and dignity than Celine Dion. Her performance of The Show Must Go On was a masterclass, her acceptance speech raw and powerful. To say Mariah deserves the Icon Award over her is plainly unfair, despite being deserving of it herself. Yeah, I don't personally understand Jennifer Lopez having already received it but it is what it is. In her respective market I'm sure she is one. Mariah will hopefully receive it one day but Celine absolutely deserved it. She still sings amazingly, she is possibly the best-selling female artist of all time (Madonna's sales figures are always a little too dubious to me), she essentially pioneered massive Vegas residencies for superstars, she records in two languages, etc., etc. And she has acted with the utmost dignity in her private life. Mariah Carey is awesome and was always my favourite artist but Celine Dion is simply Celine Dion and is clearly deserving of the global admiration she has garnered. She's collecting an Icon Award moving people to tears with her love for her late husband and her son. Meanwhile, Mariah is spinning in her chair being bitchy about other artists, taking yet another photo for her champagne advertising campaign and coming up with new ways to publicise her breasts. Yes, Mariah absolutely deserves the Icon Award, but right now, at this moment in time, given the mess of the past few years, if I had to choose who received it, I would've handed it to Celine myself and told Mariah her day will come, but it's just not today.
(Monday 23 May 2016; 19:33)
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Re: Bryan is not a love interest, he's gay (62,499) (62,514)
by Andrew from UK
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Oh, I see. You've met him. Which conveniently can't be disproved. And in this in-depth meeting he told you his sexuality. Rightio. But that's not what you said, is it? You said: "All those dancers are bi or gay." All those dancers. All of them. It's probably fair to say you don't know this, it was a sweeping fabricated statement made without any foundation other than the fact that they are male dancers and is now being propped up with more bullsh*t when questioned. Seriously, mate, your high horse is getting away. Better take your heels off an' get a-runnin'.
(Sunday 22 May 2016; 12:22)
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Re: The most overrated MC song and what's better (62,497) (62,501)
by Andrew from UK
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Agreed. It's not, to me, even a "remake" (cover version) but an actual song that trumps the original. When people sing it in karaoke/drag etc it's understood or announced they're singing Mariah Carey.
(Sunday 22 May 2016; 1:38)
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Re: Rare studio photo (62,491) (62,498)
by Andrew from UK
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It was one of the voicemails she used to leave on her website years ago. It was when she left Sony. Now that's nostalgia. You know, when Mariah used to talk to her fans and appreciate them.
(Sunday 22 May 2016; 0:04)
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Re: Bryan is not a love interest, he's gay (62,483) (62,489)
by Andrew from UK
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You know their sexualities? I assume you know these people? So, if they're not gay and have relationships with women you're deciding to label them as bi? I gotta say thanks to you, mate. You just proved that you are, indeed, a bit of a [censored] lol. Your high horse just bolted out the door.
(Saturday 21 May 2016; 21:49)
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Do they belong together? (62,466)
by Andrew from UK
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I think, as a fan collective, arguments are repeated a lot and become as skewed as Chinese whispers, opinions are adopted because they're a la mode and the originality or sentiment becomes lost. Case in point: supposed remakes of We Belong Together. Everything released by Mariah since has been accused to being a rehash of this song, it would seem. Now I see Touch My Body is a WBT rehash. WTF? They're nothing alike. Add that to the list of every other song since it and I must ask the question: what are the features of a song that make it a WBT wannabe? It is a popular line of argument on here but I'm starting to think it's a line of argument for those who aren't capable of forming original opinions themselves, and slap rehearsed lines onto things. Perhaps I'm wrong. What are the WBT features?
(Saturday 21 May 2016; 2:00)
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Re: Yes, you do know her (62,398) (62,403)
by Andrew from UK
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Dearest B. Someone once said, "Stop trying to make your opinion facts." It was you. A few days ago. How I laughed. You're not really all there, are you? If you are visiting plant Earth today, "Take me to your Sheila" should be your opening line and find out what irony is. What nonsense.
(Thursday 19 May 2016; 20:15)
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Re: Reality show will be a disaster? (62,292) (62,386) (62,389)
by Andrew from UK
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"TV-event of the what now?" I never considered trolling could be the other way around: trolling false-positives to irritate. If you're reading this on your phone: I've given you a thumbs up, so please lock your screen and turn your phone upside down.
(Thursday 19 May 2016; 15:50)
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Yes, you do know her (62,384)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah's WWHL explanation for "I don't know her" was weak and frankly was about as convincing as her lipped whistle notes. Watching the old comment back, the transfixed smile says a lot. The response to the Nicki Minaj question, although somewhat witty, was pathetic: why not just name three Minaj songs and say, "She's a good musician, we had a spat but it's over now." What good came of her response? To not put these things to bed quickly is damaging, especially when they involve people with, currently, more respect than her. I agree with the assertion that Mariah has probably morphed into the "diva" she was pretending to be, and it's possible she's done it for so long she's forgotten how to be anything else. It has increasingly looked that way.
(Thursday 19 May 2016; 14:34)
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Re: Calling out crazy lambs (62,337) (62,350)
by Andrew from UK
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How could you not realise you just proved the point? Madness. I'm 32. I think the Welshman is even younger. In most countries Sheila's a name for quite elderly people, no? So I won't feel too bad about my age. I'm certain I don't look it. People who cry "hater" often do it in the most angry ways. And it's a website which I can access through my phone. And I like it. You do, too, right? I won't go into the irony of your points until you come to understand the concept and why it's mostly best to avoid it. Google will help. You can access it through your phone.
(Wednesday 18 May 2016; 19:26)
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Re: Mariah's face (62,281) (62,330)
by Andrew from UK
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I noticed that Mariah's face seems to [censored] whereas I picture her in my head with quite a striking jaw-line and thin cheeks (eg. Daydream or E=MC2). When she's not thin, Mariah's face can look quite round and puffy. The straightening the hair accentuates it, but then I prefer that to the big ol' grandma hair. I think she could do with hiding her forehead as well. Regardless of arguments against, she looks better like that.
(Wednesday 18 May 2016; 9:32)
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Re: Be The One by Dua Lipa (62,266) (62,329)
by Andrew from UK
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Rise Up by Andra Day.
(Wednesday 18 May 2016; 9:23)
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Re: Super (crazy) fans (62,296) (62,328)
by Andrew from UK
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Super crazy internet fans are the same people as those socially/ emotionally/ mentally awkward people you would naturally avoid in real life. You know, those people whose behaviour or words are alarming enough to make the space you're in not necessarily a safe one. On the internet you can end up associating with them in some form and it's best to remember your differences and laugh them off.
(Wednesday 18 May 2016; 9:20)
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How GLAAD am I? (62,206)
by Andrew from UK
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Credit where it's due. That speech was short, sweet and brilliant. No voices, hilarious, genuine. Yes, Mariah, yes. Are you back? When you left I lost a part of me. Come back, baby please. Genuinely smiling after hearing it and thanks Mimi L for posting it. And yes, she looked fricking good. And no little teapot hand-on-hip pose haha. I still massively disagree with what the award is for. However. Whatever. Smiling hard.
(Sunday 15 May 2016; 16:40)
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Re: and The Voice (62,159) (62,182)
by Andrew from UK
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I invite all non-UK lambs to watch on The Voice UK and smile. Which you surely't. The guy uses autotune on stage and comes out with more nonsense than Mariah did on AI. If Mariah used autotune for her live notes I would jump ship. Genuinely. The guy's a talentless hack/fool. Reminds me of David or Calvin. You aren't the star, you're the guy who presses buttons. Sit down and keep pressin'. Or stand up if you like. But sit down when they've all been pressed. Ain't nobody looking.
(Sunday 15 May 2016; 1:12)
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Re: Andrew (62,158) (62,169)
by Andrew from UK
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Felix? I don't know him.
(Saturday 14 May 2016; 23:34)
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Re: Memoirs, Rainbow and MIAMTEC (62,080) (62,094)
by Andrew from UK
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Randy, to say that Mariah has done rock and country etc is a little misleading. It suggests she's eclectic as a musician and she isn't. I wouldn't say Mariah has "done reggae" because of Cruise Control. Mariah needs to focus on dance and make an upbeat record feat. the likes of YDKWTD and Meteorite. It's odd for lambs to bleat that "she's making the music she wants to make" but in the next breath day how these songs are the best and so refreshing etc. Taylor and Rihanna sit on top of the charts because their music sounds current and fits the trends. Mariah used to do this. Rainbow sounded really current in 99/00 (with awful singles choices again - who on earth thought anyone would listen to the cheesy named "Mariah's Theme" on the radio or watch that cheese video on TV?) but Glitter and Charmbracelet didn't belong on the charts and so she disappeared. The same happened with Memoirs. It was a kiss goodbye to popularity. I'm shocked you like those albums. But you like Right To Dream don't you? And that is as soporific as Mariah gets.
(Friday 13 May 2016; 14:37)
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Re: Memoirs (62,024) (62,040)
by Andrew from UK
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Whilst (what's that word?) I appreciate your candour, don't you find Memoirs boring? E=MC2 is much more entertaining. Memoirs is like one long boring song.
(Thursday 12 May 2016; 9:52)
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